His Dreamless Nights | K. Bak...

By CosmicArwen

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Book Two Of Red Roses! Dont Like Dont read! More

Of Panty Thieves | Anonymous
25 minutes | Izukuiz
self care 101 with katsuki bakugou | sanjariti
Take it to Our Graves | shortstack_gray
denial never felt so good | sanjariti
Of Love and Lust | Anonymous
seconds from heaven | sanjariti
supple pleasures | sanjariti
Katsukis problem | Izukuiz
Milfzuku | Izukuiz
Cage | tiredwrites
Cotton Tail | Dollypop_lane
Can I Call You Tonight? |pr0blemadick
I'd Never Forget Your Birthday, Zuku. | Roya1Gir1
My dear sin, must you taste so sweet? | tiredwrites | Massive Trigger Warning
sins and sensations | sanjariti
pu**y to die for | dynadekuism
say it again | sanjariti
dinner for two | sanjariti
pussy on the brain | sanjariti
sweet like sin, dangerous like honey | sanjariti
Love Me Like a Forest Burns | Takiewrites
White Marks | SakuraWCream
not an update, sadly

Second Chance, New Beginnings | CrimsonRainSoughtDatAss

489 5 0
By CosmicArwen


If someone were to ask Izuku a year ago today how his life suddenly changed so drastically, he would not have an answer to give.

Izuku figured that perhaps it changed so abruptly because of his circumstances. With moving into a new house, getting a new job, and taking care of his kids on top of all that. It may even have to do with how Katsuki suddenly appeared, forcing himself into the little family of Midoriyas.

But the real answer?

That fateful day in the café, that sudden call late at night, all those unexpectant meetups... Well, that was just a new beginning. Izuku's second chance.



This is the first time I'm publishing a work on ao3. Hopefully I'm doing everything right lmao.

I hope you enjoy this fic!

If someone were to ask Izuku a year ago today how his life suddenly changed so drastically, he would not have an answer to give.

Izuku figured that perhaps it changed so abruptly because of his circumstances. With moving into a new house, getting a new job, and taking care of his kids on top of all that. It may even have to do with how Katsuki suddenly appeared, forcing himself into the little family of Midoriyas.

But the real answer?

That fateful day in the cafe, that sudden call late at night, all those unexpectant meetups... Well, that was just a new beginning. Izuku's second chance.

The café, Second Love, held a vibe of calmness— a sereneness that immediately drew Izuku in when he first applied, back when the café had just been freshly built, and newly furnished.

With its open plan connecting both the kitchen and the front counter, and the aesthetically pleasing wooden tones with a variety of plants framing the small café, what wasn't to love about it?

Despite knowing the draining hours and all the responsibilities the job would offer— especially considering he would be applying for the job of a baker, meaning he would need to wake up at the ungodly hour of 4 am in the morning to begin prepping— Izuku had decided to follow through with his plan of applying, and was eventually given a date for an interview.

His boss had introduced the job as being welcome to omegan employees. Izuku even found out that most of its employees were omegas. Not only was this place safe, but just what Izuku needed after living a life where alphas dominated over everything in society.

And after only two months of working at Second Love , Izuku was able to settle in, and was able to make new friends— of which he had a complete lack of previously. But, even after knowing all the responsibilities that would come with it, it really came back to bite him in the ass when he was least expecting it.

His child, his precious young daughter, was sick in bed with a cold. And Izuku, being the diligent worker he was (and also because he desperately needed the money) had no choice but to go into work. Although he knew his daughter would be fine for a few hours, he couldn't help but worry about her.

With a sigh, Izuku wiped away the sweat that had gathered on his forehead. In doing so, he was left with a trail of flour replacing the sweat.

"Doing ok in there, Midoriya?" His boss, Toga, called. "That was the 5th time you've sighed this morning, should I begin to worry you'll scare off the customers when we open?"

"Ah– Sorry! I'm good. Doing great back here, don't worry" Izuku reassured, a nervous laugh sneaking out.

These early work hours would really be the death of him.

After a few moments, Izuku could hear some whispers coming from the main counter of the café, followed by Toga letting out a prolonged "oh" sound.

It felt like he had been kneading the dough for hours, when really it had only been a few minutes. He welcomed the burn the mini-workout brought, but at the same time he dreaded it because he knew that after his shift ended, he would not be able to feel his arms.

The next second, Ochako, his coworker and new (self-diagnosed) best friend entered the back area where Izuku worked, with her hands on her hips. Her usual smile was replaced with a frown, and her eyebrows were coming together to form a glare.

"Izuku, if you're not feeling good you're always free to book off work. Your health is what's important."

Izuku looked up from his kneading, a small smile gracing his face. "Thanks, Ochako. And I know. You've been so great to me." He paused, "but it's not me who's sick. It's my daughter. I'm just worried for her, and I wish I could be with her...But I really need the money..."

Ochako's glare faltered. Her hands fell to rest at her sides. Izuku knew that she could never stay mad at him, even if he worked himself to the bone. In fact, he welcomed her tough love for him. It has helped him on many occasions, especially with staying on track with his health.

"I'm not going to pretend like I know your situation, and what you're going through. But just know that I'll always be here for you, ok?" Ochako suddenly said, putting a hand on Izuku's shoulder.

Izuku thanked her with a bright smile.

"Opening is in five minutes!" Toga called out, interrupting the moment the two omegas were having.

"God, that girl..." Ochako grumbled, but a soft expression on her face was enough for Izuku to recognize that she wasn't actually mad at her.

Izuku wiped the flour off his forehead and exclaimed with a newfound eagerness to get done with his job as fast as possible, "I'll meet you at the counter in a sec, just got to put the dough in the oven!" Ochako smiled softly at him before joining her wife at the counter.

Izuku put the dough in the oven, taking his apron off right after. He set the timer to begin before leaving the kitchen to join Ochako in working at the front counter, as their typical cashier was off on maternity leave.

As Second Love was still a fairly new café, there weren't a lot of workers currently. So sometimes, Izuku would be working both in the back, baking bread and other desserts, while occasionally working the front counter at the same time to take down the orders the customers had. He wanted to help Ochako and Toga as much as possible, as Ochako was fairly busy with making the drinks and cleaning tables and Toga was often busy with paperwork and her other café owner responsibilities in the back.

He also didn't mind the extra money it brought.

Toga flipped the sign to indicate that the small café was now 'open' and immediately there were a few people entering to get a coffee to prepare for their day.

Izuku took down several orders, while simultaneously checking on the food baking in the back to make sure the pastries didn't burn.

Izuku was in the middle of putting a batch of cookies into the oven when the door at the front was slammed open. He turned to look to see a tall and handsome man, with slicked back golden hair. The man had to be at least 6'4, and he was absolutely stacked with muscle, evident with the way his suit clung to his body like it was a second skin which pronounced his biceps even more.

The greenette quickly set a timer for the cookies before joining the man at the counter to take his order.

When Izuku got closer, he realized this man's face seemed to be frozen into a glare. His eyebrows were pinched together and his phoenix-shaped eyes were slanted slightly creating the illusion that he was angrier than what he may have looked like—

"Who the fuck do you people think you are?!"

Nevermind, Izuku thought. Maybe this man was madder than what his appearance showed.

Now that the man was closer, Izuku could see the dark circles beneath the handsome man's eyes.

Izuku thought angrily to himself, if this man is so tired, why does he need to take it out on me and the café?

But instead of speaking his mind, Izuku took a deep breath and chose to go the peaceful customer-service route. "Sorry for any inconveniences, sir. May I know what you want to order so I can quickly get it ready for you?"

