Bad Boys Toys (english)

By Zuzoe80

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Study in New Zealand for one year. A program designed to bring together different cultures around the world... More

Chapter 1 Seduction Techniques
Chapter 2 Photo gallery
Chapter 3 A ride home
Chapter 4 In the middle of the night
Chapter 5 The Original (18+)
Chapter 6 Poseidon
Chapter 7 Flashbacks
Chapter 8 Insight
Chapter 9 Change of Perspective
Chapter 10 Good Boy
Chapter 11 New in the old life
Chapter 12 Persistant
Chapter 13 Mine (18+)
Chapter 14 This Look
Chapter 15 Zeus
Chapter 16 Crossing
Chapter 17 The Jumpols
Chapter 18 The divine brothers in the forest
Chapter 19 Outing
Chapter 20 Declaration of love
Chapter 21 Kiss me! (18+)
Chapter 22 Caring (18+)
Chapter 23 Fixed Roles
Chapter 24 Truths
Chapter 25 Brothers
Chapter 26 Barbecue Meat and Wood Dust
Chapter 27 Gems Bad Boy
Chapter 28 Seeing eyes
Chapter 29 The end of a weekend
Chapter 30 Longing (18+)
Chapter 31 Home
Chapter 32 Strength and Weakness (18+)
Chapter 33 Time
Chapter 34 Certainty (18+)
Chapter 35 Viewpoint
Chapter 36 The Temple of Reflection and Love
Chapter 38 The groom's parents

Chapter 37 Core Fusion (18+)

912 24 1
By Zuzoe80

"Fourth, please!" pleads Gem with a firm grip, "You can't do this to me!" the gripped wrists are pressed against his quivering chest, "Feel!" Just feel me!", Fourth's eyes sparkle as he is pressed against the wall in the hallway.

"Gem, we said we'd get the book and go back to the temple," Fourth suppresses his excitement in a wry smirk.

Why does Gem have to get so dramatic?

What's with this theatrical performance?

Fourth wondered even as he entered the apartment that Gem was so on his heels.

The attraction of his Zeus had probably glued him to Fourth, and he wasn't wiping off his side.

"I'm going to get the book! Wait here for me!", Fourth wanted to disappear into his room.

But Gem's state of mind had probably been drawn into transcendental spheres by the temple visit.

Everything was boiling inside him.

Every feeling.

Every origin.

Glowing he stood shortly before the moment of the enlightenment.

An atom on the verge of fusion.

"No! I'm coming with you!", Gem simply grabbed Fourth by the waist and lifted him up.

And Fourth's feet hung a few inches off the ground as Gem carried him into his room.

And that's when Fourth had to laugh out loud.

Such impatience coupled with divine dominance.

Fourth's soul danced wildly while his heart exulted with joy.

His Gem in a state of emergency.

Every need focused only on Fourth.

And those hands simply gripping him.

Gem took what he wanted immediately.

And Fourth felt the tingling impulse to tease this confident and undyingly in love Bad Boy.

"You think I'm going to show you my stash?" he squinted sideways as Gem set him down in his room, "Oh, I forgot! You know where I hide it!" he immediately saw that rueful look on Gem's face.

But Zeus is the god of gods, after all.

And his will be done.

"You'd rather I get it out?" got Fourth as a cheeky reply.

"I'll get it!" the kitten grinned and ran towards its dresser.

Admittedly with wobbly legs and longing bloodlust.

And the kitten purred as Gem embraced it from behind.

"You smell so good!" his nose tickled the back of Fourth's neck.

And that deep bass against his skin.

An excited shiver trickled down Fourth's body.

And Gem's lips received the tingling sensation with warm pressure.

Of course, Zeus had to pass the time with supreme delight while not allowing his lover a breath away.

And, if Fourth's heart was already melting in wild spurts at this moment, the present state in the hallway can hardly be put into words.

Fourth with soft knees and deepest excitement packed the book in his bag.

