Mad Temptation

By KalyxIole

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For years, Aubrey Evergreen. Wants to investigate who killed her parents. But years after, she believed that... More

Chapter 1: The Start.
Chapter 2: Unknown figure.
Chapter 3: Hiding The Monster.
Chapter 4: Undeniable Desires.
Chapter 5: Broken Heart.
Chapter 6: Ashton Grey.
Chapter 7: Siblings.
Chapter 8: The Past About Ashton.
Chapter 9: A Dead Heart.
Chapter 10: Meeting An Old Friend.
Chapter 11: First Kiss.
Chapter 12: Unforgettable Moment.
Chapter 13: Consumed By Guilt.
Chapter 14: Painful Past.
Chapter 15: Losing Control.
Chapter 16: Talk With Victoria.
Chapter 17: Unsettled Mind.
Chapter 18: Suspicious.
Chapter 19: Small Investigation.
Chapter 20: Love and Fear.
Chapter 21: Danger, Trouble, Anger.
Chapter 22: Claude's Dangerous Beast.
Chapter 23: Questions That Cannot Be Answered.
Chapter 24: A Peak Of Power.
Chapter 25: True Identity.
Chapter 26: Scary Choices.
Chapter 27: Big Steps, Big Risks.
Chapter 28: Broken Trust, Broken Love.
Chapter 29: Save Ashton.
Chapter 31: Life On The Edge.
Chapter 32: Deadly Fate.
Chapter 33: Beast Finally Unleashed.
Chapter 34: Powers Taken.
Chapter 35: Final Battle.
Author's Note

Chapter 30: Claude vs. Zyrian.

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By KalyxIole

A man sitting on the chair, sighs heavily. Using his power to create illusion, bored out of his mind. He looks at the girl whimpering and polishing his leather shoes.

???: Polish it properly.

He said coldly and with so much authority. She whimpered, with her shaky fingers she continued to polish his shoes. Making it sure they are polished well, even in the corners. Doing her very best not to get hurt. He sighed heavily and leaned on his chair. He looked back at her. She wiped her tears away and continued. He leaned closer to her. Placing his hand on top of her head.

???: Why do you whimper so much? I have not even done anything to you yet.

Girl: I-I'm s-sorry...I a-am s-sorry...

She was shaking badly in fear. He raised his hand and created an illusion. Hypnotizing her. He chuckled and continued to hypnotize her. She has stopped trembling and was watching the illusion silently. That is when somebody knocked on the door.

???: Come in!

The door opened.

???: What?

??? 2: Master Azazel wishes for your presence.

He sighed heavily. He looked at the girl that was hypnotized.

???: Sleep.

The girl fell into a deep sleep. He stood up from his chair and walked out. He proceeded to Azazel's room and he knocked. He heard a faint 'come in' before he entered. He saw Azazel working on his experiment. He looked at the boy's wrecked body. He watched Azazel took out his organs and place them in a jar. Azazel took the cloth and wiped his hand.

Azazel: Zyrian.

Zyrian kneeled down.

Zyrian: You have called me Master.

Azazel: Yes.

Zyrian: What for?

Azazel: I want you to do something for me.

Zyrian: What is it Master?

Azazel: Zyrian Foster. Master of Mischief. I will ask you to do something for me.

Zyrian: Anything for you Master.

Azazel: Three of our men has been slayed by Ravenswood. They have disappointed me. I had hoped for them to accomplish my simple orders but they have failed me. And that brings anger to me.

Zyrian: I apologize on their behalf Master.

Azazel: Oh no no no, their mistakes are not your fault. But I want you to do something that will make me proud of you. I want you to bring me the girl.

Zyrian: Girl?

Azazel: Aubrey Evergreen. But I want you to get rid of Ravenswood first. Do whatever you want to do, but your main goal is to bring her to me.

Zyrian: Is that all Master?

Azazel: Yes.

Zyrian: Well if that is so, then I will do what you wish. I will make you proud Master.

Azazel: Do you swear?

Zyrian: I swear. I will make you proud.

