Rimuru's revenge

By Dinejro

98.2K 3.3K 5.2K

After Milim Nava destroys the kingdom responsible for the death of her pet dragon, Guy finds a lone survivor... More

Chapter 1_Rimurus stats_
Chapter 2_New partner_
Chapter 3_Walpurgis_
Chapter 4_Lemon and new skills_
Chapter 5_Rimuru's plan&Ciel's first date_
Chapter 6_Michael and Chronoa_
Chapter 7_Lemon and Rimuru's evolution_
Chapter 8_Ciels resolve_
Chapter 9_The start of the journey_
Chapter 10_Ciels Report_
Chapter 11_Ciel's toy_
Chapter 12_The attack_
Chapter 13_Birth of a new demon lord_
Chapter 14_He knows_
Chapter 15_The Demon lord's_
Chapter 16_Walpurgis drama_
Chapter 17_A dog?_
Chapter 18_The meeting_
Chapter 19_The Sewer's_
Chapter 20_Going out with a bang_
Chapter 21_The couples antics_
Chapter 22_Evolution Festival_
Chapter 23_The white pigeon_
Chapter 24_The Letter Of Invitation_
Chapter 25_A bad memory_
Chapter 26_A Really Hot Lizard_
Chapter 27_Uneasiness_
Chapter 28_I'll make it right_
Chapter 29_Changing sides_
Chapter 30_{Armageddon}_
Chapter 32_Becoming one_
Chapter 33_How did she know?_
Chapter 34_The reveal_
Chapter 35_A Small Taste_
Chapter 36_Prep work_
Chapter 37_The Fun Part_
Chapter 38_The Funnier Part_
Chapter 39_Sparks of War_
Chapter 40_The Lifeless Sea_
Chapter 41_Competition_
Chapter 42_Angels Fall To Depravity_
Chapter 43_Sky fall_

Chapter 31_Vampire's wish_

1.7K 79 301
By Dinejro

[Current Location: Use to be Clayman's domain (forgot the name help me) ]

"{Beast claw}!!!" A buff blond man shouts as his spear releases a large cut-like projectile cutting through multiple rows of angels.

"I have to say they are more sturdy than I originally thought." The man notes to the woman next to him.

"{Fether rush}!!" The woman shouts as multiple feathers detach from her wings shooting down multiple angels.

The woman takes a breather before seeing a group of angels release a barrage of light orbs.

"They aren't that tough it's just you're lack of planning. You spend an enormous amount of energy and call it an attack!" The woman responds while dodging the incoming light orbs.

"Sure sure, call it whatever you like but it seems my brute force outmatches your planned attacks." The man responds with a laugh as he blocks the incoming orbs.

"Still we have Lady Millime to thank for our improvement. We would never have lasted this long against this many angels before we started training." The woman responds as she cuts down an angel swordsman with one of her wings.

"Don't act all happy we still have a few tens of thousands left so we aren't done yet." The man answers as he gathers a large amount of energy in his spear.

"{Beast roar}!!" As the man screams those words he throws his spear into a large group of armored angels. The spear shoots toward the angels with immaculate speed and the angels sense the danger activating their defensive spell.

The spear doesn't hit their barrier but explodes right before it creating a large explosion outshining the sun.

"Huuuu! How many was that? Probably 500 hundred or so!" The man proudly exclaims as he stricks a pose while catching his spear.

"Sigh~I would be more worried about your magicules aren't you running low? {Tornado}!!" The woman asks as she releases another attack knocking one hundred angels out of the sky.

The attack settles down but the man still hasn't responded.

"Carrion?" The woman asks as she turns around.

[Notice: The conditions to start the individuals {Beast King Carrion} harvest festival have been met.]

"I don't... know... I feel... so... tired..." Carrion answers as he fights to stay on his feet.

[Notice: The individuals {Beast King Carrion} harvest festival will now commence...]

"He he... I think I... won't stay conscious for long... good luck Frey..." whispers Carrion as he falls to the ground.

Frey springs forward catching him and gently placing him on the ground.