"No! Nothing you do will help me. I can't believe the audacity of this place! First, you open up a full half hour later than the café that I usually go to– which not to mention, closed up because you guys just had to set up your café here!" The man waved his arms wildly, as if to emphasize what he was saying before continuing his rant, "and now I get terrible service?! What is this place, a damn circus?!" The man breathed heavily.

By now the man had garnered the attention of many other customers who started whispering to each other, wondering what was happening. Ochako also paused making the customers drinks to try to get a grasp of what was going on, as she too, was curious and wanted to be ready in case Izuku needed help.

Izuku's hand is still frozen, set up in the position to implement the man's order into the system. With a sigh, Izuku brought his previously frozen hand to place it on his temple, where he could already feel a headache forming.

After a brief moment, Izuku calmly says, "Sir, can you please quiet down? You're disturbing the other customers."


Izuku cut him off, "I apologize for the troubles, we open up later on Monday than we do on other days. If you do not like it, feel free to go to literally any other café." He pauses to gauge a reaction from the blond, but the man's near-permanent frown had not moved an inch. "But please. If all you are going to do is complain, then please leave. If you don't want to leave, then feel free to order."

Izuku quickly sent Ochako a smile to let her know everything was alright. Ochako sent him a thumbs up before continuing to make the customer's drink orders.

The greenette was beginning to feel desperate. All he wanted to do was go home and cuddle in his nest with his children beside him. But instead, he was stuck here, dealing with a man that was draining the energy out of him.

To Izuku's surprise, the man's face was overcome with an emotion of surprise. Surprised that he was reprimanded for his attitude, or that Izuku wasn't a pushover, Izuku didn't know. What Izuku did know was that the man's seemingly permanent frown, as if it was something etched on his face with permanent marker, was now showing signs of different emotions.

And Izuku wouldn't admit it out loud, but when his face wasn't scrunched up into a frown he looked much younger. And much more handsome.

Damnit Izuku, get it together!

But that moment did not last long because the next thing Izuku knew, the man's face was back into the form of a frown. Now that Izuku saw the blonde man's face displaying different emotions, he thought the frown completely ruined the man's beautiful face.

The man cleared his throat awkwardly, "Uh... I'll take an Americano. To go." And as if realizing that he needed to keep up his aggressive alphan facade, he quickly bit out, "And you better make it fucking quick!"

Izuku nodded and put his order into the system. "That'll be 200 yen. What's the name for the order?"

After a moment of silence, Izuku looked up to see the man's face had once again become overcome with surprise. Except this time, it was more of a flustered-surprised look. He reminded Izuku of a grumpy cat who had been caught sneaking extra treats. So cute!

"Baku– shit. Wait, no. Uh, Katsuki."

"Such a long name," Izuku teased, hoping to put whatever just happened behind him so he would have one less thing to worry about. Izuku's only response was the man taping his foot, impatiently.

He wrote the name 'Katsuki' on a cup, adding a small smile-y face beside the name, and passed the cup to Ochako before moving to the back to check on his pastries once again.

Izuku was in the zone, focusing on his task at hand when Katsuki's voice suddenly broke through, interrupting him.

"I'd also like a blueberry muffin."

Izuku smiled, "300 yen."

He took a freshly baked muffin, putting it in a little 'to go' bag. He brought it to the counter and handed it to Katsuki.

Katsuki's glare loosened up as he looked thoughtfully for a moment before nodding in thanks and leaving.

Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. But somehow, he felt lighter than before the man came in. Izuku figured it must've been the stress of the encounter finally leaving his body.

But what Izuku didn't know was that it was much deeper than that.


"Have a good day, Izuku!" Ochako exclaimed.

Izuku gave Ochako a smile and wave before turning around quickly, almost running into the entrance.

Izuku's eyes widened, and his cheeks became hot with embarrassment. He hoped no one had just seen him almost running face first into the glass door. He knew for sure if he wasn't wearing his scent patches, the cafe would be filled with the dense smell of his embarrassment.

Izuku promptly opened the door, not wanting this to delay his journey home.

The door was heavy, so he had to use whatever muscle strength he had left after kneading dough since the early hours of dawn to open the door. When It was fully open, Izuku was surprised to see a sporadic flash of yellow run in.

Instead of questioning what just happened, Izuku went on with his day. He figured that he would rather get home quickly, than stop to ask questions. Although, he was curious as to why that man was running in so hastily.

Once outside, Izuku was hit with a breath of fresh air. He tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear and hoped that no one around him could smell the scent of coffee lingering in his hair. Izuku glanced down at his pants and noticed the glaze of donuts staining them, and this motivated him in walking faster to reach his small, but cozy apartment so that he could finally change.

The walk to his apartment was only 15 minutes, and Izuku took that time to relax and get himself ready to see his kids.

His kids were angels, sure. But that didn't mean that sometimes he wouldn't get a little overwhelmed, so he wanted to take time to calm down from his shift. His kids deserve the best version of himself.

As he thought about his kids, he walked by a convenience store and remembered that he only had two more tablets of the children's cold medicine in his medicine cabinet. He definitely needed to get more, for now and for the future if his kids were to get sick again.

Izuku entered the convenience store.

The floor was an off-white white colour, with a bright yellow sign with the words "wet floor", surrounded with what looked like a mixture of different liquids. To the side there were packages of various flavours of ramen, and beside that were tables where one could buy ramen in-store and sit to eat.

Izuku's favourite place in this convenience store was where the ice creams and popsicles were located.

He thought back on the time when he took his two kids to come enjoy a frozen treat. Granted, he only left his apartment in the first place because he didn't want his kids asking him why the neighbours were fighting and screaming about how one of them cheated and he didn't want to explain what "bastard" meant to his two young, but curious children. He definitely didn't want to get a call home from one of their teachers asking him why his normally good-tempered children are suddenly calling everyone bastards.

That would not be a good look for him.

He had paper thin walls, but that's the price he has to pay to have a roof over his and his children's heads. Izuku doesn't even want to think about what goes on outside his apartment...

Izuku closed his eyes and sighed. He would have to bring his children back soon. They would enjoy a nice treat.

They deserve the world, and Izuku wanted to give them just that.

But now? Izuku had to focus. He was muttering up a storm and the older woman beside him in the ramen aisle was side eyeing him intensely.

He quickly walked straight to the back, and began to scope out the variety of medicine the store had before finally setting his eyes on the brightly coloured box with the word 'children' in bold.

He grabbed the box and turned around, walking straight into a wall he didn't know was there.


Izuku raised his hands to set them on the wall before him and felt around.

Yep. That was definitely a wall.


There wasn't a wall there, was there?

"...Excuse me?" a gruff voice came from the...wall?

Izuku jumped back, suddenly face to face with a man's chest.

The man had sunglasses on, and black covered him from head to toe. The only defining feature of this man was his slicked back blonde hair that was sticking up in some places.

Izuku couldn't help but wonder if he was really that sleep deprived.

How else would I think that that man's body was a brick wall that just suddenly appeared in front of me?!

"You're that one from the coffee shop. The cute omega baker." The man's voice snapped Izuku out of his internal thoughts.

Izuku raised an eyebrow, curious to how this man knew him but realizing he must've been a customer. "That would be me." A second passed. "You think I'm cute?"

Izuku noticed the man's ears suddenly glow a vibrant red. The blond man cleared his throat while his lips lowered into a very prominent frown.

"I never said that."

"You just did?"

