One Way: Find the Destiny

By Chimera_Regarion

2.1K 216 22

One second that is all it takes to know something is wrong. It is that one second that the heart stops beatin... More

~1~ : Something is not right
~ 2 ~ : I am doomed!
~3~: Something to remember...
~4~: Quite the situation
~5~: Don't be suspicious!
~6~: First impressions matter!
~7~: What a maid...
~9~: Meet the brothers
~10~: Jealousy over abilities
~11~: Freaking names...
~12~: The story behind the duke family
~13~: Fancy.. Very Fancy...
~14~: A strange child
~15~: My new servant
~16~: Shortcut
~17~: Favorite!
~18~: The start of the festival!
~19~: Build different
~20~: On the hit list
~21~: A sleeping dragon
~22~: Dragons and Wizards...
~23~ Too many questions!
~24~: A quiet life or not?
~25~: Silent War!
~26~: Hidden in the attack!
~27~: Meet the prince!
~28~: Things will change...
~29~: An auspicious oracle
~30~: Escape!
~31~: Rumors
~32~ Mysterious Doctor - all healer - a true angel...
~33~: That one kid... no way...
~34~: New Saint treatment.... INSANE!
~35~: Welcome to the church!
~36~: This was to be expected!
~37~: What to do....No where to hide!
~38~: What happened...
~39~: On the same boat
~40~: Let the distraction begin!
~41~: A true Saintess!
~42~: Area Heal
~43~: Sent by the heavens
~44~: ... What are you doing here?!
~45~: At the banquet
~46~: Help Request
~47~: A plan... without it we might fail!
~48~: The start of the war
~49~: The mages arrival
~50~: The warside...everything is possible!
~51~: Leading the way!
~52~: When the dragon arrives!
~53~: Battle of the giants
~54~: A god?
~55~: Closure for families!
~56~: One last mission!
~57~: Peace Talks
~58~: Talks were never an option....
~59~: For a better future!
~60~: The mind is a strange thing

~8~: This Girl is crazy!!!

35 7 0
By Chimera_Regarion

I could have killed someone if we go by looks because the gaze I was giving this kid was definitely one that could have massacred soo many people and yet for some reason she still didn't get it. That whip in her hand was really a weapon and it could hurt me but I was more angry to see blood dripping down off it a bit. This meant that she just hurt my maid. Anyone hurting my people was about to pay for it. No matter how long I knew Emi, she was the one who looked as if she cared for me. So of course I would stand by her side and won't let this go at all. I might just be a kid but I was no longer a nobody. I knew better than anyone else what the name Underwood had for a weight in this world.

"Who do you think you are?"

Not saying anything would make me be like her. I at least wanted to give her the chance to say something to her defense even though it really looked bad for her. Anyways, I wanted to know who she really thought she was to be able to actually hit people as she pleases without any kind of remorse nor punishment.



Who else?

Is there another crazy barking dog?

This is what I actually wanted to say to her but instead decided to think that way and not tell her that to her face. Who knows what this girl would do to me if I would tell her that. It would definitely not end well for sure. Not as if I was not starting to get angry at this point at all. It was just unbelievable! Which normal person was hitting another person just like that? There was absolutely no reason for her to hit my maid at all.

Some time passed and this girl really expected me to say something in return and I couldn't help it but let out a small laugh before looking at her.

"Yes, you! Or do you think you see another crazy monkey around?"

"Excuse me?! Monkey?!"



Okay maybe I overdid it but that was honestly what I was thinking. At this point, I knew I already screwed up. A lot of people already told me that I shouldn't always say what I was thinking and take a minute or more to think it over. Hey, I would but honestly what else should I call her? A lunatic? A psychopath? Or a bitch? There were a couple of more terms that came into my mind but each one was getting more and more aggravating and I was sure I would end up in a lot more trouble if I would use any of these instead of monkey.


"Lady Roset-"


"But she is-"

"I said SHUT IT DELCA! You are just a butler! Know your place!"

Well so I thought but the moment I said that out loud, I felt the whip. It all happened so fast and I wasn't even ready for it but that really hit me differently. It came out of the blue and the pain I felt was quite something else. She managed to hit my cheek and I felt something running down my cheek the moment the pain hit me and all this girl was doing was laugh at me for actually being the stupid one answering and fighting back.

"You did not..."

"Oh I did!"


"You shouldn't have come here and stolen other things! This is not a place for a street rat like yourself!"

I had enough of this nonsense!

I mean, I don't know who I am but I am not a beggar!

I had quite nice things on as well when I came here!

So who are you talking about?

Look at yourself!

You never worked in your entire world and you think you are better than others?!


Try doing their work for once!

Besides you are also nothing more than a beggar who lives from her fathers money and her family name!

Of course she started laughing and talking but I was just getting more and more angry. That was when I also touched my own cheek and I don't know what I did but when I touched my cheek, I felt something warm and the pain immediately subsided. No matter what it was, it felt immediately better than the stinging pain.

"HAHAHAHAHA serves you right. Who do you think you are! My father will never allow Unkel Oliver to have such a dirty thing like you around."

Did she just call me dirty?

No way!

Did she really just call me dirty?!

Screw this shit!

I am done with her!