Felt throughout the hot breath of his Zeus on his skin.

And suddenly Gem grabbed his hands and turned him to face him.

"Fourth, please let me look! I can't take this all the way to the temple!" his 9th grade classmate was now suddenly standing in front of him, "I'll just peek and then we'll go!", Fourth promptly smirked wryly, "Okay? Can I?", Gem tried to convince him with googly eyes.

Fourth shook his head, and immediately saw high flames emerging.

And before he could be grabbed again, his own feet took off running.

"Come on now!" he shouted after Gem.

And, when two atoms belong to each other, they fuse.

In no time at all, Fourth felt Gem grab him.

And the sexy dream man pressed his hands against the wall and himself against Fourth's body.

"You don't know what it's like! You don't know how I feel!", Fourth finally pressed his hands against Gem's chest, "I'm going crazy! My heart won't stand for it!" the rumble over Fourth's hands penetrates his soul.

"Calm down!", Fourth doesn't want to see his love so upset, "Why are you exaggerating?", all he can do is bend the one unclaimed spot forward.

Fourth's lips pucker and press their gentle calm against Zeus' forehead.

And his hands, tightened on his wrists, caress his demanding chest.

And Gem breathes the scent of his love and speaks freely from his soul.

"Fourth, I haven't had you for years. Not seen you. I loved you and needed you, but didn't let you. You don't know what that feels like to me!", Fourth looks into his soul, "I left you alone. Wasted our time. Hurt you!", Gem's anguish burns in his eyes, "And through your drawings, I can finally see. I want to see from your eyes what has always been ours," Gem's head snaps up.

"Gem!", Fourth wants to catch him again.

But Gem stands by his weak point and refocuses his eyes on his true love.

"I want to see the last page in our book! I want to see all our times merge! Now!", Gem sees a soft blush pull into Fourth's beautiful face.

Fourth can feel himself seething with excitement inside.

The things Gem is saying.

The look on his face.

Who belongs only to him.

Fourth veins can barely hold the cry of love.

In a wild flow, his happiness races through his body, leaving his skin glowing deeper and deeper.

"Mhmmm, baby!" his shame-drunk, molten body is caught by Gem, "You're so beautiful!", Fourth's glowing face is littered with blowing kisses.

And Gem releases his wrists to encircle his body.


Catching every moment of the love he's been given.

And that crimson shame Fourth wears for him.

"I love you!" wear Gem's lips in every kiss.

And Fourth floats in the midst of the sweetest allure.

Never could he resist Gem.

His best friend.

His soulmate.

The sexy Bad Boy.

"Okay!" he breathes out his breath of life, "Okay, Gem!" he feels his love desire him all over.

And Gem's squeals sound so rare that Fourth laughs right out.

And Fourth squeals, too, when he's suddenly grabbed and thrown over Gem's shoulder.

"You make me so happy!" his classmate gloats, running to the couch with a melted Fourth over his shoulder.

And the atmosphere swirls with happiness and love as Gem sits Fourth on his lap, holds his bag out to him, and his big, grateful eyes smile.

Fourth laughs with all his heart.

Yet he actually feels like hiding.

After all, this drawing was made believing in its secrecy.

Fourth would never have thought of letting Gem in on it.

And his heart gallops in such splendid form because he is truly ready for it.

"I'm ashamed!" his smiling lips form, "I just know your reaction will annoy me. You're going to tease me. Like Bad Boy used to do!", Fourth deliberately pouts theatrically, but really means it.

"When Bad Boy teases you, let me know!" replies Gem with a deep look, "Gem will protect you! Like he always did!", waves so love-struck in Zeus' eyes.

Fourth grabs his heart and sighs deeply.

"That's right! My Gem takes good care of me!" he rewards his Zeus' cute lips, "I'll be brave then!" he licks his lips and takes the drawing book out of his pocket.

With his tender hands, Fourth strokes the leather strap and the engraving that stole his heart.

And a tickling silence shall fill the atmosphere.