"I swear to god Carrien you have a week's worth of paperwork for leaving me like this." Frey curses at him as she faces the incoming assault.

"And to take care of you {Fether ru--}" But when she's about to kill the angels she gets cut off by another voice.

[Notice: The conditions to start the individuals {Sky Queen Frey} harvest festival have been met.]

(Shit! It's the same thing Carrion had. Is it an attack? No this is the words of the world...) As she realizes the consequences of her falling asleep she starts panicking.

(no! No! NO! NO! I can fall asleep now! What's going to happen to my body?) Her mind fights off the sleepiness as she tries to think of a solution to the mob of angels coming her way.

She tries to throw another attack but is only met with nothing.

(It's no good I can control any of my skills in this state... I guess... I'm dead.) As that thought crosses her mind she drops to the ground accepting her fate.

(I'm sorry lady Milim... Someone else is going to have to teach you how to manage your territory...) She apologizes as she closes her eyes and waits for her death...

But suddenly.

"{Gravity calapse}!!"A black orb shoots toward the group of angels.

The orb explodes into a massive black hole as more than a third of the battlefield ceases to exist.

"Is that?"

"Pff I guess it's good Geld didn't need any help. If I haven't come here I would have died of boredom." Whined a small yellow-headed individual.

Her appearance was that of a 15-16-year-old girl with golden-colored locks superior to any gold and her blue eyes clearer than any lake the world may have. She is wearing a black military-style jacket with golden outlines as well as a light-colored down. Under the jacket, she has a white colored shirt held together by a black slightly off-centered tie. 

*A/N: Don't mind me just trying to level up my author {Individuals description} ability. Here's a picture I used for reference. Hope I did well.*

"Ohh your that bird lady Lady Milim has as a teacher! And what's that? You're about to evolve ey~ Well I'm here now so go to sleep." The girl shouts in surprise as her face quickly changes to one of interest.

[Notice: The individuals {Sky Queen Frey} harvest festival will now commence...]

"I think he might even find you interesting--" But before the girl finishes Frey's mind gives out and she falls to the ground reassured she'll be fine since reinforcements are here. And most importantly...

She lasted longer than that muscle head...




[Current location: The city of Dwargon]

"King Gazel more enemies are coming from the east!!" A tired soldier screams as he enters the temporary commanding room. 

"There's more!! Sigh~we can't keep going like this." The king of Dwargon mumbles to himself.

"We have to protect the other wall at all costs we can't spare any military personnel. The east is where our scouts are located so order a retreat." The king orders as he moves some of the chees like pieces across a map on the table.

"But sir that'll reduce the information line we have to observe the batt--" One of the Co-commander wanted to intercept but was cut off by a large and oppressing aura.

"I AM KINLY AWARE OF THE CONSEQUENCES IF THE SCOUTS RETREAT!! Cough! cough!" Gazel cuts off the co-commander as he releases his {Hero haki} before falling back down to his chair.

"You must rest Gazel, you fought for 18 hours straight. Even for a hero like you, this is too much." an old woman on his left comments as he calms down his coughing.

(She's right but what can we do? We've been at this for far too long. We suffered minimal casualties but that is only because of our strategic position in this mountain. But if this continues no mountain can help our exhausted soldiers.) The king thinks as he helplessly looks at the Crystal ball on the table.

(Our only hope is for Osamu to send reinforcements.) Gazel thinks as he looks at one of his most trusted subordinates.

"How long has it been since we asked for reinforcement?" Gazel asks as the black-clothed elf stands up.

"We sent the message approximately 4 hours ago. The reinforcements should be on the way." The elf answers.

"Sigh~But still no matter how fast those wolves are a whole army needs at least a few hours to get here." The king mumbles as he holds his head.

"I don't think we ever needed to send a whole army." A childish voice cheers as a purple light fills the room.

"Quickly get his majesty Gazel out of here!!" One of the commanders screams as a few guards enter the room surrounding the source of the magic.

"No, no calm down all of you." The king calmly orders as an unknown figure emerges from the violet portal.

"I don't have the best memory in the world, but you're one of those demons. Aren't you..." The king addresses the figure as the light slowly dies down.

