Lex Învieria

By ShadowedWords

348 48 143

A necromancer struggles to find her way in a world with new laws, deaths, and something nee More

Zombie Law
Staying Alive
Bone Dancing
Bone Gift
Bone Sister
Blood Momma
Heart's Blood
Bone Bound.
Nightmare Reborn
Angel's Sight
Blood Baroness
Hemo-Goblin's Surprise
Morganna's Regiment
Home Coming
Icarus's Fall
Decision made
Effective Tactics
Lucifer Dawnstar
Serena's Secret
Officially Official
Check Mate
Tails and Wings
Assassin's Folly
Demon's Sight
Another Coffin
Anger's Kiss
Bleeding Darkness
Blood Rubies
Artist's Love
Collared God
Blind Love
Blood Tears
The Attic
The Children
The Council
New Ventures
Demon Brides
Gabriel's Return
Angels Quarrel
Beast Within
Aunt's Return
Goddess Appears
Demon Bound
Demon's Secret
Green Man
Assistance Coming
The Sanctuary
Learning Curve
The Cure
Children Mackinney
Goddess's Heart

Raven Queen

9 2 3
By ShadowedWords

"which would you like done first? And would you like it disappearing or visible constant?" He asked.

"Disappearing please, and can you do the Bone Baby first? In A dark purple?" I asked shyly.

"Do I have some artistic freedom?" He asked with a smile.

"Please do." I said holding out my arm.

"Are you going to show here that?" Del asked with a knowing look.

"I have not decided yet." I said with a giggle.

"So what are your plans with her?" She asked smiling at me.

"I am not sure, I want to take is slow with her. I know we have been sending naughty things back and forth but..."

"What is very admirable of you, just because you feel the attraction, does not mean you should act in it." Alexander said with a smile. "Now what do you think?" I looked at the words and withing each letter was a little scene as it progressed two skeletons cam out of their graves and then began to have sex.

"Oh that is perfection." I said showing Del who cackled at the sight.

"Which one next?" He asked with a smile.

"The one you drew, if you will on the back of both hands." I said before making the Bone Baby disappear.

"Very good, I hope someday to do an original piece for you." He said working delicately on the back of my right hand.

"Did you not create this one from scratch? I asked with a smile. "And the scenes in the letters."

"Ha those are trifle things, I mean a true work of art." He said with a laugh.

"I was thinking about something but was not sure if you would be interested." I said with a smile.

"Oh do tell." He said holding his hand out for my left hand.

I have it to him and said, "I was thinking of a mural with the women of my family." I said looking at him.

"Did you want them as regular faces or their war faces?" He asked paying close attention to his work.

"Which ever you think would look best." I replied.

"Familiars as well? Also color or black and white?" He asked as he turned my arm and started on the next tattoo.

"Color would be lovely where it is needed otherwise black and white. And yes if you can make it work their familiars as well.

"Placement?" He asked not turning away from his work at all.

"Where would you think?" I asked having not thought of that yet.

"Back would be best, but as I hear you have an evolving tattoo there already. So likely from the center of your chest and down both arms depending on how far back you want to go."

"As far back as you are able to please."

He looked up then and smiled. "I will get to work on it right after you leave. We are done, sadly far to quick for my liking."

"If I may be so bold, why were you wanting to meet me so badly?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Do you really not know?" He asked seeming surprised.

"Not know what?" I asked confused as I made the other tattoos disappear.

"Oh dear child, your name is on ever lip in the community. Your beauty make mean weak and women swoon. You power as you walk among us give us a high like none of us have ever known. You heart is so vast and deep that we all hope to one day have a spot within it. In short my dear, you are a legend walking among us. I for one feel far more enriched just by knowing you for even such a short time." He said bowing low.

"I am sure it is not all of that." I said blushing.

"Do you really think a normal magus could get the attention of an archangel? Do you think that the gods themselves would negotiate with you if you were as lowly as ourselves? Even Lucifer wishes to be within your presence. Dear girl any child that springs from you will be more powerful than the gods themselves. Even more so if partnered with a being of great power." He said with a brilliant smile. "Now off with you, we both have work to do." He started to walk off when he turned and said, "Morganna, one last thing, sometimes it is not our future we should fear. But the future that could be should we not act."

I watched him disappear into the back of his shop then shook my head. What was all of that? What was that about the gods, Lucifer and children? Was it true what he said that I was a legend? That everyone wanted to be near me? Was I as beautiful as he said?

"Morgs...come on. We can weasel all that out later yes?" Del holding on her right hand. I smiled at her and took it, she intertwined her fingers with my own and we headed out of the building.

As we stepped outside, I heard a familiar voice say, "for someone who went into a tattoo shop, you are surprisingly without ink." I turned to see Serena standing there smiling at me.

"Ah but you see this is magic ink." I said running my hands over the backs of my hands. My Necromancer tattoos appeared and she smiled.

"Those are beautiful, just like the person they have been put on." She said with a wicked smile.

"They were drawn by a very good artist as were a couple of other ones." I said with a smirk.

"Do I get to see them as well?" She asked stepping closer to me.

