.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Ma...

By ChrisWolfblood

145K 4.9K 764

Athena Hadley. Like everyone in 2, force fed with the ideas of grandeur and fame. Only for her life to collap... More

-Athena Hadley-
-Finnick Odair-
-Messing Around-
-Victory Tour-
-Heart To Heart-
-''Everything for Cato.''-
-Going Home-
-Leap Of Faith-
-ChatGPT Shenanigans-
-Late Night Burden-
-Oh please-
-''They are still bloody''-
-''Why are you not asking away?''-
-Late For Secrets-
-Act Fool-
-She Could Kill Them-
-Cato Hadley-
-''I'm sorry''-
-''I take it that you ran into her.''-
-Tree Tumble-
-''I am happy for you''-
-Reaping Of The 75th-
-''This is worth it''-
-Training II-
-First Day-
-Blood Rain-
-''Yeah, thanks.''-
-''Love is weird''-
-''When we see each other.''-
-Interview II-
-''I'll be''-
-Rocky Meeting-
-''I am not the mockingjay''-
-Not Tonight-
-''When has anyone protected you?''-
-Lashing Out-
-Gods Of War-
-Only Love Can Hurt Like This-
-Sent Out-
-Joining The Fight-
-Oil Bath-
-Epilogue I-
-Epilogue II-
-Epilogue III-
-Epilogue IV-
-Epilogue V-
-Epilogue VI-
-Epilogue VII-
-Epilogue VIII-
-Epilogue IX-
-Epilogue X-
-Epilogue XI-
-Epilogue: Ares-
-Fun Facts-


1.4K 45 2
By ChrisWolfblood

Brutus was saying something she didn't care about, his boisterous laughter a plague in her ears.

She had threatened their stylists if they put her in anything but black since, after all, that's the color for the grieving.

She looked at her outfit, a bit more revealing them she wanted but then again, always similar too how district 2 looked: Gladiators.

For once they didn't give her claws but she didn't currently care.

After a while, putting a hand on Brutus's shoulder and walking around him.

"Everdeen, such a surprise." She greeted with a malicious smile, looping an arm around her shoulder.

The younger girl tensed, looking up at the gleaming victor of 2 that was her nightmare.

"D-awe, what is it? Did Finnick say something mean too you?" She squeezed on her arm, the arm pressing a bit on the side of her neck from how it hung, making her anxiety spike.

"I just offered her a cube of sugar." He innocently said, holding it out.

"Oh? Give it here." She grabbed it as he threw it to her but she crushed it in her hand before opening it and holding it up for Katniss to see. "Damn sorry, I wanted to give it too you but I squeezed a bit hard."

"I already told no too Finnick." She said, unable to imagine that not happening to her throat too, crushed just like that.

"Shame." Athena threw the pieces in her mouth and shook her hand off, waving Finnick off who did a mock salute. "You know, you should indulge in sweets things and do what you love because, Everdeen, I'll serve you up on a platter." She leaned in and whispered in her ear, before blowing into it.

Katniss tried to move away but Athena shifted her hold to hold on her shoulder, Katniss needed a double take to be sure there were no claws on that hand.

"Don't be worried." Athena traced up a finger on the front of Katniss' throat. "It is this that I need to slice to kill." She gently grabbed around her throat and shook it a bit. "When I held you like this at that party you'd have bleed but you wouldn't have died."

Her hand was pulled away and she was shoved, she did a half turn with a smirk as she let herself stumble, hands clasped behind her back.

"Careful Everdeen." She told the girl and not the boy that stood between them both. "Keep lover boy on a leash or I will need to kill him first."

"That's a threat?" Peeta asked, ready to protect Katniss but the other victor just smirked.

"It's a promise." And with that, she backed off and walked away, feeling she's done enough for now, walking back too her chariot as it was soon time to head out.

When she first passed through here, she had drank in the acclamation and the cheers, waving back with pride and grace.

The second time there was nothing but a glare in her eyes, a cold stricken glare, holding herself higher then them and as if all the Capitol was beneath her which she felt should be, she had nothing but hate for them, a bloody hate.

None of the victors wanted to be here outside of Athena, no one excited, waving or smiling, all solemn, Athena's hidden eagerness was tied her soon to be ability to kill Katniss Everdeen and she will not let anyone else have the pleasure of taking that kill from her.

