The Shifter and The Weasley

By katiieLeiigh

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Katherine Willow has always been alone. She is starting her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and W... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Book Two
Chapter One - GoF
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 1 - OOTP
Chapter 2 - OOTP
Chapter 3 - OOTP
Chapter 4 - OOTP
Chapter 5 - OOTP
Chapter 6 - OOTP
Chapter 7 - OOTP
Chapter 8 - OOTP
Chapter 9 - OOTP
Chapter 10 - OOTP
Chapter 11 - OOTP
Chapter 12 - OOTP
Chapter 13 - OOTP
Chapter 14 - OOTP
Half Blood Prince Cast
Chapter 1 - HBP
Chapter 2 - HBP
Chapter 3 - HBP
Chapter 4 - HBP
Chapter 5 - HBP
Chapter 6 - HBP
Chapter 7 - HBP
Chapter 8 - HBP
Chapter 9 - HBP
Chapter 10 - HBP
Chapter 1 - DH
Chapter 2 - DH
Chapter 3 - DH
Chapter 4 - DH
Chapter 5 - DH

Chapter 1.

156 2 0
By katiieLeiigh

Whilst sitting at his window one starry night before the start of a new term, George was staring at the sky, his twin, Fred was fast asleep behind him, half hanging off his bed, mouth open so wide he could catch flies and giving the occasional snore. George wished he could sleep like that but for some odd reason tonight, no matter how much he tried, he just couldn't fall asleep, so he sat on his windowsill.

Lost in his own thoughts, he hadn't noticed the young girl walking slowly through the surrounding fields, she was humming quietly to herself. He was so lost in his thoughts he almost missed her completely, until he saw the flash of cherry red hair. He looked at little closer at the girl, best he could from his seat on the window, and noticed that she was changing her own hair colour, it suddenly went black, to blue, to brown and it happened so quickly he almost missed it.

As if sensing someone looking at her, she looked over at the peculiar house she was walking past and glanced up at the window, to see none other than George Weasley staring at her. Locking eyes with him she stared at him for a short while admiring the way he's changed over the summer. He's taller now, his hair a little longer but still that flaming red colour. That was about as much as she could see with it being dark outside, and without tapping into her other abilities. Letting out a hefty sigh she broke eye contact and walked away, it wouldn't do her any good attracting his attention, it would only bring more to herself, and she doesn't want that.

Heading back to her parent's house, unable to call it home, she silently climbed back into the house through her bedroom window. Quietly changing into her pyjamas, she lay down in her bed and closed her eyes. She knew she shouldn't have gone out tonight, but the early evening had proven to be the worst night for her yet and she couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts tomorrow.


"Get up, girl, you're going to be late otherwise" the voice of her father had floated through the door to her room to remind Katherine it was time for her to return to Hogwarts. Jumping out of bed she jumped into the bathroom, to do her morning routine. Routine is what kept her sane whilst at home, if she didn't have one, she would probably lose her sense of time. Double checking the packed trunk at the end of her bed, she carried it down the stairs to see her mother and father waiting to take her to the train station.

"Now I want you to behave yourself whilst you're at school, keep up your grades and stay out of trouble, and no showing anyone your abilities, do you understand" Her father looked down on her with a stern expression, her mother wearing an identical one.

"Yes father" Keeping her eyes cast to the ground Katherine closed her eyes waiting for the moment to pass. He nodded his head and held out his arm for her to take whilst her mother grabbed her trunk before the familiar sensation of apparition took over. Landing in a secluded alleyway near Kings Cross Station her mother passed her the trunk and without another word from either her father or mother they apparated away.

Sighing to herself Katherine began to hum the tune to Dream a Little Dream of Me by Doris Day. She had heard her grandmother singing it before she had passed away and it had always brought her comfort, so whenever her thoughts are too loud, she hums or sings to herself. Unfortunately, she cannot sing it in front of her parents, because it is muggle music, and her parents are blood purists. Ironic considering their daughter is no longer a pure blood and is now considered a half breed because of them.

She walked slowly down the train to find an empty compartment and came across one who had someone sleeping in there. Deciding to sit down before the train started to move, she swiftly pushed her case onto the overhead rack and sat down quietly with her head leaning against the window, still humming Doris Day to herself.

"Excuse me, could we sit with you? everywhere else is full" Katherine snapped her head towards the voice and came face to face with Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. She nodded her head politely and turned back towards the window, she could feel her eyes getting heavy before she swiftly fell into a dreamless abyss.


