Mad Temptation

By KalyxIole

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For years, Aubrey Evergreen. Wants to investigate who killed her parents. But years after, she believed that... More

Chapter 1: The Start.
Chapter 2: Unknown figure.
Chapter 3: Hiding The Monster.
Chapter 4: Undeniable Desires.
Chapter 5: Broken Heart.
Chapter 6: Ashton Grey.
Chapter 7: Siblings.
Chapter 9: A Dead Heart.
Chapter 10: Meeting An Old Friend.
Chapter 11: First Kiss.
Chapter 12: Unforgettable Moment.
Chapter 13: Consumed By Guilt.
Chapter 14: Painful Past.
Chapter 15: Losing Control.
Chapter 16: Talk With Victoria.
Chapter 17: Unsettled Mind.
Chapter 18: Suspicious.
Chapter 19: Small Investigation.
Chapter 20: Love and Fear.
Chapter 21: Danger, Trouble, Anger.
Chapter 22: Claude's Dangerous Beast.
Chapter 23: Questions That Cannot Be Answered.
Chapter 24: A Peak Of Power.
Chapter 25: True Identity.
Chapter 26: Scary Choices.
Chapter 27: Big Steps, Big Risks.
Chapter 28: Broken Trust, Broken Love.
Chapter 29: Save Ashton.
Chapter 30: Claude vs. Zyrian.
Chapter 31: Life On The Edge.
Chapter 32: Deadly Fate.
Chapter 33: Beast Finally Unleashed.
Chapter 34: Powers Taken.
Chapter 35: Final Battle.
Author's Note

Chapter 8: The Past About Ashton.

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By KalyxIole

A grunt was heard while he was cutting the big wood. He panted heavily and picked up the woods. He walked inside his house and dropped the sack of woods and slumped down on his couch.

Ashton: You need to get some rest today Ashton.

He said to himself, sighing heavily.

???: I said it before and I'll say it again.

He gasped loudly and grabbed his dagger and looked at the person that spoke.

???: This place needs to get a woman. Just for a slight positivity vibe.

Ashton: Gregory. What are you doing here?

Gregory: Looking for Claude. Is he here by any chance?

Ashton: Does it look like he is here?

Gregory: *Chuckles* You really haven't changed. Not even one bit. Still grumpy as a troll.

Ashton: Why are you here Gregory? I told you Claude is not here.

Gregory: Do you know where he is then?

Ashton: Do I look like i know? I do not care about his whereabouts. Not like i would even care if he died anyway.

Gregory: You still are holding to the anger. I am guessing you still haven't understand that he had to do that. For your safety.

Ashton: 'Safety'? Screw what he calls safety. Because of him I lost the only person I love.

Gregory: He killed her, because he saw that her intentions were not good. Because of him you are still alive.

Ashton: He killed my wife!

Gregory: He killed the person that was possessed by Azazel's demon. I know he did his best to try and save her but the monster inside her was too strong. He had no other choice.

Ashton: Bullshit. I will never forgive him. He can act all sad if he wants to, in fact i would not even care if he kneels down to me and beg me for forgiveness! He do all this shitless acts but I will never forgive him. Ever!

Gregory sighed heavily.

Gregory: If that is what you wish for. Then so be it. Goodly Ashton. I'll be on my way.

Ashton: Close the door.

He said, laying down on the sofa. Gregory nodded and walked away. Closing the door. Ashton sighed heavily. Remembering the day it happened.


A woman was tied in bed, screaming loudly while Ashton was kneeling in the corner, holding the rosary and praying. A priest was praying, splashing her with holy water. She screamed more loudly. Too loud that the windows broke. Ashton was sobbing. Praying for his wife that is possessed.

Priest: By the name of the Father, who are you?!

Woman: I will stab your chest you prick!

Her voice was disoriented. A mix of her voice and a demonic one. The priest prayed and prayed. Ashton's wife laughed loudly and screamed. Thrashing around.

Priest: What is your name?! Who are you?!

Woman: I am Azazel's demon! Azazel is my master! I will kill this woman! And bring her soul in Hell!

Priest: What is your name?!

Woman: I will rip your soul out of your body!

The priest splashed her with holy water making her scream. The priest prayed and prayed for her.

Ashton: us please....

He whispered. And as if the world heard his wish, the door busted open. They all looked at the person and it revealed Claude Ravenswood. The woman began to behave more aggressively. Screaming loudly.

Claude: Father.

Priest: Claude, this woman is too violent! I can't control her!

