āœ“ | š’šØš®š„š›šØš®š§š ā™” Jasp...

By -ruffierosefanfics

323K 10.2K 1.3K

š—™!š—¢š—– š˜… š—š—®š˜€š—½š—²š—æ š—›š—®š—¹š—² Annabeth Swan moves to Forks, Washington with her older twin sister, Isabell... More

š’šØš®š§šš­š«šššœš¤ + š€šžš¬š­š”šžš­š¢šœ
š€šœš­ šŽš§šž
1.1 | Forks, Washington
1.2 | The Cullens
1.3 | First Impressions
1.4 | Creating Bonds
1.5 | Second Impressions
1.6 | Car Incident
1.7 | Field Trip
1.8 | La Push, Baby
1.9 | Truth's Out
1.10 | Together
1.11 | Their Past Lives
1.12 | Baseball
1.13 | The Hunt
1.14 | James' Game
1.15 | Prom
š€šœš­ š“š°šØ
2.1 | Birthday Promises
2.2 | Control Is Overrated
2.3 | Day By Day
2.4 | New Bonds
2.5 | The Pack
2.6 | Grandma Rose
2.7 | Attacked
2.8 | Alice Cullen
2.9 | Volterra, Italy
2.10 | Magnolia Clave
2.11 | Reunited
2.12 | Mutual Understanding
š€šœš­ š“š”š«šžšž
3.1 | Days Go By
3.2 | Stranger
3.3 | Gran's Visit
3.4 | Her Real Story
3.5 | Graduation
3.6 | Weakened
3.7 | Jasper's Past
3.8 | Snowy Battle
3.9 | Silence
3.10 | Transition
3.11 | New Species
3.12 | Ireland
š…š¢š§ššš„ š€šœš­
4.1 | Bella's Wedding
4.2 | Peaceful Days
4.3 | Bella's Pregnant?!
4.4 | House Divided
4.5 | Anna's Warning
4.6 | Labour
4.7 | Transitioned
4.9 | Irina's Mistake
4.10 | Uniting Friends
4.11 | Special Gifts
4.12 | The Night Before
4.13 | The Big Fight
4.14 | Era of Peace
4.15 | As Time Goes By
The End

4.8 | Colorado Trip

2.9K 88 14
By -ruffierosefanfics

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Anna and Bella were sitting together on the couch in the living room of the Cullen's house, they were smiling as Jasper entertained Renesmee with a smile on his own. "You once told me that you wouldn't want kids. Has that changed knowing you can still have them?" Bella asked Anna upon seeing the look in her sister's eyes. "I mean... the idea of having a child terrified me as a human. The risks, the labour, the potential dangers for the baby themself... But as an immortal, a Hybrid... it seems different. Like, there are no risks which makes it more appealing but..." Anna trailed off with a sigh, "But I need to be certain that our battles are done. That if I end up having a child, which I'm no longer against, they were safe."

Bella nodded, she understood what Anna was saying and respected that decision but she did hope that Anna would give motherhood a chance one day. It was clear that she would eventually based on the vision Anna had seen of Renesmee, Sam's son and Anna's own son. The twin set turned their heads to Jasper and Renesmee, Anna smiled fondly watching Jasper who was making Renesmee laugh by tickling her; the giggles filled the room with a sense of joy. However, Anna's attention was taken when a sharp pain split through her head gaining everyone's attention, she lowered her head into her hands as Jasper rushed over to her after Bella took Renesmee from him.

"Darling, what is it?" Jasper asked Anna, she whimpered from the pain while Jasper became alerted by the black blood dripping from her ears. "Someone screaming... they're in pain... pleading for help," Anna breathed out through winces before her eyes rolled into the back of her head, falling forward prompting Jasper to catch her in his arms. "Edward?" Bella questioned hoping he saw what she did but he shook his head. "It really was flashes but I saw red hair, blood and... I saw Jane," Edward told them with worried eyes. Jasper lifted Anna into his arms and headed towards his former bedroom to lay her down.

