Rimuru's revenge

Galing kay Dinejro

85.4K 3.1K 4.9K

After Milim Nava destroys the kingdom responsible for the death of her pet dragon, Guy finds a lone survivor... Higit pa

Chapter 1_Rimurus stats_
Chapter 2_New partner_
Chapter 3_Walpurgis_
Chapter 4_Lemon and new skills_
Chapter 5_Rimuru's plan&Ciel's first date_
Chapter 6_Michael and Chronoa_
Chapter 7_Lemon and Rimuru's evolution_
Chapter 8_Ciels resolve_
Chapter 9_The start of the journey_
Chapter 10_Ciels Report_
Chapter 11_Ciel's toy_
Chapter 12_The attack_
Chapter 13_Birth of a new demon lord_
Chapter 14_He knows_
Chapter 15_The Demon lord's_
Chapter 16_Walpurgis drama_
Chapter 17_A dog?_
Chapter 18_The meeting_
Chapter 19_The Sewer's_
Chapter 20_Going out with a bang_
Chapter 21_The couples antics_
Chapter 22_Evolution Festival_
Chapter 23_The white pigeon_
Chapter 24_The Letter Of Invitation_
Chapter 25_A bad memory_
Chapter 26_A Really Hot Lizard_
Chapter 27_Uneasiness_
Chapter 28_I'll make it right_
Chapter 29_Changing sides_
Chapter 30_{Armageddon}_
Chapter 31_Vampire's wish_
Chapter 32_Becoming one_
Chapter 33_How did she know?_
Chapter 35_A Small Taste_
Chapter 36_Prep work_
Chapter 37_The Fun Part_
Chapter 38_The Funnier Part_
Chapter 39_Sparks of War_
Chapter 40_The Lifeless Sea_
Chapter 41_Competition_
Chapter 42_Angels Fall To Depravity_
Chapter 43_Sky fall_

Chapter 34_The reveal_

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Galing kay Dinejro

*A/N: Tbh I can't be bothered to triple-check my work so deal with this one-time checked chapter...*

Before the very creation of heaven and earth, the creator formed the now-known seven angels of origin.

Giving each one a name and a body of their own what was in his eyes a simple gift was in theirs a prize possession... One that should not and will never get damaged.

And so the seven angels of origin stored the gift in a secret dimension never to be scratched by anyone.

And so the angels served...
In a cold robotic way...

But soon the first of them named Feldway grasped the goals of his creator. As he realized they could never truly serve their master without an ego.

And so upon this realization, he was the first to succeed in acquiring an ego. What kind of ego? One of a simple loyal subordinate with a slight sprinkle of pride.

And so as what he could only see as a reward for his work, his undying lord gave him an order like no other.

He had the privilege of watching over his creator's favorite creations. Humans...

They ware... Extraordinary to say the least. 

With simple goals and actions, they called routines it was unexplainable how they survived. With some of them happy with their lives and others yearning for more they couldn't be more spread out. 

But once they had a common enemy to defeat, they showed their true colors.

Even with their small life span and fragile bodies, they possessed knowledge spread across generations. Their perseverance and adaptability were what let them not only walk this earth but dominate it. 

It was a feat, Michael, got to observe himself, as a newly founded kingdom found ways for even the weakest of their people to control a greater demon. 

But as he continued watching, he realized a fatal flaw in his master's creation. By giving those humans free will like no other they became absent from the system around them.

A system per se like a lake. The water in a lake never truly leaves that lake. It merely evaporates into steam before falling back to the ground and entering the lake once more.

Doomed to repeat that process indefinitely the only thing keeping it in is the absence of its wish of leaving. But if given a choice would water stay in this circle? It's a possibility that has yet to happen to it. But it has happened to others.

And that is exactly how humans work. Always wanting to know more, to have more, to gain more. Whether it is power knowledge or resources humans will never be satisfied. And so they would soon dominate an empty lake.

But before finding a way to stop the imminent evaporation of the lake another problem arose.

As it seemed humans would have their bread cut for them as the embodiment of destruction spread its wings for the first time.

