A New Start

By LilyPlayz_126

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"I'm glad things got better.....and not worse" "And for someone's that called nightmare, king of negativity a... More

Basic Intro and information!!!
'A What?'
'Under a table'
'The cell'
'The gang'
'The first Night'
'Eggs for Breakfast'
'Gone Missing'
'The lost and found'
'More Problems...'
'An Unbreakable Soul'
'A break'
~Bonus Chapter~
'Training day'
'Star Sanses'
'Nearly caught'
'A mission with the stars'
~Bonus Chapter 2~
'Back at the castle'
'Another Welcoming'
'A Play Fight'
'Mysterious Closet'
'Something Wrong'
'Problems With Emotions'
'Help On The Way'
'Failed Help'
'Losing Hope'
'Getting Worse'
'One Issue Solved'
'Dead Or Not Dead?'
'Solving Problems'
'New Universe'
'Pulled From A Dream'
'Stuck In A Nightmare'
'Surprised In The Dark'
'Just a Visit'
'The Hardest Decision Life Could Give You'
'A lot Of Talking'
'A Glitch In The System'
'The Reunion'
'Travelling Through Multiverses'
'A Choice'
'The End'


45 1 0
By LilyPlayz_126

Hi again! Once again I will say That I hope you will enjoy this chapter! Thats something I gotta say every time you know because I do need to know on what to improve or whatever I need to do! I have nothing else to say for now! Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter!


So! All I understand is that Bill just came out of no where and is saying that he has found a better solution for something.... what could that possibly be? Eh I dont really know but probably something for sleeping or... oh wait.... my problem.. that problem. Im still gong to ask him anyways just to double check I guess. "What do you mean by that?..." Bill looks at me not saying anything for a short moment.

 Thats what he did before grabbing my arm and starting to run, out of the kitchen, and into a certain direction. I can hear nightmare running behind us, calling us back in a.... Quite aggressive tone I guess. But I dont take any notice of it. I dont think its any of my buisiness... He keeps on leading through the maze like hallways of the castle, I then spin my head around to see that nightmare is no longer behind us. Im fact, I couldnt even hear him at all. Since when am I fast at running? He looks at me nervously. He took a deep breath, stopping for a minute. "I need you to do something for me.." I nod my head. "What do you want me to do?" He sighs. "I need you to run as fast as you can, until your legs no longer work okay... as if you were running away from me.... like I was going to kill you.." I nod my head. "But why?" "Whats going to be the benefit of doing that?" I look at him, not doing anything else. "Just trust me.... Im doing this to help you... you just dont know it yet!" I nod my head. I guess ill just do it then, if he really wants me to. I wonder why though....

I start to run. As fast as I can.... It was hard. I was going fast and he was falling behind me pretty quick. I suddenly felt like I had to go in a certain direction.. so I did just that. Following what me inside wanted to do... did that even make sense? Well Im not sure and im not going to question it. I continue to run. How fast? My max speed... I think.  Or I know.. Maybe.... Ill just ignore that question for now. All I gotta focus on for now is running. I was starting to get kinda tired. I think. My legs were starting to hurt. How long has it been already? 15 minutes... 1 hour... 2 hours? Maybe it was more, or maybe it was less but im not even going to try to keep track of time in such a situation. He told me to run until I couldnt run anymore... So ill do just that. Tasks are made to be completed arent they? I look around once more stopping for a moment, I look around, this place looks familiar in a way.. It was another hallway. With a door..... why does this feel familiar?

Before I knew it I had collapsed onto the floor. And now my legs arent working... thats fine I guess, I just cant move them. I sigh. When was the last time I even did that. I was breathing quickly. I think its because I was running that fast for a really long period of time... I think. I say those two specific words 'I Think' Quite a lot that I think... There I just said it again.

I lie down on the maroon carpet underneath me and close my eyes for a quick moment. Why does this remind me of something? I dont really know.... Its like this all happened before, just maybe I dont remember it all, or at all for any matter. It seems kind of hopeless.. but again, Bill told me to run so I did, Nearly everything is for a reason, so there must have been a reason to why he told me to run. Like it felt a bit like something was being replayed in my mind over and over, like a loop. Just I dont really remember it all. So its quite difficult to tell those specific things apart. Who knows... maybe Im not going in a loop and maybe its just me going crazy. That could be true. But it could be a lie at the same time. I might have to wait to find out, or I might never find out. Life is like a box of chocolates, You never know what you are going to get next, It could be sweet, or it could be bitter, It could be rough, or it could be smooth. Its truly unpredictable. For most at least...

I fling my eyes open, as if someone told me to do it. I dont remember a single thing from a couple seconds ago. What is wrong with me? I look around, a black void is all I see. I then hear a voice... Its not too clear, but its clear enough for me to be able to understand. "WE HoPe tO Be sEeInG YoU SoOn Y/N!!" I blink once or twice, and now im back in that hallway. What did it mean by 'seeing me soon'? I dont get it. I  look down at my legs. Snapping back into reality. They still dont work sadly I guess. I look at a door. Its slightly open, and I want to go in, like a invisible force is pulling me in. Ill go in because why not? Not like anything bad will happen anyways. I shuffle over to the door, pushing it fully open in the process. I then pull myself to the center of the room. There appeared to be a closet, I wasnt Closed but it wasnt open, like the door. I observed it. Ill think about going in later.

 I shuffle over to some drawers. I wonder whats in these. I open one, nothing inside, another one, same as the first one. And then there was a third, unlike the others this one had something inside. I look at it, pulling it open with a bit of force. Inside there is a empty chocolate wrapper. I wonder where that came from. I look at it for a moment, before closing the drawers and nearing the closet.

This thing it reminds me of something..

I just cant think of what it is..

Something so familiar..

Yet so vague....

I then see something come out of the closet, a black, sticky substance. It pulls me into the dark void once more. Realization then hits. I remember it all.... from the beginning to the end....

"ItS ReAl nIcE To sEe yOu agAiN Y/N!!"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


I made it a cliff hanger ofc

So you have to wait for the next chapter to find out heh!

I dont really have anything else to say...


Words - 1208

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