I tried talking....


Before I really got what was going on, I went straight for her and she even tried to use her whip on me before I just grabbed it and pulled her over with it. Of course she fell down and let go of the whip. My hand was bloody as well since this whip was not just a whip but was burning and had small thorns on it. This was jut brutal and a torture weapon and this girl dared to hit inocent people with it. Now it was her time to feel this pain.

I repositioned the whip in my hand and it was only now that I saw that the wounds on my body slowly started to heal themselves. It was definitely not normal but it would explain why there were no injuries on my body. Maybe healing was my power or something like that. Who knows?! Dragons were magical beings after all. So anything would make sense at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw pigs flying at all.

"The hell!"


How do you like this?!

"Do you even know how much this hurts?! How can you even hurt people like this!"

"So what?"

"So what?!"

"YES! They are servants!"

"And you? You think you are truly above them?"


She tried to reply but I let the whip snap the air in half before making it go down and hit her hands as she was still sitting on the ground leaning on her hands. This was certainly not the way to handle this situation but I didn't care about it. For some reason all my rationality went out of the window and left me all alone. I don't know what it was but I honestly thought that this was the right way to do stuff! It felt soo right at this point.

Right now I felt good and I hated myself because of that. It was not a good thing to feel this happy about hitting a human being. It was definitely not normal and it was a bit concerning but right now, at this point in time, my mind was somewhere entirely else. I wanted to show her the pain she made others feel. I wanted her to feel the same kind of humiliation that she was creating and I wanted to show her the discomfort one would have after being hit. It was not fair and she and I knew this fact. There was no reason for me to hit her at all. In fact I didn't know her at all but I also kinda did since I knew the books content.

"Listen up Missy! I don't know who you are nor what your problem is! But hit one of my people or me again and I will pay you back ten folds."

"You think you can get away with thi-"

Another hit and this time I deliberately hit her cheek. Now I paid her back for the injuries she created herself on my body and on my maid. As for the extra, I decided to walk over to her and look down at her. I may be small but right now, she was sitting on the ground and I could look down on her. So I decided to use this psychological effect of judgment and let her know that right now, I was the one standing above her and there was nothing she could say that would get her out of this situation.

I think she also understood that because she was actually starting to shiver ever so slightly and I couldn't help but glare coldly down at her with a murderous aura. Wait! Did I say murderous?! Since when did I know what a murderous aura was or how to use it? Was this something that I knew how to do based on instincts or was this something I always knew but never actually really used? Ah who cares. It was fitting this situation and I would rather her have been scared than think she could do anything with me and my people.

"I will tell my father about this!"

"Go do that! I don't care!"


There was nothing she could say. I watched her mouth go wide open and then stay open. A fly could have easily entered and yet she was not closing it up. Instead she immediately started to break out crying and I just ignored that, turning around to look at Emi.


"Yes, princess?"

"Can you come down a bit?"

She did as I asked and crouched right in front of me. The wound she had was not serious but it was nonetheless a wound and would definitely hurt. Not to mention that her uniform was now ruined a bit. Someone had to stitch this up and I was sure that no matter how good one was with needlework, this was definitely not something that could be easily done. However, that was an entirely other topic. I just felt sad seeing her get hurt because of me.

When I touched her wound out of pity, I didn't expect or see it coming. All of the sudden, the wound started closing up right where I touched it and it was just within seconds that the wound was completely gone.

"Does it hurt now?"


It seemed as if this was not normal because she looked at her wound and then at me. Though I liked to think that she was looking at me, it was definitely not that. I really hated this girl behind me at this point. How dare she even grab my hair and pull it back by it?! Really!!! Who did she think she was?!

Thankfully the butler and my maid came in between us but I had enough.


I was the first one who let out a heart piercing cry out. All I wanted was attention with it and it worked! A lot better than I had expected because the door down the hallway was thrown open and there was my father and two boys looking at us.

"What in the world is going on?"

So in short, what was really going on? Let's recap this real quickly. I was going crazy because someone dared to hit my maid and then dared to hit me and I was not allowed to fight back. In what princess-like glitter cloud was she living? Who would let themselves get hit this easily without fighting back or giving them back what they deserve?! I don't know how this world was running and what was common sense but hey, I just hit her without thinking twice. My body moved without even thinking about it. So tell me again about what was going on?!

Now where were we? Ah yes, I was getting pulled by my hair and decided to make the best move I could do for this day and scream for help. This was definitely the best thing I could have done so far. Besides I couldn't really explain how I just healed wounds anyways.



Oh, Oh!

This definitely didn't sound good nor did it look good. Thankfully she let go of my hair. On the other hand, now I felt something that could only be described as blood lust because I couldn't move an inch and every fiber in my body was telling me to run and every hair on my body was standing up. Was this the so-called fight or fly effect? I believe it was but it was safe for me. Well I didn't feel that way until my father actually picked me up and was staring daggers at the other girl.

"Delka, get Rosetta to my brother. Send him a note that I want to talk with him in an hour as well. This is far from over."

That was honestly all he said before he left with me in his arms to get back to the dining room. Wow. This was definitely a huge surprise since I didn't think that everything could be resolved this fast but honestly who wouldn't be frightened with that aura around him.

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