Stay With Me Forever

By happyreaderNish776

69.7K 3.2K 389

Ashley Sanders is a divorcee who is trying to make a life for herself and her teenage son while trying to kee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 16

1.8K 98 12
By happyreaderNish776

I am sitting at my table, nervously tapping the tip of my pen on it, hoping and dreading to see Mr. Carlton again.

I hadn't seen him since this morning, after I ran out of the gym. He had left in another car since he had to go to court today.

Now I'm here waiting for the dreaded moment when he will arrive. Would he fire me?

I couldn't sit still becaTuse of my nervousness. My heart felt like it had been leaping in and out of my chest all morning. My nervousness was giving me a stomachache. Or maybe it was due to the fact that I haven't eaten anything at all today.

My stomach grumbled in agreement, making me sigh out loud. It was lunchtime. Maybe I should just go have lunch instead of sitting here and freaking out.

I picked up my bag and left for lunch after locking up. There were lots of documents in his office, and they were confidential. If he didn't fire me for the kiss, he would definitely fire me if I left the office without locking it.

One hour later, I came back with a happy stomach, but the rest of me was still a mess. And as I reached the office, I saw that our office was open. Oh God, he's back. The dreaded moment has arrived.

I stepped in quietly and went to my desk, but as I made to sit down, I glanced over at Mr. Carlton's room, and I completely froze. I felt the sweat pop out on my forehead as I saw Mr. Carlton's intense gaze directed straight towards me.

I stared back at him, wide-eyed, and gulped as he indicated for me to go inside. I took a quick look at the closed door of the office by reflex, contemplating an escape, and then back at him. He raised a brow, his eyes taking a very stern look.

I straightened myself back up and slowly made my way to his office.

As I reached his door, I smoothed down my knee-length pencil shirt and made sure my cream colored blouse was tucked in properly and brushed out my curls with my fingers. Then I slowly turned the knob, peeking inside.

"Yes, boss?" I asked, not quite meeting his eyes.

"Boss? Really? " He asked raising an eyebrow. He had a stoic expression on his face, so I had no way of knowing what must be going through his brain. So I thought it best to stay silent,avoiding any eye contact.

"What should I do with you, Ms Sanders." He said in an emotionless voice, making my heart sink right down to my three inch black heels.

"I don't know. But I'm really sorry Mr.Carlton," I said. My voice is coming out barely in a whisper.

He was really going to fire me, wasn't he, I thought as my eyes pricked with tears. I tried blinking it away, not wanting to increase my humiliation by being a grown woman bawling her eyes out in front of her boss.

"So you're sorry?" He asked, making me nod quickly, my head bowing down, my eyes glued to the floor, and my hands clasped in front of me. "And you won't ever do it again?" I nodded again even faster. I really really can't afford to lose this job. Especially with David just waiting for me to take a step wrong.

"Ok. You can go now." He said dismissively. Already his head inside the papers.

My head snapped up in surprise, and I stood there staring at him. Really? it's over? I'm off the hook?

I didn't realise I had been standing there for a while until I heard Mr. Carlton say, "Anything you want to add, Ms Sanders." With my face flushed, I answered him, "no sir," and quickly exited his office.

The rest of the day was spent in an uncomfortable tension that kept my focus more on him than on my work.

When the day finally ended, I sighed in relief until Mr. Carlton came out of his office and told me that it's time to go home and then walked out. Oh no! We are going home together!

I groaned softly collecting all my stuff and dragged myself out, making sure to lock up before I went.

Mr. Carlton was waiting for me by the elevator, his jacket in one hand, and his bag in the other.

He looked good as always, making my mouth water with just the sight of his tall lean body in a black shirt and gray pants. My mind wondered to this morning, making me remember how hard that body felt pressed up against mine.

I quickly ducked down, hiding my red face from him with my hair as he turned to look at me.

The elevator door opened, and he stepped aside to let me in first, pressing the button to keep it open.

My cheeks flushed even brighter as I hurried inside. He followed right after me and pressed the button for ground flow.

I stood in the corner, making myself as tiny as possible, wondering if my cheeks were ever going to stop burning while he was around. I wanted to pat my poor cheeks to make it feel better, but the man was standing in the opposite corner, and he will definitely notice.

Why God, why? Why did you have to make my boss so deliciously handsome? And if you had to give him all the looks, you could have at least not given him any manners. Or a heart. Why did you have to make a man with the full package and also put him in my life, and that also in a position where he was completely untouchable?