Azazel: Then it is settled. Go, find the girl bring her to me.

Zyrian: And what will you do?

Azazel: Wait.

Zyrian nodded.

Azazel: Dismissed.

Zyrian stood up and bowed his head and left. He sighed heavily and walked out of the room. Looks like Claude has another problem.

(Claude's POV)

Claude opened his eyes and signed softly. He looked at the window and it was still a bit dark. He sighed softly and rubbed his eyes. He looked at Aubrey that was sound asleep. Actually, he wasn't actually sleeping. He was just closing his eyes to make her think he is asleep. Claude didn't want to go sleep ever since he had that nightmare. He sighed heavily and rubbed his face. Aubrey groans softly and opened her eyes. Looking up to look at his face only to see he has his hand on his head as he was looking at the ceiling above them. Completely dazed.

Aubrey: Claude?

He looked at her.

Claude: My Lady, why are you awake?

Aubrey: I don't know.

Claude: Well you should probably go back to sleep.

Aubrey: While you stay awake?

Claude: I will try to go to sleep if I can.

Aubrey sighs softly and looked at him with those loving eyes. Caressing his bare chest.

Aubrey: Are you alright Claude?

Claude: Am I alright? *Scoffs* Am I alright?

He asked the same question while he gazes upon the ceiling above him.

Claude: Do you want me to be honest or make up an obvious lie to make you believe I am alright?

Aubrey: Claude I...

Claude: Let us just drop this conversation for now please?

Aubrey sighed softly and nodded. He ruffled his hair and pulled it. Looking completely stressed out.

Aubrey: You know you can talk to me right?

Claude: Talk to you about what? About me taking your life away?

Aubrey: Claude what did I tell you? We do not know if I will die or not-

Claude: You certainly will. I know it before you even made up that idea.

Aubrey: We do not know. Who knows? I might survive if you take my powers. All that matters is to have you defeat him. You are the only one that can stop him. Not me, not the others, you. I know you are scared-

Claude: Because I am. I really am. I am not going to lose you too like how I lost everybody else in my life. I am scared to be alone again. I do not want to be alone. I am scared to lose you. I can not even imagine a life without you. I fear that if I take your powers, you will be gone. Forever. I can not hurt you.

Aubrey: They do not have the power to stop him but we can.

Claude scoffed softly and looked away.

Aubrey: Look at me.

She grabbed his cheek and made him face her.

Aubrey: We are running out of time. We have to end this before things get out of hand.

Claude: How can you say this so easily to me? Do you think this is easy? We are talking about risking your life and here you are talking as if you are ready.

Aubrey: I am ready. And do you want to know why? Because I do not want to live in fear the rest of my life. I do not want to keep hiding. I want to be free. Free from this chaos. I want us to be okay.

Claude: What do you mean by 'okay'? Losing your life is okay?

Aubrey: If it is for the best.

Claude: No.

He said sternly and sat up. Turning away from her.

Claude: All I ever wanted in life was to have you by my side. That is all I want but why can I not have it? Why can I not have a simple family? My family torn apart back in the day. Must I really be torn away from you too?

He sighed heavily.

Claude: I would rather kill myself if I have to lose you too.

He said. Aubrey got closer to him. Hugging him from behind. Leaning her chin on his shoulder.

Aubrey: You worry too much Claude. You worry too much about things that are beyond your control.

Claude: How can I not worry? Tell me how can I not worry about this? I can't even breathe when you are not beside me, how do you expect me to not worry?

Aubrey: Here is the thing though. You are not where you want to be, are you Claude? Let us say that if you have been given the powers to go wherever you want, do whatever you want, I bet you would still feel this way. Anxious. Concerned. And not having a peace of mind.

Claude: What do you mean?

Aubrey: What I mean is stop trying to control things that are beyond your control. Stop trying to control things that are uncontrollable. Because it is like this, the more you worry about things that are uncontrollable, the more it takes away your peace of mind. The more you worry, the more you try to get a hold of it, it is like pushing a hard wall. You are too concerned of things.

