A New Start

By LilyPlayz_126

11K 250 174

"I'm glad things got better.....and not worse" "And for someone's that called nightmare, king of negativity a... More

Basic Intro and information!!!
'A What?'
'Under a table'
'The cell'
'The first Night'
'Eggs for Breakfast'
'Gone Missing'
'The lost and found'
'More Problems...'
'An Unbreakable Soul'
'A break'
~Bonus Chapter~
'Training day'
'Star Sanses'
'Nearly caught'
'A mission with the stars'
~Bonus Chapter 2~
'Back at the castle'
'Another Welcoming'
'A Play Fight'
'Mysterious Closet'
'Something Wrong'
'Problems With Emotions'
'Help On The Way'
'Failed Help'
'Losing Hope'
'Getting Worse'
'One Issue Solved'
'Dead Or Not Dead?'
'Solving Problems'
'New Universe'
'Pulled From A Dream'
'Stuck In A Nightmare'
'Surprised In The Dark'
'Just a Visit'
'The Hardest Decision Life Could Give You'
'A lot Of Talking'
'A Glitch In The System'
'The Reunion'
'Travelling Through Multiverses'
'A Choice'
'The End'

'The gang'

373 6 1
By LilyPlayz_126

Y/n POV:

I'm going to be honest, I feel like I say that too much now, it was quite boring in there. I have been through worse things I just really don't want to talk about.... so I kinda just waited, and waited. At one point I think I was talking to myself. I don't remember doing that though. I know for sure that I spent a long while looking at the heart. I managed to find out that it kinda lives in my body.I don't really know what it's for though. All I know is that I like to look at it and that it was slowly turning more black. Is that supposed to be a good thing? Cus I really don't know if your gonna want to ask me. The floor wasn't too cold. Probably because it was summer. But still, it was like a prison, I think it was meant to be one. I didn't really mind. I in a way liked the peace and calm, I've always liked to be by myself. That way I could never get bossed around by anyone and do whatever I want. So if you are going to ask me, then I will just say that I kinda needed this. At one point also, I think I fell asleep. It's wasn't that cold so falling asleep was a breeze. I usually left my window open overnight, just to simply let fresh air in. 

Well I do know for sure that I woke up to someone shaking the life out of me. I casually sat up, a bit dizzy. I then realised I was on the floor, and not on the lump and pillow I think was supposed to be a bed. "HEY BOSS, SHES NOT DEAD!!!!!" I looked up at the guy in front of me. About a thousand questions raced into my head just then....who was this guy? What did he want from me? Who was their boss? The one in front of me look normal, apart from the fact that this thing wasn't human, except the fact that he, I think, has no eyes and freaking black goo dripping from his eye sockets. I'd say it's quite a frightening sight. After about a minute of him staring at me. He introduced himself as Killer. Honestly looking at this guy, I'm not even going to try act surprised that his name is killer. Just about then, another one comes in behind another, one of them looks straight up depressed with a hood and a red scarf while the other one was quite happy, had 1 eye with no eye socket and the other one was basically red, and he had what looked like a lump was taken out of his head like how you take dirt out with a shovel. Forgot to mention he also had a axe on him. " Hello Delicious Human!" The more cheerful one said. That word 'delicious' made my spine shiver. "As For Introductions, My Name Is Horror, And This Guy Next To Me Is Called Dust!" I then heard dust speak up. " you know i think i can say my own name." I just watched as he death stared horror. Then another one came in, so far, this guy is the least scary outta them 3. He gave me a warm smile and took out his hand for me to shake. " Hey there fellow human, my name is cross and you know don't worry too much about those guys, there are all psychopaths." I look to my left to now see killer death staring cross. " if I were you I would watch your tongue because I think that yours is about to get tied up!" Then I just sat and watched as  awkward fight started in front of me. I am going to say though...... these guys are hella funny. Maybe they aren't as bad as they seem. I couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation. "Having some fun I see?" "Nightmare enters the chamber. Hopefully you aren't giving this human a bad time are you boys?" " Since When Do You Want People To Not Be Sad?" " Also This One Seems Extra Tasty." "Horror no, it wouldn't be nice to eat our guest would it?" He seemed so calm in this chaotic situation. But boy was it amusing to look at, like a live tv show! "So are you saying that a human might join us?" " I'm still thinking about that...." "so we don't get to torture her?" "Sadly for you, no" Nightmare then came over to me and helped me up. He gave me a devilish smile and told me to follow him and the boys. Welp. Guess I'm not dying tonight. Hopefully.

Dust POV:

" i'm not really sure if i am happy about a human joining our little gang, maybe boss is having a little joke now, and maybe will make her suffer later. I don't really know at this point. I look over to horror and lean against his shoulder as we walk. Except from boss, horror is the only one I like. He's just my type. I'll say that. I will say though, there is just this feeling in this girl, that just gets to me....is boss getting the same thing from her as I am?

Nightmare POV:

We start to walk towards the kitchen. I think about what cross told me. Would it be such a bad idea to add her to the team? I'd not know. I bearly know this human, I don't even know her name. What If they don't like it?....... actually, I don't care what they think, they'll get used to it, sooner or later! After all, I'm their boss. I kinda rule this whole thing, and I could say I'm proud of that. We walk into the kitchen and I tell everyone to sit down. I first of course ask the human for their name. They answered y/n.... that is a interesting name, certainly one I've never heard of before. Well she looks clueless. Look like I'm going to have explain all the basics to her......


I hope you guys liked it!🙃


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