.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Ma...

By ChrisWolfblood

145K 4.9K 764

Athena Hadley. Like everyone in 2, force fed with the ideas of grandeur and fame. Only for her life to collap... More

-Athena Hadley-
-Finnick Odair-
-Messing Around-
-Victory Tour-
-Heart To Heart-
-''Everything for Cato.''-
-Going Home-
-Leap Of Faith-
-ChatGPT Shenanigans-
-Late Night Burden-
-Oh please-
-''They are still bloody''-
-''Why are you not asking away?''-
-Late For Secrets-
-Act Fool-
-She Could Kill Them-
-Cato Hadley-
-''I'm sorry''-
-''I take it that you ran into her.''-
-Tree Tumble-
-''I am happy for you''-
-Reaping Of The 75th-
-''This is worth it''-
-Training II-
-First Day-
-Blood Rain-
-''Yeah, thanks.''-
-''Love is weird''-
-''When we see each other.''-
-Interview II-
-''I'll be''-
-Rocky Meeting-
-''I am not the mockingjay''-
-Not Tonight-
-''When has anyone protected you?''-
-Lashing Out-
-Gods Of War-
-Only Love Can Hurt Like This-
-Sent Out-
-Joining The Fight-
-Oil Bath-
-Epilogue I-
-Epilogue II-
-Epilogue III-
-Epilogue IV-
-Epilogue V-
-Epilogue VI-
-Epilogue VII-
-Epilogue VIII-
-Epilogue IX-
-Epilogue X-
-Epilogue XI-
-Epilogue: Ares-
-Fun Facts-


1.2K 39 0
By ChrisWolfblood

Athena was taken off guard for the first time in the arena, thrown off it by Katniss' scream before Peeta's arm swung down and sparks exploded from the vegetation that turned out to be the arena's wall, flung back through the air and, with her phenomenal luck....

"Fuck." She hissed, falling back as Peeta's body knocked her over with the harsh impact, him crumbling down.

"Peeta?!" Katniss crouched near, grabbing his face, shaking him. "Peeta!! He's not breathing!! He's not breathing!!"

Finnick had been staring at the hexagons that flickered back into creating an almost perfect looking fake forest before that cut his thought short, quickly putting Mags down and shoving Katniss away.

The girl armed an arrow but Athena threw her arm up from the ground, pushing herself into another backwards fall, flinging her hand out to grab the arrow out of her hold as she fell into the leaves, all seemed to be wet and green around them and yet they still crunched like dry leaves.

"I'll kill you right now if you'd dare!" She yelled, stabbing the arrow down into the ground, Katniss jumping back to not have her foot injured by the jab.

Despite the danger the now sitting victor promised, Katniss' gaze was on the weird thing Finnick was doing to Peeta, pressing on his chest, completely ignoring the threat and nearing Peeta again, crying in a whisper as Finnick loudly begged him to breathe.

Athena sat there, that impact left her sore so that must have been a harsh shock.

"I'm fine Mags." She pat the hand the old woman put on her shoulder, looking worried.

She offered a smile which the lady gave back, sighing once before she stood back up.

She walked around the little group as Peeta coughed, able to partially find it in her heart to be happy for him, as she walked too the fake wall.

This close up, there was a shimmer too it, a constant and regular shimmer, leaning her ear too it, a soft high pitch buzz was heard, there must be a lot of power in there.

She lifted her right hand, stupid idea forming... But then again....

Lifting it with flexed fingers, hovering barely an inch from it, Peeta's strike was huge and powerful and she saw damaged parts behind the fake image displayed.

She closed in the little distance, smacking her claws into it and her arm was flung back so hard that she was thrown in a spin and fell harshly on her front with an 'humph' escaping from her.

It had felt like a blast from an impact bomb used in the mines all concentrated into her hand, it felt numb from the shock sent through it.

"What the fuck Athena?" Finnick asked, incredulous as she sat up on her knees and shook her arm out before grabbing her forearm, it felt like bugs crawling under her skin while she looked at the little hexagon form back to the image of the forest.

