Overlord Waifus X Male!Kitsun...

By TalentlessWalker101

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Just another Overlord fanfic. More

Act I: True Strength
Act II: The Great Demon Fox
Act III: A Fate Worse Than Death?
Act IV: A Touch Of Love
Act V: The Fox And the Farmer
Act VI: A Lovely Dinner
Act VII: Reunion
Act VIII: Favorites
Act IX: Shame *Bell-Ring*
Act X: Bites of Love
Act XI: The Witch & The Fox
Act XII: Return To Nazarick!
Act XIV: A Fox's Way With Words
Act XV: One Hell Of A Throw
Act XVI: Carne Village Again
Act XVII: From Bad To Worse
Act: XVIII: Savior

Act XIII: Digging A Grave Is Easy To Do

2.8K 110 88
By TalentlessWalker101


I followed behind Lady Albedo. Experience taught me that attempting to walk side-by-side with a woman of Nazarick was the height of folly. It was all to easy for them to interpret such an act as a means of myself trying to stand as their equal, which would then lead to a cruel punishment inflicted upon me for daring to think I was equal to them in any way.

I also kept my head lowered. It was an even greater height of folly to give someone like Lady Albedo the impression that I was checking her out. All I could see of her was her sandal-cladded feet. I had a lingering fear that even that action would lead to a misunderstanding but if I didn't look at some part of her then I wouldn't know where the hell I was going.

Conversation wasn't a thought I considered even once. It was obvious that speaking only when spoken to was the best course of action, my encounters with Solution weeks prior had drilled that into my head forevermore.

Still... I really wanted to ask how much longer we would be walking. And as to where exactly we were heading. But I wasn't so stupid as to push for answers. Not from Lady Albedo.

"Do you usually walk around without a collar?"

I resisted the instinct to lift my head. My mind remained steady, controlling my muscles finely and with little strain. My head remained lowered and I was able to utter a coherent response, absent of stuttering or sobbing.

"Yes, Lady Albedo, I do," I answered hastily. "Lady Yuri is very good to me. I'm eternally grateful for the privileges and life both she and Lord Ainz have given me."

It was a calculated answer. My words were chose carefully, despite how fast I had responded. Life with the Pleiades had taught me that thinking quick wits were a must for survival in this tomb.

I had praised both Lord Ainz and Yuri as well as spoken with as much articulation a fox halfling could muster. I hoped for the best; but still winced in fear of the worst.

"You're well-mannered, compare to the rest of your human counterparts, that is," Albedo stated. "Not so many of you are quick to accept the carrot before even tasting the stick."

As long as insults and demeaning comments are all she's throwing at me; I'll be perfectly fine.

Lady Albedo halted, so I followed suit. I glimpsed my head up, making great effort to only eye the background and not Lady Albedo herself. We had come to a stop in front of a pair of doors, carved onto their faces were all sorts of humanoid creatures of divine beauty or hellish grotesqueness.

Without so much as a push did the doors open. If one of the many perks of high-tiered magic was never having to open a door again than I was indeed very envious of both Lady Albedo and all of Nazarick.

Lady Albedo gestured me forward. I took the lead and entered the room with her close behind me, intentionally so she could cut me down if needed to.

"Have a seat," she demanded.

I did as instructed and planted myself firmly on one of the couches in the center of the room. Lady Albedo joined me, seating herself on the couch across from me. She placed a stack of blank parchment onto the table, uncorking the an ink bottle soon after.

"Be as detailed as possible," Lady Albedo instructed. "Obstruct any truths and I will know. You won't ever see Yuri again should you try and deceive me. But, believe me, that will be the least of your worries."

"I understand completely, My Lady," I said confidently. "I'll do my best to provide as much information as possible. Although... it has been sometime since I was last in the Theocracy so I'm uncertain of how accurate my knowledge of it is now."

"The information you provide will at least give us the general idea of the beliefs and culture of those fanatic humans, surely, " she explained. "Forget accuracy. I just want to hear everything you know, understood?"

"Yes, I understand, my lady."

With that, the conversation began.

First we went over the geography of the country as well as the neighbouring demi-human countries that resided outside their borders. The elf kingdom sparked some interest in her eye, but unfortunately I knew little about it other then that the Theocracy was in a viscous war with it (since the last time I checked). I heard rumors and whispers that the Elf King of said kingdom was more of a tyrant than a king. Such rumors I felt might be important so I relayed them to Lady Albedo.

Holidays and traditons were talked about for some time. But inevitably we reached the point where I had to explain the core belief of the Slane Theocracy and its people.

I still remembered the face Lady Albedo made when I said that the people of the Theocracy thought humans the chosen race of the gods. I had never seen her so riled up. She was struggling... struggling not to burst out laughing.

The Slane Theocracy has a real strong prejudice against demi-humans and heteromorphic races. Well, at least the common population did. From what little my mother told me of the Six Cardinals, they actually utilized inhuman soldiers to do their bidding behind the scenes.

I recall that two of these inhumans were the Theocracy's most prized assets. All I knew of them was the name.


An old childhood friend had told me the god-kin were made up. Mere figures of legend made up by the Cardnials to deter stronger nations from attacking. But... I always felt as if I were being lied to when she told me that.

