The pogue boy and the kook pr...

Galing kay Coolboy2345678

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The story of RJ (Rowan Jay) Routledge and his discovery with love and treasure along with his chosen family. ... Higit pa

Chapter 1 summer time
Chapter 2 after the storm
Chapter 3 Sarah Cameron
Chapter 4 kegger
Chapter 5 Row Row
Chapter 6 compass
Chapter 7 JJ being JJ
Chapter 8 Lana's
Chapter 9 office
Chapter 10 the break in
Chapter 11 redfield
Chapter 12 adventure
Chapter 13 the record recorder
Chapter 14 four hundred mill
Chapter 15 salvage yard
Chapter 16 the wreck
Chapter 18 royal merchant
Chapter 19 dcs
Chapter 20 Vince and Val
Chapter 21 library
Chapter 22 motherland
Chapter 23 school
Chapter 24 midsummer
Chapter 25 plant map
Chapter 26 game on
Chapter 27 the meeting
Chapter 28 the hospital
Chapter 29 moving in
Chapter 30 the Crain house
Chapter 31 girlfriend
Chapter 32 walk
Chapter 33 chetau
Chapter 34 Camrone's household
Chapter 35 plan in motion
Chapter 36 the reconciliation
Chapter 37 Rafe Cameron
Chapter 38 the breaker
Chapter 39 crazy lady
Chapter 40 shot
Chapter 41 night swim
Chapter 42 unexpected obstacle
Chapter 43 ladies man
Chapter 44 pawnshop
Chapter 45 setup
Chapter 46 the house of the drug dealer
Chapter 47 the wreck
Chapter 48 second round
Chapter 49 the call

Chapter 17 oreos

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Galing kay Coolboy2345678

3rd pov

The gang was now trying to work on the drone to keep their search for the gold.

Pope was the one working on it while the others relaxed. JJ come out of nowhere and began to play with the drone. Pope rolled his eyes and took it from the Maybank boy. ''hey, I was playing with it''. ''exactly, it's not a play thing. So, don't touch that. I'm the one trying to work out the rov''.

JJ began to yawn. ''good thing we have a geek in our squad. Gotta have someone smart. Like what would we do without you to control the drones?''. ''it's not a drone JJ, it's a rov''. JJ yawned again. ''ah, ah. Bro I'm tired, so please just be quiet for a little bit''.

John B came into the room with Kie and RJ. ''looking good with the drone, Popeye''. Pope rolled his eyes at RJ. ''look once we get the photo of the wreck we'll bring it into the town and give it to a lawyer. Then we'll file a formal claim. Sounds good?''. JJ looked at John B. ''you serious man?''. ''well, JJ. You see there is maritime salvage law. Kind of illegal to go to the ocean floor and scoop a bunch of stuff up'', Pope tried to explain to the Maybank boy.

JJ sighed. ''I know, but lawyers aren't cheap. Just saying''. RJ shrugged his shoulder. ''maybe as soon as they see the footage, they'll work for a comp''.

Kie looked at him with a questioning look on her face. ''how do you know that?'', she asked him. ''our dad has told us like many times'', John B replied.

Kie nodded. ''seems fair''. ''the tether is long, like real. So, in the wrong weather it could get pushed around. Since the weather right now aren't good, we should wait until tomorrow''. ''I agree with Pope, we'll wait at slack tide. Right?''. ''yeah at slack tide JB''.

''well, gotta go home then''. Pope and Kie walked through the door, to leave. JJ was about too, but RJ stopped him. ''sleep here bro. We got room''. ''you sure because I can g...''. RJ shook his head. ''no J. Sleep here''. JJ nodded and went to the couch. ''sleep in my bed, I'll take the couch''.

''you sure?''. ''yes J. Now get some sleep, we need sleep to function''. JJ nodded and went into the oldest Routledge's brother's room.

''you know. You're a great big brother even tho you're just some months older'', John B said approaching his brother. ''thanks Johnny. Now go to bed you too''. John B nodded and went into his own room.

RJ sighed and laid himself on the couch. He started to think if this was a good idea. Dragging everybody with him for this scavenger hunt. Honestly he didn't know, but one thing he knew certainly. Was that he was going to try and protect all of them.


The next day

RJ was the first one to wake up. He dragged himself up and quietly went out. It was warm outside, so he took of his t-shirt and was now shirtless.

He was back outside his house and began to do some push ups to let some steam out.

It had been a half an hour and he had been switching from push ups to pull ups. He was now sweaty.

He went inside and drank some water, then he went back outside. He looked at the ocean.

Suddenly he heard a sound and the moment he turned around, he was met by a bag of oreos flying his way. He quickly looked up and was met by the Cameron girl.