And as the protector of humanity, it was his job to stop it in its tracks. 

He can always remember that day. It was a cold night only light with a weak shine from the moon. Children sleeping bandits stealing and night guards playing cards.  A peaceful night like no other, before the earth and hell became alike. 

With the moon turning red and the earth showing cracks a horrifying screech can be heard from the distance.

As it crawled from the bowels of hell itself IT seeped its claws into the fields humans used for food. Pulling itself out of the ground revealing its full size truly dwarfing the creatures below.

Its dark red armored scales absorbent any and all moonlight it touched casting a shadow at night. Its bright red underbelly and tail slither through the devastation it left behind camouflaged in the river of blood that followed.

As it roamed his master's creation the being roared as if asserting its dominance the roar shaking the living and the dead.

*A/N: Honestly, I could just describe the roar but this is perfect. (Subnotica is my favorite game and I love the mod "Return of the Ancients". Love in terms of I hate it to my very core. Any and all Subnotica fans will understand.*

*Start at 59 seconds*

The roar split the sky reaching both heaven and earth uniting them under the same fear of powerlessness.

But before it stood a being of no fear. A being that only shakes in front of its creator. 

Well, that was what I believed I was.

In truth, I was frozen in fear. The grip I had on my sword shaking and my six wings shedding a few feathers.

I trembled before the beast as it got closer and closer. I scraped together what courage I had left to raise my sword.

As it got closer I could feel its overwhelming aura before one of its smooth scales brushed my face. I stood there for a few seconds feeling as if my soul left my body. I opened my eyes... Only to see nothing. 

I heard distant stomps and looked back. The beast walked right past me... making its way to the holy mount my master resided in.

It was then that a new emotion formed in his heart. An overwhelming amount of irritation he used to experience before.

But this was different it wasn't irritation. it was... something else...

Fulled by his very ego clouding his judgment. This beast ignored him! It was mocking him!!


It was later that he learned what he felt that day.

It was REGE...

He lashed out at the creature attacking it for hours and hours to no avail. But he never got tired he never got exhausted. He will not rest until this beast bowed its head in apology.

He continued his attacks until one of the beast's fingers was cut off. 

He felt it... the blissful feeling of accomplishment that overwhelmed his body.

But what he failed to notice was the attention the beast had now given him. With an elegant swing putting the speed of light to shame the beast's tail swung through the air launching him onto the clouds before a nice soft mountain cushioned his landing. 

He tried to get back up only to fall to the ground blood gushing through his mouth and eyes. He felt it... The rege that kept pushing him forward is now gone. 

His muscles felt weak his body heavy and his mind dull. But as he was about to fall asleep a swarm of energy entered his body.

"Ha ha, boss! I could never describe how honored I am to have you as my superior." A man's voice chuckled as it patted his back.

He looked back only to see his other six companions.

"W-what a-are you doing h-here," Feldway asked as he tried to stand up before being caught by a yellow-haired angel.

"Sir Veldonava wanted to see your growth so he told us to wait." The woman answered with a smile as she helped him regain his balance.

"So you ready for round two?" The other angel asked.

"Sure," Michael answered as he regained his energy.

As they were all created from the same {Great Holy Spirit of Light} they share the same type of energy with every single one of them using it his own way. And so they are capable of sharing their energy with each other making them most powerful together.

"You done with the power of friendship crap!" An Iritadet voice asked getting an annoyed glare from everyone.

"What's the primordial Rouge doing here?" Feldway asked in an annoyed tone.

"It's Guy now and Sir Veldonava said he will take part in protecting the world." The Angel answered.

"I see... Well, let's make it quick." Feldway answered as he spread his wings and flew to the dragon.


After the dragon was finally subdued it was brought before the creator Veldonava for judgment, but unlike what was expected the creator imprisoned the monster and decided to wait for it to gain an ego.

And as luck would have it he sent his most trusted subordinate to look after it.

And so he was ordered to rote in that dimension until the monster gained an ego.

But he ended up leaving far sooner due to some... personal reasons.