She was always so secretive... I should've pried her more. Then again, Zesshi probably would've run my skull through if I annoyed her too much. Yet, she was always there to kick the ass of whatever bully dared approach me. I wonder if she's still alive? It would be nice to see her again... even after everything that happened.

"Tha-That's pretty much it, My Lady," I finished. "I know nothing of the magic items the government utilizes. Only what the commonwealth use."

"This is enough," Lady Albedo assured, though her disdainful expression made me think otherwise. "Lord Ainz will be pleased with this. Your cooperation and honesty will be relayed to him."

"I'm honored to help! Always," I exclaimed with an honest smile. "I'll do whatever is asked of me! I promise!"

Without even thinking, I bowed my head and leaned it toward her. I waited patiently

"... What are you doing?" Lady Albedo spat, her confusion boiling into anger.

"Uh.... OH! I'm so sorry, My Lady! It's just a course of habit," I squeaked. "Please, forgive me for my odd behavior."

"What exactly were you expecting me to do?" She demanded.

I could see her making a fist against the table. It felt like she had a literal hold of my heart and now she was crushing it with her raw strength.

"To... To pet me," I confessed. "Please, forgive me! It's just how Yuri and Solution choose to reward me but it was completely wrong of me to expect similar treatment from everybody! Even more wrong to assume that answering simple questions warranted any form of reward!"

I had fallen onto my hands and knees and was attempting to bury my head into the floor to lower it as much as physically possible.

This was the pinnacle of fear. I could quite literally feel my tail shedding its fur from the trembling of my body. I could see my hands, they were a ghostly white pale color and slick with cold sweat.

I listened carefully for the clapping sound Lady Albedo's sandals made whenever she stomped around.

"Stop sniveling," Lady Albedo hissed. "Your reward is walking away from this conversation alive and unscathed. I hope you're grateful."

"I truly, truly am!" I cried, more honest and grateful than I had ever been in my life. "S-So... I'm free to go then?"

"Yes, run back to your owners," Lady Albedo scoffed, shuffling the stack of written information she had gathered from me. "I have no further use for... hm."

I hadn't heard her pause. I had only heard that I was free to flee this room and I had begun doing just that. As casually as a frightened fox could did I scurry towards the door, slick with cold sweat and shedding hairs out of sheer terror.

... Only to have Lady Albedo call me back.

"Hmm... ugh... aghh... Hold on a moment!"

I turned back around, swiftly wiping the cold sweat away before I did. My sleeve was practically soaked in liquid fear and all I could do was hope a stench didn't spawn.

"Is there something else you need, My Lady?" I asked with a pleading expression,an obvious tell that I desired to exit rather than further assist her.

Lady Albedo removed her gaze, eyeing what looked like a ruby ring around her finger. I had never seen her make such a loving expression towards... anything.

Just the brief look I got of her elegance and tenderness towards the ring almost made me forget of the horrid monster that lay right beneath the surface.

Her gaze returned to me, her scorn along with it.

"I suppose so," she sighed begrudgingly. "Sit down."

My heart sank. Just as I thought I was free from this hell; some awful deity looked down at me with malicious glee as they kicked me back into the scorching pits of eternal fire and suffering.

I had to relax, that much was obvious. Of course, I needed to remain on guard and ensure I didn't overstep my bounds and say something incriminating or offensive. But if I kept stuttering and sobbing like a little baby then I held no doubts Lady Albedo would kill me just for a moment's peace.

Despite my utter terror and reluctance, I ventured back to the seating area and took my previous position across from Lady Albedo.

Lady Albedo was bitter but as for what reason was completely beyond me. We sat in silence for a couple moments. Well, not complete silence. Lady Albedo was murmuring and cursing beneath her breath. A the while I sat across from her, thumping my foot like a jackrabbit with anxiety.

"Am I correct in assuming that you have romantic feelings for Yuri?" Lady Albedo asked, breaking the silence abruptly and without warning.

"Wha-What?! I would never—!"

"I thought I already told you of what lying will get you?" She interrupted, her eyes sharpening like daggers. "Do you wish to be put to sleep that badly, mutt?"

To say my skin crawled, would be putting it lightly. The awful sensation of being the target of Albedo's hatred felt as if you were being skinned alive. Her gaze alone could inflict unimaginable pain so as to what kind of physical pain she could cause... I chose not to think about for the sake of my sanity.

"I-I'm sorry! Yes! I love her! I love her, okay?!" I screeched. "I'm sorry! I just thought—!"

"I don't care," she spat. "Do as your told. Lie to me again or disobey me or I will have you sent to Demiurge's farm to shepherd his sheep."

I bowed my head repeatedly and as apologetically as a fox halfling could muster.

"It's so very common that you pathetic lower life-forms become smitten with the inhabitants of the Great Tomb of Nazarick," Albedo stated. "What isn't so common is for a smitten lower life-form to live very long. At least, not as long as you have. So it's quite apparent that Yuri reciprocates your feelings. You must feel oh so very lucky."

Lady Albedo sarcastically applauded, a long frown stretched across her pretty face. Every move she made and word she spoke only filled my heart with further dread.

I still had no idea where this was all leading to. The last thing I expected Lady Albedo to have any interest in was the daily routine of my love-life. There had to be some malicious scheme being threaded together behind the scenes that was just beyond any halfling to fathom.

Regardless, there was nothing I could do to try and prevent such a plot from reaching fruition. If I lied or disobeyed then all I would earn is a fate worse than death.

