The omniversal champion, Spid...

By Dailous

334K 8.9K 5K

Spiderman was down on his luck. MJ was with another man and had children with him. He was basically blacklist... More

Prologue: The Chosen
Chapter 1: Preparations
Chapter 2: The Omniversal introduction of Spiderman
Chapter 3: 2 new additions to the adventure.
Chapter 4: Entering Avengers tower
Chapter 5: The man behind the Spider
Chapter 5.5: The Other Spider Worlds.
Chapter 6: The MK tournament begins.
Chapter 7: The spider and actor VS the Black Dragon
Chapter 9: Attempted Extraction.
Chapter 10: Information gathering.
Chapter 11: A new player enters the game.
Chapter 12: A brothers squabble.
Chapter 13: A calm before the Storm.
Chapter 14: Spiderman vs Chasm
Chapter 15: Final Round.
Chapter 15.5: The other spider worlds part 2
Chapter 16: Want answers? Seek your gods.
Chapter 17: A complicated talk.
Chapter 18: Outworld strikes back.
Chapter 19: The Princess and the Spider.
Chapter 20: A heart to heart.
Chapter 21: Attack of the Clone.
Chapter 22: Kolloseum.
Chapter 23: For the fate of Earthrealm.
Chapter 24: The long awaited Talk.
Chapter 25.5: Chain Reaction.
Chapter 26: The war of the realms begins.
Chapter 27: Hold the line.
Chapter 28: Spiderman vs Chasm, the rematch.
Chapter 29: Brothers Unite.
Chapter 30: The Totem vs the Empress.
Chapter 31: He must win.
Chapter 32: Finish Him!
Chapter 33: Rebuilding.
Chapter 34: A tower emerges.
Chapter 35: Mansion exploring.
Chapter 36: Discovery.
Chapter 37: Aboard the Hellicarrier.
Chapter 38: To lead, or not to lead?
Chapter 39: Temple of Anansi.
Chapter 40: Edenians in Wakanda.
Chapter 40.5: The other spider worlds part 3.
Chapter 41: A new world, or is it?
Chapter 42: Kang's reward.
Chapter 43: Just another day in New York.
Chapter 44: An awkward meeting.
Chapter 45: Reunion.
Chapter 46: Decisions.
Chapter 47: Planning.
Chapter 48: Stalling.

Chapter 8: Saving Jax of the S.F.

7K 185 148
By Dailous

A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: After travelling for about 20 minutes, both Spiderman and Sonya Blade arrive at an entrance to a cave. Spidey sets the 2 of them down on the ground, and Sonya unlatches herself from the spider totem.

Sonya: Well, we got here incredibly quick.

Spiderman: bet you're happy you accepted my help now, huh?

Sonya just sent a side glance at Peter before walking into the cave with Spiderman crawling on the ceiling of it. The pathway was dimly lit, but it was enough for them to see where they were going. The 2 warriors managed to make it through, and sonya slowed her pace whilst spidey kept himself behind the S.F. woman.

Sonya: (whispers) jax? Jax, you in here?

After a moment of silence, she doesn't get a response and is about to continue walking until Spiderman drops in front of her and holds his hand out.

Spiderman: (whispers) Let me go first. If there's a trap, I can sense it before it goes off.

Sonya:.....(sighs) fine, go ahead.

Spiderman nodded before jumping back onto the ceiling and crawling along it. The wallcrawler then paused as he took in the sight before him. The area appeared to be a dungeon, dimly lit by torches, but it was enough for him to see the rotting corpses chained to the wall.

Spiderman: (whispers in silent horror and disgust) what in the actual fuck?


The sentiment was shared by everyone else. Those who were younger faired a little better, as they were beginning to get used to the sight, but they weren't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Spiderman ignored the sight and continued moving, his body tense, waiting for his spidey sense to warn him of any oncoming danger, but so far, nothing. After a while, he spots someone in a dark cell holding onto the handle bars. Spiderman drops from the ceiling and approaches it.

Spiderman: jax?

The man grunted as he slowly looked up and nodded his head ever so slightly. Spiderman turns to where sonya is and calls out.

Spiderman: Sonya! It's clear, and I think I found him!

Sonya comes out from where she was and approaches spidermans location. When she sees her C.O. in the cell, beaten and bruised, she let out a slight gasp.

Sonya: Oh my god. (Sonya walks up to the cell) What did they do to you?

Jax: (pained) run girl, run.....

⚡️⚡️⚡️we got company⚡️⚡️⚡️

Spiderman sharply turns around, seeing shang tsung walking with his guards following behind him.

Spiderman: (whispers) greeeeeaaatttt.

Sonya Blade turned around, hearing what Spiderman said and saw the soul stealer walking towards them.

Shang tsung: Miss Blade! You do not disappoint! I've been expecting you! (Sees Spiderman), and you brought someone of great interest with you (smirks evilly) perfect.

Spiderman clenched his fist and let out a low growl. He tenses as a voice whispers in his ear

???: 《kill him, give into your savagery.》

A sharp bone began to slowly extend from his wrist before it suddenly retracted before it could pierce his skin.

