The Touched And Untouched {Lu...

By Littlefufferfish

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•Modern AU• •Yes, I spell Lukas wrong.• Lukas' heart is big, it holds love for his family and friends. But, i... More

She's Not His
Shower Security
Did We?
I'm Here
Backseat Cuddling
Broken Bones
You'll Ruin Each Other
3 Weeks Late
Panic And Heart Attacks
Positive And Negative
Neil's Arrest
The Truth Is
Dance Dates
Chat & Chat
Dance Prep
PING! From James
Fluffy Stuff {Bonus}
Don't Tell
Abi Got It Under Control
Talking To Susan
Billy And His Secret
Time To Tell
I Need To Talk To You
Mom to Mom
Telling Billy
Mom, what's wrong?
A Little Reckless
It's All Over?
Annie, are you okay?
Delayed Labor
Who's? does it matter?
Baby Sylvie
You're Insane
Not Anymore
Back To Reckless
Lifetime Of Hargrove
Apologies And Thank Yous

The Marks

176 8 13
By Littlefufferfish

"Jane wasn't supposed to tell anyone, now we all know." Lukas facepalmed while taking a seat on the picnic table. A couple members of the softball team had moved a picnic table behind the school. It was a childish joke, but no one had moved it back yet.

"Look, Max might not be like us anymore. But, she's still someone we care about." Will started, then looked at Mike. "If it were me and Mike in this situation, I'd want Mike to tell you guys."

"Well, Max doesn't like anyone knowing her business, especially shit like this." Lukas was very defensive. Max was no doubt freaking out already because Lukas knew, and then told Jane. She might drop dead if she knew Dustin, Will, And Mike now knew too.

"Alright, but listen." Dustin started speaking. He was always somehow the most immature but logical. He knew how to have a good balance. "You noticed scars on Max's arms. You know she's struggled with suicidal thoughts before. There's a good chance she's suicidal. So, it's a good thing we know. This is life or fucking death. This is the kind of secret that kills you if you keep it."

Lukas couldn't argue with Dustin, he always won. "Well...I was going to deal with it quietly, with Jane's help. Why do we all need to know?"

"This kind of thing is only treated with love." Will spoke from his oversized heart. "And, we love Max. Even though she's...not our type of friend anymore."

Lukas nodded. There was no denying it, they all loved Max in one way or another.



Max: I'm going to kill and skin you.

Lukas: Would you of rathered I have the conversation with you?

Max: Who knows? I'm pretty sure Jane told Will.

Lukas: She did...everyone kind of knows now. I'm sorry.

Max: You fucking asshole!

Max: How could you?!

Lukas: I'm worried! I only wanted Jane to know. I know you hate me showing you any type of care.

Max: Stay out of my business.

Max: I wish I never gave you a chance.

Max: Get over it. Stay away from me.

"Who are you talking to?" Mike wondered.

"Max..." Lukas put his phone away. "She's pissed..."

"What are we going to do?" Will leaned on Mike for comfort. "We can't just forget it."

"We can leave an anonymous note for the counselor. That way we don't get more involved than this." Lukas suggested. That was probably the best route to take, without getting murdered by an angry redhead.

"Sounds good to me." Mike agreed.

"Yeah." Dustin nodded. "The counselor will handle it from there and contact her parents."

Lukas immediately panicked. "But, maybe we should just handle it ourselves?"

Dustin huffed, "Make up your damn mind!"

"Just...let me handle this, okay?" Lukas knew the most about Max, he should handle it.

"Okay." Will took the lead and agreed with Lukas. "But, we're here if you need help."

Mike shrugged and agreed with his boyfriend.

"Fine, but let us know if you need us." Dustin agreed. "Did I tell you guys about when me and susie-"


Max got picked up by Billy after school. That's why Lukas never walked her out of the building. It would cause too many problems. But today, he was feeling risky. He stood by the exit and when Max walked by not even seeing him, he grabbed her arm. Of course she yanked it back and threatened to kill him with her eyes. "Leave me alone, Lukas."