Claude: How could I not? Tell me how could I not?

Aubrey: You are too anxious. I am guessing I did not do well of planting an apple seed in your heart.

Claude: Well maybe there are things that I can control. I can control how I can keep this 'apple seed'. I can water it, I can take good care of it, I can manage to protect it! And that is no illusion Aubrey!

Aubrey: Mm yes, but if you will believe in it. Perhaps it can. If you are willing to guide it, to take care of it, to nurture it, to believe in it.

Claude: How? How? I need your help on this one My Lady.

Aubrey: Oh no Claude, you do not need my help if you will only believe. You just need to believe. Promise me Claude, promise me that this apple seed will defeat Azazel.

Claude: I-I...I will try.

Aubrey: Good. Things will get better. If you just believe.

She placed one last kiss on his cheek and went back to sleep. Claude looked behind him and stared at her, watching her go back to sleep. He sighed heavily and leaned his head on the headboard. Looking at the moon that was shining. He sighed heavily and closed his eyes. He decided to lay back down and cuddle next to her. He opened his eyes and looked at her peaceful features. Her ethereal beauty that calms his nerves down whenever he sees her. He sighed softly and kissed her head.

Claude: I won't give up. I promise.

He said softly and sighed heavily. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her. Letting sleep take over them.


A hot cup of tea was placed in front of him. Gregory sat down beside Claude. Watching him stare at thin air. Gregory leaned to Andrew that was humming softly.

Gregory: Should I startle him again?

Andrew: He seems be very serious about it so I think it would be best if you just let him be.

Gregory: Oh don't worry, I will just put the blame on you.

Andrew: Shut up you leave me alone I am minding my own business here.

Claude: You know I can hear you and your whispers right?

Gregory sat up properly almost immediately. Claude blew on his tea and drank. He continued to stare at thin air and let out a small sigh of heaviness. Gregory raised his index finger, about to say something but he decided to go against it.

Claude: Do you want to say something Gregory?

Gregory: No. Well yes but....

Claude: But?

Claude looked at him with raised eyebrows.

Gregory: I know I was about to say something relieving but I forgot.

Claude made a 'are you serious' face. Gregory smiled sheepishly.

Claude: I can't with you.

He sighed tiredly and rubbed his face.

Gregory: My apologies.

Claude drank the tea. Hoping to relief the stress from his mind. He sighed heavily. Claude had a feeling that something bad was about to happen making him worry about that too. Should he be worried? Or just shrug it off?

(Aubrey's POV)

Aubrey was in the room, changing clothes. Goodness she has been using Claude's clothes. She is worried that he might run out of clothes. She needs to tell him she needs clothes of her own. She walked out of the room and walked towards the kitchen. Where she saw Claude and the others.

Aubrey: Claude?

Claude looked at her. She gestured him to come over. Claude stood up and walked towards her.

Claude: Need anything?

Aubrey: Can I ask you something?

Claude: Yeah what is it?

She pulled him to the living room.

Aubrey: I need you to buy clothes for me.

Claude: Clothes?

Aubrey nodded.

Claude: Uhh yeah sure. Is it urgent?

Aubrey: It's not actually urgent but I just need it to be here as soon as possible. I do not want to keep using your clothes.

Claude: *Chuckles* Why not? I think you look adorable.

Aubrey: *Giggles* Thank you but I just need it. Can you do it for me?

Claude: Of course. Maybe in a little while. Do you want to come with me?

Aubrey: I would love to but...

She pointed to her clothes. Claude looked at his clothes that were being worn by Aubrey. His clothes looked really big on her. It was so baggy. He stopped himself from laughing. She looked so cute and adorable.

Claude: Okay sure. No problem.

Aubrey: Thank you. Sorry for the bother.

Claude: No worries at all. You do need it after all. I will go on after I finish my tea.

Aubrey: Thank you Claude.

Claude smiled softly and she hugged him. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He hugged her little waist and kissed her head.

Claude: Well would you like some tea?

Aubrey nodded. Claude pulled her hand and walked towards the kitchen and sat her down on the chair. Today is a good day. Hopefully.