The man ran a hand through his hair, grimacing when he felt gel gather on his fingertips.

"Can you move?" The man pointed to an area behind Izuku. Izuku took a moment to process what he said before gasping and nodding quickly.

"Of course! Here you go, let me just get out of your way for you..." Izuku mumbled quickly. He turned his gaze to the floor as he moved, pretending to look at the energy drinks beside the medicine aisle with interest.

Sneaking a peak at the man, he noticed that the man was holding several boxes of headache relievers. Izuku's gaze moved from the man's hands to his face. Izuku looked a little closer before gasping very loudly.

"You're that guy!" Izuku exclaimed loudly, nearly dropping the box in his hand as he pointed his finger at the blond man.

The man turned to face him curiously. "'That guy'?"

"Yeah! The guy who came in mad because we open late on Mondays!"

The man winced, as if in pain. "Can you please keep it down? Yes I'm 'that guy' now can you stop blocking the aisle so I can leave?"

Izuku moved to the side to allow the blond man, no— Katsuki, if he remembered his name right, the ability to leave the aisle.

A moment passed and Izuku remembered that he had somewhere to be, so he quickly followed after the man to pay.

At the cash register, Katsuki motioned with his hand for Izuku to go in front of him. Izuku quickly flashed Katsuki a bright smile. Katsuki's right eyebrow raised at the sight of the omega.

Izuku focused his attention on the cashier, hoping to get the transaction done with as swift as possible. "Just this, please!" The omega placed the box of medicine on the counter.

The cashier huffed and nodded. "900 yen."

Izuku placed a hand on his back, and rummaged around to try to find his wallet. But, he was unable to find it. As the minutes grew long, Izuku began to feel tense with panic. Don't tell me I forgot to bring my wallet...

Izuku could feel the cashier growing frustrated, if the slight scent of annoyance and frustration permeating from his scent patches was anything to go by. As a last resort, Izuku placed his hands in the pockets of his work pants– however dirty they may be, searching for whatever few coins he was able to find.

As if luck was on his side, Izuku pulled out a 1,000 yen note. Perfect!

With a little extra to spend, Izuku glanced at the wall holding an assortment of candy. His child was sick, and the other in school. A candy bar would cheer them up, wouldn't it?

After a few seconds, the silence was suddenly filled with a voice of contempt. "Of course. Indecisive, slow, and... dirty ." The cashier was pointedly staring at Izuku's dirtied pants. "How typical of an... omega ."

The man spat the word out like it was dirty. Like it was something he was physically repulsed to be saying. That, and the man insulting Izuku made him immediately feel bad vibes from the man.

"Sir, I am sorry for the wait. Some people are clearly rude and have no care for those around them." The cashier spoke, this time directing his attention to the man behind Izuku. Katsuki.

Izuku quickly glanced at Katsuki, only to see the man waiting patiently behind him. Although unlike Katsuki's usual frown (from what he's seen so far), Katsuki's eyebrows were now twitching slightly, and the boxes of medicine he held were being crushed between his clenched hands.

But overall, Katsuki hadn't yet said anything to rush him.

Izuku slowly grabbed two bars of chocolate off the rack and put them on the counter to be rung up beside the medicine he was buying.

Already feeling pretty insulted, Izuku just wanted to quickly leave the convenience store and never return. He hated confrontation with a passion. He just wanted to buy what he needed, and leave.

Katsuki, however, had a different idea.

"Hey, asshole." Katsuki came up to stand beside Izuku. "If anyone here is rude, with little to no care for the people around them, it'd be you ." Katsuki slammed the boxes of medicine onto the counter. "Stop with your fucking prejudices and stereotyping, and ring up the fucking chocolate bars."

Katsuki placed his hand on the small of Izuku's back, causing his heart to skip a beat and a shiver to travel through his body.

"Y'know what? Ring up his stuff with mine. I'll pay for 'em."

Izuku began to protest, trying to let Katsuki know that he had enough money for both the medicine, and the chocolate bars. With even a few cents to spare! He was fine, really.

"Save it, nerd. Pay me back later with coffee, yeah?"

Katsuki pulled out his card to pay. Once the items were finished being rung up, Katsuki snatched up the items without hesitation, not bothered to wait for the cashier to bag the items.

"Let's go, nerd." Katsuki nodded his head towards the exit. Izuku, although dumbfounded and still trying to process what just happened, followed him out anyway. He was like a dog following its master loyally, not questioning anything, only along for the ride.

Once outside, Izuku let out a small smile. "You didn't have to do that, but... thanks."

Instead of replying, Katsuki dumped Izuku's items into his awaiting hands.

"I'll get going now. See you tomorrow, Kacchan!" Izuku said as he placed the 3 items into his bag.

The omega watched as Katsuki froze.

"Who said anything about seeing you tomorrow, shitty nerd?!"

Izuku giggled, "I owe you that coffee, don't I?"

The man turned on his heel and stomped away, grumbling to himself. Izuku watched him leave with a fond smile on his face. Great, a new friend!

Katsuki pinched the top of his nose. His eyes squeezed closed, and his back was rigidly straight.


Kacchan .

That goddamn nerd chose to give him a tough alpha, a cutesy nickname.

This absolutely did not make Katsuki feel happy.

No. Embarrassed, annoyed, surprised, confused... Katsuki was feeling everything but happy.

That had to be it. If his heart wasn't pounding out of embarrassment, why else was it pounding so quickly? Tachycardia? Or was it called bradycardia? Whatever it was, Katsuki definitely had it.

That omega... with his large, curious eyes staring at him wondrously. His heart shaped face, scattered with a constellation of freckles. His luscious hair, curly emerald green and framing his face. And God . That body of his? Absolutely magnificent.

Katsuki brought a hand to his chest. Opening his eyes, he clenched his hand on the side his heart was. The alpha figured that stress was the cause of whatever heart disease he seemed to have. It was the likeliest possibility.

Katsuki did not feel anything for that stupid nerd or the stupid childish nickname the omega gave him.

A sudden and loud bang on his car window drew Katsuki out of his thoughts.

"Jesus!" He pressed a button to lower his window. "Shitty hair! What the fuck?!"

If his heart wasn't beating quickly before, now it certainly was. At this point, Katsuki was going to die young from a fucking heart attack .

"Hey man! What are you doing in your car with your hand on your chest? Are you watching something... erotic in there?"

This guy had to be joking. "Are you serious? What the fuck made you assume I was watching porn?!"

The red-headed man flashed a smile, rows of sharp teeth on display. "I'm just playing with you, man! It's almost time for the next period to start. We should probably head in now." The man pointed at the school entrance.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Katsuki shook a painkiller out from the medicine container, and swallowed it before joining Kirishima outside.

They walked silently side by side, until they reached the entrance of the school and Kirishima opened his mouth to talk. "Are you ready for the upcoming teacher conferences with the parents?"

"You mean am I ready to be berated by idiotic parents who think that I'm lying when I tell them their 'little angel' is actually a fucking demon in the classroom? Yeah, no thanks." Katsuki shivered just thinking about it. It was one of the worst times in the year, and Katsuki dreaded it every time it came up.

Kirishima let out a loud laugh, startling some wandering students.

As they walk towards Katsuki's classroom (Kirishima is still following him) Katsuki gets the urge to ask Kirishima for some advice.

"Hey, Shitty hair–"

"Mina! Good to see you!" Kirishima waves like a maniac.

Maniac #2 immediately comes out after noticing the two of them, and she greets them with a large smile.

Mina is the English teacher, and is currently teaching Katsuki's class while he's on prep.

