Life's Unexpected Turn

By cbakaloff

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When all hope is lost, what can one do? What happens when someone you love changes and becomes the person you... More

Chapter 1: Descend
Chapter 2: Illumination
Chapter 3: Discontented
Chapter 4: Painting
Chapter 5: Class
Chapter 6: Sparring
Chapter 7: Futile
Chapter 8: Tattoo
Chapter 9: Control
Chapter 10: Tutoring
Chapter 11: Dread
Chapter 12: Suspicions
Chapter 13: Worry
Chapter 14: Disbelief
Chapter 15: Confirmation
Chapter 16: Plans
Chapter 17: Hopefulness
Chapter 18: Lesson
Chapter 19: Rearranged
Chapter 20: Limit
Chapter 21: Awoken
Chapter 22: Questions
Chapter 23: Flashback
Chapter 24: Speechless
Chapter 25: Unrecognizable
Chapter 26: Relaxation
Chapter 27: Caught
Chapter 29: Discussion
Chapter 30: Museum
Chapter 31: Christmas
Chapter 32: Talk
Chapter 33: Together
Chapter 34: Presentations
Chapter 35: Study
Chapter 36: Final
Chapter 37: Movie
Chapter 38: Unexpected
Chapter 39: 10-32
Chapter 40: Aftermath
Chapter 41: Escape
Chapter 42: Birthday
Chapter 43: Therapy
Chapter 44: Gift
Chapter 45: Date
Chapter 46: Love
Chapter 47: Content
Chapter 48: Happy
Chapter 49: Restaurant
Chapter 50: Beauty

Chapter 28: Home

125 11 28
By cbakaloff

*Bailey's POV*

As soon as I awoke, a smile appeared on my face, and I sighed contently. Parker's arms were still securely wrapped around my waist, spooning me from behind. Without moving too much and waking her up, I extended my arm, reaching for my phone. I first noticed a few unread messages from Shay and knew precisely what her texts were regarding. Little did they know, I was awake for their small conversation last night. The pictures she took of Parker and me sleeping together. I opened her text, and the sight displayed on the screen before me was simply a work of art that brought happy tears to my eyes.

The first image was of my beautiful professor draped nearly on top of me with her gorgeous tattooed, strong arms around my abdomen. Her head rested beneath my chin, in the crook of my neck, and my arms held her in place. Both of us looked utterly serene and entirely at peace. Shay's final two photographs were merely slight variations of the first, but one constant element remained throughout... we never let go of each other.

After gazing at all three images for a third time, I felt a yawn begging to escape. I set my cell phone down and carefully adjusted myself to look at my professor. I wasn't too worried if she would wake up from my movements because I was sure she'd want to stay with me. When I finally turned around to face her, I was greeted with the most endearing smile and bright blue eyes as my teacher was awake, "Shay was right; we are adorable together."

Her words made me blush and invigorated me with the silent hope that one day we could take things further. The more time we spend with each other, the more I'm convinced our feelings continuously grow. When we are ready, I want nothing more than to be hers and to be able to call her mine. I chuckled, replying, "Yes, we are."

Parker gently pulled me to her and held me in her arms without saying anything else. I decided to take a chance and see how she would react when I intertwined our legs, adding to our closeness. I wasn't expecting to be rewarded with a soft kiss on the top of my head that made goosebumps erupt all over my body. Being in Parker's arms made me feel the safest I had ever felt in my entire life. As I closed my eyes, I let my mind reminisce on the past month; to remember and never forget how far I had come.

The day Parker took me to the reservoir will forever be engraved in my memory. There are many reasons attributed to why that is, but that was the day she helped me more than ever. The beauty radiating from every part of the evergreen forest could only be described in the deepest of dreams. Parker's wholesome, wise words about nature were otherworldly, and they connected with me on a level I never knew was possible. There's no way I can forget how sexy my teacher was when I saw her practically naked. She was still slightly wet, wrapped in a towel, her tattoos were shining, her muscles were glistening, and her gorgeous damp hair flowed down her back... every little detail only added to how attractive she is to me, and I can't wait to show her how I feel... Parker's so... sexy...

A few days after Parker and I went on that little retreat, I had a check-up back at the hospital I was taken to when Victoria stabbed me. They checked the incision and stitches, making sure all was well. One of the nurses I remember was also there and commented on my appearance. I wasn't as skinny and malnourished as I looked when I arrived. I was given an all-clear, and when the doctor hoped he never had to see me again, I laughed, agreeing with him. I knew I was in Parker's perfect hands and wouldn't be hurt again.