*Time skip*

Feldway POV:

"So now that we are here, what is your plan?" I ask my voice echoing through the throne room Sir Veldonava used to sit in.

"I must say Obera's betrayal was unexpected but what can we do..." An emotionless voice answered as it shrugged its shoulders.

"You didn't answer my question," I ask my irritation visible to Michael.

"Look we can't move until it happens..." Michael answered me as he looked in the direction of Guy's ice castle.

"Wait for what!! We have been inactive for two months!!" We only need Veldora dragon factor and we're done!! Let's knock down the door of that slime and start the ritual!!"

"So?" Michael answered in an uninterested tone continuing to look in the direction of Guy's castle his mind seemingly wandering off.

"SO!!! Why are we still here?!! I dam know you know a way to revive Sir Veldonava so spit it!!" I scream as I close the distance while lifting him into the air. He might be a manas but that doesn't stop me from beating his ass.

"If you don't tell me I'll make you!" I answer pointing my sword at his neck.

Yet he just stares in the same direction ignoring my eye contact.

"What are you looking at!!? Just do th--" But before I can finish my sentence a giant earthquake shakes the earth. The heavenly palace itself shakes violently making me drop Michael to the floor.

The floor on which the heavenly star palace sits upon showed cracks before slowly crumbling taking the palace with it.

"W-what!! T-this is IMPOSSIBLE!!" I scream as I watch the walls and floor of the palace slowly fall apart.

"Now you see? This is the thing I've been waiting for. Let us start shall we?" Michael asks as he calmly walks across the collapsing hall.

"Do what! Whatever you just did destroyed sir Veldonava's castle!!! He won't be happy about th--" I try to argue before he stops me.

"And what's the problem with that? It's just another reason for him to come back." Michael calmly explains his voice somehow louder than the crumbling sealing above us.

His words echo through my mind yet before I understand their meaning another burst of energy gets released.

I turn my attention to the sours and a shiver runs down my spine. That energy... It's so... similar... yet different...

"Ohh..." Michael's face darkens as a sad noise escapes his lips.

"What wa--" But before I can ask what happened something pierces my chest causing me to drop to the floor. 

I look up only to see Michael's Dark face with his hand outstretched covered in blood. 

"w-way..." I cough up some blood and mutter.

We went through the same hell... trapped in a place we didn't want to be in... Held there by our masters will.

"Y-you ware-Cough cough- the only o-one who..." I continue to talk blood pouring to the floor my voice interrupted by dry coughs.

Michael bends down to my level and touches my cheek. His stained hand covered it in blood.

"We just outlived our purpose... It's nothing else... It's nothing personal..." He mutters his Mechanical voice nowhere to be seen.

His voice is soft and warm. Ha, I never thought he was capable of emotions like this.

*A/N: I swear to god if there is a single human here that sees this as a ship I will hunt you down and I will find you!!! *

I suddenly snap back to reality. I'm not done here not until I bring him back!

As nice as this feels I won't die with that regret!!

(No! No! I can't die like this!! I Won't die like this!! I still have the other one!!) I think as I focus on the dimension where I store my prize position.

I focus on it and prepare to leave this avatar behind.

[Notice: Transfer of the individuals Feldway's conciseness failed...]

"W-what!!! How is this--" But I can't finish my sentence as he continues.

"Thanks for opening that link. I won't take your ego or soul to boost my abilities. I'll leave you to die a free man. It was an honor even if it wasn't meant to last." Michael continues as his body reformers into my own.

"HOW DARE YO--Cough cough-- EVEN!!!" I shout my voice barely audible.

"Sorry to take it from you... but you should die knowing it's with a friend and not the enemies." Michel answers before standing up and spreading my wings.

A small tear escapes down my face making its way to the crumbling concrete below.

My fingers are running cold and my chest is burning but it's okay.

The wings are releasing the light of the {Great Spirit of life} lighting up the dark crumbling palace.

It's as if he's here to watch my final minute in his world...