Shitty hair and Racoon eyes used to date. It was weird, but what was even weirder was how long they lasted. A whole 2 days.

Katsuki was glad that they had broken it off. If they were somehow still together, they would have found some way to pull him into it. Complaining about the other, only talking about the other... it's safe to say that Katsuki would have dreaded every minute of it.

Well. Shitty hair is now engaged to dunce face, and Mina is happiest staying single, so at least they both found their happily ever after. The alpha can't say the same for himself, though.

"Cya later, Bakubro!" Kirishima called out with a brief wave.

Katsuki nodded in his direction. Figuring that asking Kirishima for advice would be useless now that he had gone, he turns to Mina.

"Mina, how would you feel if someone gave you a nickname?"

Mina stared at him incredulously. "I'd feel honoured, of course!"

"Even if it was a cutesy nickname?"

"Well, duh!" Mina looked at him pointedly. "Why are you asking?"

"Just 'cause." He shrugged.

" Well ," She drawled, "if someone gave me a nickname I'd give them one back."

Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Well, why not? If someone gave me a nickname wouldn't it be fun to give them one back?"

Katsuki muttered to himself, "Hm. So like leveling the playing field. I understand."

Mina looked at him like he was crazy, before changing the subject. "Bakubabe! You coming out tonight?"

"Huh? Coming... where?" Katsuki looked at her like she had somehow grown two heads.

Mina's jaw dropped, "Katsuki! Did you not read the texts on the group chat?" She whined loudly.

"I saw them. I just chose not to respond."

She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Well, you're coming tonight. Cosmo's at 8. Don't forget!"

Katsuki sighed and watched her leave before turning to enter his classroom.

The students were diligently doing their English work, but stopped to focus their attention on the alpha when they heard him enter.

Katsuki flashed them a cruel smile. "Alright class! Open your history textbooks and turn to page 157."

Izuku takes a deep breath, and releases it.


With this air he is releasing, he is also releasing all of the stress and negatives of this morning.


Izuku plasters a smile onto his face. Although his skin feels like plastic and his smile feels strained, he intends to keep it for as long as he needs.

Taking his key, he jiggles it around in the lock for a bit before the front door finally creaks open.

Izuku stops momentarily to mentally prepare himself before stepping into the dainty apartment.

"I'm home," he whispers to himself.

He took off his shoes and placed them down in the shoe-organizer compartment. The grocery bag crinkled as he set it onto the ground beside the shoe rack, leaving everything in it but the medicine and a chocolate bar.


Has someone broken in..? How did they know his name?

What about Aiko?!

The omega's head shot up at record speed. His eyes were widened in fear, and his right hand unconsciously clenched, trying to find something, anything that he could use to defend himself against this possible-intruder.

Izuku's felt as if his heart had stopped beating. His widened eyes relaxed slightly, and he brought a hand to his forehead. Leaning against the wall was none other than Izuku's friend, Todoroki.

"Shouto! You're still here?" He looked behind Todoroki, hoping to find some semblance of his precious daughter somewhere in the living room, but to no avail, she was not within eyeshot. He turned back to Todoroki. "How's Aiko? Has her fever gone down?"

Todoroki shook his head and raised one finger to his lip, as if telling Izuku to stay quiet. The tall omega then nodded his head, signaling Izuku to follow him.

Izuku followed closely behind, and what he saw made him have a physical reaction.

To stay quiet, he resisted the urge to let out loud "awws" and any other comments he wanted to make (particularly how absolutely adorable she looked), and instead chose to obsess over her cuteness to himself.

Aiko's mid-length dark green hair was sprawled around her like a halo. Her mouth was wide open, drool dripping out from the corner of her mouth. Aiko's arm was thrown lazily over her stomach, with her hand twitching every few seconds. What made Izuku want to swoon the most, however, was the object she held in her hands.

The object her fingers kept twitching on every couple seconds, was a heavily scented blanket. A heavily scented blanket with Izuku's scent.

His pup was so cute!

Her little nose scrunch, her quiet snores, her messy hair. He created one hell of a pup!

Suddenly, her eyes shot open. Izuku's fake smile instantly changed into a bright, real one. One that communicated his feelings of utter happiness and adoration for the small pup. Out of the corner of his eye, Izuku could see the small smile that graced Todoroki's face, as well.

"Mommy!" Aiko stretched her arms out, too lazy to get up, but demanding all the attention and cuddles that her mother could offer.

"Aiko!" Izuku complied, taking the small pup into his arms and settling onto the couch.

Todoroki piped up. "I suppose I can answer your questions now, seeing as she's awake."

Izuku smiled and nodded, "Is everything okay, Shouto?"

Todoroki raised an eyebrow, urging Izuku to provide more detail.

"I mean, you're still here. I thought you were only staying to check up on Aiko and then you would leave... I feel really bad, Shouto. It's been a few hours. Don't you have places you need to be?"

Todoroki shook his head with a soft smile on his face. "I'm my own boss Izuku, I can go into work whenever I feel like it." He placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder. The interaction was overall a bit awkward, as Izuku had already been sitting down meaning that Todoroki and his 5'10 self had to bend down awkwardly to place his hand. Not letting that deter Todoroki from speaking, he continued, "You have nothing to worry about. Besides, Aiko is good company."

The young girl gasped sweetly. "Did you hear that mommy?" Aiko hugged Izuku tighter, "He likes having me around!"

Internally, Izuku rolled his eyes— he rolled his eyes lovingly, of course. But regardless, he still rolled his eyes because for some odd reason (and one that Izuku does not know how it came to be) both his children had for some reason developed a weird sort of obsession towards the icy omega.

Todoroki had been there for him and for his two children in some of their darkest moments. He would never forget the time he first met Todoroki, nor the time Todoroki had offered him a job to help him get on his own two feet.

A friendship so beautiful had bloomed between them; so even if his kids happened to be a little obsessed to the point of it being weird, he would happily feed into their delusions. It would also benefit Izuku greatly when he needs to make an excuse when getting them to do things. Things like 'don't do what Todoroki wouldn't do!' or 'clean your room or i'll tell Todoroki!' goes a long way in ensuring his kids actually get things done.

All in all, Izuku was glad that his kids had a good role model, especially with Todoroki being absolutely filthy rich , having a respectable and renowned family and having a good job. Little Aiko had found herself a respectable omega to be her role model. Someone who defied societal expectations that were set up for them, and instead broke free from those expectations and found their own path.

A good role model that Izuku would never be.

Izuku had to cut his self-deprecating thoughts short once Aiko began to tug on his scent patch.

Aiko yawned and nuzzled her cheek against his, attempting to draw herself even closer to him. "Mama, want your scent..." she said between yawns.

Izuku caressed her head and looked up to give Todoroki a questioning look, wondering if Todoroki would be ok with him releasing his scent.

Todoroki simply gestured with his hands to go ahead, and Izuku tore the scent patches off soon after. He sighed and sunk deeper into the couch, arms tightening even more around his daughter who only purred in response.

"Izuku. Answer me honestly."

Izuku's half lidded eyes shot open, and he looked at Todoroki questionably. Todoroki's arms crossed and he sighed gently.

"When is your next heat? It's almost time, isn't it?"

Izuku's body grew rigid, and the expression on his face turned tense. His left eyebrow twitched with stress and his hands began to shake.

Suddenly, the room felt ten times hotter.

Izuku swallowed, and softly rasped out "It's... don't worry about it, Todoroki..."

"Izuku, I need to know if I am to help you." Todoroki smiled gently, trying to reassure him.

