Their Girl: The Hunt

By Storytelling1994

264K 7.7K 569

Book Two in the Their Girl Duet. Lorenzo, Alec and Freddie are prepared to burn the world down in order to f... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Bonus Chapter ❤️ Part 1

Chapter Nine

6.8K 205 6
By Storytelling1994

Alec's (POV)

I couldn't believe my eyes, there she was right in front of us. We'd finally found her. As soon as my eyes locked onto her i felt the overwhelming rage inside me dampen slightly, it had been there ever since she was taken. Growing by the day and I'd lost all control of it but now she was there in front of me i felt whole again.

The guy Freddie shot had slumped down onto of her trapping her underneath him. She was still screaming and trying her hardest to get out. I rushed over to her pretty much barging Lorenzo and Freddie out of my way in the process. Pulling him off of her i went to reach for her and pull her into my arms she kicked and screamed trying to get away from me.

"Alissandra its okay it's Alec" I murmured and with that her eyes finally met mine and she stopped and stilling in an instant. She stared at me for a moment and as soon as she seemed to realise it was me she flung herself into my arms and sobbed. She'd lost a hell of a lot of weight, i could feel her bones as i held her close to me and the smell of rotting flesh coming from her was horrendous but then when I analysed her skin I could see why. Her whole body was covered in wounds i didn't even know where to put my hands, some had dressings that were seeping whilst others were exposed and raw. He'd fucking done this to her. I had to swallow the lump in my throat trying to keep my composure and her body convulsed as she sobbed.

All of a sudden she started screaming again. "No stop" cried out and tried to release herself from me. "He helped me, Luca helped me" she pleaded and i looked up to see Freddie dragging someone out of the bathroom. He stopped and dropped the guy who then scampered towards me and Alissandra. I went to stop him but Alissandra pushed me away and wrapped herself around him, her whole body shaking with fear.

Who the fuck was this guy.

We didn't have time to ask questions Alissandra was in a bad way and needed to get to a hospital as soon as possible. She seemed comfortable with this guys presence and the fact that she was clinging on to him meant that we had no choice but to bring him with us.

Once we were at the hospital he was safely kept away with our eyes on him whilst the doctors saw to Alissandra. I watched his every move, analysing them with great detail. He was calm, the only one that was calm which didn't sit right with me.

After what felt like a lifetime the doctor came to update us, we all stood. Luca included unfortunately. "No you stay right there" I snapped shoving him back down into his seat. He didn't fight against it and he was fucking wise not to as well cause I'd make sure he'd never stand again if he even considered moving.

We guided the doctor away slightly so Luca couldn't listen in on the conversation but we could still keep our eyes on him.

"How is she?" Lorenzo asked straightaway

The doctor sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. What ever he was going to say next wasn't going to be the best news. "Well she's incredibly dehydrated and malnourished. But In terms of physical injuries she has 3 cracked ribs, a fractured skull, 2nd degree burns and cuts scattered all over her body and a very severe infection from the open wounds. We're going to keep her sedated whilst we give her antibiotics through a drip" hearing it out loud sent the imagines of that fucker inflicting all that pain on her flashing through my head. I had to clench my fists so tight with my nails were practically piercing through my skin in order to keep myself from loosing it completely.

"There is one more thing you should know" he seemed hesitant to continue "We completed a rape kit and it identified a significant amount of trauma which would indicate that she has been subjected to numerous violent assaults" out of everything that was the hardest one to hear. The physical stuff she could heal from but he'd fucking raped her, I didn't know if she'd be able to come back from that. We didn't even know if it was just him either. It was hard enough thinking about him touching her let alone anyone else. "Physically i think she will be okay after a few weeks recovery but mentally and emotionally i think you need to be prepared for a significant trauma response"  The doctor said pulling me out of my thoughts "In my 30 years of working in this field i have never seen injuries that significant"

She was going to be scarred for life in more ways than one. I just wished that fucking was in the house so we could of got rid of him once and for all.

After the doctor went back to see to Alissandra we all turned to each other. "It was way too easy to get her out of there" Lorenzo said quietly glancing over to Luca's direction. He'd explained that he was the one that contacted us to tell us where Alissandra was. What didn't make sense was where the fuck Antonio and the majority of his men where.

"Can't we just be happy that we've finally got her back" Freddie sighed in defeat. "The guy helped us save her and she seemed pretty adamant on us not hurting him" I got his point we'd managed to find our girl and we had her back but that didn't change the fact that we needed answers.

"He's right we went from nothing to finding her just like that" i said clicking my fingers.

"What now you two actually agree on something" Freddie scoffed. It was surprising to me too but atleast we were on the same page.

"He could have the information that we need to find Antonio" i said raising my eyebrows. "She's gonna be sedated for a while"

I could tell Freddie wasn't keen on the idea but with me and Lorenzo in agreement he was out voted.

"Luca we want to ask you some questions let's go for a walk" I said as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and went to guide him away but he halted and tried to pull himself away from me.

"I-i I'd rather stay here" he stuttered looking around him.

I didn't care what he'd rather he was coming with me whether he liked it or not. "Fucking move now" I growled grabbing him by the back of the neck and shoving him forward.

We headed to a nearby motel and tied Luca to a chair. He didn't kick up much of a fight but then that wasn't surprising he was a skinny little thing with the muscle mass of a twig there was no way he'd be any match for us.

"I suggest you start talking and if I even suspect your lying I'll start removing pieces of you" I growled in his face and the way his eyes dilated told me he knew I was fucking serious.

"Where's Antonio?" I snapped impatiently.

"He was moving her tomorrow" he spluttered out quickly not answering my question which infuriated me I took a step forward but he continued "he went to see someone called Jason he was going to help get her out of the country"

"Have you met Jason before?" Lorenzo asked from behind me.

He shook his head so fast I'm sure he could have scrambled his own brain "no never"

"Where were all the guards?" I grunted getting into his face. The poor guy flinched and closed his eyes. Something about him made me think he wasn't in with Antonio's guards. He was feeble and scared.

"He was adamant you wouldn't find her and whoever Jason was he was angry about something and almost refused to help him" Luca started to explain "so he took the majority of them with him incase he kicked off" that I could understand. Jason was as fucked and unhinged as his father the guy would put a bullet through his closest allies if he was the slightest bit pissed. We knew Jason had been asking around about where Jennie was. They were twins and unhealthily close, if he knew Antonio was the last one to see her he'd be out for blood that was for sure.

"Why did you call us? Why did you help her?" Freddie asked and it was like he had read my mind.

"Because she was the only person that ever treated me like I was more than just a mutt" he said sincerely and his eyes glistened as though he was about to cry "i watched what he did to them other girls" he shuddered as though he was reliving the memory. "I couldn't bare to watch and hear him hurt her anymore and she said you would help us both get out of there"

We all huddled round together "What do you think?" Freddie asked glancing over his shoulder at a visibly terrified Luca.

"He seems genuine and if it wasn't for him we wouldn't of got her out of there" Lorenzo said as he swept his had through his hair.

We agreed that we would let Luca go, he seemed to be just as scared of Antonio as Alissandra. The fact he'd risked his own safety to get her out told us he could somewhat be trusted. But that didn't mean we wouldn't be keeping a fucking close eye on him.

I started to untie Luca from the chair. "Sorry for the black eye but" I started saying but he cut me off.

"But you had to be sure I get it" he replied with a faint smile. "you love her, she's very lucky to have you all" no we were lucky to have her and now she was back I was never letting her go again.

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