Claude: Did you bring what I asked you to bring Father?

The priest nodded and opened his case, taking out the ring that had a cross on it. And a bottle of holy water. He gave them to Claude that took it. Claude wore the ring and walked towards the woman tied in the bed. He smirked.

Claude: Who are you?

Woman: Claude...the greatest of master...

Claude sat down beside her and leaned closer to her.

Claude: What is your name?

Woman: Keres...

Claude nodded and smirked.

Claude: Keres.

Priest: Keres? Meaning for evil spirits.

Claude: Get out of there.

Keres: Never...

Claude: You've got no other choice.

He grabbed her neck and splashed her face with holy water making her scream loudly.

Claude: Let's do this the easy way or the hard way.

Keres: Burn yourself in Hell!

Claude stood up and got on top of her, standing over her. Claude began to pray. The woman cried loudly. Screaming loudly. Thrashing around. Claude splashed her with holy water. She screamed loudly.

Claude: By the power of God! I condemn you back to Hell!

The woman roared loudly. The whole house began to shake. Furnitures began to fly across the room. Windows breaking.

Keres: She is never coming back! She's mine!

Her demonic voice said.

Claude: Then so be it.

He sat on top of her, using the ring that had a cross and pressed it against her forehead. Burning her skin. She screamed out loud, her eyes bled and eyes were turning bright red. She screamed at him, and a furniture was sent flying in Claude's way. He looked at his right side and saw a furniture flew right at him. Hitting him. He grunted in pain and he was thrown in the floor. He grunted in pain. The priest began to pray again. Keres looked at the priest, the priest stopped praying when he felt his feet float. He looked at his feet and they were floating. He was up in the air. Out of fear he began to pray even more, causing him to be thrown across the room. He was met against the wall, making him unconscious. Ashton ran to the priest.

Ashton: Father! Father! Wake up!

He shook him but he didn't wake up. Ashton saw the cross on the floor. He grabbed it and stood up and faced the cross in front of her. She stopped screaming. She hissed at the cross. Ashton also began to pray. She screamed loudly.

Ashton: Claude! Help me!

Claude: Where's Father?

Ashton: He is unconscious!

Claude: How miserable...

Ashton kept praying while he was still facing the cross in front of her. She screamed loudly. Screeching. The wind entered the room. It was harsh. The wind was so strong. Ashton had a hard time trying to stand up. But he kept fighting.

Ashton: Michelle! Please come back to me! Please! My dear! Come back to me! Please!

He begged. The wind was too strong.

Ashton: Please! Leave her alone! Leave my wife alone! Let us live in peace! Let her go! Leave her alone do you hear me?!

Keres laughed.

Keres: She's gone! And you're all going to die down here!

Keres laughed but a hand was placed in her neck, pushing her down to the bed. Claude got on top of her, splashed her face with holy water. She screamed.

Claude: Get out of there!

She started to break her own bones. Twisting her limbs. Laughing. Claude tried to stop her. She laughed loudly.

Claude: Ash! Wake Father up!

Ashton tried to wake the priest up.

Ashton: Father! Father!

He shook him but his eyes saw something. Blood. He moved the priest and saw his head was cracked open.

Ashton: No...

Claude: Ashton! Wake him up! Hurry!

Ashton: Claude!

Claude looked at him.

Ashton: He's dead.

Claude froze in his spot. He heard her laugh.

Keres: How unfortunate! This poor lady believed that she could be saved by all of you. It is just so pitiful that she must be disappointed, that instead of being saved. She will forever be down there...demons, feasting on her soul.

She laughed. She broke her bones by herself. Claude tried to stop her but he was hit by another furniture. He fell down on the bed.

Ashton: Michelle!

He got in front of her, holding her face. Crying softly.

Ashton: It's me, your husband. Please come back to me Michelle, we made a promise together remember? We will build a family. A baby of our own. Come back to me honey, I love you. Come back to me...

Keres: She will never come back...

She started to gag out blood. Ashton looked at her in worry. But then suddenly, she raised her chest, her ribs showed and blood splattered everywhere. Even in his face.

Ashton: No! Michelle! Stop! Stop it please!

Her bones cracked, popping up and showing, blood everywhere. She screamed loudly. She looked at him.

Michelle: A-Ashton...

Ashton: Michelle...darling...

Michelle: I'm sorry...

Ashton: No Michelle!

She screamed. Then her screams were muffled when a pillow was placed in her face. Ashton looked at the person and saw it was Claude. Suffocating her.

