Kindred Spirits

By helloluv06

423K 10.6K 1.4K

In which Caroline's older sister, Cassidy, has always known that she was mated to eight supernaturals based o... More

Summary and More
-Graphic Gallery
Main character...
1 - What's the plan?
2 - I have waited forever for you, darling
3 - I am not a witch
4 - You're so weird
5 - Only for you
6 - Do you love him?
7 - You'll kill her
8 - You're not just any girl
9 - He's still alive
10 - You either help me or die
11 - Run
12 - It's what friends do
13 - You don't think I'm beautiful?
14 - I won't let you
15 - It is almost over
16 - Will you miss me?
Main character...
17 - I was meant to possess power
18 - They're all dead
19 - Aren't you adorable?
20 - It's good to be home
21 - I could have killed her
22 - I have nowhere else to go
23 - You really love them, don't you?
24 - I miss my family
25 - I have my leverage right here
26 - He hurt me, Elena
27 - 400 bucks?!
28 - He is not my dad!
29 - I forgive you
30 - You seem like a perfect gentleman
31 - What did you do, Caroline?
32 - Easy there, little witch
33 - What, you didn't see this coming?
34 - The blood on my hands is your father's
35 - Quite contrary
36 - Get the humans ready
37 - No bones broken... I think
38 - I'm never going to be happy
Main character...
39 - I have to search for our mate
40 - It's a trap, Cassie
41 - You're a new face
42 - Then stay
43 - Hayley, was it?
44 - What did you do to Elena?
45 - I had no idea who I really was
46 - I'm giving you one last chance
47 - I'll always come back to you
48 - I want Katherine
49 - I know when something is on your mind, love
50 - He's better off dead
Main character...
51 - Are you pregnant with my child?
52 - A true angel
53 - You think you can stop me?
54 - What, you don't want to kiss me?
55 - I don't think you'll survive
56 - I can't breathe
57 - You will not believe the crap day that I'm having
58 - We need to have a little chat
59 - Marcel wouldn't do that
60 - Stay clear of witches!
61 - Resurrect your chosen ones
62 - Thanks for the concern
63 - I just thought you'd want to know
64 - You are my always, darling
65 - I'm still standing here, aren't I?
66 - Friends it is
67 - She knows what she's doing
68 - It was only a little bit!
69 - You should be resting
70 - Our time is up
71 - It's too soon
72 - I promised him
Main character...
73 - Mommy misses you
74 - Maybe someday
75 - You mean you don't recognize me?
76 - What have you done?
77 - I will not watch you die again
78 - This child is safe
79 - I'm still your mate
80 - My forever
81 - I wish that it could always be like this
82 - You must be Kai
83 - Guys, this is our best option
84 - What's with the pouty face?
85 - So, you're back to hating me?
86 - You put the life of my children in the hands of Mikael?
87 - You are my one and only, today and every day
88 - Kai could be a unisex name!
89 - How far would you really go for her?
90 - Alex deserves to see the good side of the world
91 - I am aware of your power, Cassidy
92 - You're amazing, I love you
93 - You underestimate me, Dahlia
94 - You're safe with me
Main character...
95 - Cassie, it's time!
96 - I expected better from you
97 - Elijah, you used me
98 - Why do I feel like I'm gonna regret this?
99 - Hello, my sweet love
100 - Apology not accepted
101 - This isn't my home anymore
102 - How could you love such a disaster?
103 - Like hell am I letting you do this by yourself
104 - We were too late
105 - She is tearing herself apart!
106 - And here, I thought we were best friends
107 - You do realize that you're utterly insane?
108 - So, are we in this together?
109 - We're going to run?
110 - Meet your grandchildren
111 - You and your empathy problems
112 - You're going to have to do better than that
113 - You're fighting, because you want to live
114 - How could you do that to her?
115 - We have a problem
116 - They deserve what they're going to get
Main character...
Cassidy's children...
117 - Everything I do is for them
118 - It's been a while, angel
119 - Who is this little cutie?
120 - Just help her and we'll leave
121 - What has happened to you, Marcel?
122 - I'm worried about Hope
123 - You have no idea what true madness looks like
124 - You're the one chance we have
125 - Mom, is dad gonna die?
127 - She's getting stronger
128 - I can feel her love for you
129 - Always and forever
Main character...
Cassidy's children...
130 - My daughter
131 - I am still your father
132 - No chapter needed
133 - Subtle, isn't he?
134 - We leave in the morning
135 - She wants to kill us
136 - She was my little girl
137 - She was my mate, I will always love her
138 - Thought you'd never ask. Literally
139 - You love me?
140 - Ready as I'll ever be
141 - No one is a mistake, Alexandria
142 - Happiness is a choice
End of story special :)