"If Jane was present then it connects to the Volturi, right?" Colton asked as Jasper walked back down, he had made sure his love was okay. "You said you saw someone else," Carlisle asked Edward who nodded. "She had red hair or more of an auburn color. And green eyes but she was terrified and in pain," Edward explained while Bella frowned. "But why is my sister connected?" Bella asked making Jasper sigh. "Because ever since you and Anna saved Edward, Anna has been watching the Volturi's every step and decision," Jasper answered her causing the family to turn to him. "She was warned by Caius and she had... a bad feeling about Aro's intentions," He added.

"So she's been watching him this whole time?" Emmett asked. "Well, Anna's visions are more set in stone then Alice's. That's why Alice gets more visions because they face possible changes based on decisions while Anna's are rare and set," Jasper replied to him. "Her name is Marin Campbell. She's a Bansee in Colorado," Anna spoke as she walked down the steps, her eyes overlapped grey. "Jane is looking for someone but I couldn't catch the name. But she did mention a weapon to destroy the Della Witch," Anna added as the grey in her eyes faded, she swallowed carefully while every shared looks of concern. "Aro killed Magnolia, makes sense he'll want to kill me. I'm a hybrid," Anna finished off with a sigh.

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

"Dad, you are stressing over nothing," Anna said with an eye roll as she lead Charlie into the house, Bella had been given the lesson in looking human despite Charlie knowing about Bella's new lifestyle. "I don't want to make her uncomfortable, if this is too soon--" Charlie is cut off by Anna who rolled her eyes, "Dad. It'll be fine. Between Jasper's incredible abilities of empathy and my own little spell, Bella won't feel an ounce of thirst around you." Charlie nodded at Anna's words, he was relieved to hear that despite how insane his life had become. "Now if you're done panicking like an old woman, can we go see Bella before she thinks you're backing out," Anna asked Charlie who laughed and nodded.

The two made their way up the stairs to where Bella was sitting, the brunette smiled at Charlie as her thirst eased enough to allow her to hug her father, remembering to be gentle due to her strength. "Hey, Bella," Charlie said as he held his eldest daughter, a smile on his face due to the relief of his daughter's wellbeing. "Hi, Dad," Bella replied before they pulled away, Bella sitting down on the chair while Charlie sat on the couch. "Are you okay?" Charlie asked Bella as Anna motioned for Jacob and Edward to follow her out of the room. "We'll give you both some privacy," Edward said before the three walked out, Anna sending Bella a reassuring look as she left the room.

"Are you two going to Colorado?" Edward asked Anna and Jasper, the two shared a look before Anna nodded. "I need to find Marin before Jane does," Anna told Edward. "If you need any back up, just call and we'll be there," Edward replied to her with a reassuring smile. "I'll keep it in mind. Gotta start packing," Anna told them, "You better go introduce my dad to his granddaughter." Edward nodded before he walked past the couple, Jasper looked at Anna who sighed. "This will be an interesting trip, huh?" Anna asked her beloved. "We'll be just fine," Jasper told her before kissing her forehead.

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Anna climbed out of the car and let out a breath of air, she smiled at Jasper before they made their way into the hotel they were staying at during their time in Colorado. "Checking in. Name should be under Hale," Jasper told the woman behind the counter, the ravenette smiled flirtatiously at Jasper while batting her lashes. "Of course, Mr Hale. Queen or twin?" She said with an airy tone that made Anna bite back an amused smile. Jasper knew the woman was flirting but he didn't like it, even with Anna finding amusement out of it rather than jealously which gave Jasper a sense of pride in his fiancee; she trusted him and truly knew that no one else would be the one for him.

Jasper's arm wrapped around Anna's waist pulling her closer with a smile, "Queen. My fiancee and I want the best the hotel has to offer." The receptionist scowled at the arm wrapped around Anna's waist before smiling sweetly at Jasper, "We do whatever we can to ensure you are treated to the standard you deserve. Whatever you need, you get." Anna bit her lip to fight the urge to laugh at the woman's consistent attempt to flirt. "No need to worried about that. My fiancee gives it to me good," Jasper told her making Anna laugh and shake her head. "If you don't mind keeping it in your pants, we'd like our key, hon," Anna said kindly, the sweet act threw the receptionist off.