Ashton: Claude! What are you doing?! Stop! She can't breathe!

He ignored Ashton's words and continued pressing the pillow over her face.

Ashton: Claude! I said stop!

He ran to his side, grabbing his arm and trying to pull him. But Claude easily pushed him. Ashton fell to the floor. Claude continued to press the pillow against her face. Not letting her breathe. She was screaming desperately. But her screams were muffled. Ashton stood up and tried to pull him. Crying by now.

Ashton: Claude please! Please let her go! Michelle can't breathe! Please! Please!

He begged Claude, Ashton knelt down and hugged Claude's waist. Begging him helplessly and crying loudly.

Ashton: Claude! Please! Stop! Stop it! Claude!

Claude stared at her eyes that was begging him to let her go. But he's not gonna fall for this trick. He pressed the pillow even more against her face. Suffocating her. She slowly stopped moving. Till her body fell limp. Her eyes slowly closed. Claude sighed heavily. Lowering his head. Gripping the pillow tight. He removed the pillow and threw it somewhere carelessly. Ashton stood up and got on her side. Holding her bloody and pale face.

Ashton: Michelle! Michelle, Michelle darling!

He called out but she wasn't responding.

Ashton: Michelle?

He tapped her face but no response.

Ashton: Michelle*cries*

He placed his head on her chest but there was no heartbeat. He tried to perform a CPR but nothing.

Ashton: Michelle! Michelle! Please wake up!

He called out but no response. She wasn't waking up. She wasn't breathing. Ashton cried. Hugging her body. Claude panted heavily. Ashton growled angrily in anger. Running towards Claude and tried to hit him. Punching his chest and pushing him.

Ashton: You killed her! You killed her! You bastard! You killed her!

He tried to hit Claude but Claude grabbed both of his wrist, pulling him close to him. Hugging him tightly. Ashton hit his back. Crying loudly. Claude kept him in his arms.

Ashton: Why would you do that?! Why?!

Claude: I'm sorry...

Ashton: No...*cries*

Claude: And forgive me for this one.

Ashton: What?

He felt something hit his head. And he fell down on the floor, knocked out. Claude sighed heavily and looked at her dead corpse.

(Ashton's POV)

Ashton opened his eyes and saw the dark sky. He also felt like he was laying down on something. Like a grass. He opened his eyes fully and sat down. Feeling intense pain in his head, he gripped his head tight and looked on the side. But what he saw broke his heart into million pieces. His house was on fire.

Ashton: No! No! Michelle! Michelle! Michelle!

He cried loudly. He watched how his house burned. That's when he started to feel anger towards Claude. He betrayed him. He killed his Michelle. He's gonna pay for this.

Ashton: I'm gonna kill you! CLAUDE!!!!

His wrecked scream was heard by Claude that was on top of the tree branch. Claude sighed softly.

Claude: Forgive me Ashton.

He whispered. Ashton kept crying. This was the worst thing Claude has ever done. And ever since then, Ashton had his heart, burning in rage. Ashton couldn't help but scream in pure anger.

(Flashback ends)

Claude put down the bucket of cleaning tools and materials. Sighing heavily and looked at the now cleaned place.

Claude: Finally.

He said, he walked towards the circle tomb and caressed the tomb. He felt something about it, like there were secrets about it. He sighed softly. He heard Aubrey call him from upstairs. He walked out of the room, locking it before leaving. When he got there, he saw Aubrey walking, searching for him.

Claude: My Lady?

Aubrey: Oh, there you are.

She walked towards him.

Claude: Do you need something?

Aubrey: I was looking for my purse, do you know where it is?

Claude: No I don't. Did you check on the drawer?

Aubrey: I literally checked everywhere.

Claude: Are you certain?

Aubrey: Yes!

Claude: What about under your bed?

Aubrey: Bed?

Claude: Mm?

Aubrey: How on earth would it be there?

Claude: Should I be the one to check?

Aubrey: Go ahead.

(Claude's POV)

He was under her bed and grabbed the purse there. Stood up and looked at Aubrey that was  awkwardly scratching her arm. Claude raised his eyebrows and stared at her. She awkwardly chuckled and took the purse in his hand.

Aubrey: It was not there when I checked it but thank you.

Claude: I really recommend you to remember where you put your things My Lady.

Aubrey: Of course.

She walked up to him and hugged him. Claude softly chuckled and shook his head. Hugging her back.

Aubrey: Thanks again.

Claude: You're welcome My Lady. By the way, where are you going?

