The Quiet Girl

By stori99

9K 801 25

I'm the girl from school nobody notices. I'm the one the mean girls always make fun of when one of the guys d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Rachel's POV)
Chapter 17 (Ghost's POV)
Chapter 18 (Derrick's POV)
Chapter 20
Chanter 21
Chapter 22
Rachel (Chapter 23)
Chapter 24 (Derrick)
Ghost (Chapter 25)
Jasmine (Chapter 26)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 19 (Jasmine POV)

174 23 0
By stori99

I have my arms wrapped around Malcolm while Ghost has his arms around my waist.

"Where is Derrick and Rachel?" I ask.

"Doesn't matter just keep with the plan and tomorrow we'll be out of here soon Baby Girl."

"Plan? What plan?"

There wouldn't be a plan without me knowing. Derrick wouldn't do that and even if he would Rachel wouldn't keep it from me. She'd force him to tell her.

"Derrick didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I demand.

Malcolm turns over and rests his head on my chest.

"Lucky kid." Ghost mutters.

I elbow him and he chuckles. He kisses my neck playfully.

"Raphael Donald Ronald, you better tell me."

"He is just planning on leaving here sooner than expected. Earlier today I put a bug on all their computers so we could say that we're taking them to get fixed and never see them again."

"Why don't I know?" I demand.

"I don't know Baby Girl, but let's go to bed. I'm sure everything will be explained by tomorrow."

I turn and kiss him and go to sleep.

The next morning I wake up to something wet on my chest. I look down and see Malcolm has slobbered over me.

I push his head on a pillow.

Ghost groans and wakes up.

"Baby Girl, you elbowed me." He complains grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Sorry." I tell him, then yawn.

"Morning breath, sexy." He tells me lustfully.

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

"It looks like your stitches healed nicely." He tells me.

"Yeah well I already know where you're going to go and I'm not going to make out with you with Malcolm here."

He smiles and runs his smooth hands up under my shirt.

I uncontrollable melt like butter and I hate it. He brings his lips down to my neck and nibbles on it.

"I said-"

"That you weren't going to make out with me, but you aren't I'm doing all the work."

He urges my legs around his waist. One hand caresses my butt and legs and the other runs through my hair.

"You're beautiful." Ghost whispers in my ear before nibbling on it.

He tries to slip his hand down my pants, but I push him off me.

"No. We have a child in the room." I whisper.

"Stop blushing so much if you don't want too." He smirks then winks.

I scoff and get out of bed and walk downstairs.

"Look who finally decided to come back." I announce as Derrick and Rachel try and sneak back in.

"We got married." Rachel tells me.

I swiftly go to them and hit Derrick's chest. "And you didn't tell me?!"

"It was spontaneous." He explains with a goofy grin.

Ghost comes downstairs and puts his arms around my waist.

Derrick's expression darkens as Ghost touches me. Derrick doesn't back down and neither does Ghost. They are definitely saying unspoken words. Something happened between them.

"And we agreed on a name for our baby girl." Derrick announce.

"It's a girl?" Ghost asks. He goes and hugs Adi. The hug served its purpose, to get under Derrick's skin. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Rachel perks. She knows something is up. It is very hard to read Rachel's expressions, but she slipped for a minute.

"What's the name?" I ask finally.

"Arshi Adana Yancy." They announce at the same time.

I smile at them. "It's different."

"It's perfect." Ghost smirks.

"JUNIOR!" Martha shouts.

Derrick smiles form a shy smirk. "Yes mother?"

"What the hell is wrong with my computers?"

"I honestly don't know we were out all night." He answers.

She glares at all of us. "Fix it." She hisses.

She marches off upstairs.

"Does she seem even more of a witch then usual?" Rachel snickers.

"Her and her husband were arguing all night long." Ghost informs us.

"It doesn't matter, I want to be out of here in a few hours." Rachel states.

"Can I trust you all?" Derrick asks. "I don't want Rachel moving around much anymore she's on bed rest."

"We got it." I assure him.

"Put them all in my car." He instructs, then carries Rachel upstairs.

We walk to Derrick Senior's computer room.

Ghost quickly logs into one if the computers.

"I thought we were supposed to take them to his car."

"I know, but I have to talk to Nadia." He responses.

