.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Ma...

By ChrisWolfblood

145K 4.9K 764

Athena Hadley. Like everyone in 2, force fed with the ideas of grandeur and fame. Only for her life to collap... More

-Athena Hadley-
-Finnick Odair-
-Messing Around-
-Victory Tour-
-Heart To Heart-
-''Everything for Cato.''-
-Going Home-
-Leap Of Faith-
-ChatGPT Shenanigans-
-Late Night Burden-
-Oh please-
-''They are still bloody''-
-''Why are you not asking away?''-
-Late For Secrets-
-Act Fool-
-She Could Kill Them-
-Cato Hadley-
-''I'm sorry''-
-''I take it that you ran into her.''-
-Tree Tumble-
-''I am happy for you''-
-Reaping Of The 75th-
-''This is worth it''-
-Training II-
-First Day-
-Blood Rain-
-''Yeah, thanks.''-
-''Love is weird''-
-Interview II-
-''I'll be''-
-Rocky Meeting-
-''I am not the mockingjay''-
-Not Tonight-
-''When has anyone protected you?''-
-Lashing Out-
-Gods Of War-
-Only Love Can Hurt Like This-
-Sent Out-
-Joining The Fight-
-Oil Bath-
-Epilogue I-
-Epilogue II-
-Epilogue III-
-Epilogue IV-
-Epilogue V-
-Epilogue VI-
-Epilogue VII-
-Epilogue VIII-
-Epilogue IX-
-Epilogue X-
-Epilogue XI-
-Epilogue: Ares-
-Fun Facts-

-''When we see each other.''-

1.2K 33 10
By ChrisWolfblood

(Fun fact: Lovely day to know that after this chapter, the Capitol will have Athena, isn't it jessiesgirlisgay? We worked so hard on what could happen too her.)

"I have a plan." Wiress said as everyone gathered to form a tight knit circle around her. "Where do the other careers feel safest?"

"The jungle, that's for sure." Athena filled in, leaning onto a tree. "But it should be the beach if we look at this logically.

"Then why are they not here?" Peeta asked. "I never saw them since they attacked us."

"Because we are here you idiot." Johanna said. "We claimed it this place as our camp but trust me, I am sure if we left then would be back here."

"Or stay hidden in the tree line until we come back." 

"Which in just over four hours will be soaked with water from the ten hours wave." 

"And what happens at midnight?" Wiress said to break them up and steer the talk back too her plan.

"Lightning strikes that tree." Katniss pointed towards the tree, behind right behind them

"Here's what I came up with." Wiress said, drawing what she said into the sand "We take a page from how Beetee had won his game. To do that we need to, leave the beach at dusk and head to the lightning tree." She pointed at the tree drawn into the sand. " That should draw them back too the beach. Prior too midnight we then run this wire from the tree to the water. Anyone in the water or on the damp sand will be electrocuted."

Finnick touched the sand, smearing the wet grains between his fingers.

"How do we know the wire's not gonna burn up?" Johanna was the voice of pessimism in this part of the plan. "It is a long length of wire and it could snap because of the lightning shock.

"Because I know it won't, Beetee invented it and it won't burn up, he never makes mistakes when it comes to this."


The time drew near, Johanna calling out to Peeta and Katniss that had huddled away from the group

"Minimal charring." Wiress explained too anyone that would be near to listen, as sad as she was, she was also happy to talk too them about what Beetee created. "It's an impressive conductor. Let's get started.... Typically a lightning strike contains five billion joules of energy. We don't want to be anywhere in the vicinity when this hits."

She looked up at Katniss and Peeta joined.

"You two, go together now." She told Athena and Katniss "Take this, unspool it carefully. Make sure the entire coil is in the water. You understand? Then head to the tree at the two hour sector, we'll meet you there."

"I'm going with them." Peeta said, suddenly more on edge since he talked alone with Katniss, both also because Katniss would be sent off with the woman that tried to kill her at the start.

"No, no, no. You're gonna stay here to protect me and the tree." Wiress said. "With dear Mags here I need more people to protect me and Athena is the best fighter here, she will keep Kartniss safe on her own."

"No, I need to go with her." He insisted.

"There are three careers out there. I need two guards myself and then there is Mags, Peeta. We need you, Johanna and Finnick here if we want this to be successful."

"Finnick and Johanna can protect you just fine on their own."

"Why can't Athena stay with you and Peeta and I'll take the coil?" Katniss said, really not wanting the career with her, planning to abandon the group with Peeta after midnight.

"You all agreed to this, I need you to keep us safe so we can set up?"

"It's her plan. We all agreed too it Peeta." Finnick grabbed his shoulder to comfort him.

"Is there a problem here?" Johanna asked, getting worked up with all the back and forth.

"Excellent question." Athena said, sensing there was something that was not being said.

"No. There's no problem." Katniss said before kissing Peeta. "I'll see you at midnight."

"Alright, lets go." Athena added before looking at Johanna. "Be careful, see you later."

"Yeah, see you." Despite the situation, Athena still had a step back, not even letting Johanna have this kiss, just smiling at her.

"When we see each other." She promised, she'd build up the courage until then.

"Alright." Johanna couldn't help the smile. "I love you."

"When we see each other." Athena promised once again, if this works, she'll stop being a coward for the little time she'll still have to live... She'll stop being a coward.


Finally the wire was dropped into the salty water by Katniss as Athena stood guard.

She was fighting with herself, knowing this would be a great chance for her vengeance to finally be fruitful.

"Move it." She said, herding Katniss back into the forest. "I want to put as much distance between me and this beach as possible. Frying is not how I want to go." She told the girl

"Neither do I." Katniss admitted before tripping a bit on the wire, normally nothing would have happened but it came rolling down.

Athena crouched down, squinting to see in the setting night.

"It was cut." She said looking at the frayed ends while standing, making her hands into fists.

"There's something coming!" Katniss said quickly arming an arrow but before anything else could be done, not even having the time to pull the arrow back, the hard gauntlet-ed fist hit her on the back of the head.

Athena tackled her down and covered her mouth.

She grabbed her wrist with her others while Katniss was still dazed, feeling around before grabbing it with her gloved hand and slashing down with her gauntlet, digging her claws in, Katniss screaming.

"Sssh shut up!" She hissed, reaching up, blood covering her face while Athena covered it with her hands, the blood dripping down her chin and neck. "And stay down."

She stood, seeing those she didn't miss, whipping up a rock from the ground and throwing it at them, hearing Cashmere yell out as the rock hit her while Athena ran down the hill and way, pulling them away from Katniss, hoping she'd listen for once.

She ran herself out to the sand before looking at the three of them.

"So you have finally come after me." She stated, lifting her arms and bending her knees.

"You will die tonight traitor!" Gloss said, him stepping out too the left while Brutus stayed put, Cashmere moving too the right.

"I think there's been some confusion..." She held up her index fingers as a warning before shrugging with her arms held up. "I'm not the one in trouble here."

"What?" Gloss asked confused.

"There are only three of you." She rolled her shoulders and neck. "You'll need more then that."

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