"We-Well, I haven't officially confessed my feelings and neither has she. So we're not a couple or anything like that," I said, hurrying to my next point as I saw Albedo's eyes spark with fury. "Bu-But we definitely act like we are! At least... in my opinion."

"Hm... s-so... what sort of activities do you two do together? What's your day together like?" Lady Albedo asked.

I had to rub my eyes. I swear that Lady Albedo's face was tinted rose. Her own eyes were unable to look me directly in the eye but I could see the deep humiliation flaring within.

"Um... we-well, I suppose when neither of us are working; we like to hangout in the Nazarick library," I answered. "I can't read any of the text written on those pages so... Yuri reads to me. She even does the voices, only due to my insistence. She's just so cute when she tries to do a dragon's roar!"

I was so caught up in the memory of her terrible roar (so terrible that it's insanely adorable) that I hadn't noticed the return of Albedo's sour mood. At first, I thought she was offended that I was getting amusement at Yuri's expense. I was prepping a hasty apology when I got a good look at the expression her face.

Lady Albedo... was pouting.

"Well? What else?" For the first time ever, Lady Albedo actually looked interested in learning something about me, despite how crossed she looked.

I guess I have nothing to apologize for?

Her disdain and frustration from before lingered, but was much-less immense than moments prior. Alas, I could once again take deep breathes without my lungs feeling as if they were being torched.

Why does she care about what I do with Yuri? Is she testing the quality of my character? I suppose it's natural that women look out for each other. Who wants to see their good friend coupled up with a perverted freak?

I continued on.

"I really enjoy the wilderness so Yuri often takes me up to the Sixth Floor. I love to wander the forests and view the wild life," I added, smiling as the memories of Yuri cleaning wild sweetberries off my face played in my head. "Let's see, what else...? Oh! Sometimes, when Yuri's doing paperwork, I go visit her and bring her some tea or peach juice! Even though we can't really chat because she needs to concentrate, I stick around and just... lay my head in her lap till she's done."

"Yuri handles quite the paperwork load. Are you saying you just lay there for hours without conversation?" Lady Albedo asked.

"We chat sometimes," I confessed. "But I know concentration is ideal when it comes to fulfilling her duties so it isn't very often. So, yeah, I lay there for hours. I sleep most of the time though, I must admit."

"And how do you bear it? The boredom?" Lady Albedo asked.

"Boredom? I've never felt such a thing, My Lady! Not with her," I stated firmly. "I love being with her. I don't care what we're doing or if we even speak to one another. As long as I'm with her then I'm brimming with happiness!"

The sound of shredding wood rang out. I let oht a terrified shriek, not because of thr sound itself but rather its source. Lady Albedo had dragged her clothed nails across the coffee table's surface and utterly shredded the wood beneath her force.

Another awful sound was heard. The sound of Lady Albedo grinding her teeth together. It was horrifying how similar it sounded to grinding metal.

Her malicious aura returned, amplified by the dozens thanks to her rising fury.

"It's not fair... it's just not fair," Lady Albedo was snarling beneath her breath.

Try as I might I couldn't hear her for the life of me. I was preoccupied... pulling up a couch cushion and positioning it firmly in front of me, like a shield.

"This isn't right! How could a lower-life form be more loving then... no! Don't even think that! He's the one who stayed! But why! Why does she get affection and love and I don't?! I do everything He asks and more! And, yet, not even a single summoning to his bedchambers! It's just not fair!"

Those last four words were all I had heard as she had screeched them just before slamming her fist on the table. I stared in horror as splinters of wood slapped me in the face. I wasn't hurt, or maybe I was? I was too shocked at her demonstration of strength to feel anything but terror.

"Di-Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

Lady Albedo glared at me, gritting her teeth whilst still clenching her fist. I could read her eyes clear as day. She was clearly picturing herself running me through with her bare hand as I could see such a horrifying picture reflecting back at me in her eyes.

I said nothing, only staring with pleading eyes and chattering teeth.

I heard her sigh, a sigh of deep stress and sorrow.

"That's enough for today," Lady Albedo spat, fixing the tussled strands of hair she had pulled on. "I've got what I need so you have my permission to return to your owners. Make haste, go."

Maybe it would be considered offensive... but at that moment I didn't give two shits. The moment Lady Albedo gave me my leave, I sprung to my feet and hauled ass to the door. Almost tripping upon myself a total of 3 times trying to cross a 10 foot distance.

Lady Albedo's eyes were on me, the horrid itching of my skin told me so. Malicious intent was there but wasn't acted upon.

"Thank you, My Lady! Have a good day!" With those final words did I slam the door, finally putting a solid barrier between Lady Albedo and I.

My adrenaline continued to pump, allowing me to put several corners and turns between that horrible room and that awful monster. I didn't care where I ended up or who I bumped into. Caution and rationality went out the window the moment her fist devastated the table.

She's terrifying! She makes Solution look like a cuddly teddy bear! I have to stay the hell away from her! At all costs!

Suffice to say, I once again would not get my way.

Once I was confident enough distance had been put between me and that monstrosities of a woman, I finally slowed down to catch my breath. The adrenaline that had taken me so far was finally used up and I found myself crumpling to the ground, exhausted and caked in sweat.

