Across Times "From Earth to B...

By Momma1982

13.9K 435 25

You used to be a normal woman who had a job and family then you were sent to Beastworld and now you literally... More

Chapter 1 Crash Landing
Chapter 2 Thank You
Chapter 3 Village
Chapter 4 Hello
Chapter 5 Reunion
Chapter 6 Mate 18+
Chapter 7 Weapon
Chapter 8 Knuckle Bumps 18+
Chapter 9 Presents
Chapter 10 Fight for You
Chapter 11 Sister
Chapter 12 We Got This
Chapter 13 A Good Day! 18+
Chapter 14 Sisters and Uncles
Chapter 15 Peace
Chapter 16 To the Cave!
Chapter 17 Dream
Chapter 18 Welcome
Chapter 19 Visitor
Chapter 20 Smile
Chapter 21 Best Friend
Chapter 22 Let's go! 18+
Chapter 23 Take it easy!
Chapter 24 What do you want? 18+
Chapter 25 Stay True
Chapter 26 Surprising
Chapter 26 Huh
Chapter 27 Tomorrow!
Chapter 28 Not angry! 18+
Chapter 29 I smell trouble! 18+
Chapter 30 Hello
Chapter 31 Yes
Chapter 32 Wow
Chapter 33 Growing 18+
Chapter 34 Eggs
Chapter 35 For You!
Chapter 36 Sweet
Chapter 37 Safe 18+
Chapter 38 Splash
Chapter 40 Alliance
Chapter 41 Don't
Chapter 42 Never
Chapter 43 What? 18+
Chapter 44 Those Days
Chapter 45 Greetings
Chapter 46 Sure Thing!
Chapter 47 Crossing 18+
Chapter 48 Anytime
Chapter 50 Foolish 18+
Chapter 51 Sunset 18+
Chapter 52 Knock 18+
Chapter 53 Revealing
Chapter 54 Here
Chapter 55 Nurses
Chapter 56 What a sight! 18+
Chapter 57 Work to do!
Chapter 58 A War God 18+
Chapter 59 Oh it's you!
Chapter 60 Messenger 18+
Chapter 61 Wrinkles
Chapter 62 We Will!
Chapter 63 Hello Friend 18+
Chapter 64 Crazy Day 18+
Chapter 65. Favorite Student
Chapter 66 What the F*=% 18+
Chapter 67 Dang
Chapter 68 Eventful
Chapter 69 My Turn 18+
Chapter 70 Many Do!
Chapter 71 The Moon 18+
Chapter 72 Exciting
Chapter 73 You did!
Chapter 74 Thank You!
Chapter 75 Beautiful 18+
Chapter 76 Us!
Chapter 77 Males 18+
Chapter 78 Curiosity
Chapter 79 Pie
Chapters 80 How?
Chapter 81 Sounds Good!
Chapter 82 Help 18+
Chapter 83 Breakfast
Chapter 84 This was fun!
Chapter 85 Spill the beans!
Chapter 86 Yes!
Chapter 87 Who 18+
Chapter 88 Try
Chapter 89 What You Got!
Chapter 90 Awakening
Chapter 91 Back
Chapter 92 Trouble 18+
Chapter 93 Hello
Chapter 94 Meet
Chapter 95 Wonder
Chapter 96 Reunited
Chapter 97 Sing 18+
Chapter 98 Training
Chapter 99 Love 18+
Chapter 100 Come in 18+
Chapter 101 Promise
Chapter 102 Whoa!
Chapter 103 See Ya 18+
Chapter 104 We're in!

Chapter 39 Let's go again!

46 3 1
By Momma1982

I was lifted quickly before I could react  Ginta  " Maybe he just wants to be nice!" I thought, Shuu called my Momma over Inari, Dylan  Naraku, Carter, Harvey,and  Lanze as the pains began I was laid on the bed as they took turns holding my hands Harvey  in Dr mode gets seven baskets Harvey puts an emerald in my mouth Your ready as I began to push three large eggs  came out they were pearlescent Lanze kissed me and  hurriedly took them to the  river,  another wave of pains hit three Leopard cubs they sniff Carter kissed me cleaning and putting them in the  basket Naraku wiped my forehead as a intense pain and curse words erupted it's a head I pushed hard as tears fell " aww its a baby girl I look " We have a female cub!" Harvey kissed me taking her , I took a breath Inari took my hand I pushed ,a boy, a girl,  they were both large I kiss there fox form as Inari kissed me you did well! I had another wave of intense pain as I grit my teeth I push out two boys I kiss them both Dylan cooed "Thank you!",Naraku held my hand rubbing my stomach he smiles ,I got another sharp pain pushing through the tears  a gush of fluid came out and a baby boy the got him out of the sack and wiped him down, " my boy!" Naraku has tears stroking his little head I see Inuyasha step in to look he has white hair with black and purple streaks  his little fingers are clawed and he has a tail , Inuyasha gave me another emerald I pulled him into a kiss  mmm " I could get used to that!" He mused with a grin " Thank you!" I said. Kagome walked in with some stew and a cup of water I was propped up as Winston came snuggling behind I ate and nursed all my cubs " Thank you  Kagome!" She smiles Sango and Miroku walk in with Ellis " I hear oohs and ahs! " " there so cute !" I smile as each of my babies are held , Miroku sits down next to me  ,Shippo surprised me as he sat on Inari's shoulder I mentally giggle and then thought " Maybe he wants to be a role model!" I felt a hand grab mine  and I pretend not to notice  , trying to " break the ice!" How are you doing today Miroku? I am well but , " My bride is healing again, so I am happy!"  Are you sure that will make you happy? I say as ,he nods. Sango is seeing someone! I look as I notice her blush. I pulled him into a kiss ,he blushed  Winston nuzzled my neck as Miroku and,  Naraku rub my stomach  I fell asleep. I woke later that evening, I changed myself as I was alone seeing I am padded at the moment I stood up slowly and walk outside I see Koga and our pup's so I walk over he hugs me as Ginta did too, I look at him not mad but surprised " Can we eat again,  I'm hungry? I giggled.  Koga sits as I sit next to him on a hide I hold our boy as he coos I tickle his toes he kicks his legs with a chuckle I thought I heard a bark I lay him on my shoulder and pat his back I sing " Hush little baby don't say a word  Mommas gonna buy you  a mockingbird, and if that mockingbird don't sing Papas gonna buy you  a diamond ring "  I look up to see Ginta smile, handing me a piece of meat " Thank you!" As I sat eating with them  I reach in my bag and summon a cold Gatorade " Would you like to try one?" They shook there heads with smiles as I enjoyed my meat.  I see Toga and  Sesshomarou land with a beaten man , " He must be the villagers husband I pull a emerald from my bag Ginta held the pup as Koga helped me up , Miroku went along " Are you both alright?" He is beat up bad ,I'll give him a emerald ! The cat demon tribe captured him, they are afraid of the changes !" Sesshomarou said " And they want information!" I say ,as Toga nods I put the emerald in the villagers mouth and hug them both. " It's time we take Inari and go visit together!" Toga kissed  my neck as  Sesshomarou kissed my lips " Let's go!" I heard as Inari grins.

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