(Claude's POV)

Claude put on his coat and put on his scarf. Today is winter if you were wondering. It's a snowy day here in London. He sighed heavily and walked out of the room. He was about to walk out of the door when he heard a voice.

???: Going somewhere?

He turned around and saw Ashton. Bandages around his waist, chest and abdomen.

Claude: Just going to buy Aubrey some clothes.

Ashton: Buy her clothes huh? Are you going to buy her some bra and underwear too?

Claude: Oh shut it Ashton.

Ashton laughed. Carefully walking towards him.

Ashton: Actually, I came here to talk to you. Andrew is going to perform the surgery in me. He said that, he would be starting later night. He might be needing some supplies.

Claude: What does he need?

Ashton gave him a piece of paper. Claude took it. Written of many surgery supplies.

Claude: He needs all of this? What about anesthesia?

He asked because there was no anesthesia written on the paper.

Ashton: Well-

Andrew: He might die out of shock.

They both turned their heads to Andrew floating in the air. Andrew leaned his chin on his palms while his body was looking like he was on his stomach.

Andrew: I hate to break it to you, but I am afraid we have to do this surgery without anesthesia.

Claude: How are you going to undergo a surgery without anesthesia?

Andrew: You forgot my friend. I can heal anything and anyone.

He said and showed his healing power. Claude sighed heavily.

Ashton: Claude. I will be fine. I am not a weak person.

Claude: No one said that you were weak.

Ashton: I am certain that is what you think.

Claude: Ashton, is something wrong?

Ashton: Just go Claude. I would like to end this as soon as possible.

Claude: Ashton...

He trailed off because Ashton walked away. Andrew sighed softly and looked back at Claude.

Andrew: He will be fine under my powers. I promise you that Claude. I will do my very best to save his life from danger.

Claude: You better mark on your words. I trust you Andrew. Do not let me down.

Andrew lightly bowed his head. Claude then walked away and left. Ashton, who was behind the wall sighed softly. He turned away and leaned his back against the wall. Ashton grumbled under his breath.

'Why do you care so much about me Claude? I hate you so much. And yet, here you are. Giving me all you can to help me get through this. Damn you brother.'

He thought. He slowly slid down and sat down on the ground. Hiding his face in his hands.

(Claude's POV)

Claude was walking down the street. Minding his own business as the people minds their own. He was looking for a female store clothes or a small shopping clothes. Till he saw one. He stopped walking and looked at the sign.

("Beauty Clothes for women")

This should be enough right? He shrugged and walked in. He walked in and all the girl's and women's heads turned towards him. Crap, he is the only man here. He scratched his head and awkwardly waved his hand. The ladies felt awkward so they continued doing what they were doing. He lowered his head and continued walking. Searching for Aubrey's size and a pair of clothes she would love. She has a hourglass figure. Which means her waist is small. He saw beautiful dresses color pink, white, blue, lilac, purple and other colors that she likes. He picked the dresses and took it to the cashier or whatever. Oh wait, he forgot the bra and underwear too. He sighed heavily under his breath and searched for those things. He bought enough for her. He walked towards the cashier and placed it on the counter. When the cashier checked the dress, she was shocked when she saw bras and underwear. She looked at him and he looks at her. She confusedly blinked her eyes. He cleared his throat and scratched his head and turned to look away.

Woman: Is this for your daughter?

Claude: *Sigh* Lover.

She nodded and smiled while still in disbelief. She put them all in the fancy paper bag. Then handed them to Claude that took it and handed the money. He smiled awkwardly one last time. Before walking away from the shop almost immediately. He breathed the fresh air and wheezed it out before dropping his head and gathering himself back together. He decided to go back home and bring this clothes to his beloved Aubrey. And when he was walking, he was startled when a building exploded. Everyone screamed in pure terror and shock. He looked behind him and saw a building crashing down. He heard a scream making him turn his head to look, he saw a girl standing there. Shocked and confused. A large part of the cemented wall of the building was falling towards her. And was about to crush her. He dashed towards the girl and grabbed her. Making her yelp. The large rock fell down on the ground. He looked at the sobbing girl.