There in the middle of the room stands a small 12-14 years looking girl. Wearing a completely black attire consisting of a non-sleeved shirt as well as some long leathered gloves with a soft down at the start of each one. Her hair is tied into a ponytail with two small black wings floating a few centimeters from her back. The violet light that has yet to fade is illuminating her face making her golden eyes shine with power.

*A/N: Come on level up already!*

"... Violet primordial Ultima." As the king mutters those words the whole room becomes quiet as the tension rises.

Yes, she was one of his dear disciple's subordinates.

Yet he couldn't help but doubt Osamu's control over the Primordials.

"So... Am I right to assume you're the reinforcement?" Gazel asks breaking the tension in the room.

"Yes, I've been sent her by my m-mast--" As the girl struggles to say the word master one of the guards behind her speaks up.

"But sir how will a child be of any help? Listen here I don't know how you made that little light show but you better go back to your mommy. This war isn't for girls like you." The guard laughs as the room falls quiet.

Suddenly a violet light fills the room its pressure enough to pop human eyes out of their sockets.

I꙲F꙲ Y꙲O꙲U꙲ K꙲E꙲E꙲P꙲ T꙲A꙲L꙲K꙲I꙲N꙲G꙲ I꙲'꙲L꙲L꙲ G꙲O꙲U꙲G꙲E꙲ Y꙲O꙲U꙲R꙲ E꙲Y꙲E꙲ O꙲U꙲T꙲

The words were heavy and the intent real. The pressure coming from this little girl was one far beyond human.

"I must apologize for this one's ignorance we will strip him of his title in hopes of you overlooking this mishap." The old lady apologized as she calmly looked at the calamity in front of her.

(The old hag is as quick as ever.) Gazel thinks as he relaxes in his seat.

The pressure suddenly stops and the little girl continues.

"I must apologize as well as I was here to help you defeat the enemy yet I caused more trouble." The girl Apologizes as she elegantly bows in front of the king.

"I shall be off to the battlefield." The girl continues as she disappears from the room.

"Sigh~To close if you ask me..." The old woman sighs as she sits back down and relaxes.

"You think she'd kill in here?" Gazel asks as he looks at the spot where the demon used to be.

"I don't know but I've seen many of His Majesty Osamus's subordinate's loyalty... But she doesn't seem to be like the rest. Maybe it's because demons serve differently... Yet she still gives me a bad feeling." The woman answers as she locks her eyes with Gazel.

"It is truly hard to say how loyal those primordials are..."

*Time skip*

"How can this be!!" A loud shout can be heard from one of the empty allies.

"I was the third-ranking Guard of King Gazel's personal guard but now I'm a nobody!!" A drunk man says to himself labeling down the street as he struggles to stand on his feet without falling.

"And it's all because of that little brat!!" The man screams as he violently kicks a dumpster the alcohol getting in his head.

"People like that should know their place!! I swear if I see her again I'll diligently teach her where she belongs!" The man screams as his drunk anger turns into one of lust.

"Ohh ye when she falls to her knees before me begging for forgiveness the fun will only begin!!" The man once again screamed as he throws some practice swings with his beer bottle as the sword before falling to the ground.

"I swear I'll--" The drunk man continues before stopping as he sees a pair of black boots before him.

"My, my, Look who we have here." A childish voice renounces.

"You said you wanted to play with me correct..." As the man looks at the person before him the voice only gets colder and colder before silence envelops the alleyway. As his body fights the urge to pee itself he faces the being before him.

A being not of this world. Her glowing eyes and a smile forged in hell only reassure his suspicion...

"So let's have some FUN."

He's dead...




[Curent location: The holy empire of Ruberios]

*Few hours earlier*

A beautiful silhouette is walking down one of the many outside gardens the church in the middle of the city has.

Her pure white skin shines brighter than a snowy morning with the exact opposite being her lushes black hair. Her silver armor is covering her knees and chest exposing her thighs (A/N: *brushes off the blood from his nose and continues*) with black clothes under it. Around her waist is a light purple cloth held on by a golden belt. She is also wearing a long robe its inside being black and outside white its sleeves pulled up to her elbows. She is also wearing black gloves complimenting her black hair and attire.