The room had grown silent, save for the only sound being of Aiko purring softly.

"You don't need to help me, Shouto." Izuku meant for it to come out softly, nicely , except it ended up sounding more sharp and rude than anything else.

"Izuku, you have nothing to worry about. You're not at that place anymore. You have friends , we can help you." Todoroki placed his hand atop of Izuku's shaking hands. "I can watch Haruto and Aiko for you. Ochako can bring you food, drinks, and everything else you need to sustain yourself during your heat. You're not alone anymore, Izuku."

Izuku looked away for a moment. "Thank you Shouto. I appreciate all you've done for me. But... Please don't let small things like this concern you. I'm fine. And I'll be fine when the time comes."

"But Izuku... this one will be hard for you..."

Izuku gives him a sad smile, "I know."

Todoroki searches his eyes for a moment, before giving up and sighing. "I'm going to go now." He lifts a hand in a wave before leaving the two omegas on the couch.

Once the door clicks shut signalling Todoroki's departure, Izuku rubs his scent glands before letting as much scent out as possible, not bothering to keep it to himself any longer as it is currently just Aiko and him.

Izuku's scent of strawberry, peach, and peony blossoms immediately spread throughout the room, imbedding itself inside the surfaces of the furniture, and creating a comforting atmosphere. In particular, it surrounded Aiko like a warm hug, and provided more comfort and love on top of Izuku's arms surrounding her.

Aiko began to purr more loudly than before, happy to have her mother with her once again.

Izuku made sure to give Aiko the cold medicine, before falling into a deep sleep alongside his daughter. Izuku joined her in purring, and chose to ignore the notion of his upcoming heat in favour of purring away all his worries.

Izuku was outside his house when the scorching heat suddenly overcame him, coming out of nowhere.

Bringing a hand to his forehead, he figured the fire possessing his body was nothing but a mere fever. Or even the effects of walking all the way home with the sun beating down on him relentlessly on this hot summer day.

Izuku had entered his house when the dizziness began.

Again, brushing it off as nothing, Izuku tried to regain his standing and focus on not tripping before continuing his way into the house.

His cheeks were now flushed, burning a bright red with droplets of sweat running down his forehead. He passed by a mirror, and saw how crazed his eyes looked. They were out of focus and red. His hair was messy, tousled from running his hands through them one to many times.

He was looking in this mirror when he felt a sticky wetness trail down his thighs.

Suddenly, the unexpected heat, the uncontrollable sweat, the disorientation and dizziness, and the slick dribbling down his legs all began to make sense.

He was in heat.

He was in heat!


Cheeks blushing a deeper shade of red than they already were, he ran up to his bedroom with a hand in between his thighs as if that would stop the amount of slick gathering in his underwear.

How did Izuku not know?! How did he not realize— no wonder he felt so sick all day today at school! His body was preparing itself for his first heat!

He finally reached his bedroom, and he was quick to slam the door behind him. He ran into his bed, and curled up under the covers.

His heat was here... but now what?

Izuku acknowledged a throbbing heat between his thighs. He bit his lip, unsure of what to do.

It was a very unusual feeling, not one that he was used to, so he took out his phone. He opened up google and searched [why is there a feeling of throbbing between my thighs?]

That search received many results, but one answer stood out the most to the curious omega.

[throbbing coming from in between the thighs could be a sign of arousal]


[How to cure arousal]

There were many results, ranging from [What is arousal] to [How to get aroused] but none explicitly helped with the question that Izuku searched for.

Until he came across a video.

A very graphic video.

It featured a male omega, their head thrown back in ecstasy and a hand in between their thighs. In the video, the omega is shown bringing their hand down and firmly circling it around their clit. Their eyes half lidded, their lips parted as they let out various loud noises.

Izuku was very confused. What did this have to do with arousal?

The throbbing between his legs was getting stronger. More intense, to the point that Izuku couldn't ignore it any longer.

He paused the video, and brought a hand down and placed it on his pelvis, above the throbbing-feeling.

Izuku closed his eyes, and decided to copy what the omega in the video was doing. He took a deep breath, and put a tentative hand atop his clit.

With a breathy gasp, Izuku's eyes widened at the brand new feeling he was experiencing.

More slick gushed out of him at this action. He took his bottom lip in his teeth once again and hesitantly trailed a finger starting from the top of his clit down to where his folds were located.

His eyes squeezed shut as a whimper escaped him. His thighs closed shut involuntarily as he began to tease a finger around the inside of his folds.

Breathy gasps escaped him, and sounds he never knew he could make surprised him when they burst through his lips. He had never imagined that something like this would feel so good.

He sped up his actions, rubbing in between his thighs and using another hand to circle his clit.

A warm heat was gathering at his core, he was unfamiliar with the feeling but he welcomed it wholeheartedly.

He was beginning to grow desperate. He was dizzy off heat and whatever this action was— arousal, and it was clouding his mind, the only thought in his mind being faster faster faster faster faster

His moves became more erratic the closer he got to the end. His head was thrown back, cheek squished against his pillow with both of his hands moving in tandem to bring him his release.

He could feel it. The white hot release. He was so close— just a few more strokes.


Izuku's eyes flew open, although this time it was from fear, not arousal.

His door had been slammed open.

His eyes refocused, and he was able to make out his mother's figure standing at the doorway. From the smell of her scent, she was absolutely pissed. If there was one thing Izuku hated the most, it was angering his mother.

"What do you think you're doing? Haven't I told you to never act on your instincts?!"

From the sharp tinge in her scent, Izuku suspected that she was drunk.

"You omegas and your stupid g'damn heats. Absolutely filthy." She spat.

Izuku slowly moved his hands from where they rested in between his thighs, so that they were now laying by his side.

"Don't think I didn't see what you were doing, omega." His mother made way towards him, feet thundering as she came at record speed.

She grabbed his hands and squeezed tight, to the point where Izuku worried he would lose circulation in his hands.

"Ma—mother, that hurts... please let go of me..." Izuku was confused. Wasn't this normal? Why was she mad?

"Maybe I should leave you outside. You'll learn your lesson after triggering alphas with the scent of your... abomination."

"What— Why? Mother, you're scaring me..." Izuku whimpered solemnly, unsure why she was acting like this.

"You omegas are all dirty. Fucking filthy." She spat, "Bet you wouldn't care who was fucking you, filling up that hole of yours until you're knocked up and gone fucking stupid from the pleasure."

"Mama, what did I do? Please tell me and I'll make it right." He pleaded desperately, his eyes shining with tears.

Her eyes finally met his. Her face was void of emotions, the only thing betraying how she really felt was her eyes. They were filled with unbridled rage.

"What did you do?! This! Everything you do! Omegas are good for nothing in this world besides popping out pups and being good little housewives." She lowered her voice into a whisper, and although her words were slurred from the alcohol, Izuku could still hear her as she said, "You should've never been born."

Izuku became frozen. He knew his mother disliked him but this... this was just pure, unadulterated hate. Hatred for who he was, for what he was.

She raised a hand and slapped him. His head turned to the side, his cheek stinging. More tears gathered in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.

"You will not, and will never act on those instincts. Do you hear me? If I so much as see you give in to your heat instincts, into your omegan instincts..." She paused, her eyes setting on something.

She looked back at Izuku before grabbing the item. It was rope from when he used it to sneak out. He had forgotten to put it away after a night of fun, and now she had spotted it.

His heart dropped. He could sense what was coming next, but he so desperately hoped that she would somehow have a change of heart.

But after all, it was only wishful thinking.