"About?" I ask impatiently.

He turns and smirks at me. "You don't want her flirting with your man, the love of your life, your sexy Brazilian lover."

I burst out laughing. "Your way into yourself to much and really my Brazilian lover."

He chuckles typing in the screen and soon Nadia accepts his request.

She smiles weakly at me.

"Hey Nadia." I greet.

"I looked at everything." Ghost informs her.

"Yes, I've been deleting his files, but he's catching into me. He is becoming a tyrant and there is word that half of us will leave."

"Nadia, challenge him in front of everyone and win."

"He had already beaten the others that have tried-"

"But you were always better than him."

"Then why didn't you leave me in charge?" She argues.

"Because, he would have tried to kill you."

She nods and glances at me. "I'll get right on it."

He stops the chat and disconnects the computer. I go to the others and do the same.

"So what's going on with you and Derrick?" I ask him casually.

"It's a long story that I don't want to talk about." He tells me sternly.


"Drop it!" He snarls.

I meet his hurtful glare and return the same look. I frown and nod my head.

I get a computer and pick it up and head out the door.

I head outside and put the computer in the trunk of Derrick's car.

"I got the rest, go check on Malcolm." Ghost advises coldly.

I do and see he is still in the need sleep. I climb in next to him and wrap my arms lightly around him.

I kiss his hair.

"Mommy?" He asks sleepily.

"No goofy ball." I tell him with a smile.

"Oh hi Jasmine." He responses with a hint of embarrassment.

"Did you know I was your sister?" I ask him.

"Yes." He answers simply.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Mommy and daddy wanted to tell you." He answers. "Are you mad?"


"Then why are you here?"

"Because it's time to wake up."

He slowly gets up and we head downstairs.

Derrick and Rachel are downstairs putting on their coats. Her stomach is starting to stick out.

"Come on Jasmine, Rachel is on bed rest and I don't want her standing for too long." Derrick demands.

I pick up Malcolm and head to the car. Ghost is leaning against Derrick's car and we lock eyes. I open the door and put Malcolm in his car seat.

"You're not going to talk to me?" He asks.

"I didn't say that." I answer climbing into the car, even though I hate the middle seat.

Derrick and Rachel get in the car and we drive away.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"We have to change appearances." Derrick informs.

Rachel hands out IDs and passports.

It had my face, but light hazel eyes and wavy short hair barely and dark brown highlights.

We pull into a big house. I look around and see children passing and running around in the yards and streets.

"Ugh suburban life." Ghost mutters.

"Reminds you of home?" I mutter.

Ghost looks at my coldly.

"Inside both of you go upstairs. The first room to the right is Malcolm's the next room is Jasmine's and the next is Ghost's. In your rooms is someone who will do your full makeover." Derrick instructs.

We get out of the car and walk into the house. It is a two story house with a basement not included. The house is completely furnished. The paint on the walls are fresh and there are even pictures of Malcolm and I on the walls leading upstairs.

"That is creepy." Malcolm informs.

"Yes it is." I answer urging him forward to the stairs.

We go up the seven stairs stairs and I open Malcolm's door and see a smiling face of a white girl with brown freckles on her cheek bones. She's short and very chubby.

"Hi, Charles told me I'd just be doing Malcolm's hair."

I give Malcolm a nudge towards her and walk to the next room.

Ghost takes my hand as I shut the door. He kisses me wildly and I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer by my waist.

"The silent treatment only makes me want to kiss you." He tells me.

He is so complicated and unpredictable it's annoying but so worth it.

He lets go of me and I go in my room. On the walls has a name 'Danielle' over the bed. The walls of the rim is painted purple with pictures of boy bands everywhere.

A black man stands next to a chair best my dresser and the mirror on top of it. The man is fit and tall maybe taller than Derrick and Derrick is the tallest person I know.

"Danielle right?"


He smiles warmly at me. "Come on let's get started on this hair."

I walk over there and sit in the chair.

"Derrick already told you about what your going to look like right?"


"Okay." He answers as he begins washing my hair.

Once he is done I look in the mirror and see my hair is short and trimmed in the bottom and at the top it since curls touch my brow. I actually like it. I never thought I would like my hair short, I've been growing it out my whole life. It was passed my shoulders.