I look at my form in front of me and feel tears dripping down my face. The face the energy and the aura all surface old memories I thought I'd forgotten long ago.

"Thank you for coming back... Even if you are just a memory... Sir Veldonava."

As he mutters those words he elegantly drops to the shattered floor below his blood slipping through the cracks.

Michael spans his newly found six wings and slowly levitates away.

They spent decades heck centuries planning this...

If only they were on the same side...

As Michael leaves the palace he gets a final look at his friend...

As the entire palace drops to the earth, his body seemingly slows down, falling with a swarm of blood-red feathers following.

"Goodbye... May we one day reunite on the other side..."




*Time skip but reverse*

In a glass-like castle a newly made carpet colors itself red. The blade that caused this buries itself deeper and deeper powered by the pure rage of its wilder.

Her once childish and innocent eyes are now corrupted by rage and unending lust for revenge.

"You did this!! You made her give up her life! I know everything!! Every plan you made thought of and executed!!" Chloe screamed at the blue-haired individual Her sword was holding on her eye level.

"B-but it c-cost her life..." Chloe continues as small tears mix with her blood-covered face.

As the tears start streaming down her eyes the blue-haired figure extends one of its arms.

Its arm shakingly raises to her face and touches her cheek.

"I can only give my condolences... However, I must say... The whole--cough cough-- fusion you went through truly is something el--" But before he could finish she pulled the sword out of his chest and kicked him to the wall followed by him falling to the ground and leaning on the glass wall.


"B-but s-she w-was m-much m-more than that..." She continues as tears fall down her eyes.

Suddenly two shadows dash at her one green and the other Blue followed by a magical attack from three demonlords. But are all stopped by a blue barrier.

The five beings shot their eyes at the person responsible and stand there in shock.

A few seconds pass in the room before the man sitting in the chair opposite to him asks,

"You better have a pretty good explanation for this one... Osamu..." Guy mutters his and the other five demon lords releasing their killing intent.

"I do not..." Osamu answers in a quiet tone.

"But even tho it pains me to be the only one... We have to hear her side..." Osamu answers trying his best to hide the aggression he has towards his student.

*Time skip*

Osamu POV:

It's been an hour and Chloe explained her side of the story...

Chronoa sacrificed herself to bypass the limiter she and Chloe were put upon by him...

In the last ditch effort to explain the situation, Chronoa locked her memories into their shared consciousness allowing Chloe to access them without the curse affecting her. 

"So what I found out is that it is Rimuru who is behind all this..." Chloe ends while sitting on her chair looking at the floor.

She has been placed between me and Leon as others still show their killing intent.

"sigh... What now... The main strategist I wanted you to bring him was the bad guy all along. Sigh we need someone else to make the plan now." Guy mutters his comment followed by a lot of stern and cold glares all stopped after another smack from Velzard.

"So that's it huh? You just forget about him!" I ask raising my voice.

"So what? I lost a lot of pawns in the past. Sure he was useful but what am I supposed to do? Morn an enemy?" Guy asks explaining his twisted logic.

I still can't believe it... When he asked for others' help when he talked to me and... that smile he showed today... Were they all just lies served on a silver platter?

As the realisation hits me a small tear streams down my face. 

<<Notice it is best to inform every one of the remaining enemies.>>

"Did you know?" I ask her in a quiet voice.

<<...>> Only to be met with silence.

"You suspected him, didn't you? You ju--" Before I continue my question a voice interrupts me.

"Hey, you talking to yourself?" Guy asks snapping me out of my trance.

I look around the room meeting eyes with the other noticing the sympathetic look from Chloe.

(Lies or not he is no longer our allay so we must act like it.) I determine as I open my mouth to speak.

"The rest of the enemies are as follows," I answer everyone waiting for the report.

"We have The moderate harly queen alliance that has fallen under the control of Michael. The phantom king Feldway... And the manas Michael..." I report as silence envelops the room.

The confused glances fill the air only slow drips of Rimurus blood there to break the silence.

"And am I supposed to know what a manas is?" 

"Yeah, bestie! What's this manas you talking about?"