I pushed myself against the wall and sat quietly with my thoughts for a few moments. I was sure the Pleiades—at least Yuri and Solution—were worried about me. The longer I remained separated from them would only intensify their worry and concern.

But... just as I pulled myself back to my feet, I glanced at a sign hanging on the wall. The carved text on it was indecipherable and unfamiliar, but the sign itself was.

When I had first arrived in Nazarick, this location was part of the tour that Yuri took me on of the 9th Floor. If I remembered correctly, I was currently standing before the entrance of one of Nazarick's dozens of bathhouses.

Hm, it has been awhile, I wonder....?

I lifted my arm and whiffed my armpit.

The horrid scent almost brought me to my knees. There was no possible way Solution nor Yuri hadn't smelled such an awful musk and I couldn't believe they hadn't said anything! Perhaps, they thought demon foxes don't bathe?!

The odor was insufferable and beyond humiliating. I couldn't bring myself to return to the Pleiades smelling like... like a raccoon who just rummaged through garbage.

I believe Yuri said this was one of the bathhouses I could use? I should probably go ask her but... I doubt she would let me bathe on my own.

The thought of our two soaking bodies in such close proximity flushed my cheeks and caused a tent to pitch in my pants. It was a very appealing thought and one I was tempted to make a reality... but now wasn't the time. I was uncertain of how I would react to a woman's naked body but I imagined it would be... messy. Thus, a public bathhouse was no place to see her naked.

I made up my mind and pulled open the doors. Steam smacked me in the face while a sweet lavender scent tickled my nostrils. Goosebumps covered my skin as excitement pumped through my veins.

I was so engulfed in the fantasy of a relaxing hour of bathing and tranquility that I hadn't noticed the mischievous eyes that had fallen upon me...

Albedo P.O.V

Yuri's pet had made his swift departure and finally left me on my lonesome. I sat quietly on the couch, staring down at the shattered table with resentment brimming in my heart.

"Message," I cast. "... Lord Ainz, are you there?"

"Albedo? Yes, I'm here. Is everything alright?"

I squeaked. Lord Ainz' voice was deep like as the mountains, yet, was as smooth and relaxed as running water. Only a Supreme Being could display so much magnificence, even when giving a simplistic greeting.

"Yes! Yes, My Lord! All is well! I am well! I'm just checking in to report that I've interrogated the fox halfling and received a decent amount of intel regarding the Slane Theocracy."

"Fine work, Albedo. I expect nothing less from you. I've almost finished the preparations for my confrontation with Shalltear. Inform your sister to keep watching over Shalltear and to inform me directly the moment anything occurs."

"Of course, My Lord! I'll let her know right away!"

"Thank you. I'll contact you before I head out."

"Wa-Wait, Lord Ainz!"

There was an awkward silence after I cried out to him. Dread began to pour into my heart and just as I thought the suspense would drown me; Lord Ainz responded.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" he asked, clearly befuddled.

"Well, My Lord, it's just... I've noticed the whole Shalltear incident has been causing you an unfathomable amount of stress and grief," I explained, bitting my nails as I did. "So, perhaps, once Shalltear is recovered and free of mind-control... we could go for a walk in the gardens on the Sixth Floor? I'm told the smell of freshly bloomed flowers is great for tendering to the mind's fatigue."

"That's very kind of you to offer. And I appreciate you looking out for me. It warms my heart knowing the children of my precious friends are watching out for me as they did long ago," he stated, his voice sweet like honeycomb.

He must've been reminiscing about his time with the other Supreme Beings. It seems as though they and work are the only two things he ever thought about.

And such nonsense had to change!

"So you will accompa—!"

"Unfortunately, I don't think it's the appropriate time for a stroll through the gardens," he cut in sharply. "Should I succeed in defeating Shalltear, I want to focus all our efforts in uncovering the culprits who put her under this trance. And before even that: we need to secure and strengthen Nazarick. It's survival is our top priority."

I whimpered resentfully at his words, despite the sound logic he spoke.

"I-I understand... maybe after, My Lord?" I pleaded.

"We'll find the time, Albedo," Lord Ainz snapped, making his desire to table the matter crystal clear. "I promise."

"Okay, Lord Ainz... I wish you well in your battle, My Love," I said lovingly. "I know that only you could ever come out on top in such a dire situation!"

"Thank you, Albedo," he said bashfully. "I'll be sure to reward you for all your efforts once this all over. Goodbye."


Lord Ainz disconnected before I had the chance to finish.

I slumped down into the couch, moaning woefully as I did.

All I felt was bitterness and heartache. I had done all I could to get the Supreme One to notice me, yet, his interest always eluded me. I thought covering his bedding in my scent would magnetize him towards me but that effort proved fruitless.

What am I doing wrong? Am I not attractive enough? Am I not forward enough? What am I lacking?!

My eyes lingered around the room, as if searching for the answers to my many questions.

My eyes halted at the door.

The image of that stupid human, or whatever the hell it was, scurrying to flee the room kept playing in my mind.

I just couldn't fathom how Yuri could adore, much-less love, such a scrawny thing. She could've picked any creature to mate with within this disgusting world and yet she chose a human only because it had an extra set of ears and a fluffy tail.

Perhaps, if Yuri had chosen to only keep him as a pet then I would understand. But to actually be intimate and romantic with such a disgusting life-form was beyond me.