As she tied his hands together, and tied them onto the bed post, he realized that this was to ensure that he would not be able to give in to his instincts, and to ensure that he would not be able to touch himself.

"I hope this serves as a lesson." She said tightly before leaving the room, slamming the door and leaving him in darkness once again.

For the rest of the night, and for the 3 days that his heat remained, he was unable to touch himself. Unable to feed himself. Unable to do anything.

For the remaining days of his heat, the only sounds that left his room were the sounds of whimpers, whines, and the keens of a pup desperate to be forgiven by its mother.

He should've never given into his instincts.



" Mommy !"

"I'm awake, I'm awake..." Izuku mumbled before his eyes suddenly flew open. He noticed he was being frantically shaken by his distressed daughter. The scent of sore milk being emitted from her.

"Aiko, what's wrong?" Izuku grabbed her shoulders and looked her over, looking for any signs of injuries or discomfort.

"Mommy! Did Aiko make you sick?" Aoki's bottom lip jutted out in a pout, her eyes shimmering with tears that have yet to fall.

"Aiko, sweetie... Mommy feels fine." Izuku tried to give her a convincing smile, but on the inside he felt numb. He vowed to keep that memory locked away, but it would always persist in his nightmares.

Aiko lets out a sob. "You— you started sweating r, really bad, and you had this— this scared look on your face!" her chest heaves as she lets in a watery breath, "I, I'm s, sorry, mommy! I promise I didn't mean to..."

Izuku's mouth gapes open. He blinks before what she says sets in. "Aiko! No. No, no, no. You didn't do anything!" The omega's arms circle his daughter's small body before pulling her into a tight hug.

Her face was squished between his chest, but he could still hear her devastating sobs. She shook as she cried and nuzzled into his body as if trying to get even closer to him.

Izuku released calming pheromones to help his daughter, and after a few minutes she seemed to be feeling better as she was only letting out a few watery hiccups.

"Aiko, you didn't make mommy sick. Even if I was sick, we would've been sick together." Izuku smiles softly down at the young girl, "Cuddling together, watching movies all day, eating ice cream together, wouldn't that be so fun?" Izuku tickled his daughter's side causing her to burst into giggles.

"Mommy, stop!" She laughed.

"You could never do anything to hurt me, Aiko." He kissed the top of her head, and a bright smile from Aiko gave Izuku the reassurance that she was ok.

She looked down shyly and brought a finger to play with the hem of Izuku's shirt, "I kind of want you to be sick now..."

Izuku bursted out into laughter. It seems Aiko liked the idea of all the fun things he listed off!

Izuku looked down at his daughter, his laughter subsiding somewhat, "Let's go pick up Haruto!"

"—And then, Daiki called for the teacher!" Haruto moved his hands wildly as he recounted a story from something that happened today. Izuku smiled at his animated son.

"Why did Daiki call the teacher?" Aiko asked curiously, stars in her eyes as she looked at her older brother.

"I dunno." He shrugged, "He's a snitch, I guess?"

"A snitch!" She gasped before turning to Izuku, "Mommy, what's a snitch?"

Izuku bit his bottom lip before something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention.

"Who wants ice cream?"

"Me!" Aiko exclaimed, bouncing on her feet excitedly.

Izuku vowed to keep his daughter's innocence. He did not want to get a call home from Aiko's preschool teacher telling him that she was calling all her friends snitches. Izuku hoped that ice cream would make her forget about the word "snitch".

Izuku walked into the ice cream parlour with his children. Aiko gasped and ran to the front counter to look around eagerly at the abundance of flavours that she couldn't wait to choose from.

Haruto glanced around curiously as well, but chose to stay by Izuku's side instead of viewing the ice cream flavours up close.

"How was school, Haruto?"

The young alpha looked startled for a second, before sighing loudly.

"Teach is driving me crazy! He keeps on assigning so much work." Haruto let out a breath of air, "Just today, he assigned us a 1,000 word history essay! Can you believe that?"

Izuku ruffled his son's curly hair, the nearly perfect white locks now a mess. Haruto grumbled but allowed his mother to mess up his hair.

"Don't worry, Haruto. You can do it!" Izuku cheered. Haruto rolled his eyes but his ears gave him away as they turned a bright pink.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Aiko bounced excitedly, trying to get the attention of her mother.

Izuku's smile widened, "Yes, Aiko? Figure out what flavour you want?"

"Yes!" She beamed, "Mint chocolate chip!"

Izuku patted Aiko on the head before asking Haruto what he wanted.

"Strawberry." He mumbled.

Izuku went up to order, but when it came time to pay he realized he had accidentally forgotten his wallet at home.

He sheepishly looked up at the person working. "I'm sorry... I think I forgot my wallet at home." He turned to his kids, "Haruto, Aiko—"

"Hold on," The employee said. "Here, I'll pay for you."

"No! It's ok, you don't have to do that."

"No worries," The worker smiled, "I want to."

The employee got Haruto and Aiko's ice creams ready before handing them to the two children to eat and enjoy.

"I hope you guys enjoy the ice creams," The employee said.

The children thanked the employee before digging into their ice creams. In the first few seconds that Aiko had her ice cream, she had already gotten it all over her face.

"Thank you so much. I promise, I'll repay you!" Izuku said, waving bye to the employee.

Izuku and his kids enjoyed a nice sunny afternoon at a nearby park before retiring home when it got dark out.

The omega considered this day to be successful, and was ready to take the next day head on without his past holding him back.

"What the fuck am I doing..." Katsuki groaned, placing his head down on the steering wheel. Was he actually about to enter this place?

He contemplated his options. He could call Kirishima and tell him he felt sick. Go home, and enjoy a nice evening rewatching his favourite childhood superhero show, The Adventures of All Might . But he already used that excuse last week, so he knew that it wouldn't work. And this little "quality time" that his friends had the great idea of has been a weekly occurrence since their graduation from high school. Which means he has to wait until next week to be able to use that excuse again so that it sounds believable.

On the other hand, Katsuki could say he had a date. His friends would be more than happy to let him go on it, as the last time he was on a date was... well, never. But then there would be questions . The last thing the alpha wanted was for his loud and rambunctious group of friends to ask him for the details of his supposed "date" and to be questioning him about his love life (or lack thereof).

He could always tell the truth... but then he would never hear the end of it from his friends.

"Shit..." He swore, clenching and unclenching his fingers on the steering wheel before lifting his head to look up at the lit up bar.

Katsuki examined the building, trying to prolong whatever time he had left in the safety of his car. The music from within the bar was so loud that Katsuki could feel the vibrations from his seat, and the pink neon decorating the sign reading "Cosmo's" was bright enough to make him nearly go blind if he stared at it for too long.

Katsuki hastily swallowed a painkiller from the bottle he kept in his car from this afternoon, when he was at the convenience store to stock up on his supply. Gods know he needs it, dealing with not only his loud friends, but his loud students too.

The bottle of the painkiller medicine brought back the memories of what happened in that convenience store, specifically the memory of when he bumped into the green haired omega.

Katsuki wanted to cringe from the awkwardness of the situation, but he also couldn't help wanting to see the omega again.

The omega had certainly left a strong impression on Katsuki if the irregular movements of his heart was anything to go off by, that was for sure.

Katsuki rubbed his temples before deciding that he would go in, in the end. But he would only be staying for an hour, max.

He would just have to make sure his friends didn't try to keep him out later than he had to. After all, it was only a Monday evening and he couldn't afford to have this little... excursion be the main cause of his messed up sleep schedule for the rest of the week.