As Fourth turns the pages.


Not lingering on the pain.

And finally opens two women on the side Bad Boys.

A heavy sound chokes in the silence.

Gem's eyes bear the weight Fourth's soul feels.

And Fourth's fingers slide to the drawn face of his best friend.

"I should have gone with you!", Gem wants to say.

And Fourth's soft hiss again demands silence.

"When you left in the cab, I lost my mind completely," Gem wants to say.

And Fourth's deep breath testifies to all the memories.

"That night I realized that I love you!", Gem wants to whisper.

And Fourth's sad eyes give him a brief moment.

"I was so drunk. And lived through that realization the following day in the most intense pain of my life," Gem nestles his face against the neck of his love held in his lap, "I'm so sorry I hurt you!", Fourth feels Gem's remorse against his skin.

"I know!", Fourth strokes the hidden head.

"I love you!", Gem's muffled bass sounds against Fourth's neck.

"I know!", Fourth nuzzles the back of his neck.

"You let me go that night. Am I now worthy to be yours again?", Gem pulls his face out of the fragrant sky and looks at Fourth with sincere eyes.

And Fourth smiles gently and tenderly strokes the beloved cheeks.

"I know every inch of your divine appearance!", Fourth's fingers run over the ridges on Zeus' face, "I know every light, every shadow on you!", they glide over his temples down along his jaw to his chin, "I know your preferences and your weak points!", Gem's face is grabbed by the chin and two deep, beautiful cat eyes approach gracefully and full of conviction, "I know everything about you and I want you forever just for me!", Gem feels the hot wingbeat of Free Love trickle over his skin.

And every loving fiber of Zeus is ready to give itself to core fusion.

"Show me the last page!" resounds the plea of God's deity.

And Fourth nestles his face in the crook of his neck and hands him the book of his secret obsession.

And with love on his lap.

With the most beautiful face hidden against his skin.

Gem opens the last page in the book of their painful past.

A ray of light amidst all the hatches and shapes sets the spark to the final core fusion.

A cry of powerful revelation shines in the brightest tones in the Eden of Free Love.

And Zeus' quivering chest gives itself freely to the blazing flames.

"What is this?" he presses Fourth tighter against his body with one hand, while his other hand touches the drawing, "Fourth!" his bass quivers with deepest love, "What is this?" all the nooks and crannies fill with the quaintest winds of life.

And Gem's chest levers gravity as he inwardly boils with emotion.

"Fourth! Please!" he pleads.

"Mhmmm!" growls Fourth's shame against his neck.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing!" whispers Gem against his ear.

"Mhmmm!" he gets in shy reply.

And Gem's eyes follow every stroke.

Every curve.

Every intertwined hatching.

And that brightly glowing detail that makes him completely lose all control.

"Fourth, I want to hear it from you!" the God of Gods demands, pulling Fourth out of his hiding place by his hair.

And Fourth's heart explodes at the sight before him.

With the energy of all solar systems, Gem's demanding eyes glow.

And Fourth's breath is sucked from him in the gravity of their core fusion.

And the most sensual color of Free Love flows over Fourth's skin.

"Say it!" demands Gem with glowing lips.

"Well!" begins Fourth and sighs as Gem grips him tighter, "This is our tent," he melts into the arms possessing him, "We make love in our tent," he declares wetted with the waves of the hottest love.

A glimpse of the forest at night.

Naked skin.

Swirling lust.

Devouring mouths.

In all perspectives and shapes.

An image of supreme ecstasy.

Filled with sensual scenes and swaying love.

Two lovers merge.

Every empty space on the drawing paper carries their sensual sounds.

But Gem's eyes pause on the luminous element of each symbiotic dance.

"What's this?", Gem points to the intertwined hands, "And here. What's this?" he slides to the traced fingers digging into Gem's body, "And here!" his bass quivers as he points to his own hand grabbing Fourth's hair as he presses him into the forest floor and lowers himself into his love.