If anything, the only man worth any love in this world was Lord Ainz, so why did she settle for him? She never even approached Lord Ainz... so why?

I scraped my memory of the encounter with that beastly human for anything even slightly appealing, other than his docile nature.

I then recalled when he spoke of the activities he participated in with Yuri. The expressions he made and the sheer devotion in his voice while he spoke... perhaps, it was how greatly the fox adored her that Yuri loved most?

It was obvious that all he sought was to be close to her. Even I couldn't deny that lust wasn't the primary driving factor in his pursuit of her.

He truly thought the world of her... all his actions stemmed from sheer desire to be by her side and bask in her presence.

My teeth almost shattered beneath the force of my bite. The sound of my teeth grinding was similar to the sound of a war-axe being filed just before battle.

I was beyond infuriated at the conclusion I had reached. It was an impossible truth but a truth nonetheless. And one I couldn't deny without calling myself a liar.

"It's not possible... how could a sniveling beast like that be more loving than Lord Ainz?!"



I removed my towel and tossed it to the side. I slid into the warm water with haste, moaning with ecstasy as I felt all stress and worry melt away the moment the water covered me.

It felt good to finally have a moment to breathe, even if it was at the expense of Yuri's and Solution's composure. I felt a tiny sum of guilt as I was sure they were worrying about me at that very moment. But, it had been a looooong time since I had any alone time, so I thought it best to take advantage of it because who know when such an opportunity would present itself again. I love being social, especially with Yuri, but even people such as myself need some R&R from the trials and tribulations of interspecies relations.

The bathhouse was truly magnificent. I was unsure if the design was original or sourced from a foreign mind as I had never seen such odd flooring and decorations. Trees and rocks of all shapes, colors, and sizes littered the bath amongst peculiar artwork with depictions of both pleasure and pain.

I ran a wooden pail through the clear water till it was filled to the brim. I dumped it over my head and began scrubbing with shampoo, I had found a bottle alongside the pail and a bottle of conditioner. I couldn't read the language transcribed onto the bottles, I could only tell the difference between the two as the number 1 was written on one and the number 2 on the other.

I took my chances and started scrubbing with bottle #1.

Hm... smells familiar.

I had been close to Yuri enough times to recognize the smell of her shampoo as soon as I caught a whiff of it. But this aroma was utterly different from Yuri's, but no less alluring and intoxicating. I hadn't paid too much attention to Solution's smell so it was possible the bottle was hers.

If we're in a relationship now, I suppose I won't get in much trouble for borrowing hers.

The reality of being romantically involved with Solution Epsilon still hadn't fully sunk in. All the signs and evidence provided pointed to Solution's feelings being legitimate but doubt still lingered in the depths of my thoughts.

I had already resolved to make an advance towards her and the black dread of death now loomed over me as a result.

"She scares the hell out of me and, yet, I still feel drawn to her," I told myself. "Especially after last night. Her assertive nature is attractive, to say the least... I guess."

"So that's your type?

I turned my head just enough to glimpse the familiar sneer of a certain red-haired maid. If her innocent smile had been on the face of any other person, I might've kept my cool. But I knew well of Lady Lupusregina's sadistic nature and, such, knew she only grinned in such a way when she had cornered her prey.

Or, in much more horrifying words: a new plaything.

I immediately reached for my towel, which she put a stop to with a single stomp of her foot. As soon as I touched the towel did she bring her foot down upon it, keeping it in place and keeping me butt-naked with only water and bubbles to cover me.

"Nuh-uh," she smirked. "You can have this after I get what I came for, 'kay?"

"Bu-But I'm naked! Why can't I cover up?!" I cried.

"'Cause I think it's funny. Duh," Lady Lupusregina replied, her voice deeper and far more sinister than moments prior. "Might as well have some fun watching you squirm while we chat."

"Chat? About what?" I said, dreading whatever the devil of a woman before me would say next.

Lady Lupusregina snatched the towel off the ground, strolling away with it as she approached a nearby rock. Upon seating herself on it, she moved her right leg to sit cross-legged. That brief movement allowed me a glimpse of her thigh. Even with over twenty feet of distance between us, I could see just how thicc her tanned thighs were. The heat from the bath must've been making her sweat, how else could her skin have such a shimmer to it?

I looked away, reluctantly. Lady Lupusregina certainly wouldn't be happy should she had caught me glimpsing towards her thighs. Even if she understood it was her thighs themselves I was gazing at, and not what was in between them, I doubt she would've cared.

Still... that was the first time I had ever felt any feeling of attraction toward Lady Lupusregina and it was because of her thighs.

Yuri and Solution can never find out... Especially Solution!

Anyhow, if there was anyway I could get that towel back now... it wouldn't be possible without exposing my naked ass to her. And that was certainly not something I was willing to do.

"I just need a teensy favor," she said. "Nothing bad or too hassling at all!"

Her words did little to ease my nerves or reassure me that her intentions were pure. The malicious gleam in her eye hadn't vanished nor dimmed since her arrival. I was sure there was some dastardly scheme at play but the details still eluded me.

I had no choice but to play along.

"What kind of favor?" I asked reluctantly.

Lady Lupusregina seemed to be thriving off my nervous demeanor. After fearful twitch or flinch struck her with unimaginable ecstasy.