Aubrey: Just going out with Patricia.

Claude: Again?

Aubrey: Yes. I am uhh, bored here.

Claude: Bored? You have thousands of books in your bookshelf why don't you read one of them?

Aubrey: I already read all of them. And I am not in the mood to read anyway.

Claude: Okay, but do you want me to come with you?

Aubrey: I think I will be fine thank you.

Claude: What about your bruises though? It's gonna hurt.

Aubrey: I can manage plus they don't hurt anymore.

Claude: Are you certain?

Aubrey: Yes. Maybe...?

Claude looked at her and tilted his head and looked at her with a 'are you serious' face.

Aubrey: Just don't worry about me okay? I will be fine. I will be home early I promise.

Claude: Promise?

Aubrey: Promise.

Claude crossed his arms. Looking at her with those doubting face.

Aubrey: Oh c'mon! I swear I'll be back before you even know it!

Claude sighed heavily and shook his head.

Claude: Alright.

Aubrey: Yay!

Claude: Come back before 5 o'clock okay?

Aubrey: Promise.

Claude: Okay. Enjoy your day.

Aubrey: Thank you.

Claude smiled softly. He walked away and left her room. She then decided to get changed. She chose her beautiful dress, color pink, she wore them, and put on her heels that matched the dress and she styled her hair. Putting on her makeup. And spraying some perfume. She smiled at herself and stood up, grabbing her purse and walking out of the room.

Aubrey: I'm going out Claude!

She said to let him know.

Claude: Be careful My Lady. Come back safely okay?

Aubrey: Okay!

She got out of the mansion and got in the car. The horse neighed and began to walk. Claude peaked through the curtains and saw that they were leaving. He walked towards the basement and got in. Going to do something.

(Aubrey's POV)

Aubrey was sitting on the back seat silently.

Driver: We have arrived Mrs. Evergreen.

Aubrey: Thank you.

She got out of the car and walked towards Patricia's mansion. Knocking on her door. She heard the door click and then opened.

Patricia: Aubrey! What a lovely surprise!

She hugged Aubrey.

Aubrey: How are you?

Patricia: Oh I am so great! Now that you are here! Come, let's have some tea.

Aubrey was invited in Patricia's home. She sat down on the couch.

Patricia: I will make some tea okay? Stay here.

Aubrey: Of course.

Patricia nodded and walked towards the kitchen. Aubrey patiently waited. She wonders what Claude is doing by now. He's probably gardening, or cleaning. Maybe reading? Either of the three. She sighed softly. She heard footsteps coming and she saw Patrica holding a tray of tea. Patricia served her tea and served herself one.

Aubrey: Thank you.

Patricia: So! What brought you here?

Aubrey: I um...have been experiencing something...

Patricia: Experiencing what exactly? Love? Ooh, wait, is it with Claude? Are you falling in love?

Patricia squealed and clapped her hands happily.

Patricia: Are you both lovers now? How is it? Are you both-

Aubrey: We are not.

Patricia: Y-you're not?

Patricia strutters.

Patricia: Why have you come here then?

Aubrey: I have been experiencing something else. Like supernatural. Scary things.

Patricia: Supernatural? What do you mean?

Aubrey: Before I tell you everything, promise me you'll not make fun of me.

Patricia: You seem very serious about it so I am probably guessing it is really serious so okay. I promise not to make fun of you.

Aubrey: Okay.

(Time Skip)

After Aubrey told Patrica everything, Patricia was silent.

Patricia: Does Claude know about this?

Aubrey: Well, he is with me every time I see a figure. I can see in his eyes he is worried and confused about what is going on. I am too.

Patricia: When did this happen, exactly?

Aubrey: A couple days ago. And everything got a bit worse when, Claude left. He said he was going out for a while, and while he was gone. I experienced something very bad.

Patricia: Like what?

Aubrey: I know this sounds crazy. But, I felt somebody pull my hair and throw me down the stairs.

Patricia: I'm sorry, what?

Aubrey: I know it's crazy! But it's the truth. Claude even saw me and brought me to his room. I was so scared.

Patricia: Well, did the ghost show it's face?

Aubrey: It did.

Patricia: What did it look like?

Aubrey: It was a woman. But, her face. She was faceless. She was crawling towards me, I was so desperate and scared, I was scared for my life that i started crying loudly. And, as if the world heard my cries, Claude came home. And he helped me.

Patricia: Helped you how?

Aubrey: He helped me tending my bruises.