A sight of the hottest lust is kissed by a detail of eternal love.

And Zeus' heart rumbles with revelation.

He wants to hear it from Fourth.

He wants him to tell him.

Seal it and promise it forever.

"Say it, Fourth!" pleads Gem with trembling lips.

And Fourth gives him a kiss of Free Love.

"These are our wedding rings!" he whispers, ashamed, against Gem's lips.

And he's left breathless as Gem escalates.

"Yes!", Fourth is grabbed greedily, "You're mine!", he is lifted up, "I'll make you mine forever!", he lunges at the breathless lips.

And Fourth loses all contact with reality as he is pressed against the wall and devoured.

Wild, possessive hands reach for him.

Take his flesh.

And make him moan in flowing tugs.

"Marry me!", Gem bites into his love's chest, "You marry me!", he rips Fourth shirt from his body in one go.

And his destiny knows no resistance.

With the most sensual creature of the divine spheres in his arms, Gem carries him into the bathroom.

And Fourth is deflowered by the hands of his husband.

And Gem's obsessive eyes wander every sensual detail on his body.

"Mhmmm!", Fourth is turned around and pushed against the bathroom door, "I want to eat you!", Gem bites his neck.

And a thrumming releases his lust.

And Fourth moans out as he feels his man's hot arousal pressing against his ass.

"Gem!" the most sensual creature moans, "Give it to me at last!" he thrusts through his back.

At last he can feel his Zeus inside him again.

And all reason has long since broken through at the yearning desire.

But Zeus holds the most precious gift in his clutches and nothing and no one will hurt him again.

"Gem!", Fourth turns his head back as he no longer feels the sensation on his butt.

And his lips are about to be taken by the lust of love.

And hot, sweet tongues indulge each other with sensual sound.

"Give it to me!" moans Fourth between their loving lips.

"Marry me!" replies Gem, turning him over again with a jerk, "Marry me, Fourth!" he unveils himself.

And two naked bodies breathe each other.

And Fourth's cheeks glow even more intensely at his husband's words.

"Marry me!", Gem demands with the power of his divinity.

And Fourth's heart can hardly bear this moment.

His knees give way and his body leans forward.

"Gem, what are you saying?" he nestles against the divine body.

"I want what we were destined to have!", Gem embraces his husband, "Just be mine forever! Marry me!" he murmurs into the molten face.

And two soulmates feel the wild heartbeat of their bodies promised to each other.

And Fourth still seeks air as Gem whispers love to his skin.

"I will love you and honor you. Your happiness is my life. Your love my strength. Please marry me, Fourth!" hot tears of love flow from Fourth's closed eyes.

And he rubs his face against Gem's divine chest before bringing it before his.

And his skin, glowing with emotion, wears an enchanting smile as he nods gently.

And that nod is to give Gem life anew.

"Mhmmm!", his bass quivers with the power of Free Love, "Come here!", he lifts him up and carries him into the bathtub, "This is where it all began!", the warm water flows over Fourth's sensual body, "This is where I finally got to taste you!", Gem lowers his tongue into Fourth's mouth open with lust.

And hot sounds swirl in the moist hot steam.

As Gem devours his love.

His hands roaming every inch of sensual skin.

He soaps Fourth and makes him moan.

"You're mine!" he pumps at his man's plump love lust, "You're mine!" he slides soapy hands to the delightful cheeks.

"Mhmmm, Gem!", Fourth feels himself waning, "Give me!", he claws at his back as the divine fingers slide into his hottest spheres.

And Gem bites his neck as he feels the sensual bud against his soapy fingers.

"Ahhhh!" moans Fourth, "Gem, give it to me already!" he pleads, writhing in his Zeus' arms.

"Say it!", Gem licks across his lips, "Say it, Fourth!", he demands with the highest flames of lust in his eyes.

"I will be your husband!", Fourth clasps his neck with tender hands, "I will only be yours!", he enjoys the divine flames in his eyes, "And you will only be mine, my husband!", he licks over the possessive lips.

