Road to Spider-man (The Road...

By WeAbL0rD

51.5K 3.8K 1K

Y/n L/n has returned as Spider-man, now with more challenges facing him. New Threats, New Enemies, New Frien... More

The Road Continues... (Prologue)
(Wakanda arc) Part 1
(Wakanda arc) Part 2
(Wakanda arc) Part 3
(Wakanda arc) Part 4
(Wakanda arc) Part 5
(Wakanda arc) Part 6
(Wakanda arc) Part 7
(Wakanda arc) Part 8
(Wakanda arc) Part 9
(Wakanda arc) Finale
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 1
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 2
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 3
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 4
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 5
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 6
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 7
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 8
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 9
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 10
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 11
(Friend or Foe arc) Finale
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 1
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 2
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 3
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 4
(SI.L.K arc) Part 5
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 6
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 7
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 8
(S.I.L.K arc) Finale
(Infinity War arc) Part 2
(Infinity War arc) Part 3
(Infinity War arc) Part 4
The Aftermath
(Infinity War arc) Part 1
(Infinity War arc) Part 2
(Infinity War arc) Part 3
(Infinity War arc) Part 4
The Aftermath
(TVA arc) Part 1
(TVA arc) Part 2
(TVA arc) Part 3
(TVA arc) Part 4
(TVA arc) Part 5
(TVA arc) Part 6
(TVA arc) Part 7
(TVA arc) Finale
The End(game)
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 1
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 2
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 3
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 4
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 5
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 6
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 7
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 8
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 9
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 10
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 11
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 12
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 13
(Training & Tinkering arc) Finale
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 1
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 2
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 3
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 4
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 5
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 6
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 7
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 8
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 9
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Finale
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 1
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 2
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 3
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 4
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 5
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 6
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 7
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 8
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 9
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 10
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 11
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 12
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 13
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 14
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Finale

(Infinity War arc) Part 1

800 55 20
By WeAbL0rD

Y/n awoke in his bed by the sound of his alarm and by blinding sunlight from his window.

Groaning awake, Y/n turns in his bed, covering his eyes from the sun before slamming his hand on his nightstand, feeling around for his phone only for it to turn off automatically.

D.A.R.C: "Good morning, Y/n. Another day, another heroic adventure"

Y/n: *groan* "Good Morning..."

May: *distant* "Y/n, breakfast is ready!"

Y/n: *yawn* "Cool! Be down in a minute"

Rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes, Y/n sat up from his bed before looking over at his nightstand and taking his phone. Heading to the bathroom, Y/n splashed cold water on his face, waking him up even further before opening the cabinet and taking out his toothbrush and toothpaste.

D.A.R.C: "Today's forecast is a clear sunny morning reaching till the afternoon"

Y/n: *brushing teeth* "Cool. Any crime happening lately?"

D.A.R.C: "Not as of this moment. There is also an appearance of the Auriga constellation 10,000 lightyears away"

Y/n: *spits out toothpaste* "I'll be sure to put my phone on the highest zoom possible"

After doing his morning routine, Y/n heads down to the dining room where May can be seen wearing a yellow tank top and blue jeans as she sets up the table for him, with bacon, eggs, a large serving of hashbrowns, and orange juice.

Y/n: "Awesome!"

Leaping across the table, Y/n adjusts himself mid-air to land perfectly onto the chair, sitting properly as May sat down a plate of Y/n's serving.

Y/n: "Thanks, Mom!"

May; "*smiles* "Anytime, Sweetie"

Digging into his plate, Y/n began to devour his meal, May sat across and fixed herself a plate.

May: "You're lucky Delmar was open so late at night, nearly forgot to get what I need for breakfast"

Y/n: *gulp* "Hey, where's Peter?"

May: "He went on a school trip? Didn't you remember?"

Y/n; "Oh, right..."

May; "Are you sure you don't want to go? I'm sure the bus hasn't crossed the bridge yet, so you can still swing over and join him"

Y/n: "Ehh...I don't really feel like going to MoMA"

Y/n's phone then vibrates on the dining table, taking a look, he sees a news report about a giant spaceship above Manhattan.

Confused, Y/n looks out the window and, lo and behold, a massive spaceship hovering above Manhattan

Y/n: *looks over at May* "I uhh..."

May; *smiles* "Go"

Having clearance from May, Y/n scarfs down the rest of his food before running upstairs to get his suit.

May; *aloud* "You sure you have time to change into your suit?"

Y/n: *distant* "Right!"

From his room, Y/n runs to his nightstand once again, this time opening the bottom drawer to reveal a familiar Wakandan necklace.

Y/n: "It's your time to shine!"

Y/n then puts on the necklace as he dives out the window, freefalling down to the street as he summons his suit. When his wrist gets enveloped by his suit, Y/n thwips out a web before swinging to Manhattan.

In Central Park, we see Tony in his new iron man suit being smacked through the bushes as a frantic Bruce Banner runs up to him.

Bruce: "Tony, you okay? How we doing? Good? bad?"

Tony: "Really, really good. Really good. Do you plan on helping out?"

Bruce: "I'm trying. He won't come out"

Their moment of rest was cut off as a large alien, named Black Dwarf arrives at the park. Throwing his hammer at Bruce.

