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By Maeve_Lavelle

235K 10.8K 1.8K

š€š„ššš«š¢šœ I was broken. I was deceived. I was betrayed. I was familiar only with emotions of pain and ange... More

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2.4K 152 25
By Maeve_Lavelle

I still couldn't believe that I actually agreed to her request. What the fuck happened to me? Forgiving others was never my specialty. Granting someone a second chance? Nah! That was a foreign concept to me. Yet, against all odds, I found myself going to great lengths for her.

That tiny human had managed to disrupt every fiber of my existence.

Lena had somehow found a way to crack the wall I had built around my heart, and it wouldn't be long before she obliterated them completely and that thought filled me with a sense of apprehension. Lena possessed a natural kindness and goodness that wasn't in my realms.

Would she still embrace me once she discovered the depths of the darkness within me? Would she still embrace me once she uncovers the depths of my dark secrets? Could she possibly accept me once she learned about my true intentions towards her? even though things were different now. Will she find it in her heart to accept me, knowing the real me ?

I was devil. I was dirty. I was used. My soul was broken. My heart was frozen.

And there was she an angel wrapped in a white innocence. She was filled with warmth and happiness.

However, I couldn't ignore the way my shattered soul flames with an undeniable intensity every time our eyes met.She had a mysterious charm, something indescribable yet utterly enchanting...I couldn’t wrap my finger around, but something that made me almost feel…human. she awakened some inexplicable emotion deep within the cavernous void of my heart.

I couldn't bring myself to acknowledge this emotion. Call me a coward if you like, but I simply didn't give a fuck. I couldn't allow the history to repeat itself. The thought haunted me, what if she decided to walk away from me? What if she suddenly realised I wasn't good for her? What if she found another person...someone who truly deserved her?

I wouldn't be able to bear that pain once more. The scars from my past still weighed heavily on my heart. I was just protecting myself from that soul-wrenching pain by not giving name to these feelings and emotions.

She was mine, yet I knew I could never hold her back if she ever chose to walk away. So instead, all I wanted was to cherish every moment I had with her. I desired to fulfill all her every small and big dreams, to be the cause of her happiness and the sparkle in her eyes.

I longed to be the reason behind every breath she took and every beat of her heart. I yearned to immerse her deeply...so deeply in my soul that she would forever remain mine, with me, even if she decided to leave.

I abruptly paused my thoughts as I heard a knock resonating through my door. Immediately, I straightened my posture and said,


As the door swung open, a surge of anger coursed through my veins upon witnessing the person who dared to enter. However, I suppressed my fury as I laid eyes on her--Lilliana, clad in a black trench coat and scarf was wrapped around her neck, approached me with an enticing stride.

Maintaining a stoic expression, I asked her roughly, "What the fuck are you doing here, Lilliana?"

Instead of responding, she approached me and stood infront of my table, leaning down she placed her palm on the edge of the table. I instinctively leaned back as she seductively fluttered her eyelashes at me.

"I've been missing you like crazy ever since you left! I couldn't stop thinking about you." She whispered, biting down her lower lip.

I felt nothing by watching her except disgust. There existed just one enchantress who held my every longing, my sweet Angel. Every ounce of my being ached to caress her, my body and soul crave to touch her.

I leaned forward and placed my elbows on the table and interwined my fingers. I looked at with cold face and said in a hard voice, "Lilliana, It would be highly advisable for you to leave from here without delay if you know what's good for you."

Fear flashed across her eyes momentarily, though she swiftly concealed it. "You wouldn't want me to leave once you see this, Master." She proceeded to unbuttoned her trench coat and peeled it off from her body. She pulled out her scraf and throw it away as she stood completely naked in front of me except...the belt that clasped around her neck...my belt which I had unintentionally left at her placed that day.

My hands tightened into fists as I watched her parting her legs as much as she could while standing, her wetness gliding down on her inner thighs.

Lilliana brought her one hand up and caressed her breast. Her other hand glide over her stomach then went down to her wet core. That was the final straw, testing the limits of my patience. In one swift motion, I stood up and marched towards her.

I gripped the strap of the belt and wrapped around my hand as I tugged hard on it, tightening the grip on her neck. I restricted her breathing, causing her eyes to widen in fear while she let out painful whimpers but I didn't miss the hind of excitement and pleasure in her eyes.

Offcourse this bitch enjoyed pain but I had no intention of granting her any satisfaction. I pulled harder on the belt, observing her squirming like a fish out of water. Desperate, she tried to grab my hand, but I swiftly caught both of her hands with my other hand and forcefully twisted them behind her back.

Lilliana let out a cry of pain, and her eyes filled with a mix of tears, fear and terror, just what I wanted.

"Lilliana," her teary eyes snapped up to me. "Now, listen to me very carefully because I'm going to say this once. You were my whore, and whatever we had between us was over a month ago. I don't want to do anything with you anymore. So, you better get the hell out here , Lilliana, because if you don't, I guarantee you will rue the day you were born." I menacingly declared, my every word oozing with fury. Lilliana wept, desperately clawing at her throat in a futile attempt to catch her breathe. She knew very well that I wasn't bluffing; I possessed the power to destroy her with a mere flick of my finger.