When it came too Everdeen, Athena was a true bloodthirsty district 2 tribute, she'll show her greater fear then Cato ever did and show her why she should have just died in that arena.

She shifted her glare too the ever confident Snow as the chariots stopped for his everlasting and always the same speech he always did.

after that, the tributes were ushered away to get to their quarters.

"Hey, you look nice."

"You do too." Athena said back.

"Don't lie, this is the worst tree costume they've ever put me in." Johanna complained.

"Yeah but you always look greet in anything."

"And without anything?"


"That's good because I wanted to play with the newbies."


"Yeah, I heard Chaff already kissed her, Finnick talked too her about who knows what and you scared her greatly." Johanna poked Athena in her chest, she really did look great in her outfit too, like the true fighter that this woman was. 

"We need to shake them up a bit." She walked with Johanna, not saying she was more or less threatening her.

"Correct and I have my own little trick to play but tell me this Thea, why did you volunteer? You have no reason for it."

"No reason? I had no reason to volunteer when they sent my little wolf back in? That would be an idiot thought from an idiot brain."

"But there is only one victor."

"I know little wolf, all I want from this life is to kill Everdeen and for you to get out, nothing else is left for me."

"Don't say tha--" "Little wolf." She covered her mouth with her palm, shaking her head. Johanna looked hurt, her shoulders falling but saying nothing.

"Then at least... Spend some time with me."

"Of course little wolf." A soft grin tho it didn't feel as real as those filled with malice and hate she offered Katniss. "Anything for you."

She covered her mouth again and pushed her a bit back.

"Maybe not that." Still not accepting a kiss tho not giving a true explanation.

Johanna sighed before waving her after, hurrying to stop the elevator from closing, Athena marching after her.

"Heymitch." She greeted with a nod, marvelously ending up in the same elevator as those of 12.

"Athena, Johanna, you both look great."

"You guys look amazing." Johanna said with a slight bit of sarcasm but also truth in her voice, she did kinda like the outfit they got and wished her stylist had taking a page from their book or Athena's book.

"Thank you." Katniss said, not looking at Athena who stood with her back too them but still stared over her shoulder, feeling her gaze burn her throat.

"My stylist is such an idiot, District 7, lumber, tress.... Ugh!" Johanna turned her back too them like Athena, trying to detach her spike arm cuffs with some violence, she hated this outfit so much. "I'd love to put my axe in her face." She threw them down, making a loud thump. "But anyway where were we! Ah yes, what do you think? Now that the whole world wants to sleep with you?"

"I don't think the whole world--" "I wasn't talking to you." Johanna cut Katniss as she looked at them. "I was talking too my Thea."

"Oookay." The girl on fire said, pulling a face as Athena just nudged Johanna, Heymitch smiling and Peeta unable to not chuckle a bit despite the living weapon in the elevator with them, noticing they passed district 2's floor passingly.

"And even you fiance looks better."

"Okay." Katniss said again, looking the other way with an eye roll, Johanna knew she was not doing enough so she looked at Athena and turned her back too her.

"Will you unzip?" She pointed at the zipper, sure she could reach it but what fun in that?

She lifted a brow, wondering at what she was playing, this can't be what she planned on doing... Or can she? This is Johanna after all.

Katniss was looking at the wall when Johanna turned around while pulling her arms free of the skinsuit before rolling it down her body and pulling it off.

"Eyes away boys." Athena warned, making Peeta awkwardly look away, she rose a brow at Johanna like 'seriously?', only getting a huge smile and a wink back.

The doors too 7 opened.

"Thanks." She told district 12 who stood like dead trees. "Let's do it again sometime." She left with a wave.

"Thank you." Heymitch added with a smile, ignoring the look Athena gave, still amused at him despite it all.

"Sleep well 12 because in the arena, I won't let you." Athena promised, keeping the doors from closing with a hand, getting out here too.

"Athena Hadley and Johanna Mason, what did I tell you two about them?" Heymitch told his tributes with a large smile as the doors closed.

Athena rolled her eyes, having heard him, of course everyone got together and worked out strategies but she didn't have the time for that.

She needs to teach someone to not show off too strangers before doing any of that.   

And that, that made her smile truly with an emotion that was for once not hate.

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