Give up forever to touch you.

By Toxinated_

2.6K 222 806

Living 4,336 miles away from you best friend can do things to you. It can hurt you, break you and even destro... More

I'd give up forever to touch you
What to do
Talk about it
Even more preparation
Just to get told to go away
Alone here
"Is this... a date?"
Love on the beach
"Cuddly couple"


78 8 20
By Toxinated_

Sapnap didn't let Dream have his phone for the day, which Dream understood. He knew he would be on his phone all day stressing about George so it was for the best, and besides he was going to talk about everything with Sapnap as he figured that might help lift some weight off his shoulders.

As of right now, they were both waking into a Starbucks to have a chat about everything that had happened. Dream didn't really want to speak to Sapnap about what had happened, but unfortunately he knew he had to at some point as he deserved to know. He sort of knew already, but it was better to just explain it all in depth rather than just say a few words.

"Alright, what do you want?" Sapnap said, getting his bank card out as Dream hummed while thinking about what to get.

"I'm kinda tired so just a coffee." He said, taking at seat by the window. Sapnap nodded and walked over to the counter to be served. Dream looked out the window and thought about what he could say to Sapnap. It was going to be awkward, but by planning the conversation out ahead, Dream was hoping it would make it easier.

Dream let his mind drift into a load of thoughts, the main one being about how George might feel. He wanted to know how George was feeling so he could maybe apologize or something. Of course, he wondered why he felt the need to apologize, but he felt he probably needed to.

Loving someone was a big deal, and Dream knew his heart was set on George. He loved George and if he didn't love him back romantically that was fine, he just wanted an actual answer so he could stop panicking about everything.

"I got you an iced coffee with I think caramel, I hope you like it." Sapnap smiled, sitting opposite to him while giving him his drink. Dream looked around at the empty cafe and spun the straw around in his drink, making the ice make loud noises as they hit together.

"So, what's up?" Sapnap began the dreaded conversation. Dream wanted to walk out then and there but it was only until he opened his mouth he realized how much he trusted Sapnap. Dream knew Sapnap most likely wouldn't go around telling people as it was a very private and serious thing, so he took a deep breath in and let words fall out.

"What do you wanna know?" He mumbled, looking at Sapnap rather than our the window. He was semi-prepared for the conversation, and that was enough for him to get ready for whatever Sapnap wanted to know.

"From the very beginning." It wasn't as bad as Dream thought it would be, he thought it would be really hard like explaining his feelings, but this was just an easy recap.

"I had feelings for him ages ago. I think roughly two months ago was when I really thought about it and came to the conclusion I was in love with him. I went on call with him and told him, he obviously thought I was joking at first and when I said I wasn't, he said he'd call me back."

"And I'm assuming he didn't?" Sapnap asked, Dream nodded and took a sip of his coffee while thinking even more. He was definitely going to get a headache from overthinking so much, but he wanted to have a moment where he could think about everything.

"I texted him, and last time I checked he hadn't replied to me or opened it. I doubt he has now either." Dream would've checked his phone but thankfully Sapnap made him leave it at home. He was definitely going to check it as soon as he got home because he really wanted a response.

"What do you plan on doing if he doesn't reply?" Asked Sapnap, and that was what sent Dream into realization. He had no idea what he was going to do if George didn't call back or text. He was so wrapped up in wondering when George would text back, it didn't even cross his mind that George might not reply.

"I don't...I don't know. I didn't think about that." Dream was in disbelief at how stupid he could be to not think about that. He didn't even want to take a guess on what Sapnap's next words would be after that question.

"Things will work out, I promise." Sapnap said, scooting his chair closer so he could put a hand on Dream's shoulder to comfort him. Dream looked out the window once again and noticed it was raining very lightly. He looked at a puddle that was there previously from the gutters, and noticed a plane. His mind jumped to the thought of flying out, but he knew it was a ridiculous thing to do.

"Thank you for listening." Dream turned back to face Sapnap, he took another sip of his drink and looked back out the window at the now gone plane.

"What's out there?" Sapnap asked, watching Dream's eyes lock onto a specific something outside. Dream must've not heard him until Sapnap cleared his throat and tapped him on the shoulder to snap him out of it.

"Nothing." Dream looked away from the window and noticed Sapnap immediately went to look out the window. There was no hiding it, he was just going to have to say what was on his mind.

"Well it's gotta be something, you keep looking out there." Sapnap said, trying to look for something eye catching outside, but clearly nothing caught his eye and it made Dream feel slightly nervous because he had to explain another thing that was on his mind.

"George is supposed to be here today." He muttered, barely audible. Sapnap managed to understand what he said, especially when he noticed Dream was staring at an airplane.

"I promise, he will give you a reply soon." Dream didn't want to argue with that. He knew George wasn't going to give a reply, but it was nice for Sapnap to atleast try to reassure him. Dream took another sip of his drink and looked up at Sapnap, waiting for him to say something else.

"Thanks for telling me." Sapnap stood up and put some of his litter in one of the bins inside the store. Dream still had some of his drink left so he decided to finish it before getting in the car.

"You deserve to know, it's not fair otherwise." Dream said walking out with Sapnap. He took one final sip of his drink and put it in a nearby recycling bin.

He looked up and saw yet another plane fly over, it was like everything was a constant reminder of what wasn't going to happen. Dream kept his eyes locked on the plane, thinking about how much he wished George was on his way home.

After a few seconds of watching a plane go behind a cloud out of sight, he got in the car and looked at Sapnap, who was texting someone. Dream immediately knew who it was and he so badly wanted to intervene, but he didn't have the energy.

"Wanna go home or are you still up for shopping?" Sapnap asked, turning to the road that led home. Dream hummed and closed his eyes and leaned against the window, trying to catch up on some sleep so he wouldn't have to stress any longer. He had stressed himself out so much to the point where no amount of sleep would make him feel less tired.

Dream didn't care that they were nearly home, he wanted sleep. It wouldn't help whatsoever, but he wanted it so he just closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep before his mind would protest.

1312 words

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