???2: 《Do not interfere in what he does.》

(With kang)

The conqueror raised an eyebrow. Now, this was getting interesting. Like raiden and shang tsung, he also saw that brief flash of other worldly power from Spiderman, and it seemed that the omniverse just got a look into a bit more of it.


Everyone wondered where the voices came from, and some deduced that it was from Spiderman's head. Vixen (JLU), however, felt her animal instincts go crazy, as whilst both voices held power, they made her want to back away in slight fear. What could make her feel like that?

The spider totems of Earth 616, however, tensed. Whilst spiderwoman, anya, Spider gwen, Silk, and Madame Web knew what the female voice was, Julia carpenter knew exactly who the second voice was and mentally prepared herself. There was one thing Peter confided in her, and it seems that he's making a re-appearance. She hoped it would be civil should Spiderman and the 2nd voice speak again.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Sonya Blade: Let him go! We're not part of this tournament!

Shang tsung: Oh, but on the contrary, you are very much a Kontestant. (Stops walking) You will face sub-zero, of the lin kuei of assasins.

Spiderman (in head): Oh great. Of course, there would be an assasin.

Ice suddenly appears and takes the shape of a man clad in blue ninja gear, which then shatters to allow the presumed sub zero to be free and take a combat stance.

Spiderman (in head): So it's basically iceman dressed as a ninja. Well, luckily, I've been friends with the man to know how he fights and uses his powers, so hopefully, the same principle applies to this guy.


Iceman (616) raised an eyebrow, curious about how Spiderman could beat the guy.

The batmen of the DC universe also thought about their own ice villains, Mr. Freeze being one of them, another two that came to mind was killer frost and captain cold, whilst they weren't afraid to get up close and personal, they usually stuck to long range. They were sure this sub-zero was the same, but he was also an assasin, which meant that he had training in hand to hand combat and lethal weaponry and perhaps full mastery of his cryomancy, only time would tell how the 2 kombatants would fair against the grandmaster of the lin kuei.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Sonya Blade Huffed before walking up to challenge sub zero.

Sub zero: Now, you will feel death's cold embrace.

Spiderman: I've felt death's embrace when I came face to face with her, and I would prefer to see her later rather than sooner.


Whilst what Spiderman said shocked most of spidermans' close friends and family, it left another unsurprised.

Lady death of the Marvel universe sat on her throne, legs crossed and her head tilted to the side, her lips twisted of to the side in a smile, remembering when they met face to face, more specifically when he fought thanos in front of her, a clash of ideals she remembered, one that ended in the resurrection of spiderman and the girl he attempted to save. She hummed in thought, her mind going back to how passionate he was in what he believed in. It made her admire him slightly.

She had never willingly allowed a soul to return to the mortal realm because she was always meant to claim them and spiderman's was always difficult to grab because he always seemed to get a second wind or come back from the brink of death, it annoyed her to the point that she obsessed in trying to take his soul.

This unintentionally made her watch him throughout his life and see through his struggles and his successes, and she couldn't help but feel in awe and even root for him at times. Before she sent his soul back to living, she took the opportunity to leave the mark of death upon his person, a way of showing that he was her chosen, for what, was a different matter in itself, though she also saw that spiderman's soul was marked by others before she sent him back to the living world.

The pheonix force.

The panther goddess, bast.

The cosmic storm within mjolnhir.

The enigma force

And surprisingly, the entity known as infinity.

How Spiderman got the attention of infinity and her mark was a mystery to her, but perhaps it would be answered soon. For now, she continued to watch the screen in front of her.

(Mortal kombat universe)

As sonya charged at sub-zero, Spiderman was about to follow but dodged a green energy ball fired at him from shang tsung.

Shang tsung: You will not assist them.

Spiderman: Are you gonna stop me if I help out? I'll kick your old wrinkly ass if you do.

Shang tsung: (laughs) You're more than welcome to try Spiderman, but let us see how you deal with them!!

Shang tsung then conjures a magic spell, and the rotting corpses hanging on the walls came to life as the chains holding them were destroyed, and they began to rush at spiderman He sighed to himself.

Spiderman: Great, now I'm dealing with zombie warriors.

As they rushed him, he uppercutted the first one, knocking their head of their body, and sparta kicked another away whilst also ducking as another zombie threw a punch and cartwheeled past it. 3 more zombies ran, and he quickly jumped higher enough in the air and performed a roundhouse kick, sending them tumbling on the floor, the spider totem's spidey sense tingled and sidestepped to the right as a zombie lunged at him and grabbed the back of it's head and smashed its face into the ground, cracking it.

He threw an overhead kick at an approaching zombie, making it crash face first into the floor he turned around, and Superman punched another zombie's head up and delivered a flying knee to the one behind it and twisting his body midair to deliver another roundhouse kick, snapping the zombies neck as it spun to face the wrong way.

His spidey sense tingled, and he let out an animal like growl.