And Fourth moans out as Gem's finger sinks into him.

"Yes!", Gem's bass quivers, "Yes!", he carries Fourth sensual body tightly, "I will be your consort!", he massages the hot inside of his love, "I will marry you and love you forever!", Fourth claws himself tighter and tighter into the divine body.

And Gem takes his lute as he lowers his second finger into him.

"I'll show you what's mine!" he expands the entrance to his soul in a sensual beat, "I can hardly stand to be inside you again!" his words burn on Fourth's face glowing with lust.

The divine fingers drive Fourth's soul to the spheres of the hottest delight.

And those sounds, bursting from his lips, make Gem's blood volumes break.

"Gem!" moans Fourth, as he is suddenly turned and pressed against the wet tiles, "I am only yours!" breathes his lips in ecstatic flush as he feels his husband's divine scepter.

"I love you, Fourth!", Gem murmurs in his ear, penetrating him, "Oh baby!", he allows his hips a gentle thrust.

And Fourth lust bursts out of him in such fierce sounds.

"Gem, finally! You're inside me!" his hips press against their melting point, "I missed it so much!" he loses his breath on the next deep thrust.

Zeus' divine thrusts are infused with tender depth.

And his most sensual consort burns hotly in his clutches.

"Harder! Give it to me harder!" demands Fourth and is answered, "Oh my God!" his head tilts back at the rolling thrust to his pleasure spot, "Gem!" he braces himself powerfully against the tiles to receive each thrust with surging pleasure, "Take me harder!" he whips his husband's divine muscles into a frenzy.

And each firm thrust bears the name of love on its lips.

"You feel so good!", Gem bites his lips in pleasure, "Damn! You're so hot!" he feels the hot waves of his electrified loins escalate.

"Take me hard, my consort!", Fourth sighs shamelessly, on the verge of his release stroke.

And Gem's hips thrust so violently at his husband's hungry desire.

He grabs Fourth by the hips and two atoms fuse with powerful sound.

And hot steam hisses at the boiling atmosphere of their twitching, united bodies.

And Fourth's face glows with the most sensual delight as he presses it against the tiles cooling him.

And his giggles rise as Gem presses his nose into the crook of his neck.

"Finally, I can feel my Zeus inside me again!" purrs a happy kitten, "Now we can get back to the temple of our love!" he feels his husband's lips nibble at his skin.

"Mhmmm!", Gem growls in complete bliss.

And he still doesn't release Fourth.

"Gem, let's shower off and get dressed. We have to get the temple ready for the presentation tomorrow," the naughty tongue tickles him behind his ear.

"Mhmmmm!", Gem's growl sounds so sexy.

And Fourth bites his lower lip as he feels Gem's body beat softly behind him again.

"Gem!", Fourth's hands reach back, "What are you doing?", he claws into the divine butt cheeks.

"I'm not done with you yet!", Gem takes his earlobe between his lips, "This is our wedding night after all", his hands dig into Fourth's body.

And so sensuously hot his consort writhes in his hands.

"We're not married yet!" retorts Fourth with a racing chest.

"We'll soon change that!" replies Gem, kissing Fourth's birthmark, "I want you to have a taste of our wedding night already!" he gives him the lovelorn look of a promise.

And Fourth sinks into the divine eyes.

"All right! I give myself to you, Bad Boy!" he grins cheekily, "You may do with me what you want!" he gyrates his hips sensuously.

And Bad Boy's eyes color with the greediest lust.

And, when two lovers make an eternal promise to each other.

When two atoms fuse into one element.

The universe lights up.

All colors and shapes of new dimensions are created.

And every element can be created by the fusion.

Every role, every play blooms on the meadows in the Garden of Eden.

"Bad Boy, please!" purrs Fourth gleefully, "Have mercy on me!" he pours musky oil over his naked body, "I don't want to be just your Toy!" his sensual eyes roll as he pumps at his own arousal, "Let me show you true love!"