Claude: Are you okay?

The girl nodded.

Claude: Go. Run!

The girl ran away. Claude turned around and many people were running. Another explosion came up again. Who is doing this? He ran towards where the building was and that is when he saw a car in the air. Being held by something that can't be seen.

Claude: Shit!

Screams of thousands of people were heard. The car was suddenly threw away, landing on the ground causing it to explode. He took off his gloves and bit his thumb pad, smudging the blood on the back of his hand. He heard another explosion. He hissed under his breath and he did the same to his other hand. Then after that, he knelt down and put his two palms on the ground.

Claude: Arise.

Then, a few black holes began to appear and a large wicked hands crawl out of the black holes. His eyes glowed brightly red. His demon roared loudly and ran towards the unseen enemy. But what was difficult was they couldn't see it. How can he see them? He looked at his hands that has the symbols glowing. He heard a screech making him look. He saw the unseen monster was wounded, black blood flowing out. Showing at least where the monster was. Even though it was unseen, the blood made it clear where it was going. He made more black holes creating demons to fight the unseen monster. But it was defeating his demons.

Claude: Damn it.

He pressed his palms together. He created a ring, color black with black smoke coming out.

Claude: Come to me.

He said. The demons stopped what they were doing and they ran to Claude and they entered the ring Claude had created. When they were all in, Claude shut the ring and pressed his palms together and then, he slowly created a scythe. He glared at the unseen monster. But then suddenly, the unseen monster has more fully appeared. He was shocked when he was staring at a freaking large snake. A freaking serpent. Its color was dark red and eyes glowing gold with large sharp fangs. The snake roared loudly and glared at Claude. Claude gripped his scythe tight.

Claude: C'mon!

The serpent roared loudly and headed towards him. The serpent opened its mouth and was about to eat Claude but Claude jumped away from the monster and landed swiftly on its back and he stabbed his scythe in the back of the serpent making it scream loudly. The serpent shook it's body making it hard for Claude to hang tight. He screamed and dug it deeper. The serpent screamed loudly and shook it's body. Claude pulled his scythe away and jumped away from the serpent. The serpent roared loudly and blew out fire, directly towards Claude. Claude was utterly surprised. He could only move away but he felt something burn him. And because of that, he lost his composure making him fall down on the ground without landing. His body hit the ground and his body rolled a few times. The scythe that was on the air, landed on the ground. It's large, thick, sharp blade struck the ground.

He groaned softly and looked at his burnt part. It was his abdomen. He couldn't help but yell in pain. He looked at the serpent roaring very loudly. He looked at his scythe. The serpent headed towards him. Claude forced himself to stand up and groaning loudly in pain. He pressed his palms on the ground.

Claude: Arise!

He yelled. A very large black hole appeared on the ground. Then, a gigantic hand rose up from the black hole. It slowly crawled out from the black hole. Revealing a big demon. The serpent growled at its features. It was just the same height as the serpent and it had two large horns. It's body was buffy and sharp spikes from behind his back. The serpent roared loudly and so did the demon. The demon ran to the serpent and fought the monster.  Punching and grabbing it's neck and pushing it to the ground. Throwing it while showing no mercy. Claude took the time and forced himself to stand up and rushed to his scythe. Falling down on his knees when he got to his weapon. Panting heavily. He looked at his hand that was on his abdomen. Revealing lots of blood. He groaned softly in pain.

Claude: C'mon Claude... regenerate!

He hissed at himself. He felt it regenerating but it was taking too long. He looked at his demon that was fighting the serpent. The demon roared loudly and punched the serpent. But the serpent dodged and pushed him to the ground. Then quickly circling it's body the demon and squeezing it. Claude's demon roared loudly. Trying to get the serpent away from him. But the serpent only squeezed tight. Too very tight that the demon went limp. Claude's eyes widened in shock. His The serpent roared loudly and unwrapped it's body from the demon. Huffing and roaring very loudly. Claude was in disbelief. The serpent looked at Claude. Claude glared at the monster. The monster hurriedly rushed towards him. But the serpent was surprised when it's tail was pulled. The serpent turned around and saw the demon still not dead. The serpent looked at Claude. Only to see him smirking.