???: 《That's right, use your chaos, give into your savagery.》

Spiderman turned and leapt, performing a bicycle cycle kick.

He dodged a few punches and kicks before punching a whole through one and sparta kicking it away and lunged at another zombie, and repeatedly punched it in the face before he's kicked away into the arms of a zombie. He headbutts it and flips the zombie onto it's back and grabbed its arms, and uses the body as a weapon as he bats away more zombies away before casually tossing it away and then elbows two more zombies in their stomachs, knocking them away.

5 more zombies jump, planning to pile on top of him. Spiderman growls, and he is getting frustrated with this fight. He's been holding a lot of anger over his career, and he's not had time to blow off steam, and this fight with the zombies was making him lose his patience. A familiar glow eminated from his body, and with a roar, Spiderman extends his arms out, and a shockwave erupted out of the spider totem's body, erasing the bodies of the zombies.


Those who were very familiar with the power spiderman suddenly released, gasped in shock, and surpise.

Bast (616): (whispers) anansi?

Pheonix (616): ANANSI!!!!

Odin (616): (growls) he still lives.

Mephisto: (narrows eyes) This could be a problem.

Konshu (616): old friend?

Zarathos (616): I'll be dammed.

Infinity: (smiles) I figured he would be back.

Hyppolita (JLU): (surprised) anansi?

Darkseid (JLD [Justice League Dark]): (narrows eyes) the spider god returns.

Trigon (JLD): (growls) he should've stayed dead!!

Many more said similar responses when seeing the flare of power. Most were sceptical but kept watching, waiting to see if it was true.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Spiderman collapsed to his knees, breathing heavily.

Spiderman (in head): shit, my body isn't ready for that power.

He suddenly gets kicked and onto his back as multiple zombies jumped him, kicking and punching him. With every hit, Spiderman became more and more angry, his spider side slowly rearing its head, and without a yell, another burst of energy erupted into another shockwave, destroying the zombies A wave of pain went across spiderman's body, but the adrenaline made him ignore the pain as he pounced on the last 4 zombies 2 stingers erupting from his wrists as he stabbed them straight in their heads, stood up and cut a charging zombie in half, before grabbing the last zombie by putting both his hands into it's stomach, grabbing onto it's spine and lifting it up and with a yell tore the final zombie in half, blood pouring on him as he breathed heavily.


Whilst some clapped at the battle, others were a bit put off by Spiderman's sudden brutality whilst others were still hung up on the pulses of energy that came from Spiderman, it felt too familiar and they were hoping (most of them anyway) that the spider god that they all knew was alive.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Shang tsung: interesting, very interesting. (Sees sub zero defeated), and it seems that Miss Blade has one this match.

Sonya: Yeah, it's done, we're leaving. (Approaches shanf tsung aggressively) stand in my way, and I'll-

Raiden suddenly appears just as shang tsung speaks.

Shang tsung: a challenge?

Raiden lets out a grunt and holds his head in slight pain and almost tumbles, but Spiderman holds him upright, raiden turns, and whispers to Spiderman.

Raiden: (whispers) shield your eyes.

Spiderman: What?

Raiden: (whispers) shield your eyes.

Raiden is encased in lightning, and Spiderman quickly goes to sonya as he grabs her and shields her with his body as a blinding light erupts from the thunder god, blinding shang tsung and his bodyguards.

Spiderman: Let's get Jax out of here.

Spidey fires multiple web lines at the cell and pulls at the doors and pulls them off it's hinges, allowing sonya Blade to grab Jax.

Sonya Blade: jax, come on! We're outta here!

Jax: 'bout time.

As the 2 move to the cave entrance with Spiderman right behind them, more guards chase them down. By the time they make it into the entrance, spidey punches a few support pillars, causing rocks to collapse and block any guards from chasing them.

Sonya: Was that raiden?

Spiderman: (nods) Yeah, it looks like johny got to raiden and told him to come to me just in the nick of time.

Jax: Can someone explain what the hell is going on?

Sonya: it's a bit of a long story, I'll tell you later.

Spiderman: Let's keep moving, I'll scout ahead, make sure no one ambushes us.

Sonya nods, and as Spiderman walks ahead, she calls out to him.

Sonya: Hey Peter! (He turns to her, and she sends a small, thankful smile) Thanks for helping me, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you watching my back.

Spiderman: (sheepishly scratches the back of his head) aw shucks, you're gonna make me blush. (He smiles at her) but in all seriousness, you're welcome, Sonya. Do you have a plan to get Jax off this island?

Sonya: (nods) Yeah, I had a chopper lock onto my position. It should be here soon.

Spiderman: got it. Then let's get Jax outta here.

And with that, Spiderman swings ahead, scouting out a path with sonya and an injured jax following behind him.

A/N: ok, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I don't really have much to say besides the fact that we caught a glimpse, albeit a tiny one, of spidermans godly power. On a side note, who do you think the 2 voices were? I think you guys know one of them, but who do you think the other is? Anyway, thank you for reading this chapter. Feel free to leave a review and as always.....PEACE✌️✌️

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