"Bakubabe! You made it!" Mina exclaimed, causing a few people beside her to flinch from her eccentric personality and grumble from how loud she was, but the sound of the music drowned it out.

"Bakugo! Hey, man." Kirishima stood up and brought Katsuki into a "man hug," not forgetting to slap his back extra hard before sitting back down.

Katsuki acknowledged the few other extras before seating himself in the round booth beside his friends.

"Before you got here we were having a bit of a debate," Sero piped up.

"A debate, huh? What about?" Katsuki questioned. He flagged down a waiter and ordered himself a beer to start the night. He would definitely be needing a lot of alcohol if he wanted to get this over with painlessly.

"About whether or not you have a special someone !" Mina squealed.

"Who would've known... I didn't think I'd ever see the day that Katsuki would finally find someone to settle down with!" Denki, the always dramatic one, spoke loudly whilst bringing a hand up to wipe away the fake tear falling from the corner of his eye

Starting off the night real nice, huh? "Special someone?" Katsuki deadpanned.

"Yeah! Remember earlier when you asked me that question? The one about—"

Katsuki quickly cut her off before she could continue any further "Yeah. Yeah I know what you're talking about now stop , alright?" The alpha took a drink from his beer. "Let's talk about literally anything else, ok?"

"Don't worry Katsuki, it's ok to feel embarrassed!" Denki said, "You can tell us anything."

"And I am curious about what Mina was saying before you cut her off..." Sero added.

"Yeah!" Kirishima exclaimed, "We could even give you advice. Help you with courting, y'know, the good stuff!"

"No, that's alright—"

"Eijiro is right. Look at us, we're so happy! We could help you be happy with someone too!" Dunce face added. Kirishima wrapped an arm around Denki's waist before pulling him in. Katsuki grimaced as he witnessed Kirishima nuzzling Denki's neck as the omega giggled.

"Yeah. No thanks."

"Well, as I was saying before I was rudely cut off," Mina glared playfully at Katsuki, "You asked me about nicknames!"

"Nicknames?" Sero scoffed. "That's it? What's the big deal? He always calls us by nicknames."

"Right. I wonder if he even knows our actual names," Kirishima joked.

"Guys, it's Katsuki !" Mina said, trying to reason with the group. "He's not the one giving the nickname, some other cutie is calling him by a nickname. Don't you realize that Katsuki doesn't let just anyone give him a nickname?"

"You're lying!" Denki gasped dramatically.

"I'm not!" Mina laughed giddily, as if she had just won an award. An award for being the most goddamn annoying friend!

Four pairs of eyes snapped toward Katsuki in an instant. A mix between surprise, confusion, and question displayed on their faces. After a moment, Kirishima spoke up.

"That's crazy, Bakubro! Who's the special someone?"

"No one!" Katsuki said angrily.

Mina hummed thoughtfully, "Say, Katsuki, what exactly is the nickname?"


"Come on, tell us! I'm about to die from the suspense!"

"Don't die, babe!" Kirishima played around as his arms squeezed Denki even tighter to his side. Denki only laughed in response.

Ugh, what a bunch of saps.

"Anyways," Sero took a swig of his beer. "Tell us, man!"

Katsuki sighed and rolled his eyes, taking a moment before saying something.

He enjoyed his brief moment of peace before beginning, "Well... he calls me Kacchan."

Denki let out a weird sound, some sort of mixture between a gasp and a laugh. Kirishima's face contorts into shock, his eyes wide and lips even wider and his eyebrows were lifted up and seemed to almost disappear into his hairline. Sero on the other hand, is clapping his hands loudly as he laughs like a madman. Katsuki grunts and frowns harder.

"Are my ears playing a trick on me, or did Katsuki just say he let's the little cutie call him Kacchan ?" Mina squeals.

"Like... your special someone can call you that... without being threatened? Or just flat out murdered?" Kirishima questions curiously, eyes still wide.

Katsuki slammed his hand down, "Why would I threaten him?"

Sero laughed loudly, "So you admit it! There is a special someone."

Katsuki looked at his drink. Focusing on the ripples that the liquid made after the table shook from the force of Katsuki's hand hitting the surface, and the faint bitterness that was permeating from it. He thought about it for a moment. Special someone. Does he want a special someone? Does he want that omega to be his special someone?

"Not yet..." Katsuki mumbled.

"What was that?" Kirishima asks. Mina looks confused. The noise inside the establishment causes Katsuki's quiet reply to be drowned out by the liveliness within the bar.

"I said, not yet." He said a little louder.

"Sorry, bro. What'd you say? Speak a little louder." Denki said cheekily. When in fact, Katsuki knew that by the second time he repeated himself, they had all heard him. At this point, they were doing this just to get a rise out of him.

"Goddamnit, you deaf fuckers! I said he's not my omega yet! I don't even know his goddamn name ."

Suddenly, all the previous noise was silenced. Except for the noise of the bar, of course.

But in this small booth, not a single sound was made.

"So... he gave you a nickname, but you don't even know his name?" Mina asks.

"That's what I said, isn't it?" Katsuki sighs and closes his eyes, he runs a hand though his gel-filled hair and grimaces when he feels the familiar sticky sensation on his hand.

"Hm... maybe they're not as close as we thought." Denki whispered to himself.

"Maybe we misunderstood..." Mina replied, whispering loudly.

"Yes, you misunderstood, you fuckers! Now let's just talk about something else," Katsuki said quickly, desperate to talk about something else so he wouldn't have to continue thinking about that omega from earlier. How did he forget to ask for his name?!

The feeling of cold surrounded Izuku as he breathed out a puff of air and squeezed the hand that was connected with the small hand of Aiko. Aiko would be joining Izuku at his job, as he decided to bring her with him today as she was still recovering from her fever.

Izuku entered the small, but homey building of Second Love . The suddenness of the heat from within the building caused Izuku to shiver lightly.

The door shut loudly, causing a bell to chime. The tinkling of the bells notified Ochako, who was currently cleaning the tables, of their arrival.

"Izuku, hi! Right on time, as always!" Ochako's smile widened as she noticed the small girl beside Izuku, who was currently grasping his pant leg and hiding half her body behind Izuku.

"Aiko, say hi to Auntie Ochako." Izuku patted Aiko on the head softly, carding his fingers through the strands of her hair in a soothing manner. Aiko let out a tentative wave which only made Ochako's face stretch into an even wider smile.

Ochako finished the table she was cleaning and made her way over to where Izuku and Aiko stood near the entrance.

Ochako dropped down to Aiko's eye level and spoke enthusiastically, "Aiko! Welcome, welcome!" Ochako sent a curious look up at Izuku, as if questioning why Aiko was here instead of at preschool .

"She wasn't feeling well," he said lightly.

Ochako gasped gently. "We can't have that now, can we, Aiko? Say, why don't you follow me to have a seat and I can make you something really tasty!"

At the sound of something tasty (and an encouraging smile from Izuku), Aiko perked up and took a hold of the hand that Ochako had outstretched toward her. They made their way over to the counter, Aiko taking a seat near the cash register.

"I'm going to go get ready, I'll be right back!" Izuku called out, before leaving toward the employee-only room after hearing a faint 'ok' from Ochako who was currently focused on making a drink for Aiko.

Once there, Izuku opened his locker and took out an apron that looked semi-clean and tied it securely, making sure it looked neat. In the mirror on his locker, he gave himself a once over before noticing a spark of yellow behind him.

Raising an eyebrow, Izuku turned around only to see another employee who seemed to be texting someone at rapid speed. He must have a lot to say, huh?