"Calm Fish-brains." She said with an annoyed sigh. "I wanted to see if it was possible too even cause any damage too it without risking more then a sizzle too... You know." She looked up, knowing cameras were always on them. "Get out of here."

Sure she volunteered, sure she was at peace knowing she'd die in this arena but if there might be a way out, who wouldn't try it?

"Peeta's strike damaged it."

"Yeah but we can't create more damage without holding something to swing it at the wall, something big like a blade, Everdeen's arrows might only break the display not the wall."

"So you uselessly shocked yourself basically?"

"Shut up."


Katniss had gone to look for water.

They had moved along the side of the arena, throwing rocks against it, no breach in it.

Peeta had tired, not that far from his brush with death and they all needed water, even the grumpy victor of 2 would need it.... Maybe she can buy her survival for a bit longer if she is of use to her survival too... At least she hopes she'll think like that.

She even climbed a tree, hoping to see further but this arena only had water in its center with rising hills towards the ledge, that would have been good if only the water was not salty there.

She looked up a moment from her spot, nocking an arrow and shooting at the sky, hoping to see it soar for miles, tho she knew no bow could shoot for miles, but she saw the impact wave through lighten up hexagons that created the shape of a dome around the arena, truly trapping them.

She sighed, climbing down and making her way back too the group.

"No luck, no water sources." She told the hopeful Finnick.

"Dammit." She flinched at 2's displeasure of the news, watching her tap her claws on the tree stump she was sitting on, leaving little divots in the softer wood.

"It's fine, you tried." Peeta reassured.

"She was not good enough, unless you want to die of thirst then yeah, she succeeded." Athena complained out loud.

Even as the night set, the unbearable heat was there and the humidity made it really hard for anyone to find a comfortable position.

She had pipped up when they spoke about who'd take first watch but every single person spoke out against it so she was laying on the ground and using a rock to prop up her head and listened too Finnick and Katniss argue who would stay up.

"What I did for Peeta, that's saving his life Katniss, if I would have wanted you dead I wouldn't have pulled Athena off you."

"I'm still mad you threw me." She interjected before squinting her eyes. "Hey! Ssh!" She loudly said, sitting up as she silenced them, pointing at her ear to get them to listen.

She thought the glint she saw was a fake star but in the silence, there was the familiar sound of a sponsor's gift.

"It is somewhere in the trees." She sat, looping her arms loosely around her knees as she left the climbing too the others.

"Lets let Peeta open it." Finnick said as the little pod came crashing down into the grass bellow as Katniss found and cut it down, letting it fall. "He did almost die." Plus there was the number 12 on it.

Peeta stumbled over, literally looking like he'd drop from tiredness, not much different from Mags who was really living this badly with her old age.

He opened it up and pulled a little metal tool out that Athena never saw.

"A spile." Katniss said as Peeta handed it to her and she looked it over.

"A what?" Finnick was just as confused but Katniss ignored him and grabbed it full hand and jabbed it into a tree.

"Fuck." Athena saw Katniss trying to push it more into the tree, not getting why but she was struggling, looking for a rock of something to hit it in.

She stood with a groan, her joints cracking in her legs because of the previous positions she was in, walking over and slamming her protected palm over it, probably stabbing this spile in much deeper then Katniss wanted.

"You're welcome." She said mockingly but the smile that came with it was washed off as the sound of a thin trickle of water hitting leaves filled the air. "My words." She muttered, since when did trees have water in them in such a way?

A bit selfishly, but Katniss was the first to drink, nodding too the others that it was indeed water.

"Fine." Athena muttered, standing near enough that the girl heard. "I'll save your death for later, you can still be of use too me."

Katniss gulped, throat feeling dry once again but she nodded, at least she'll have a bit of time to work out this situation with the other victor.

At least this night, they would all sleep alive and not drying up.

Athena laid on her side, now leaves bunched up under her head, a hand pressed too her side.

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