[Notice: the individual Dinejro successfully upgraded the ability {Individuals description} to the ability {Saying random words until it sounds good}.]

*A/N: Let's go!!*

But suddenly as if to break this perfect moment a large quantity of feathers fall like rain covering the city's stony streets.

It was a beautiful sight... until it wasn't.

Suddenly the sun gets blocked out by an army of angels as they descend to the city below.

"What the fuck is this!?" The woman mumbles in confusion and surprise as she takes out her sword assessing the enemy.

It is then that she sees a small but powerful group headed toward the church.

"Shit!! Where is Lady Lumines!!?" The woman screams as she runs full speed towards the church killing multiple angels on the way.

She runs through the back door thought the servent's halls before reaching the main hallway on the second floor.

She enters Lumines's private corners only to be met with a calm smile.

*A/N: I won't use my skill {Saying random words until it sounds good} on Lumines as we already know she looks and I'll probably die from blood loss.*

"Well~ Well~ My Hinata~ Way in such a rush~" A beautiful sliver-haired woman whispers with a smile on her lips.

"Lady Lumines we don't have the time!! The outside is--" Hinata ignores Luminese's advances and tries to explain the situation to her lady but it falls on deaf ears.

As the silver-haired woman stands up slowly walking to her while biting her lips. Looking like a predator that found its prey.

Suddenly a loud bang can be heard on the other side of the door grabbing Hinata's attention.

As Hinata gets in her stance prepared for imminent battle, Lumines does something unexpected.

She walks over to Hinata and caresses Her cheeks while whispering into her ear.

"I have a barrier set up... And even if it wasn't there those guys are under his command... So if I am a good slave like I think I am. I have nothing to worry about~" Lumines whispers in Hinata's ear.

Hinata can only give her a face of confusion before Lumines continues.

"But... the same can't be said about YOU~" Lumines continues her hot breath touching Hinata's neck sending shivers down her spine.

As Hinata tries to regain her composer Lumines continues her advance.

"Let me tell you my story..." Lumines continue as Hinata gives her a surprised look.

"But Lady Lumines we can't--" Hinata tries to regain her footing but is only met with a counter as Lumines comes behind her wrapping her hands around her waist giving it a light squeeze.

Hinata drops her sword in surprise and Lumines continues.

"As I was saying... I always believed I was at the top... not in terms of power... not in terms of strength... but in my complete domination over those below me." Lumineas continues slowly strengthening her grip.

"Whether it came to the strongest hero or a lonely country girl I never rushed the process... But that came back to bite me as the innocent soul I so desperately wanted to corrupt got locked inside a crystal coffin." Hinata's eyes widen in surprise.

"But long before she left I learned the truth of this world. I was never at the top~Fu fu what am I even saying? I never stood a chance against him... I always believed there was nothing better than corrupting an innocent soul... But It was my glories master who showed me the real way to eternal bliss." Said Lumines as her grip got thither and thither.

"Lady Lumines who is m-master?" Hinata asked in a quiet voice trying to comprehend what her lady is talking about.

"Master is the one who made me like this... He purified me... conquered me... and made me divine... And it was then that my goal changed... I no longer wanted to corrupt the innocent... No... I want to purify the corrupted ones." Lumines continues as Hinata tried to comprehend her words.

"And it was then when I found you~" Lumines whispered in Hinata's ear as she pulls away her robe revealing Hinata's neck.

Every single alarm in Hinata's head activates as she tries to escape... But she's too late.

As a predator caching Its prey, Lumines lunges towards Hinata biting into her neck as a quiet moan escapes Hinata's lips.

As the Vampire Queen this wasn't the first time her Lady took blood from her, as she said she liked the blood of a virgin the most... But this was different.

And now Hinata can only watch her strength leave making her body limp. As the only thing keeping her from falling to the floor is her lady's grip around her waist.

But that soon let go as Hinata falls to the floor hearing a satisfied gulp from behind her.

As she slowly makes her way from behind Hinata, Lumines continues talking.