"Ya see, Eni's been bugging the heck out of me recently! She's all stirred up after meeting you and she really wants to see you again," Lady Lupusregina explained. "She's totally crushing on you! She's soooo bad at hiding it, you'll see~"

"I-I'm in a happy relationship," I declared. "And I don't think my significant others would continue to be happy should I flirt with every woman I come across!"

"Don't put words in my mouth," she hissed, using that deep condescending tone once more. "I never said you had to seduce her. Just entertain her for an hour or two and we'll be on our way. Yuri and Solution never have to know."

I opened my mouth to speak but swiftly shut my trap. I took a moment to ponder my response, as well as the opportunities that could arise from this dealing.

My heart began to beat like a drum, so heavy and loud it felt my very rib-cage would shatter. Both excitement and fear were dueling it out within my body and if I prolonged the situation any longer then my heart would certainly give out... or explode.

"Alright, I'll do it..." I finally answered.

"Great! I knew I could count on—"

"... Provided the compensation is worth my while." I swiftly added.

Lady Lupusregina actually needed a moment to process what she had just heard. She was certain she was mistaken but the newfound confidence burning in my eye told her different.

She chuckled, like a parent who just witnessed one of their child's stupid antics.

"I'm giving you an order," Lady Lupusregina cackled. "You may be favored by Big Sis Yuri and Solution but that doesn't make you any less my property. Lord Ainz assigned you to all of us, if I remember correctly? Therefore: you wanna start begging for forgiveness now?"

Her sweet smile had twisted into her trademark nefarious grin. The sight was horrifying and was a heavy blow to my courage. I composed myself and stood steadfast, hopeful that the rewards would be well worth all the risk.

"Yo-You don't want Yuri and Solution to know about this, do you?" I inquired. "You chose to talk to me directly rather than go through Yuri... so obviously you don't want her to know. Therefore: if you don't want me to tell her, then I want adequate compensation for my efforts and silence."

For once, I had surpassed Lady Lupusregina's expectations and truly did surprise her. She was stunned to witness any form of opposition to her will from me. Her shellshocked stupor was short-lived, her lips once again curled to form that pleasant smile of falsity she was best know for.

"Look who grew a spine," she awed, applauding joyously as her right brow twitched with frustration. "I guess I'll play along. Whatcha want, huh? Few scratches behind the ear, hm~? How about a pretty collar? I'm sure we can find the money to getcha a shiny—!"

At this point: she was just insulting me and I was through with it. Thus, I spat out my demands, swift but most certainly audible.

"I want to lay my head on your thigh while you pet me."

Lady Lupusregina heard me well though she denied it. The scowl on her face grew as the silence continued, she expected to hear me start begging for forgiveness or to plead misunderstanding. But I did neither, which infuriated her to the furthest extent.

"Say that again," she said, broodingly. "Go on. Say it."

"I don't need to... I know you heard me," I whimpered, unable to stare directly into her hellish eyes. "Tha-That's what I want. Non-negotiable. Take it or leave it."

"You little shit..." she hissed. "Who do you think—"

"And I want my reward first," I cut her off again, this time she bared her teeth in response. "I don't trust you to fulfill your end of the bargain after the job is done. So I want my reward beforehand!"

Lady Lupusregina rose from her seat without a word, not bothering to snatch the towel as it slid from her lap and onto the floor. She advanced toward me with haste and a nasty look in her eye. She stopped at the edge of the bath, standing just a few feet away and towering over me like a colossal mountain.

Lady Lupusregina crouched down to my level, flashing her false kind smile once more. She reached toward my head, earning both a flinch and whimper from me.

All she did was tussle my hair, playfully and while laughing with genuine glee.

"Do you know how easy it would be for me to put your head under?" She giggled. "I'd pull you up just before the bubbles stop, of course... just so I can push you back under and watch you squirm some more."

"I-I bet it be easy for you," I stammered. "I can see how much you want to do it, too... so, it must be tough to not get your way for once, huh? 'Cause I think we both know you're not going to act on that threat..."

Lady Lupusregina clenched my hair, her eyes were brimming with intent and desire to act upon it, yet... she forced restraint on herself and released my hair. Her fist was shaking with frustration, she clenched it so much that the claws she called nails had begun digging into her palms and drawing blood.

"You're going to regret this, Y/N," she snarled.

The facade had been dropped. The sheer malice she exerted with only a glare was enough to stop the hearts of the frail. I considered myself amongst that crowd, yet, there I remained standing with my life intact.

"Most certainly..." I mumbled to myself, grossly adding to the warmth of the water (if you catch my drift).

As Lady Lupusregina stomped away, more furious and aggressive then when she had first entered, I couldn't help but give her one final metaphorical uppercut. Perhaps, all the resentment that had built up inside me for both her and her sister's comments was what gifted me such strength and courage?

Or perhaps, I had simply lost my mind?

"Lady Lupusregina!"

She spun around, her sharpened golden eyes glistening with venom.


"If you change your mind... you know where to find me!" I said, nervously smiling.

That was the nail in the coffin. Resolve burned in her golden eyes like the flames of hell. Her fangs seemed to sharpen even more in response to her fury. With that last comment, I had willing become Lady Lupusregina's prey forevermore.

I could picture all the violent ways I would be torn apart, just to be stitched back together and torn apart in an even more cruel means. The gods only knew when she would let me die. Would I even get such a mercy?