126 - Have a little faith

430 12 6
By helloluv06

Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 126 (4x10)
Word Count: 2250

A/N: I'm so sorry that I've not updated in like two weeks 😅 I've had a lot going on recently. Between father's day, my parents telling me and my sister that they are getting a divorce literally ON father's day, my boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend) cheating on me and saying 'he did nothing wrong' (🙄🙄), and then school, work, exams... and my 17th birthday being literally tomorrow (which I am not even looking forward to), I've just not had motivation to do anything. It's been a low point in my life, so I am sorry for the wait! Can you guys just please hang in there until I start posting more? 🥰❤️
-L xx


Cassidy sat beside Elijah's coffin, staring at her deceased husband, wanting nothing more than to be safely in his arms again while she'd ramble about her day to him, and she'd appreciate him just listening to her stupid rambles, because she always knew she was safe in his arms.

"You know, 'Lijah... since we first met, you turned my life around. You were my first mate, so you literally changed my life. You are my rock, my heart, and my soul mate, and I am so proud of you. Now look at you. I'm so sorry. My 'Lijah. I will not rest until I bring you back. No matter how many I have to kill to insure it."

"As much as I disapprove of this murderous side of you, gorgeous, I could do with a bit of murder and mayhem."

"Hey, Bekah." Cassidy sent a small smile towards her mate, who sent a small smile back in return. Rebekah sent Cassidy a smile in return, softly kissing her.

"I've missed that smile. I've barely seen it all week."

"I know, sorry." Cassidy sighed. "I just really miss him. Frey and I are wasting all of our energy to try and bring 'Lijah back, but nothing."

"All right! Chitchat's over. Hello there, baby." Kol strolled into the room, immediately heading over to Cassidy to kiss her, too, before he turned to Rebekah. "Can we slaughter someone now?"

"Well, first things first." Klaus strutted into the room next. "We need to destroy the weapons that give our enemy their advantage."

"This is turning into some sorta weird family meeting." Cassidy pointed out.

"Hello to you, too, love." Klaus smirked at his wife before addressing the rest of his family again. "Now, one scratch from the rosebush is lethal to us. Freya has tracked down the eight that remain, including the main plant. Here, in the Ninth Ward."

"Fine, so we burn them all and then we murder that wretched bitch." Rebekah shrugged nonchalantly. Cassidy groaned.

"Oh, so when I turn all murderous, she disapproves. Lil' hypocrite."

"You love me really, gorgeous." Rebekah chuckled. Cassidy couldn't help but smile at her, before glancing at Freya.

"Frey, you actually think you can pull this off? There are a thousand years of memories in there. How will you know which is the right one?"

"He'll recognize me. If I can find the core of his being or whatever memory he's clinging to, I'll pull him out." Freya then prepared her spell. "Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz."


While Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah went off to deal with multiple other dramas that seemed to be circling their lives, Cassidy didn't leave Freya's side as the Mikaelson witch searched Elijah's still-alive subconscious in hopes of bringing him back through that.

Seconds turned to minutes of digging through Elijah's heads... minutes turned to ours... until eventually, Freya released a startled gasp. Immediately, Cassidy was on her feet in worry, hurrying closer to her wife.

"Frey? What's wrong?"

"I thought I found him, but he just vanished right in front of me." Freya panted, clearly out of breath from diving into Elijah's subconscious. "That's not our only problem. I can't search Elijah's mind and sustain a spell at the same time."