"And now... I have Mistress to thank since I can finally purify you of your sins. Making you completely mine~" Lumines continues with a passionate voice as Hinata helplessly looks at the ground, her body refusing to listen to her.

Lumines then gently holds Hinata's face rising it to look her in the eyes and gently whispers...

*A/N: Decided to edit this picture as it fits the moment. The blood is from Lumines biting her. And for those of you that can't see it, here's what she said: 

"Oh, how I yearned for this... How I wanted this... how I needed this... And now... I have you here... all mine and mine alone~ So, I'll teach you to be mine... And you're gonna love IT."*

Hinata looks at her Lady in shock as she tries to understand the sudden advance but she soon realizes the truth...

Lady Lumines always wanted this... And she was powerless to stop her...

*Time skip*

After Hinata passed out from the effects of the skill {"Lustful king" Asmadies} Lumines used her collar to access a special sub-space in her Master's {Imaginary space}. Her mistresses granted her this sub-space as she and master will soon leave this world.

After stashing her snack for later use Lumines returns and calls her most trusted subordinate.

"My lady you called for me." The vampire Louies announced as he kneels before her.

"Yes, what is the state of the city?" Lumines asks.

"The other buildings were destroyed But there were no casualties as all the civilians evacuated," Louis reported still kneeling.

"I see... Very well start the rebuilding process as soon as possible," Lumines ordered as she walked towards her throne.

"Certainly but one more thing if I may," Louis asked as he stood up.

"What is it," Lumines answered giving him an interested look.

"Hinata didn't show up for the fight and as it looks right now she wasn't here to guard you. So where is she." As the question was posed the throne room fell silent.

"Sigh~I can only tell you to pronounce her dead..." But as Lumones's answer reached Louis's ears he merely showed an unwavering expression.

"But she isn't dead is she," Louis confirmed as he looked at his lady.

Silence once again filled the room as his lady showed an unsure expression.

"I want to know lady Lumines... You started acting strangely ever since you left your first Walpurguis. At first, I thought it was because of the stress of becoming a demon lord or Chloe's later imprisonment but even now that she's back you haven't shown a sign of change. And I have to know what caused that." Louis insists breaking the silence.

"If I was to tell you that... I would have to take your life..." His lady's answer echoes in the room

But Louis only smiled and continued.

"Lady Lumines... Even if it costs me my life... I'll rather die as a loyal servant than continue as a wavering one..." Louis continues showing his resolve.

"So... You truly won't let this go? After I take my leave I planned to leave you as the lord of this land. So... Are you sure?" Lumines asked speaking from her heart.

"Lady Lumines If whatever your going you can't take me with you. It is worse than letting me die on a battlefield." Louis continued his resolve unwavering.

"I see... Well, you always were the stubborn one. But if that truly is your wish I'll realize it as a thank you for your service." Lumines answered as she materialized her {Night rose} before closing the distance and piercing Louis's heart.

She enveloped her sword with the skill {Thought transsmision} allowing her to explain the situation to Louis as he dies.

"I see-cough! cough!- If only the circumstances were different-cough! cough!- Nevertheless, it was an honor serving you... Lady Lumines." Louis says with a smile on his face as his eyes become lifeless.

Lumines gently places him on the ground before standing up.

"And I thank you for your unwavering service..."




===== To be continued =====

*Hello there, sorry for the chapter delay. As the announcement I made on my profile suggests (Follow me pls) I lost this whole chapter while eating Dinner with my family. So I was forced to rewrite the whole chapter.*


*Now as I was rewriting this chapter I decided to (Some of you may have noticed) try out a new weighting style. It completely deletes the "POVs" I usually use so it's a pretty big change. And by counting in the better character description I have with my new skill {Saying random words until it sounds good} this may be a big change to this and any future story's if I decide to do them.*

*And to be honest I like the change. I will probably switch between this and my last writing style but I wanted to know how it is to read it.*

*So seeing that I like it, it makes the chapters longer and makes some smaller improvements I want to know your opinion about it.*

*That's all for this part.*

Memes (All mine)

*See ya*

(Words 3805)

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