Claude: Joke's on you.

He said before the serpent was pulled away. The serpent was roaring. Claude stood up and looked at his wound regenerating. He groaned in pain and took his scythe from the ground. Deciding to fight against them. But that's when he was pushed away by something. He was pushed against the wall and something was wrapped around his both wrists, ankles, and neck. He tried to break free but he couldn't. That's when a man appeared out of thin air.

Claude: You!

Zyrian: Long time no see Claude.

Claude: Zyrian.

He said his name with venom. Zyrian smirked. Walking towards him.

Zyrian: How does it feel? Hmm? Oh I bet it feels super annoying huh? Is it making you angry? *Laughs* How pathetic it is to think that the greatest, high rank demon would be here. Held against the wall, defenseless. Do you feel embarrassed about it?

Claude: No. I just feel like I want to kill you!

Zyrian: Woah woah don't be so defensive. *Chuckles* I was just having a nice time with you. I would say we did not start this conversation in a very good way but eh....we both are enemies so...

He shrugged his shoulders like this was simply nothing to him. Claude snarled angrily. Eyes glowing bright red. Zyrian chuckled.

Zyrian: Oh I love seeing the anger in your face. It just makes me feel victorious you know? I have missed that face of yours Claude. I never forgot about that damn face of yours. The same face that left me alone in the dark world!

Claude glared at him with so much hate.

Zyrian: Do you remember that day? No? Let me give you a little hint.

Zyrian gripped Claude's jaw angrily.

Zyrian: October 19th, 1823.

Claude remembers. He always remembers it. He never forgot about that day. The look on his face made Zyrian laugh.

Zyrian: Oh yes, he remembers. I mean I, for one, certainly did not forgot about that day. You were magnificent, you were one man versus whole soldiers. Lot of silly catch phrases, that just went slash! Slash! Slash....

Zyrian removed his mask, revealing a big scar on his face. Starting from his cheek to his nose bridge. And also a scar on his left eye.

Zyrian: You, betrayed me. You lied to be. You used me. And left me to die. Alone in the dark. You left me alone Claude for your own sake! You did not think about me! You promised me something. You promised to help me. You promised you will help me!

He yelled angrily. Chest heaving up and down because of the heavy feeling on his heart. Anger, pain visible in his eyes.

Zyrian: You were my friend. You promised to help me, you were supposed to help me Claude! You promised to help me but Claude why? Why didn't you help me?

He asked. Pain visible in his voice. Zyrian pointed on his face.

Zyrian: Do you see this? This is all because of you. And because of you, I lost my humanity. I lost who I am because of your selfish greed! You used me for own ways and when you were satisfied, you left me. You left me, to be tortured by armies! You know what they did to me? They beat me, they tortured me, they gave me these scars. And thanks to you, my mother is not with me anymore. Because of you.

He said to him, voice slightly breaking. Claude could only look down.

Zyrian: Oh what's wrong? Are you feeling it? The wave of guilt consuming you? Is it eating you up? Well it better be bringing you down! Down, underneath the land where you should be. Speaking of which, what changed you to be like this Claude? You used to be one of the most cruelest, evilest, merciless, heartless, unforgiving demon Master Azazel has ever created. I suppose the girl had done changes to you. She changed you into something more...weak, humanlike, kind, acting like a saint when you know who you truly are. It is truly funny how Master Azazel still wants you back but now I am glad he wants you dead. And I will make sure I will be the one to bring your head and the girl to him.

His eyes glowed brightly red at that.

Claude: You wouldn't dare!

Zyrian: Oh I will. I pretty much will. I will make your regret every single thing you did to me! And the girl, *chuckles* I will bring the girl to my master. And soon, she will die along with you!