"What if you sent me in?" Cassidy volunteered. "Frey, it's perfect. I'm 'Lijah's only mate. Maybe he will recognize me in his head. We can at least try!"

"That would require more power, doll. Power that I don't have." Freya muttered.

"You stay here and anchor the spell. He'll respond to me. Send me in, Frey, I can find him." Cassidy pleaded, reaching over to take ahold of Freya's hands. "Nobody's closer to 'Lijah than I am."

"To place you into the pendant, I would need to channel another witch. A powerful one." Freya tried to hint. "Born of my family's bloodline."

"You can't use one of my kids, Frey." Cassidy muttered. "Anyone else. They're too young for this!"

"They're young, but each and every one of them is strong. I can use Hope and Leo. They're older, and their magic combined is  possibly even stronger than mine." Freya responded. "I would never hurt the children of my mate, doll. You know that."


"Guys..." Cassidy knelt in front of Hope and Leo. "I love you both so much, and I'm so proud of what you're doing for Uncle 'Lijah, but you don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"It's okay. We're not afraid." Hope reassured her mom with a small smile.

"Yeah, he's Alex's dad. We don't like seeing Alex so sad." Leo added. Cassidy sent both of them a smile, pulling her eldest children into a hug.

"Ready?" Freya cut in. Cassidy slowly nodded, glancing over at the pendant where her husband's soul is believed to be in.

"So he's just in there somewhere, clinging to broken memories?"

"The core of his being has retreated deep into his subconscious, but, yes, he's still in there." Freya said. "But, doll, we don't have time for you to randomly search through all of my brother's memories. You have to think, where would Elijah find refuge? It has to be somewhere that represents the fundamental basis of who he is. Hopefully, that's a good place. It could even be q memory of the two of you. When you find it, draw him out and wake him up. But be careful, his mind is unstable."

"I can do it, Frey." Cassidy reassured with a slight joking tone to ease everyone's worries, including her own. "Have a little faith."

Freya smiled, pressing a kiss to Cassidy's lips, before taking Hope and Leo's hands, herself and the kids beginning to chant the spell to have Cassidy dive into Elijah's subconscious.

"Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz."


Cassidy's eyes shot open and she found herself standing in a perfectly neat, long white corridor, numerous doors lining both walls on either side of her. Each door containing different memories. Now, all Cassidy had to do was find the right door... the right memory...

"Come on, Elijah, where are you?" She muttered to herself, taking slow steps down the corridor. Cassidy approached the second door to her right, slowly creaking it open and taking a step inside. She was pleasantly surprised to see that it was a memory including her.


Cassidy scooted over so Elijah could sit on the bed beside her, passing Alexandria over to the baby mama.

"She's going to have your blonde hair..." Elijah whispered, gently stroking Alexandria's head.

"She's going to be as noble and as loyal as her father."

"She's going to have her mother's oceanic eyes."

"She's going to be a witch."

"She'll most likely inherit your siphoning ability."

"I hope so." Cassidy leant down to kiss Alexandria's head. "Most of my life, before I met any of you, I was ashamed of the magic inside of me. I don't want Alexandria to grow up like that. I want her to be proud of the magic she has, and she is going to be so powerful. So good."

"I don't doubt it." Elijah pressed a kiss to Cassidy's temple.

"'Lijah." Cassidy stepped further into the memory, trying to get Elijah to recognize the real her. No luck. Elijah was busy doting on the memory of their baby girl. Tears welled in Cassidy's eyes. "'Lijah, please, I'm begging you. Come back to me. Your real little girl is out there, missing her dad. She needs you. I need you."

At those words, Elijah's eyes snapped up to hers. He analyzed Cassidy as if she were a stranger, until his breath hitched.


And... he vanished. Cassidy choked back a sob. It wasn't the right memory. She retreated back through the door and into the corridor.

Out of memory

With a sigh, Cassidy feared how many doors she'd have to go through to find Elijah... she had to try a different approach.