"Hmm maybe...depends on how good you are and how much you missed me." I said with a smirk.

"Oh they say was grey and dull until your messages came across my phone. I longed for your sweet words to lighten the darkness I was in. Your images lit my blood afire and drove me to near insanity with desire." She said taking another step before leaning down and kissing me passionately. She broke the kiss and whispered in my ear, "if we were alone I would do my very best to make you scream my name."

I blushed hard and covered me face causing her and Del to burst into laughter. "I think you have broken her." Del said still laughing.

"I guess I have been rather bad." Serena said as she kissed the top of my head.

"It is ok...I am still getting used to...people wanting me." I said softly.

"Let's get in the car and head for the seamstress Morgs." I heard Del say.

"Oh? Are we going shopping?" I heard Serena ask grabbing my right hand.

"Calista wanted Morgs to try on some  dresses in hopes she will like them." Del said taking my left.

"Then let us go see these masterpieces." Serena said with a laugh they got me into the SUV and took up the same places on each side of me.

"Where to next Raven Queen?" The driver asked.

"The seamstress please." I replied trying to ignore the title.

"Very good." Said the driver putting the car in gear.

Turning to Serena I asked, "why did you not come in?"

"Your guards would not allow it. I told them that you were expecting me but they still refused." She said with a shrug.

"Where is Gabriel?" I asked just noticing he was not around.

"I am here Faye." I heard him say from behind me.

I turned back and smiled at him, "hey there Gab." It was then I noticed he was not in his armor. Instead he was in a pair of black jeans and a red tee shirt. "That is a new look for you."

"Yes She thought it would be better to blend in more. It seems I have been appointed your personal guard. Yes you can ask me to watch over someone else as well, Her orders." He said with a straight face.

"You act like you are not happy about it." I said with a frown.

"Let us say that my brother has already given me an earful of things I am not allowed to do around you."

"I swear to the gods I am going to kill him." I said growling. "I am sorry you had to deal with that."

He cracked a smile as he said, "thank you for that but it is not needed, She has already punished him for it. She also told him that it is your and Her will alone that I am to follow. She made it a point to say that if she commanded me to bed you that he could not stop me."

"Oh that was mean." I said with a giggle.

"She was none to pleased that she showed up in the hospital with you. He has been informed him he will be heaven bound for some time." Gabriel said with a smirk.

"I just wish he would listen to me and stay away. Neither of needs to be..."I felt fingers slide across my inner right forearm and I stopped breathing. I slowly turned to look at Serena who had a surprised look on her face. "I can explain?" I said softly.

"You got your nickname tattooed on you?" She asked with a crooked smile on her face.

"I...yes I did. I was going to keep it a secret for a while until we got to know each other more." I said bowing my head.

"I am guessing you have one for Delilah as well?" She asked. I nodded and reveled it to her. "These are her initials?"

"Yes they are." I said softly.

"But mine are not with your nickname?" She asked her eyebrow raised.

"Since you two are not official, it is not unusual. Within their culture a nickname or title is usually tattooed on their body. It is only when both have sworn on the lover's stone do initials get added." Gabriel said from the back seat.

We all three looked back at him shocked. "How do you know that?" I asked.

"Do you think we are ignorant of your ways? The best defense is knowing how your enemy or possible enemy works. As for the tattoo for Delilah it is a signification that she is the owner of Delilah. It is a magical contract that Delilah will serve Faye in any capacity she wishes."

"That is almost scary that you know that much." Del said with a nervous giggle.

"Do you know about all of the schools of magic?" I asked curious.

"No just the Corpses and Curses." He said matter of factly.

"Why is that?" Asked Del.

"Firstly because of Faye, she is single handedly the strongest Necromancer we have ever seen. Second, if a war were to come, they would be the generals, or should be if your council was not being stupid." He said with a deeper frown.

"Explain." I said.

"You are the smartest, most capable school out of them all. You have found a way to not only use the lightest sides of magic but the darkest as well. At any point you could renew your army with resurrection, and army that does not tire nor will it die."

"Because they would be dead already..." Del said as it dawned on her.

"Exactly, and not just humans but creatures, angels, and demons."

"We cannot resurrect angels and demons." I said confused.

"Who said that your council?" He said giving me a knowing look. "I would suggest you read this." He said handing me a thick leather tome.

"This cannot be! Where did you get this?" I asked surprise and awe in my voice.

"It was part of an excavation in lower Egypt. I was asked to bring it to an heir to your family. Before I could our miniature war broke out and so I hide it. Since you and your Uncle are the last of your line, well even you two would take a heavy toll on our forces. This is a peace offering and a call for truce."

"This has been lost for centuries we thought it had been burnt." I said running my fingers over the lettering.

"It is fireproof. What was burned was a replica only." He said with a smirk.

I hopped over the back of my chair and hugged him hard. "Thank you so much Gab, this means a lot to me."

"You are welcome Faye. It is yours after all."

I moved back to my seat and held it close to my chest. It was real and undamaged, it had return home to my family. The lost journal of Morganna the First. True Queen of the Dead and my namesake.

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