As the investigation into my ex continued, news of who she really was and what she had done spread like wildfire. Parker came home from the university many times with get-well cards from my classmates. Most knew I was dating Victoria though they had no idea of the horror that entailed. Both Lisa Berry and Braylon Mayer wrote how sorry they were, and if they had paid closer attention to what was happening, they would have helped me escape that scary situation. It was so sweet to say; I wanted to thank them.

Teresa Harmon wrote me a long letter and reached out to Parker personally to find out how I was doing. She made sure to add her phone number again, and I saved it in my new phone, texting her right after. I thanked her for the kind-hearted note, and from that moment on, we started texting daily. We grew closer as the days and weeks passed, becoming the best of friends. Having so many people in my life that cared about me was something I never thought I would be lucky to attain.

Between Parker and Teresa, they helped me keep up with everything I missed in my classes while I recovered. Teresa visited my professors daily and brought me the lessons, homework assignments, classwork, and projects. I was so shocked when Shay and Parker told me I could have Teresa come over and basically out that her teacher, Professor Avery, was the person helping me. I thought that information was something she might have wanted to be hidden, but she wasn't worried and didn't care. That night when Teresa came over, Parker reminded me her boss already knew I was staying with her. I felt silly forgetting that.

One evening when Teresa came over, she was absolutely stunned when she saw her teacher walking into the living room wearing her everyday attire. Seeing Parker's numerous tattoos wasn't shocking to me anymore, but that wasn't the same for Teresa. It was the funniest thing I had seen; her mouth hit the floor and stopped her from speaking. Parker stopped in her tracks when she saw the look on Teresa's face, so she asked if she was okay. Hearing her professor speak snapped her into reality and caused all of us to laugh happily, enjoying the moment to the fullest.

Days later, Teresa noticed how Parker's eyes would linger on me and vice-versa. When we were out of earshot, she asked if I had feelings for our professor. I did not want to lie to my newest friend, so I asked Teresa for a few minutes. I texted Parker, asking her if she was okay with me divulging our history with Teresa. My teacher's reply was so sweet, saying that she wouldn't want me to lie or hold anything back with a friend I trusted. Not to mention, she had Shay the whole time and was able to speak with her about me; it was only fair that I had someone to talk to as well.

Once I was ready both mentally and physically to return to school, I did, and it was awesome. Parker asked me if I would like her to drive me to and from the university; since we go on the same days, we could go together. I was more than happy with that arrangement, and from the look on her face when I said yes, she was too. I no longer had teachers who bullied me or made me feel crazy. My classmates didn't overburden me with questions about Victoria; they only cared about knowing how I was. I no longer had to worry about answering questions and participating in class. I was finally able to enjoy college life as I was meant to.

Ever since Parker and I acknowledged that our relationship wasn't merely teacher and student, but more than that... it opened a door that would never be shut. Though we hadn't spoken about it since that night, the closer we grew, the more we didn't need to speak it out loud. We can tell how the other feels just by glancing or smiling. I stopped being afraid of looking at Parker longer or having her close to me whenever I got the chance. I can feel myself starting to fall for her, and I know that when the time is right, everything will work out the way it's supposed to.

Shay and I have also gotten so close; she has become like a sister I never had. She and I text each other just as much as I text Parker and Teresa; it's honestly so fantastic. I remember when I told her I wanted to press charges against Victoria, she was there for me and helped me understand the process of how everything would unfold. She also promised to go with me when I had to meet with the detectives on the case and speak with them or whenever I would be required to testify. Shay promised me, just as she promised her best friend, I would never have to go through anything alone.

When I was saved and rescued from my ex-girlfriend, Victoria, many things happened, and everything has finally come full circle. Each moment, both small and large, has helped mend my mind, repair my wounds, and, ultimately, save my soul from the darkness that threatened to consume the essence of who I was. Those countless days where I prayed to go back in time to change the day I ever met Victoria... no longer mattered. After everything I've learned... I accept it, and in fact, I wouldn't change what I went through for anything in the world. The abuse has molded me into the person I am today, and I wholeheartedly believe I'm stronger for having survived it.


When I awoke for the second time today, I was greeted with the delicious smell of cinnamon and maple syrup. The lack of tattooed arms around me only meant one thing, and I was pretty sure I was correct. I wonder if Parker is making French toast for breakfast. I slowly got up from the floor and stretched my body thoroughly, enjoying every minute of it. When my professor approached the kitchen table, she faced my direction, noticed I was awake, and smiled, "Good morning, Bailey."

I walked to her, and we embraced each other, "Good morning to you, Parker. I take it you slept well?"

Her blush was everything. I love that I can make her cheeks match her hair; it's one of my favorite things in the world to do.

"I think you know the answer to that question," She replied, grinning at me, but then her face held an expression as if she remembered something, "Right, almost forgot; I think I heard your phone going off a few times right before you woke up."