"Max, get Billy to drop you off at the library." Lukas wanted to meet her somewhere safely. Where they could talk alone, and she wouldn't get in trouble.

"Excuse me? You don't control me." Max huffed and walked past him. She hated how she loved it when he ran after her. "Lukas, no."

"Please...I'll meet you there." Lukas pleaded. "We can walk across the street to the bookstore and I'll buy you that special edition of 'Dracula' you've been wanting."

"You're bribing me." Max stopped. If they walked any further they would be in Billy's view. "It makes you look like a scumbag." Max smiled sarcastically. "Leave me a-"

"Hey, Max!" James walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "Meet me outside the mall in about an hour?"

Max was visibly struggling to find something to say. Clearly she didn't want to hang out with James. Saying no was hard. Only Lukas picked up on her discomfort.

"Me and Max have an assignment to work on." Lukas covered.

"An assignment?" James scoffed. "Yeah, cause I can picture this girl going hard on an assignment. Come on, you'd rather hang with me and Troy, right?"

Max nodded cooly. "I would, yeah... But if I fail this class my parents will kill me. I might as well get this crap over with. See you tomorrow though, okay?"

James glared at Lukas and punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Take care of her for me."

Lukas and Max watched James walk away to his car. "So, I'll see you at the library?"

Max could've cried from the painful feeling of butterflies mixing with fear in her stomach. "Whatever, stalker."

Max made it to Billy's car and got in, pretending to be tired from rushing. "Sorry I'm late!"

"What the hell took you so long?" Billy was spinning out of the parking lot before Max could get her seatbelt on.

"Someone put a thumbtack on Mr. Lee's chair and we all had to stay for a lecture." It was a simple, hopfully believable lie.

"Yeah, okay." Billy lit up a cigarette while barely keeping the steering wheel steady. "You weren't handing out sexual favors behind the building?"

"Ew! No!" Max was way too good at acting like a innocent kid when she had to. The act didn't fool everyone though.

"Who do you think you're fooling?" Billy laughed. "I know you sneak out at night, you're lucky I never tell."

Max's battered heart stopped and sputtered before beating quickly again. "It's not what you think."

"Max, I'm not fucking stupid." Billy blew some smoke out the window. "You're forgetting that I'm older than you, I've done it all. You think I can't tell when you come home smelling like cologne? You think I haven't seen notifications pop up on your phone? 'Are you coming out tonight?' 'Can't wait to see you on your knees!' you think I don't see that, Max?!"

Something about Billy's acknowledgement and his yelling broke the floodgates. Max started to cry, full on. It was humiliating to cry this much and still feel so awful.

"What's wrong, Max?" Billy breathed out more smoke. "Did you just realize you're a slut?"

"I'm not-" Max stopped herself.

Slut: a woman who has many casual sexual partners.

"Well, so are you." Max muttered.

"There's a difference, Max." Billy didn't yell this time, but his tone was still hard and firm. "You're going to get your heart broken."

"No, I won't. I don't care about love." Max huffed.

"Than you'll get pregnant!" Billy snapped again. "I bet that's just what your mom needs. Her 16 year old daughter getting knocked up by some trashy fucker."

Max wanted to argue but she was notoriously careless when it came to those things. "I'll be more careful, I'm fine."

"You better be careful." Billy's words sounded like a threat. "I can't stop you from being a slut, I've got better things to do. But I can warn your dumbass, you better stop."

Max knew she wouldn't be able to. James and Troy expected it. Without it, she wouldn't have them to hangout with. "Can you drop me off at the library?"

Billy assumed she couldn't hookup in a library, so he agreed with a quick nod. "Look, I fucking hate you. But, we're family."

Max nodded silently.

"Do you need anything?"

Max looked over, confused. "What?"

"Condoms, Max, condoms. It's the least I can do if you're not going to smarten up."

Max shook her head. If she wanted them, she'd have them already. She usually relied on other people to have them, although conveniently they almost never did. "No, I don't need them."

"Jesus Christ..." Billy scoffed. "You're doomed."

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