And Fourth's feet slowly flee from the Bad Boy chasing him.

Past the dining room table to the couch.

And his sensual purr as he enjoy himself.

They left the bathroom still dripping wet and Fourth slipped right into the role of a cute toy.

Let the Bad Boy catch him.

He ran to his room.

Took himself slippery oil.

And his Bad Boy followed him back into the living room.

Chased him with growling sound.

And Gem's grin widened with each sensual escape impulse of his prey.

The kitten must be trying to turn back time.

And to be nibbled by him as a Toy.

"Bad Boy promises you the highest peaks. That's all he's ready for, baby!", Gem's lips form the sounds of his past.

And his heart stops as he burns at the angry flames in Fourth's eyes.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" his eyes spark with anger, "The Bad Boy will fall for me and be bitten by the supreme love!" a predatory cat now approaches, "He'll beg me to just be his!" growls Fourth with a dangerous look.

And Zeus helpless nod is to appease him.

"Bad Boy is all mine!", Gem is suddenly grabbed by the arm, "I'll show him the meaning of love!", Fourth promises as he pushes him down on the couch and leans over him, "Once he sinks into me, he'll never want to be anywhere else!", he takes Gem's lap.

On the right, one leg.

Left one leg.

Flowing oil on his divine man's plump sensation.

And Fourth's hands cup Bad Boy's sexy face as he slowly lowers and receives him.

"Mhmmmm, baby!" the sexy Bad Boy melts in his hands.

"Yes! I'm your baby!", Fourth gently gyrates his hips, "Just me!", he raises and lowers his sensual body on the taken lap.

And the deep bass is devoured with hungry tongue.

"I want to be your husband!" he sucks on the divine lips as he feels him penetrate, "I just want to be yours!" he drives him mad with each thrust of his hips.

And Gem's hands grab for that ass that's driving him out of his mind.

"Mhmmm!" the purest pleasure escapes from between Fourth's lips.

Bad Boy's hands know what they're doing, and Fourth's hips drive their hunger ever wilder against his lap.

And Gem's strong arms suddenly hold the body riding him wildly.

And two eyes burning with lust look at him impatiently.

"Bad Boy loves you!" whispers Gem into Fourth's lust-drunk face, "Zeus loves you!" he shows every instance in him freely, "And Gem wants to take you as his husband!" he kisses the desired lips.

And Fourth gives him a charming smile.

"I want to be your toy. Your divine instrument. And your husband!" he breathes against Gem's lips.

And the next impact makes them both groan.

With squirming body, Fourth whips the ridden Zeus forward.

Driving himself to the peak of ecstasy.

And they make love that night with sensual sound in the Garden of Eden.

Again and again and with the power of elemental fusion.

Considering their marriage, they continually fuse with love-hungry sound.

"Gem, please! I'm almost ready!" pleads Fourth, as Gem's hips drive him mad with slow dances, "Please, Bad Boy!" his sensual body quivers just before release.

And Gem kisses the two thighs he has captured in his hands.

And he gives his Toy a greedy look before shooting him to the highest heaven with violent thrusts.

And of course he lets his sleeping husband rest in the love frenzy of their fusion as he quickly makes his way to the temple.

And Gem kneels down in the temple and thanks all the instances for his happiness before taking down all the pictures of his love again and preparing everything for the presentation the next day.

And with legs weakened by lust, Zeus hurries through the streets of New Zealand.

From the temple back to his husband.

Back to his sole purpose.

And Fourth's sweet purr rings out as his best friend snuggles up to him from behind, as always.

"You smell so good!" he presses his nose into the crook of Fourth's neck from behind, "I love you!" growls Gem in complete surrender.

And Fourth reaches for his hands and presses them against his chest.

"I love my best friend!" he lets Gem feel his heartbeat, "Always have and forever will!" they both gently drift off to sleep.

Two atoms fuse into one element.

And the luminosity of their fusion shines in every universe.

When Free Love destines two people for each other.

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