I had put myself in the worst situation possible... all for the comfort and warmth a lap pillow could offer.


The time for the ultimate confrontation had arrived. Lord Ainz had departed from the Great Tomb of Nazarick not too long ago, filled with resolve to defeat and vanquish the brainwashed Shalltear Bloodfallen. The Floor Guardians who remained in the tomb had gathered to watch the duel via magical monitors and the Pleiades gathered in their own quarters to do the same.

Unfortunately... I was not permitted to view the fight. Lady Albedo had argued adamantly that, while I may not have been responsible for this occurrence, the extent of my loyalty to Nazarick was still in question. Thus, she claimed it would be unwise to allow me to observe Lord Ainz's casting capabilities as well as his magical item arsenal.

Yuri put up more of an argument than I did. To be honest, I had little interest in being reminded of just how weak I was compared to the true powerhouses of this world. Yuri only wanted me near since she was uncertain of how long the battle would take and she didn't want to me separated for what could be hours.

Lady Albedo saw right through Yuri and reprimanded her for being too attached to me and too detached from Nazarick. I didn't want an argument or a brawl to break out (as I was confident I would survive neither) so I volunteered to leave and occupy Sir Sous-Chef's bar until the battle's conclusion.

And that's what brought us to now.

I sat alone, enjoying the tasty dishes Sir Sous-Chef prepared for me before departing to the 6th Floor for errands. I was surprised that I had earned enough trust to be left alone. Although, there was the possibility Sir Sous-Chef thought the food he cooked would distract me and keep me from trouble till his return.

If that was his scheme, well... it was working wonders!

The food was absolutely delicious and even if I did have some nefarious intentions in mind, they were completely suppressed and forgotten.

"Chew with your mouth closed," a familiar bitchy voice spat. "It's disgusting,"

I recognized that voice instantly and screeched when I turned to confirm my suspicions.

"La-Lady Albedo! I'm so sorry," I exclaimed through choking grunts and coughs. "I though I was alone! I can move elsewhere if you wish to dine alon—"

"Get back in your seat," she demanded. "I come in peace, I suppose."

I had only risen my butt off the seat before I was planting it again. Lady Albedo strolled over, elegance and malicious divinity in every step. She pulled out the bar stool next to me and slid onto it. My body took the reigns of control as I never would've consciously glanced at Lady Albedo's thighs like I was doing now.

The smooth pale skin of her thighs could be spotted through the large gaps on both sides of her spiderweb-white dress. They were like two comfy pillows stuffed under tight white silk, it was surprising so much skin could be held by so little fabric.

Just as the thought spawned to finally look away was when Lady Albedo noticed my attention had shifted away from her eyes. I jerked my head away, doing what little I could to play it off like I wasn't eyeing up her thighs like one would a delicious pot roast.

She saw. There was no way in hell she hadn't seen me leering at her.

"Do I have some dirt on me?" She asked, her honed eyes rife with discontent.

"N-No! I just thought I saw one of Lord Kyouhukou'a children on you," I stammered. "It was nothing! M-My human eyes are awful at seeing anything properly... forgive me—"

"Just shut your mouth," Lady Albedo interrupted with a growl. "I don't care. Just don't do it again so we can avoid future misunderstandings. And... do not mention Kyouhukou or his children again in my presence."

Lady Albedo tried to speak with as much ferocity as she could, but nausea and disgust lessened her overall terrifying figure and left me feeling no less threatened than when she had entered.

I guess she doesn't like bugs?

"I won't, I promise," I said meekly, sipping my fruit smoothie to ease the dryness in my throat, which spawned from her presence. "If I may, My Lady, what exactly are you doing here? I thought Lord Ainz was engaging in his battle with Lady Shalltear?"

"That ordeal has concluded," she answered smiling, not smiling at me specifically but rather at her lord's victory. "Lord Ainz has proved his superiority and worth as ruler of the Great Tomb once again."

"How wonderful," I awed nervously, forcing a smile. "Then I suppose Lady Shalltear should be with us again shortly?"

"Indeed, as soon as Lord Ainz returns," she nodded. "The arrangements are all in order so we need only wait for his arrival."

"Oh... the-then why are you here?" I asked timidly. "It's just— wouldn't your rather wait for Lord Ainz in the Throne Room? I'm not saying I'm unnerved by your presence! I just meant that I thought you would want to be the first person he saw when he arrived!"

My stammering didn't faze her. Literally. Her mood hadn't shifted at all. She wasn't any angrier or happier having heard all my nonsense. Lady Albedo seemed bored more than anything.

"I will be," she hissed. "Don't concern yourself with that. I'm only here to enjoy a quick drink after all the stress of this ordeal. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Of course not! Do whatever you wish, My Lady," I exclaimed. "If there's anything tou need: I'm at your service! I can move seats if you would prefer to drink alone!"

Lady Albedo fell silent, a pondering expression on her face as she stared idly at the hanging glasses across the bar.

"Very well then," she said softly. "I'll do whatever I wish..."

Lady Albedo reached out her hand, clasping my chin before I had the chance to pull away. Even as I tried to resist, her strength was far to immense to achieve any positive outcome.

Lady Albedo forced our eyes to meet. I couldn't help but tremble when staring directly into those dilated pupils.

"What are you—!?"