Jasper pouted as Anna laughed, the two walked into their room and put their bags to the side. "What's so funny?" Jasper asked as he closed the door and locked it. "She worked so hard to get a reaction out of me and the way you brushed her off was funny. It's like you don't realise how attractive you are," Anna answered him with a shake of her head. Jasper rolled his eyes before he rushed over to her, grabbing her waist and pulled her with him onto the bed. "My heart belongs to you... you are the only person I see and the only one whose opinion I car about," Jasper told her before he kissed her softly, Anna moaned in delight as he hands trailed under Jasper's shirt urging him to continue.

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Anna sipped from her glass, her eyes flitting around the bar she had seen Marin working through a vision. Jasper was watching from a booth in the corner, the two decided to split up to lessen attention on them. Anna was wearing a tight black dress that continued to distract Jasper whenever he looked in her direction, he thought she looked delicious and ever since the two had marked each other, they had become more inseparable and insatiable for one another. Anna spotted Marin as she walked behind the bar from the back room, she looked paranoid as she looked around before she began to serve customers. Anna finished her drink before tapping the bar signalling a refill.

Marin approached her and filled the glass before looking up into Anna's unnatural stormy blue-grey eyes causing the blonde to smirk at the ginger. "Hello Marin. We need to talk," Anna told the ginger who swallowed back her urge to scream, she whimpered slightly and Anna noticed prompting the blonde to chant a spell that made the wail fade. "I mean you no harm, Marin. I'm here to help you," Anna reassured the ginger before leaning forward. "You see, I'm certain that you know exactly what I am," Anna questioned receiving a nod from the ginger, "And I know that you're a Banshee. With a Wail that could kill me with enough force."

Marin looked around the room before focusing back on Anna, "They said you would come. She said that I had to kill you to protect my family." Jasper heard those words and tightened his grip on his glass, he clenched his jaw and fought the urge to grab Anna and run. "Let me guess, short blonde with blood eyes, possibly accompanied by a boy that matching her yet has darker hair?" Anna asked as she swirled the little umbrella in her glass. "Uh, yes," Marin responded. "Jane and Alec, the Volturi Twins. They deem me a threat but you want the truth?" Anna asked Marin who hesitantly nodded.

Anna's eyes overlapped grey as she chanted a spell to allow Marin to see some of her memories, proof that Anna wasn't a threat to Marin or her family of Banshees. "I don't want to hunt down Banshees, Marin. I want to live happily and peacefully alongside my love and my family. Does that make me a threat?" Anna asked Marin who shook her head. "You saw me die?" Marin asked with a frown, Banshees typically predicted their own deaths but she didn't see hers. "I saw you being tortured but your death wasn't confirmed. It's why I am here. To protect you and help protect whoever you care for," Anna reassured the ginger.

Marin had hesitation in her eyes but Anna considered that normal, she wouldn't force the ginger to leave with her. "Okay... but my brother and my parents?" Marin asked with fear pooling in her eyes as Jasper made his way over, placing his hand on her shoulder. "We'll organise someone to watch over them," Jasper told her, Anna smiled fondly at her mate before looking at Marin. "Well, let's get you pack. Forks awaits," Anna told Marin who nodded. Marin convinced her boss to let her leave early, she packed her things and got into the back of Jasper's rental. "And the twins?" Marin asked Anna who smirked. "I win again," Anna said knowing Jane will be fuming.

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Rosemary Speaks

Marin isn't an overly important character but her face claim is Abigail Cowen. But this is for those who have messaged me about Anna not having a weakness and claiming she's too powerful and could easily overthrow the Volturi. I was getting to this but here you are. Anna's weakness revealed.

Thoughts on the chapter?

Also, if their are spaces in the chapter, its a wattpad glitch messing with the GIFs. Just ignore it. Hopefully it's fixed quickly.

See you in the next chapter!

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