Katherine's eyes snapped open as the Hogwarts Express jerked to a stop, the lights flickering before extinguishing all together.

"What's going on?" Katherine had heard Rons voice for somewhere. Deciding she couldn't take the darkness she tapped into her abilities. Suddenly she could see everything in the compartment.

"Ouch, Ron that was my foot" Hermione cried. Harry sat back down from his position of standing in the doorway.

"Do you think we've broken down" Katherine thinks its Harry, but she was to focused on what was moving outside the window.

"There's something moving out there guys" Everyone startled at Katherine voice. No one had ever heard her speak before. Suddenly the compartment door opened as Neville entered, who then tripped over Harry.

"Sorry, do you know what's going on?" He sounded nervous, and Katherine went to give him a soft smile when she realised no one could see.

"Hullo Neville" came Harrys reply. He grabbed hold of Nevilles cloak to pull him onto the seat. However, when he landed on the seat, he landed on a poor unsuspecting Crookshanks, who let out a terrible hiss.

"I'm going to ask the driver what's going on" Hermione stood to move out of the compartment.

"I'd wait if I was you Hermione, Ginny is about to walk through the door" sure enough, both girls ended up colliding with each other.

"Ginny, please come in and sit down, however it is getting a bit crowded in here" Katherine soft voice startled everyone again.

"I was looking for Ron" She claimed as she ended up sitting on Harry.

"Not here, I'm here" She jumped up in surprise.

"Quiet!" Katherine jumped at the new voice, she looked over and saw the man from before, suddenly he had a handful of flames, trying to illuminate the small space, as he looked around the compartment he made eye contact with Katherine, he noticed the striking purple of her eyes. He startled a little bit and saw confusion cross her face before she seemingly remembered that her eye were purple. When she closed them and opened her eyes they were a chocolate brown colour.

"Stay where you are" Professor Lupin said quietly, he rose to his feet taking the flames with him and headed towards the compartment door. Suddenly, a bony decrepit looking hand started to slide the compartment door open, its hooded face scanned the compartment whilst taking in a rattling breath before it locked on Harry. Her eyes widened has Harry went rigid and fell to the floor. Katherine jumped up to catch him, so he didn't hit the floor. She pulled out her wand but the, what she assumed to be, new professor had already gotten rid of it.

Shaking him gently Hermione pulls him back to the land of consciousness whilst he let out a gasp of surprise causing Katherine to jump in her seat. The man across from her, watching her cautiously as she seemed to have no reaction to the dementors, snapping off a piece of chocolate he hands it over to a now awake Harry.

"Its alright its chocolate. Eat it will help" The man wore a gentle almost nostalgic smile, urging Harry to take the chocolate out of his hand.

"What – What was that thing?" Harry asked, his anxiety rising the more the compartment stayed in silence.

"It was a Dementor, they guard Azkaban" Everyone jumped as they heard the softly spoken words from Katherine. They all sat there in shock for a moment as no one had ever heard Katherine speak, but in such a short time they had heard her speak more than she had to anyone. She is in Gryffindor with the golden trio, but they have never seen or heard her speak to anyone before today. The man nodded at her statement, intrigued by the girl with the purple eyes before turning back to Harry.

"Now Excuse me, but I need to have a word with the driver" He stepped out of the compartment looking back at Harry, "Eat it will help" and with that he closed the door.

Katherine went back to looking out the window, trying to drown out the world around her until she felt a tap on her shoulder. Looking over to the third years and second year Katherine softly smiled, "yes?".

"We were just wondering if you are alright?" Hermione spoke for the teenagers in the compartment, wearing a kind smile.

"Oh yes, I'm just fine thank you, a dementor isn't the worst thing I've ever seen. Excuse me" Katherine stood up, just as the train came to a stop and grabbed her trunk. She flashed the teenagers a smile and headed off the train. Leaving her bags in the designated spot to be brought up to the castle she made her way to the carriages and climbed aboard to take a seat. Other students walked past and whispered with each other about the quiet Gryffindor who was always alone. Katherine paid no mind of course, she was used to the whispers and the stares from other people, the only time she had anyone speak to her was the Slytherins who just liked to make fun of her.

"Hello" Katherine looked up and saw Luna Lovegood, she was a sweet girl in her second year in Ravenclaw, people always seemed to poke fun at Luna also, although she never really minded, she would just smile and walk by.