With a final harsh tug of belt on her neck, I began to distance myself from her. But my eyes fell behind Lilliana, an overwhelming terror coursed through my veins. My heart sank, leaving me breathless and unable to remember to inhale.

Fuck. No.

There she stood, at the door, appearing utterly shattered and delicate. Tears cascaded down her cheeks. I glanced down to see the position I found myself in: Slightly leaning over Lilliana's naked body.

The belt encircling her neck remained tightly gripped in my hand. In an instant, reality struck me with the force of lightning, as I comprehended that my Angel had gravely misconstrued this situation.

I hurriedly moved away from Lilliana, quickly closing the gap towards my Angel. However, the moment she glimpsed my approach, Lena swiftly fled away. I dashed after her without any delay.

I heard them talking, but none of the words made sense to me. My attention gravitated solely towards the scene unfolding before me, Alaric..leaning over a naked woman, while his belt coiled around her throat. The belt strap firmly encircled his hand as he uttered words to her.

Bringing a shaky hand to my mouth, I tried to control my breathing. But it felt like my world had just ended around me. I knew I could never stop Alaric from having another women and I had made a peace with it, but there was a small part of me always believed that he would never do something like that to me.

Why me?

I saw Alaric moving away from the unknown woman, his eyes meet mine and numerous emotion flashed through them. I saw him approaching me but I turned around and blindly ran to my cabin. I couldn't take this, it was hurting so bad . I didn’t want to believe it.

Not Alaric. Not my Alaric.

He wouldn't do that. He cared…I saw it in his eyes.

I heard heavy footsteps behind me, indicating that he was following. As I reached my cabin, I quickly stepped inside and tried to close the door. However, a veiny, ring-clad hand suddenly appeared, wedging the door open. Alaric forcefully pushed the door open, causing the impact to make my body swing backward as I struggled to regain my balance.

When I noticed Alaric taking another step towards me, I instinctively took a step back. It was the first time I had seen his eyes flicker with a sense of hurt, and he reached out a hand as if to offer comfort.

"Lena, it’s not what you think..." he started, but I quickly cut him off. His jaw ticked but stayed silent.

"What did you do with her?" I asked, my voice almost emotionless, hiding the true storm inside of me. Alaric swallowed nervously. His eyes shifted away for a few seconds, his hands tightening in fists.

"I didn't do anything with her. I'll explain everything but first you need to calm down, Angel." I shake my head as I tried to control my tear that were threatening to fall out.

He moved toward me, but I raised a hand, stopping him again. "Don’t come near me."

"Lena please, listen to me, Baby." He said almost pleadingly. "Let me explain."

"No, go away." I sobbed. Wiping away my tears harshly.

"It's not what you think." Alaric said. I hated that Alaric could made me feel this way. It shouldn't hurt this much.

He lurched forward, his arms wrapped around my waist, but I pushed him away, hard. He stumbled over his feet before quickly straightening up, his face a mask of complete bewilderment.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands." I yelled, my chest heaving with exertion. The room was filled with the sound of my heavy breathing, and I could see a hurt expression on Alaric's face.

"Let me explain for once. Please." He whispered. I let out a small harsh laugh, "Did you gave me chance to explain myself?" I asked coldly.

Alaric looked away.

"You did not." I whispered softly. "You were ready to punish me...again."

"I'm not lying, Lena. I didn't do anything with her. I've a proof." My eyes snapped up at him and I saw him doing something on his phone.

He placed the phone on the table that placed between us and started playing a video. It was footage from his office camera. I watched the entire video, witnessing Alaric telling her to leave, but she ignored him and instead began undressing. Alaric stood up in rage and threatened her to leave, while he was choking her just then, I came.

I looked up at to see he was already staring down at me. "Who was she?"

He paused at my question, his eyes closing tightly for a second. "Her name is Lilliana Diaz. She was my submissive for about four months before our marriage. I swear I did not do anything with her. I can never cheat on you, My Angel."  With an unwavering gaze, I fixated on his eyes, which seemed to hold the immutable essence of honesty.

Alaric's words resonated deep within me, as I knew he spoke only the truth. A profound realization washed over me - he had no need to deceive, for his power allowed him to effortlessly subdue me. Yet, with an unexpected grace, Alaric decided to explain.

"Please trust me, Angel." Alaric's tender plea resounded through the air as he took a deliberate step towards me, a rarity in his usually composed and cold demeanor. Silent and motionless, I stood, allowing the weight of his words to sink in.

Then, his arms encased me, enveloping me in an embrace that held both strength and vulnerability. His grip tightened around my waist, like unyielding bands of metal, creating an intimate connection between us. With a heartfelt sigh escaping his lips, the intoxicating essence of his scent overwhelmed my senses, leaving me utterly captivated.

"In this vast universe, it is you alone, Lena. The woman of my desires, whom I yearn to touch. Every fiber of my being—my body, my soul, and my heart—crave to caress, to feel is you and only you. My sweet Angel" Alaric whispered softly, placing a kiss on top of my head, his voice a melodic caress that echoed in the depths of my soul.

So, how was it?

Do tell me in the comment section if you liked this chapter and please don't forget to press the little star.

See you on the Monday.

I love you all❤️😻

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