"Do you like it?" He asks as I examine myself.

"Yes I actually do."

"Good now I gotta put the contacts in your eyes."

I open my eyes wider and he quickly puts it in there.

"Thank you." I tell him being up from the chair.

He puts a pair of thick glasses on me then packs up and leaves my room.

I look at myself on the mirror again and smile. It may have been time for a new look.


I look towards the door and see Ghost standing at the door. His expression is unreadable as he looks at me. He looks the same. No hair cut no change in eye color nothing!

He walks over to my and wraps his arms around me. He picks me up by my waist and kisses me. His lips move fast against mine. I struggle to keep up, but he catches me when I need it.

"You look sexy." He whispers in my ear. He urges me to wrap my legs around him.

"Ghost no. We have to meet with the others to determine a plan." I tell him.

He kisses me again, but quicker this time.

We leave my room and see Malcolm and the others on the couch.

"You look nice." Derrick informs me.

I smile and study them. Malcolm's hair is now low cut and picked so his hair is no longer curly. It's also dyed black instead of his natural brown. His eyes stay the same but he has blue glasses.

Derrick has wavy hair instead of his normal picked out hair and he now has a buzz cut.

They took a few inches of Rachel's hair and curled it. They also gave her bangs to cover her forehead and gray glasses.

Ghost and I sit on the couch with them.

"Okay first where are the weapons?" I ask.

"Your glasses can detect heat and you can see in the dark with them on."

"How do we turn it on?" I ask.

"Touching the right side of them glasses and they will turn in. You can also control which setting you want."

"What's else?" I ask.

"In each of your rooms there are twelve guns and seven knives hidden. But each weapon is a casual looking item. Those will need to be on your person at all times." Derrick explains.

"Here we are an army family who enjoys being outside." Rachel informs.

"Why doesn't Ghost have to change?" Malcolm asks.

"Because, they have no records of my face or name." He explains.

"Go find the weapons." Derrick advises.

We swiftly go to our room and I quickly look around.

I go to my bed with people covers and find eyeliner. I put it in my pocket. I look under the pillow where I find a hand gun and a bracelet. In the pillow case I find three knives and three rings.

I take my sheets off the bed and find nothing. I move the rug and knock on the wood floor below. I run my fingers over it and I cut myself. I tare up the floor and find a sniper rifle and a necklace.

In minutes I find the other items. Rachel comes in my room as I sit on my bed.

I run my hand on her stomach and smile.

"How do you like your new look?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes. "I don't like my hair. I was taught never to cut it."

I smile at her. "So what is Derrick's goal here?"

"It train you and Ghost to take down the agency." She answers.

"What's his problem with Ghost?"

She laughs heartily. "What do you think?" She answers chuckling. "He wants you to have nothing to do with him. Derrick fears he is unstable."

"No there is more to it! I know you know what it is. Tell me please."

She sighs. "When you and Andre were suddenly taken out of Ghost's home after he confessed his feelings, have you ever thought why you were pulled out? You hadn't completed your mission."

"I hadn't thought about it." I answer. "Why were we pulled out?"

"Because Ghost asked your father for permission to have a romantic relationship with you. Derrick couldn't believe it. He ranted for months and I couldn't believe it either."

"I can." I answer softly.

Ghost is a sweetheart. He is secretly old-fashioned and would have wanted my parents to like him and approve of him. Now that I really think about it, it must be killing him that Derrick doesn't like our relationship.

"Derrick didn't like Ghost's lifestyle and the fact that what he does is illegal."

"Yeah, I know that."

"Derrick paid Ghost $175,000,000 to not have any type of romantic involvement with you ever."

"Ghost accepted?"

She shakes her head. "No, and the next day is when he confessed his feeling for you."

"And I rejected him." I answer softly.

"Yes and that's when he threatened to blow up the cities."

"Ghost never accepted the money?" I ask.

"Never and Derrick got over it, because you were never supposed to see him again."

"What are his feelings now?"

"He thinks he's a bad influence on you, but he still wants you to be happy."

"Jasmine!" Derrick calls suddenly.

I run out of the room and to him.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Okay so I was wondering which relationship do you like more Derrick and Adi or Jasmine and Ghost? Please tell me, because I personally can't decide.


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