Albedo P.O.V

The fox stared at me blankly, his eyes glossy and tinted pink. He only reacted once I removed my hair from his chin. His reaction being a discontented frown and a dissatisfied whimper.

"Well then? Hello... what in the 41 was your name again?"

"My name is Y/N L/N, my love!" Quickly answered the fox. "You should know that, my love! We've been married for years!"

"Yes, forgive me, the time hasn't affected my mind well," I answered, smirking with satisfaction.

"Aww, don't say that, my love! You still look as beautiful as the day we met," Y/N praised. "Time hasn't been so unkind to you!"

I had my worries that he may have had some sort of skill or natural ability that granted him immunity to a succubi's charm, but it seemed he had fallen under my spell without so much as an smidge of resistance.

The pure ones are usually harder to subdue, too.

Just another example of how inferior the fox was compared to me. He was wagging his tail and panting over me just as he would for Yuri, and he would be none the wiser once I released him from my influence.

"So you know who I am, Y/N?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I?! You're my wife, Albedo! We've been married for so many years, I've lost track," he exclaimed with a cheery grin.

"Good, you're exactly right," I praised. "Do you enjoy being married to me?"

"Is that even a real question?! Of course, I do! I love everything about you, Albedo!" Y/N answered, seemingly offended I would ask such a thing. "I love your kind smile! Your warm embrace! Your angelic voice! And especially your soft thighs! I couldn't possibly hate anything about you as there's nothing to hate, my love!"

"M-My thighs?!"

"Yeah! They're so soft and warm! Every part of you is," he added. "I don't need a pillow or a bed when I can just sleep on top of you!"

Y/N was smiling so sweetly and innocently, as if he hadn't just said he'd like to use me like a mattress. I was appalled, only because it proved my hunch that he was leering at my thighs earlier. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, only because of his relationship with Yuri and since he had as much sex-drive as a corpse.

But he was still a man, so those desires had to exist somewhere behind that innocent grin.

It was shameful to blush so embarrassingly before a lower life-form, even if he wasn't going to remember a thing of this. It was surely because I had been so deprived of Lord Ainz's affection that I was able to become flustered from hearing such a grotesque and lustful comment.

This was even more evidence that I needed Lord Ainz's love! As was the fact that I was so desperate for love that I had turned Yuri's pet into a makeshift husband just so I could experience some form of it.

"Nevermind that... tell me, what's your favorite activity to do with me?"

Even if he was under a charm, I was unsure if I would be able to quell the urge to murder him if he his answer was anything sexual.

"Well... to be honest, I just love being with you, Albedo," he said softly. "Whether we're doing something as simple as baking together or just lazing around together. I just love being with you. I really don't care what activity we do together as long as we do it together."

His words must've put me under a trance as I hadn't even noticed that he had grabbed my hand, specifically the one donning the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, and clasped it tightly with both of his.

"I love you so much, Albedo," Y/N declared. "More than you could ever possibly imagine."

It felt real. It was almost as if he truly meant what he said. I knew it was all a farce spawned by magical influence but my heart was beating and throbbing as if it were truly reality. The words may have been a falsehood but that innocent smile wasn't. That certainly was his, I had just never seen it as I had only ever struck him with terror and unease.

This feeling... it was as if my insides were on fire and my head was clouded in a thick fog of desire. This had to be it. This must've been what Yuri felt whenever he adored her.

It was... a lovely feeling.

"D-Do you want me to pet you...?" I asked, gasping at my own words as soon as I spoke them. "Wait—!"

"Oh yes! I love it when you do that!" He bowed his head with an eager and anticipating smile.

I could've told him no or ended the charm's affect over him right then and there. But upon glimpsing the sheer joy in his eyes at the prospect of my affection was quite alluring. I could tell that I was all he desired in that moment and anything I chose to give him, whether it be pleasure or pain, he would show me immense gratitude.

Such devotion couldn't be ignored, even if it was coming from a creature as inferior and pathetic as the fox before me. And I had already offered to pet him, so there was little more I could do than just that.

Y/N hummed joyously as soon as he felt my clothed palm touch his scalp. I casually moved my hand from side-to-side, uncertain as to how exactly a creature like him liked to be pet. Regardless of his preferences, the wide smile on his face was enough to prove that he was enjoying the sensation of my touch.

"Ahh~!" He moaned sensually. "I love you so, so much, Albedo!"

He glanced up at me with anxious eyes. It seemed to have finally occurred to him that he was the only one to have said those words and now he longed to hear them repeated back to him.

There was no way in hell I would say that to him. Lord Ainz was the only being in this world who deserved to hear those words from my lips. And if there were any other who deserved such affection existed... he certainly wasn't one of them.

Luckily, I needn't long to think of an excuse not to reply as Y/N himself decided to give me one.

"If it's embarrassing, you don't have to say it," Y/N assured. "I already know how you feel, my love. We're married, after all!"

"Yes, we are," I said, smiling thinly. "I appreciate your understanding... dear."

It felt like a knife going through my chest just to force that one word out. It proved worth it though as Y/N's tail wagged excitedly and his smile grew to each ear in response to being referred so endearingly.

As shameful as it was, unless Lord Ainz changed his mind and started paying more attention to my womanly figure... I would certainly have to use my succubus charm to put Y/N into this state once again to relieve my need for a man's affection.

The fox would be a tool, nothing more...

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