"Hello, Luna, isn't it?" Katherine wore a kind smile, she never really let anyone see her without one, her life was bad enough without people asking questions, though they probably wouldn't notice.

"Yes, Your Katherine, did I interrupt a deep thought?" Katherine shook her head gently, Luna was a sweet soul, it wasn't fair the way she was treated. The carriage slowly began to fill up, so Katherine went back to staring into space, avoiding the stares and whispers of those in the carriage.


Katherine was sat listening to the school choir intently but as the song was drawing to a close, she let her eyes wander around the great hall. She loved Hogwarts, it was her home, her teachers were always kind, and she had a regular catch up with Professor McGonagall, always having tea and a biscuit whilst telling her professor about her home life. She was the only person who knew how bad Katherine's home life was and all about her abilities, but the Professor never shied away from the girl and always welcomed her with open arms. Katherine was brought back to the present as Professor Dumbledore stepped up to address the students.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts, I have a few things to say, before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. I myself am particularly looking forward to the flaming kiwi cups, which, whilst somewhat treacherous for those of us with facial hair..." He's cut off by McGonagall clearing her throat, probably to hurry the speech along as the children are waiting patiently for the feast.

"Mm, yes, first, I am pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of defence against the dark arts. Good luck to you Professor" There was a scattered round of applause, Katherine clapped along with her fellow Gryffindors, after the way he handled the dementor, she was glad to have someone who seemed to know what they were doing. The last two DADA professors turned out to be dreadful, one had He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named on the back of his head, and one turned out to be a giant fraud. Katherine shuddered at the memory.

"Of course, that's why he knew to give you the chocolate Harry" Katherine heard Hermione call to Harry. She pulled her attention back to Dumbledore.

"As some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our care of magical creatures' teacher, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his last remaining limbs. Fortunately, I am delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid" Professor Dumbledore went silent once again as another round of applause broke out, the golden trio clapping louder than everyone else. Hagrid rose to his feet, blushing a deep red, and almost tipped the table over in the process before retaking his seat.

"Now, Finally, on a more disquieting note, Hogwarts, at the request of the Ministry, will until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban" whispers start floating around the hall as people begin to look uneasy, it was then that Katherine had noticed Draco Malfoy and his band of goons pretending to faint to wind up Harry, as he looked away from Draco, he caught Katherines eye and she just gave him a sympathetic smile, before looking back at Professor Dumbledore.

"psst" someone hissed down her ear. As she turned round, she came face to face with George Weasley.

"Can I help you?" Katherine looked up at him, wondering why now he was deciding to talk to her, and slightly irritated because she was trying to listen to Dumbledore.

"I saw you last night. I didn't know you lived so close to us" he looked down at the small girl, and only then did he notice how beautiful she was. She was only small, standing no higher than 5 foot 3 inches, she had sharp cheekbones, and full lips, but it was her eyes, they were the deepest shade of brown, so dark they could have been black. They seemed to hold so much pain, contradicting the smile she always wears.

"Yes, I went for a walk, I don't get to go out much, my parents are very strict" She nodded whilst explaining her carefully thought-out answer. She couldn't tell him the real reason as to why she needed to get away from home, it went far beyond her parents being strict.

George smiled down at the girl, he has always noticed how she always by herself, and heard the whispers of the people around them. He never participated; he was never one for being malicious just for the sake of being malicious. Getting an idea, a lazy grin found its way onto his face.

"We should be friends" he stuck his hand out, "George Weasley, nice to meet you" she let out a small giggle and placed her hand in his.

"Katherine Willow, nice to meet you too, George. Though we have been in the same house for the past 4 years" she laughed lightly again as she withdrew her hand. "I should probably head up to bed, got to be up early for lessons, bye George" She stood up and made her way out of the great hall after finishing her food, which she had grabbed during her conversation and headed towards Gryffindor tower.

As she reached the fat lady portrait, she saw a large group gathered around and heard Harry giving the password.

"Fortuna Major" she could hear the inpatients in his voice.

It turns out, she was trying to shatter a glass with her voice, but eventually she let everyone in. Heading straight to her dorm she decided to get changed and do her nightly routine and get into bed before the rest of her roommates arrived. They were sweet enough, but they like to gossip and Katherine didn't have the mental capacity tonight. Though as she lay there awake, a smile made its way onto her face, which wasn't unusual, but the peculiar thing was, that this smile was genuine, and it was all because of a certain red headed George Weasley.


First chapter is here, please let me know what you guys think. 

Love you all x

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