Before he got to say something, she spoke first. ''it's your turn''. ''what?'', he asked clueless. She rolled her eyes at him. ''for you to ask me what I'm doing here''. RJ looked at her more clueless. ''uh, what are you doing here?''. As the Cameron girl was about to answer, she noticed he was shirtless and couldn't help but check him out. No matter how many times she had seen him shirtless, she still couldn't comprehend it. He was already hot with his shirt on, but he was even hotter without one. Showing his muscular arms and his abs.

''Sarah?''. She got out of her trance. ''oh, uhm. I didn't get a chance to respond the other day at my house when you and John B yelled and snapped on me. Yeah I know I was the one storming out like a child, but still. Since we didn't get the chance to talk yesterday at the restaurant, I made my mind to come here today. First of all, I'm not a liar. I really don't know how my dad found about the scuba gear, but I can assure you it was not me. I'm not the reason why you got fired, like John B accused me for. Also sorry for Topper's behaviour yesterday''.

RJ pouted his lips and nodded towards her. ''yeah, okay''. ''wait, that's all? You're forgiving me?''. He shrugged his shoulder. ''you told me it wasn't you, so I believe you''. She looked surprised. ''oh, okay. Good talk''.

RJ then remembered the oreos he had in his hand. ''wait, why did you give me this?'', he said holding the cookies up. She turned around and shrugged her shoulder. ''your favourite, right?''. ''yeah, how did you know?'', he asked surprising. ''got my ways I guess''. She said while walking away from the Routledge boy with a smile on her face.

''what just happened?'', he asked himself as he runed his hands through his hair.

JJ came out and looked at the boy. ''was Sarah here?''. ''yeah uhm she gave me these oreos and said it wasn't her fault I got fired''. ''hm interesting. Well, I gotta go''. ''wait, where are you going''.

''Pope's dad needs some help with the shop. I volunteered. So, I'm going to help him and Pope''. RJ nodded approvingly. ''that's good. See you later J''. ''see you later bro''. With that the Maybank boy was on his way to his other friend.

As RJ was thinking for himself. Kie showed up. ''hey R''. He looked up at her. ''hey Kie''. ''wanna go surfing or just take a swim?''. ''got nothing else to do. So, I'm in''.


They both walked towards the beach.




Couple of hours later


The two teens just got out of the water. They sat themselves on the towel Kie had brought. ''so, uhm can I ask you something?''. The Routledge boy smiled at the girl. ''sure Kie, ask away''.


''you remember when you kissed me, right?''. RJ sighed. ''yeah want to forget that because I was an idiot''. ''no, it wasn't your fault. You were stressing out, but uh did you tell JJ?''. The boy looked at her with a surprising look on his face. ''uh yeah kind of did. Can't exactly not tell JJ something about that, when he was the one telling me to go for it. If it helps he laughed at me because you know, turned me down''. Kie sighed. ''I didn't exactly turn you down. I mean you said it yourself. You were stressing out''. ''right. May I ask why you were wondering if J knew?''. She became a little nervous. ''oh, no reason at all. Just-just wondering''. RJ just nodded at the girl.


Suddenly they heard the voice of the Maybank boy behind them. ''save some water for us'', he said running at them.


''where have you guys been? I texted like six hours ago telling where we were?''.


''we met some resistance'', JJ said nodding towards Pope. He had a bruise on him. ''Pope you good?'', RJ asked his friends. ''yeah, just Rafe and his friends, but don't worry I got it covered''. ''hell yeah, he did. You should have seen it guys'', JJ said exciting.


''JB where were you?''. ''just fixing some stuff, don't worry''. RJ nodded towards him.


Pope looked at everyone. ''no bullshit, but all of you think it's out there? I mean the gold?''.


''I mean yeah. Our dad thought it was'', John B answered. ''the question is do you and RJ?''. RJ and John B both looked at each other, then back at Pope. ''we do Pope'', RJ replied. ''after hearing our dad's voice in the tape, yeah'', John B added.


''guess it's only one way to find out'', Pope said looking at the ocean. Kie jumped in the conversation. ''we're going to find it. Even JJ believes''.


RJ looked at his best friend, faking being shocked. ''JJ you believe?''.


JJ understood and played along. ''yeah I do. Still five mill we're talking about?''. ''five hundred'', Kie and Pope answered at the same time.


JJ smiled. ''yo let's go home to my and JB's place and sleep there, then we'll go tomorrow''. Everyone nodded and followed RJ.




They got home and was now outside. Everyone was laying in a sleeping bag except John B who got the hammock.


They all were drifting to sleep, when suddenly JJ spoke up. ''I'm going to dream about shipwrecks. Night everyone, night monkey and birdie''.


''night birdshit''.


''night monkey ass''.


John B and RJ looked at each other as they both replied to JJ. They were both chuckling.


''very funny'', an offended JJ said.


They all went to sleep that night, dreaming of the gold except JJ who dreamed about shipwrecks.


To be continued

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