Claude screamed out of anger as his eyes glowed brightly red. He used all his strength to break free from whatever it is that was holding him.

Claude: I will not let you get what is mine!

He screamed loudly and broke free. Zyrian was surprised, Claude took his scythe and attacked Zyrian. Zyrian jumped away.

Zyrian: Tch...this guy. Seriously.

Claude: You tell that damn Azazel to come and face me. But do not ever lay a hand on my Aubrey!

Claude dashed towards him, Zyrian couldn't catch up because of his godly speed. Claude swung his scythe but luckily for Zyrian, he managed to jump away. But he felt the sharp blade slash his legs. He grunted in pain and landed on the ground. He looked at his leg that had a huge wound.

Zyrian: Damn you! You made me filthy!

Zyrian created his own weapon which was a large sword. They both ran towards each other and raised their weapons. They both brought down their weapons, clashing it against each other. Both of them grunted, struggling with each other. Claude pushed him and swung his scythe again. Zyrian dodged that attack and he swung his sword. Claude used his scythe as shield to protect himself.

Zyrian: This is her fate! No matter how many times you try to stop it, she will be his! She will die! And her powers will be taken by him and you will be nothing but a dirt he will step on repeatedly!

Claude: If he wants her, he will have to deal with me first!

Claude pushed him. Zyrian moved away.

Zyrian: You say such interesting things Claude! But you can not even defeat me! How do you plan to protect her if you can't beat me?!

Zyrian attacked him, swinging his sword, Claude kept blocking and dodging.

Zyrian: You are so pathetic! You make me sick! Falling in love with a pathetic human, creating a forbidden union, is enough to make me feel nauseous! Much worse!

He kicked his chest and kicked him in the abdomen, sending him flying and land on the ground.

Zyrian: You fell in love!

Claude: What I do in my life, is none of your business!

Zyrian: Oh really? Perhaps you're right, I have nothing to do with your business, but I fear I must squeeze myself in. *Laughs* You truly make me sick. You bring utter disgust to my core.

Nerves popped from Claude's neck and forehead, showing how anger he is.

Claude: Disgust you or not, make you sick or not, I will fight for my Aubrey! I will never let anything bad happen to her! She is too good to even feel pain! She is the only source of my happiness! And if you dare to take that away, I will kill you!

Zyrian: Then do it! Show me how strong you are!

Claude screamed loudly and attacked him. They both fought each other. Claude hit him with his scythe. Zyrian yelled in pain. Claude then placed his palm on the sharp blade of his scythe and slash his own palm. Blood dripping. He let his blood drip on the ground, then using his feet to create a strange symbol.

Claude: Arise and stand with me!

The ground shook. Zyrian was surprised. The ground suddenly, was slowly getting cracked open. Hands coming out from the ground. Zyrian was frustrated by now.

Zyrian: So that's how we do this? Fine, so be it!

Zyrian stabbed his sword on the ground and created an illusion. Where thousands of himself began to appear. Confusing Claude.

Claude: Mischief.

Zyrian smirked. Then he removed his cloak.

Zyrian: One man versus whole soldiers. Remember?

Claude growled.

Zyrian: Kill him.

He said, then his clones ran towards Claude. Claude looked at his demons that were roaring very loudly and waiting for his orders.

Claude: Kill them.

The demons roared loudly and attacked the clones of Zyrian. Zyrian looked at his serpent that was fighting the demon of Claude.

Zyrian: Come to me!

The serpent heard his command and crawled towards Zyrian. Zyrian got on top of the serpent. Looked at the view of Claude's demons and him fighting.

Zyrian: Let's go.

He said. The serpent roared loudly and crawled away from the blood shedding battle. Claude looked to where Zyrian was but was shocked when he wasn't there anymore.

Claude: No... Aubrey!

He was about to follow Zyrian when his feet was suddenly stopped and he felt something cold. He looked at his feet and saw ice. He looked behind him and...

Claude: Kai?

Oh no. Looks like someone is in big trouble.

"Most of the enemies you have are the ones you helped before."

-Kalyx Iole Gomez

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