So, she was quick to push open a door three doors down on the opposite side and step in, welcoming the new memory with an odd sense of Deja Vù when she discovered that it was another memory involving her.


The blonde siphoner exited the house, heading over to the car. Seeing Elijah waiting patiently in the passenger's seat, Cassidy smiled and opened the car door, sitting on his lap and cuddling into his chest. Although Elijah wrapped his arms around her and softly stroked her hair, he seemed distracted. Cassidy noticed and frowned at him.

"Is everything alright, 'Lijah?"

"You're different when you're with Niklaus... compared to when you are around me." Elijah noticed quietly. Cassidy furrowed her eyebrows at that.

"What? No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are. Niklaus is turning you into the worst version of yourself." Elijah shot back, his chocolate eyes finally connecting with Cassidy's oceanic ones. "The version who doesn't care to see innocent people get ruthlessly murdered by the hands of my brother. What has my darling become?"

"Are you serious?" Cassidy sat up, repositioning herself on Elijah's lap so she was facing him. "'Lijah, I'm still me! I'm still the same person as when you and I first met... no one is changing who I am, I promise... okay? I'm still me. And, if you haven't noticed, I haven't killed anyone. Shouldn't that be a good sign?" But Elijah stayed silent. With a sigh, Cassidy leant forward and pressed her lips to Elijah's. He melted into the kiss for multiple moments before pulling away. Cassidy pressed her hand to his cheek softly. "I will always be the Cassidy that you have always known... do you believe me?" He didn't respond straight away. "'Lijah?"

"I believe you."

"Great." Cassidy smiled, pressing her lips to Elijah's once more.

"My God, you were right..." Cassidy realised in a whisper. "Nik changed me. I am so sorry that I didn't realise it. I didn't believe you, 'Lijah, because I was so whisked away at the thought of power. Strength... it consumed me." At her words, she saw Elijah's body beginning to tense up. He could hear her voice... so Cassidy continued. "I know that I'm not the girl that I was when we first met. I could feel myself changing, and I panicked, thinking that it would drive you away from me. I fed you lies, hoping that you would believe my every word because I am your mate, and you did. You stayed. But I should have known that you would always stay, because that's who you are. You're kind, and loyal, and forgiving, and you give people way more chances than they deserve." Elijah tore his eyes away from the memory version of Cassidy, looking around the car for where the voice was coming from, still not spotting the real Cassidy stood right outside of the car door. "You and I both know I've changed during our years together, but you stayed by my side the entire time, because you know that I'm still me! I'm a witch, a vampire, a newly-turned wolf apparently... but I'm also a mate, a wife, a sister, a friend, a mother... and I love you so, so much. And, 'Lijah, you've always known who we were and who we can be." Elijah's eyes clashed with hers, and memory Cassidy and all of their surroundings began to fade away. Literally. Cassidy knew that it was working. "'Lijah... come home to me. Come home to our little girl."

"Cassidy." Elijah whispered, staring at his one true love. He didn't disappear. It was really him. He was here. Alive. He was here... "You're here."

"I'm here?" Cassidy scoffed quietly, the tears returning to her eyes. "You're here. You're okay... you're safe now."

"I'm safe because you're here." Elijah smiled softly. "Darling?" He paused. Cassidy stared at him expectantly for his next words. "Let's go home... to our daughter."

Out of memory


The second that Cassidy found Elijah's soul hidden inside his subconscious, knowing that it was now alright to fix the pendant without the risk of shattering Elijah's mind, she siphoned the hell out of that pendant, transferring the power from the pendant into Elijah's deceased body itself.

It was risky. Nothing quite like it had been done before. But Cassidy was willing to try anything.

And when she saw Elijah's eyes flutter open, confirming that the risky experiment had succeeded, Cassidy was complete. Her entire family was back together, and seeing the reunion that Elijah had with Alexandria... Cassidy was over the moon.

Her husband, her mate, was back. And she wasn't letting Elijah slip through her fingers again.

Not even the Hollow could put a dampen on Cassidy's bright mood.

For now...

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