"Did I mishear him say male?"

A few curious voices break the silence and I try to respond.

"It's umm... A manas is like a..." I stumble around to get an answer but end up with nothing.

<<I believe it is best to reveal myself to them...>> I quiet voice resonates in my mind.

"W-wait you sure?" I ask in a quiet voice forgetting I'm speaking out loud.

"Hey *click click* Your talking to yourself again!" Guy complains while snapping his fingers but I just ignore him.

<<Yes I believe explaining my existence will make it easier by revealing my existence.>>

"Okay if you truly feel that way," I answer.

"Hey your still tal--" Guy tries to complain again but is stopped by a sudden flash of light in front of me.

"I'll just let her explain..."

3rd person POV:

A bright white light envelops the room raising cousin in the room before it dies down.

In its place stood a white-haired figure.

"I'll just let her explain..." Osamu answers as he looks at Wauri.

She stands there naked the only thing covering her being the smoke for a few seconds before accessing one of my skills and materializing a set of clothes.

But before I can check out what she decided to wear my attention focuses on a certain Vampire who is for some reason nervously glancing between her and Rimuru's corps.

Ignoring her weird gesture I return to Wauri.

She moves her figures and feet as it is her first time affected by the planet's gravity and its spin. She took a few more seconds to adapt to the new forces affecting her body before she started to speak.

"I--" But when she is about to introduce herself a sharp blade slashes towards her.

Without any fear in sight, she moves her head back and forces the blade to stay on the ground by holding it with her fingers.

We all stand there in shock as she dodges Guy's slash with optimal movement and absolute grace.

"I wanted to say something!" Ciel complained in an annoyed tone.

After a small hand gesture, Guy sits back down with his hand still on his sword.

"As I was saying I am what this world refers to as a 'manas'. I exist to serve one master witch is my previous owner as an Ultimate skill and am here to serve his every need." Wauri explains as she materializes a chair and sits next to me.

"So a manas is?" Dagrul asks still confused about the whole situation.

So me and Wauri explained her story about her turning from a unique skill to a manas.

*Time skip*

After the initial explanation, the room fills with questions.

"So wait you are the one who gave Osamu his abilities?"

"So you can comprehend the stopped time?"

Some normal...

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

Some not...

But one stood out...

"Then who is your master?" A blue-haired Giant Asked silencing the room.

"Parden me?" Wauri asked in a confused tone.

"You said your loyalty is one beyond your life and death right? And that you would never dare forsaken your master... So... Who is your master... You wouldn't dare lie right?" Dagrul elaborates his voice getting deeper and deeper.

The meeting room falls quiet as all eyes fall on Wauri.

Now that I think of it she never outright said I was her master. Every time I brought it up she nearly stumbled on the word or right out ignore it. But no that would make her...

Wauri stumbles on her words before a entertained voice breaks the silence in the room.

"Ha ha, He sure got you with that one..." The voice laughs Coming from one of the seats.

We all turn towards the source only to see him back among the living.

As in the previously Luminous filled seat now seat the one and only Rimuru. His feet resting on a bent-down Luminous fully enjoying the first row seats.  

As we all point our attention to him he sprouts an unsettling smile.

He points his finger at Wauri his golden eyes glowing and his smile growing bigger and bigger.

"Didn't he Ciel?"

===== To be continued =====

*A/N: HA Ha ha~ I'm gonna get murdered in my sleep, aren't I? Well it is what it is!*

*A/N: Hello it's me your favorite cliffhanger creator I'm sure you missed me!*

Dodges the incoming potatoes and rotten fruits thrown at him.

*A/N: I missed you too. So nothing important to really say anything that happened between writing this and the last chapter was interesting so you'll see that in the memes I made today but that's pretty much it.*

*A/N: Also if you want to know why I am dragging this out look over to meme number 1 for an answer.*


Also for those of you who still don't do this, I might stop making it cliffhangers if you follow Billy's example.

*A/N: That would be all. See you in the next cliffhanger!*

*See ya!*

(Words 3855)

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