"So?" He suddenly said, startling me out of my intense sulking. My head snapped up, meeting his eyes, and I instantly forgot to breathe. His eyes always remind me of storm clouds. Dark, mysterious, and dangerous.

I gulped as he kept staring at in a calm, steady manner.

His stance was casual, as he leaned one shoulder against the wall while his arms were folded across his chest with one ankle crossed over the other. He raised on eyebrow once I lifted my eyes back up to him once I was done with my perusal.

I mentally face palmed myself, turning beetroot red again, right down to my neck.

Will I ever stop embarrassing myself in front of this man? I wondered, shifting around and moving even further towards the corner.

"Looks like we are back to where we started, huh?"

His question made me raise my eyes back to him in confusion.

"Back to when you wouldn't speak for fear of being eaten alive by me." My eyes widened, startled by his exaggeration of my behavior. "And you would stand, making yourself as small as you possible can," he said, making a small circle with his palms. "And keep very still like as if you have some deadly disease and you were afraid that any movement from you might cause people to catch it."

My jaw dropped in shock before I gasped out. "I don't have a deadly disease!"

"Could have fooled me. Or maybe you're a little stinky after a long, hard day of work?" He said, emphasizing the word maybe while he continued his speculation while rubbing his chin.

" I am not stinky!" I almost stomped my foot in indignation. The nerve of this man, seriously! "And that's no way to speak to a lady, Mr. Carlton!" I spoke primly, lifting my chin up and staring at him sternly.

"Lady?" He asked, his eyes filling with amusement. I instantly felt on edge seeing his expression. "Was that you being a lady this morning?"

I was right to feel on edge. His eyes were glinting wickedly in amusement as he fought not to burst out laughing at my expression.

I felt like crying, really. I wished a hole would form on the floor of the elevator, and I could just jump in.

I covered my face, begging Mr. Carlton to stop. "I apologized for that already, Mr. Carlton. And I'm still very, very sorry. I promise I won't ever behave that way again." I said, too embarrassed to look up at him again.

"Sorry? I don't remember you apologizing for that." He said innocently.

I stared at him, my mouth agape.

Just then, the lift reached the ground floor, and the doors opened. Mr. Carlton straightened up and walked out with a completely bland look on his face like as if he hadn't been teasing me to death a second ago.

"What do you mean you don't remember?" I whispered as I ran after him.

"As in, I dont remember." He said with a shrug as he strode towards his car in a phase my short legs couldn't keep up.

The blasted man was making me run after him while the people at the parking lot stared after us. Forget about what I said! He is not a gentleman.

And then there he goes, opening the passenger door for me and waiting there with his stupid grin as I trotted my way towards him.

I glared at him before I got in. He closed the door as I put my seatbelt on and walked around to get in the driver's seat.

I wondered where Felix was and whether it was safe for us to go alone now. But I didn't dare ask him that.

He drove out of the parking lot and into the night, speeding towards the highway sitting there so completely at ease with himself, while I was here completely flustered.

What does he mean he doesn't remember me apologizing? Does he mean that he wants me to apologize again until he can keep it in his brain? I thought, glaring at him.

"Can you stop glaring at me? I'm still your boss, remember. I might start regretting letting you get too comfortable around me." He said, making me instantly mumble an apology to which he showed me his wicked grin.

When he smiles, his entire face lights up, his eyes crinkling at the edges, and his eyes shine. It's breathtaking to watch him smile.

But the blasted man was thoroughly enjoying himself at my expense, so I didn't feel like watching him. Instead pI frowned down at my hands, which were clasped together on my lap.

A snicker from him made me look at him from the corner of my eye before I returned my gaze to my hands fuming silently.

"Ok, so tell me," he said, breaking the silence. "Why did you apologize?"

My breath caught in my throat. Now he wants me to talk about it? Seriously!

"Ummm..I..I-" I stumbled on my words, not knowing what to say. My eyes were wide as saucers, and I felt like a dear who was trapped.

"You didn't enjoy the kiss?" He asked.

"What?" I gasped out.

"You don't find me attractive? You find me repulsive?"

"No!" I shook my head vehemently, still wide-eyed.

"Did you initiate the kiss?" He kept grilling.

I shook my head uncertainly.

"You wanted to kiss someone else?"

"What! No!" I yelped.

"So you wanted to be kissed by me?"


Oh, oh!...



I'm sorry my so very patient readers, I wrote a couple of chapters but I just wasn't happy with the road it was going. It's easier for me to write about ML being an arrogant prick then them being like Mr. Carlton.

Please don't forget to vote and let me know how you feel! 😁

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