As if having a feeling that he was being looked at, the other omega looked up. Their eyes met, yellow meeting green, and a bright smile overtook the man's features.

"Hello! My name's Denki— I'm new here! This will be my.." The omega paused to count his fingers, "This will be my third shift!"

Izuku was happy to see another omega working at Second Love , and decided that he wanted to be friends with him. "My name's Izuku, it's nice to meet you." Izuku offered him a small smile.

"You're so nice! Let's be friends!"

Although Izuku had said nothing but a total of 8 words, the other omega had already concluded that he was nice, and that they should be friends. Izuku wasn't opposed to the idea, so he smiled and agreed.

Before leaving the locker room, the blond omega turned around quickly to slam his locker shut. The sound of things crashing and falling was loud in the quiet locker room, and the sudden sound of it made Denki blush as if from embarrassment.

Denki linked his arm within Izuku's, and they walked out from the locker room together.

"Seems like you've met Denki! This will be your first shift together, right?" Ochako spoke from her spot at the counter as she coloured on some pages with Aiko that she had originally brought out to keep the child entertained.

Denki gave her an enthusiastic 'yep,' and spoke with her some more before joining Izuku at the counter as customers started coming in.

"Need help at the front counter, Izuku?" Denki asked as he saw the growing line of customers, Izuku nodded and gave him a small smile in thanks.

It had been almost 2 hours since Izuku's shift started, and the time was now 10:30. He and Denki had talked for the majority of the shift, and found they had a lot of things in common. Izuku was even able to get his number! Izuku was happy to have a new friend; especially as Denki was a fellow male omega like himself.

"How has it only been two hours," Denki groaned tiredly.

"Don't worry, Uncle Denki! You can do it!" Aiko cheered, taking a moment away from colouring on a page to give Denki some words of encouragement.

Denki cooed almost immediately, already in love with the small child. "Izuku, your daughter is so cute. She's making me want one of my own."

"You should rethink that idea, raising a kid is a lot of hard work!" Izuku laughed. Denki laughed in response.

Just then, the door to the bakery jingled with the sound of the bells, signalling the entrance of a customer. As the morning rush had eased down significantly with the help of Denki at the front counter, the bakery had been empty for a bit so the sudden intrusion of a customer had them all perking up.

With his impenetrable glare, his slick backed hair, and the suit straining to contain his muscles, the customer who came in was none other than the explosive blond Izuku had nicknamed "Kacchan."

"Is that... Man, what a coincidence!" Denki laughed to himself at the same time Izuku had called out 'Kacchan!'

Katsuki's eyes were locked on viridian green, the sudden high pitched tone of a "Kacchan" reaching his ears. Izuku's bright smile caused Katsuki to feel flustered, his glare faltering just a fraction.

"Wait... Kacchan?" Denki whispered, almost to himself. Izuku noticed a calculating look on his face, but thought nothing of it.

Suddenly, the eyes that were once glued onto Izuku's shifted to beside him, where Denki stood.

"Dunce face!" The blond boomed, Izuku jumped at the sudden volume, and Aiko's head swiveled to observe what had caused the disturbance. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He continued.

"Um... I work here?" Denki rubbed the back of his neck. "You surprised?"

Katsuki's jaw dropped open. "Surprised? Of course I'm fucking suprised!"

Suddenly, Katsuki glanced down at his shoes where a crayon had fallen off the counter, and rolled toward him knocking into his foot. Aiko had reached out for it, staring up at him with wide red eyes. "What are you looking at?!" he snapped.

Aiko didn't look fazed as she picked up her crayon, which caused Izuku to be confused because ever since... She has avoided alphas like the plague, not wanting to be within a few meters of an alpha. However, Izuku gasped loudly, "Kacchan! Don't talk to her like that."

"What? Whoever her parents are should have a tighter leash on her." Katsuki grumbled to himself, "Irresponsible parents."

"How are her parents irresponsible?" Izuku questioned, eyebrows raised in anticipation of how Katsuki would answer.

"Well, she's left unattended at the counter, is she not?" Katsuki crosses his arms.

Izuku could tell that Katsuki wasn't angry. Not at him, atleast. Katsuki was most likely just annoyed at who he assumed were Aiko's neglectful parents, and Izuku was happy that Katsuki cared that much— even if Aiko isn't his kid, that he would go out of his way to make sure that she was taken care of.

However, Izuku's omega was not happy at the insinuation that he was neglecting his child.

"Kacchan. She is my daughter." Izuku spoke firmly, before his face completely melted into a smile when he turned to look at his daughter. "Aiko, sweetie, why don't you go play in the booth over there," He points at a small corner near the front of the cafe, surrounded with plants, and directly beside a window letting in the faintest hints of sunlight through the blinds. Aiko nodded and picked up her crayons and paper, quick to follow her mother's request.

Ochako, who was cleaning tables, stopped what she was doing with her rag in midair, trying to see what all the commotion was.

Izuku's eyes were burning into Katsuki's, observing every slight movement the blond let out. Izuku watched as the man gulped solemnly, as if realizing his mistake.


Smelling his distress, Denki quickly stepped in. "Uh— what would you like today, at Second Love ?"

Katsuki looked back and forth between the two omegas, before sighing and saying his order.

After several moments after receiving his drink, Katsuki just stands still, eyeing Izuku cautiously.

Izuku raised an eyebrow, but waited for Katsuki to speak first.

"I just... wanted to apologize. It was stupid of me to accuse you of being a bad parent... so, uh— sorry..."

From the moment the blond alpha first insinuated that Izuku was a bad mother left his omega on edge and Izuku with a bad taste in his mouth. Izuku's distressed scent was so strong that it permeated past the boundaries of his scent patches.

Instead of dwelling on his anger any longer, Izuku takes a deep breath before a smile overtakes his face.

"Don't worry Kacchan. It's alright!"

"A- are you sure?"

"Yes! In fact, I just wanted to say thanks for even caring that much about a child who isn't even yours. I know that not most alphas would care that much about a pup by themselves."

"Oh." Katsuki scratched the back of his neck as if embarrassed, "You're... welcome?"

"Well, you better get going. Don't want to be late for wherever you have to be!"

"Right. Well, thanks for the coffee," Katsuki quickly looked down, staring particularly hard at the nametag on Izuku's chest before looking back up. "Thanks, Deku."

"De.... who?" Izuku's mouth gaped, confused, but it was too late as Katsuki was already at the entrance to leave.

Meanwhile, Denki was crackling as if it was the funniest thing he had seen.

"Wow! So he really doesn't know your name, huh?" Denki said whilst wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

Izuku huffed dramatically before letting himself laugh a bit, too.

After the moment passed, Ochako took Izuku's hand. "Izuku, I think you should take a half-day off..." Ochako said finally.

"Ah— no Ochako, it's okay!" Izuku said, before realizing that his distressed scent must still be lingering in the cafe. "I have another scent patch, I'll just go quickly and put it on..."

"No, it's not that. I can see that you need the reassurance of your children and nest." Ochako smiled, "We can handle the cafe while you're gone. You don't need to worry."

Denki smiled and patted Izuku on his shoulder. "That experience may have ended positively, but you should probably rest a bit. Don't worry, we have you covered here."

Izuku stared at them for a moment before smiling softly and taking his apron off. He quickly went to his locker before coming out and taking Aiko by the hand to begin their journey home.

On the way home, his mind was only full of nest, Aiko, Haruto, comfort, and alpha .

Wait... alpha?!

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