Tony: "Hammer"

Tony then pushes Bruce out of the way before firing an energy beam that deflects off the alien's shield, slicing down trees.

Bruce then crawls out of one of the fallen trees as Tony continues to fight the alien, going on his knees before proceeding to smack himself across the face.

Bruce: "Come on, Hulk. What are you doing to me? Come out! Come out! Come out!"

Hulk then appears, enlarging Bruce's face.

Hulk: "No!"

Hulk then disappears back into Banner, much to his dismay.

Bruce: "What do you mean, "no"?"

Back with Tony, he's seen being smacked back down by the Black Dwarf's hammer before he was about to be crushed by said hammer.

In a knick of time, Y/n manages to swoop in and catch the hammer before it could come down onto Tony.

Y/n: "Sup Tony! Long time no see"

Tony: "Y/n? Where'd you come from?"

Y/n: "Oh you know, just a self-reflective trip across the multi-VERSE!!!"

Y/n was snatched from the ground before getting tossed to the side, crashing through a fountain, which charges up his kinetic energy.

Y/n: "Hey!"

In retaliation, Y/n web-strikes over to the alien before punching it across the face, the built-up kinetic energy being expelled out, emitting a red shockwave and sending the alien flying across the park.

Tony; "What the heck was that?"

Y/n: "Fully Vibranium suit. You like it?"

Tony: "I mean, if it can do things like that. Then I'm all for it"

Y/n: "What's that guy's problem anyway?"

Tony; "Let's see, he's from space and they came to steal a necklace from a wizard"

Y/n: *groan* "Wizards...Wait, they?"

On cue, a crash occurs in the streets of Manhattan. Looking over, Y/n and Tony see a levitating alien carrying a person on a piece of levitating rubble.

Tony: "That's the wizard. Get on it"

Y/n: "What? Why me!?"


Y/n turns back to the alien he punched away, seeing it land back to the park with a menacing glare.

Y/n: "You made your point. Good luck, Tony!"

With no more objections, Y/n hurriedly follows after the alien. Leaving Tony alone to fend for himself.

In attempt to stop the alien, Y/n shoots a web to the rubble before connecting it to the side of a building.

Y/n: "Hey, Squidward!"

Y/n lands in front of the levitating alien, Ebony Maw, who scowls at Y/n's joke.

Y/n: "That...pissed you off more than I thought it would. Wait, did Tony beat me to the punchline?"


The alien then hurls a billboard at Y/n, causing him to be sent to the side. Before the alien could leave, Y/n punches the billboard off of him with the help of the built-up kinetic energy in his suit.

Y/n: "That wasn't nice"

Y/n tries to foil the alien's plan once again, shooting a web to the rubble before planting his feet to the ground, but the alien breaks the ground underneath his feet before being taken up by a tractor beam, with Y/n being in tow.

Y/n: "Ahh, crap. Tony! I'm being beamed up!"

Tony: "Hang on, kid"

As Black Dwarf jumps towards Tony he is sent through a portal. Tony turns towards the wizard, Wong, the one who made the portal.

Tony: "Wong, you're invited to my wedding."

Tony then blasts off, flying after the big space ship.

Tony: "Give me a little juice, F.R.I.D.A.Y"

Tony's feet thrusters turn morph together into a larger one, boosting his speed immensely

Tony: "Unlock 17-A"

Upon Tony's command, a pod jets off from the New Avengers Facility.

Tony: "Y/n, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you"

Y/n could be seen sticking to the side of the spaceship.

Y/n: "First you said 'Save the wizard' knowing full well I hate wizards. Now you're telling me to NOT save the wizard!? Make up your damn mind!"

Y/n then retracts his mask, finding it difficult to breathe.

Y/n: *gasp* "Holy shit... I can't breathe"

Tony: "You're too high up. You're running out of air"

Looking down, Y/n saw that the entire Planet earth can be seen below him.

Y/n: "Huh...So that's...why"

Y/n then feints, letting go of the ship before collapsing back down to earth. The pod that Tony sends out then attaches to Y/n's suit, enveloping him in nanotech, creating his new suit.

(Art not mine)

This suit allows him to regain her respiratory functions and manages to thwip a web to land back on the ship.

Y/n: *sniff* "It smells like brand new tesla up in this bitch! And...*sniff* Is that Axe Body spray?"

Tony then appears beside the ship, hovering above y/n.

Tony: "Happy trails, kid. F.R.I.D.A.Y, send him home"

F.R.I.D.A.Y: "Yup"

A large parachute extends from the new suit, sending Y/n spiraling back to Earth.

Y/n: "Oh, come on!"

Before Y/n could stray from the ship, he shoots another web and detach his parachute before climbing his way back to the ship, managing to enter through an airlock on the side of the ship.

Y/n: "Well...This is gonna be one interesting therapy session"


I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I think this'll be my shortest arc yet. Meh, don't matter. Switch things up a bit, amirite? 

Let me know if you guys like this version of the iron-spider suit or if you guys want the MCU version.

Anyway if you've stuck around this far then cheers! To more Spider-man chapters

That's all and remember to

Vote, if you wanna

Share to your friends, if you have any

And I'll see you when I see you

Bye Bye

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