Patricia: May I see your bruises?

Aubrey showed the bruises to Patricia.

Patricia: My God, so it did happen? What happened the next day?

Aubrey: Nothing. It just happened yesterday. Look, Patricia, I do not know what to do anymore. I am scared that this thing might hurt me. Or hurt Claude. I am scared. So scared that I always sleep in Claude's room. It's like I was scared of my own room.

Patricia: Oh my darling, have you tried visiting a priest? Maybe your house just needs cleansing. Or an exorcism.

Aubrey: Exorcism? I thought, I thought that is something that you do to people.

Patricia: Look Aubrey, I am not sure. I am not an expert about things like this. But are you really waiting for it to get worse? The sooner you get a priest to cleanse your home, the better. Maybe that will be the only solution you need.

Aubrey: Where am I even going to find a priest?

Patricia: To a church of course where else? Look, Aubrey, things like this? We shouldn't be ignoring this. We do not know if one day, you might end up getting possessed. Let us just not take any chances. It is too dangerous.

Aubrey: I know. I will talk to Claude about it.

Patricia: For what? You said it yourself he sometimes sees you randomly screaming and being, like that. You do not need to talk to him. I'm sure he'll be fine with it. And plus, he is just the Butler. Nothing else okay? You'll be fine.

Aubrey: *Sighs* You're right. Thanks Patricia.

Patricia: You're welcome. Just, promise me, you will get a priest, make the priest cleanse your home, come back here and tell me how it went okay?

Aubrey nodded.

Patricia: Come here. Let me squeeze you to death.

Aubrey chuckled softly and got near her and hugged her.

Patricia: Just, please promise me okay? Do not wait for it to get even worse.

Aubrey: Okay I promise.

She said. They both kept hugging each other. Aubrey however, she is not sure about this.

(Claude's POV)

Claude was in his room, reading the book. He looked at his pocket watch and saw that it was 4:34, he signed heavily. Where is Aubrey? It's almost 5 o'clock. He was antsy in his chair. He continued reading the book when he heard the doorbell ring. He furrowed his eyebrows. Was it Aubrey? If it is then she could just enter already. But why is she knocking? She could just enter, he did not lock the door. He heard the doorbell ring again. He was suspicious by now. This does feel right. He stood up from his seat and walked out of the room. Walking down the stairs, he was in the living room and he kept hearing the doorbell ring. He peaked through the hole of the door but saw no one. He sighed heavily and walked away. Thinking maybe it was nothing. But then the door started to bang. As if somebody was banging on the door. He turned around to look at the door. He walked towards the door and peaked through the hole. But saw no one. He knew something was wrong. He placed his hand on the doorknob and slowly twist it. He opened the door and saw a little girl standing. Her back facing him.

Claude: Can I help you?

The girl didn't respond.

Claude: Where are your parents?

Girl: Hide her. Do not give her to the monsters.

Claude furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Claude: Where's the monster?

Girl: Behind you.

He looked behind him but saw nothing. No one. While looking for somebody behind him, she heard her giggle. He turned to look at her but she was gone. He shook his head. Closing the door. And turned around, walking upstairs but halted when he saw a head peaking behind the wall. His eyes glowed red. Approaching the head but it turned back. He walked up the stairs. Looking at the hallway but it was empty. He walked down the hallway. Eyes roaming around the hallway. He opened every door and saw nothing. Now there was only one room next, Aubrey's room. He placed his hand on the doorknob. Twisted it and opened the door. But it was empty. He sighed softly and entered the room. He looked around and saw nothing. All empty. He looked towards the closet, and walked towards it. Placing both of his hands on the door handle and open her closet. But it was nothing. He moved her hanged clothes to the side. Looking for a person but there was no one. He sighed softly and closed it. Walking away but that is when somebody screamed loudly and jumped on him. He yelped. He grunted angrily and banged her against the wall. But the person didn't stop. He purposely jumped on his back, the act made the person behind him screech in pain. He got up and got on top of the woman. The woman snarling and trying to bite him. She was drooling and looking like a mess. Hair messy, eyes all red. He grabbed her wrists in one hand and raise them above her head, and the other one on her throat. She acted like an hungry animal.

Claude: Look who we have here. *Laughs* You and I, are gonna have a lot of fun.

He said. Laughing. Eyes wide sisterly and sadistically. Oh boy, one thing they both know. This is not good.

"In life we can be beaten up and down.
But choosing to fight is what legends do."

-Kalyx Iole Gomez

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