"Thank you for letting me know, and breakfast smells amazing. I'll be right back," I responded, turning around to go back into the living room. I picked up my phone from the floor beside my pillow and read the texts.

Teresa: "Hey, girly!"

Teresa: "How are you doing?"

Teresa: "I need to talk to you about something when you get a minute."

Bailey: "Hey there, I'm sorry I missed your texts. I just woke up. Are you okay? What's up?"

Teresa: "Emberly asked that I join her for coffee so she could apologize to me."

Now that I wasn't expecting.

Bailey: "When does she want to meet up?"

Teresa: "In the next hour and a half."

Bailey: "Really? I know that request seemed to have come out of nowhere, and that timeframe doesn't give you much time to decide, either. How do you feel about it?"

Teresa: "I hate to say I'm scared and unsure what to feel. What bothers me most is... Why would she do it in a random public space if she wanted to apologize? She could just as easily come over and talk to me face-to-face like we have all our lives..."

A couple of weeks ago, Teresa told me about what happened between her and her childhood best friend. One weekend about three weeks ago, they had their usual weekend sleepover together; they'd watch movies, talk, and do homework. It took my friend a long time to realize her feelings for Emberly, and when she did, she kissed her. The moment felt right with how she explained it; she couldn't hold it back any longer. Unfortunately, Emberly didn't take it well at all, pushing Teresa off of her and asking what the fuck she was doing. It wasn't returned when Teresa expressed how much she loved her best friend.

Instead, Emberly told Teresa she couldn't be friends with someone as sick as her. Teresa tried begging her not to say such things because Emberly already knew she had always liked girls since they were kids. Apparently, Emberly assumed it was only a phase and Teresa would simply grow out of it. When Emberly was packing her stuff and walking out of Teresa's house, she grabbed her hand, pleading for her not to leave it like that. That only seemed to anger her best friend, and she responded with a slap to Teresa's face. The next day, Teresa came over as we had planned to hang out, and I could tell something was wrong.

She wasn't the cheerful, bright person who always smiled; it broke my heart. Parker noticed it as soon as she saw her, and I could tell she wanted to help Teresa. She sat next to us on the couch and said that Teresa had a great friend in me and that even though it might be the hardest thing to do, talking would help. When Teresa started crying, I couldn't stop myself from pulling her into a hug. Parker took that moment to leave and texted me that she knew Teresa was in good hands and that I'll know what to do. She was right.

Bailey: "I understand your hesitation, and I know you also want to see her. You miss her... I say, go to her and see what she has to say. You've known Emberly practically all your life. You'll know if she is being truthful and honest."

Bailey: "No matter what happens, good or bad, I am here for you, okay? Don't hesitate to reach out."

Teresa: "You're right. I do miss her... so much... and yeah, I want to see her. Thanks for always talking to me about her and helping me. Professor Avery was right that day; talking does help... which reminds me... have you talked to her about your feelings yet?"

Bailey: "Aren't we supposed to be talking about you?"

Teresa: "We already did. ;)"

Teresa: "SoOoOooooOooo... have you?"

Ironically, as she sent that last text, Parker entered the living room and told me breakfast was ready but to take my time. She could tell by the look on my face that I was in the middle of something important. Parker can deny it all she wants, but she has superpowers, and nothing will change my mind.

Bailey: "No, not yet. After everything I've been through, I want to see this through right. I owe it to myself not to rush in and trust my instincts. My gut tells me that I will know when the right moment is to tell her. I hope that makes sense... does it?"

Teresa: "It sure does, my friend! I know everything will work out with you two."

Teresa: "I'm going to shower and get ready to meet Emberly. I'll let you know what happens. Until later!"

Bailey: "Try to have fun and drive safely. I'll be here!"


Once I was done texting Teresa, I joined Parker in the kitchen and ate breakfast together. We discussed what we thought might happen between Emberly and Teresa; most of all, we hoped for the best outcome. After we finished our food, we fell into our usual routine of cleaning everything up. Then, we retired to the living room, where we worked together; she graded the tests from our class, and I worked on my homework assignments.

Two hours passed, and I got worried when I heard nothing from Teresa. So, I sent her a text asking if she was okay. My teacher rose from the couch and put the exam papers in a folder. It wasn't too long after that I finished everything I had to complete for all my classes. When Parker returned from putting her bag in her bedroom, she said, "I'll be getting ready to go on my run soon. You're more than welcome to join me, but... you should know I enjoy running on the bridge where we first met."

"Honestly, I'd love to join you, and I'm curious about what everything looks like in the daytime... it's been a long time since I went on a run," I replied truthfully.

"Yeah, are you sure? I wouldn't want it to trigger you or anything," She pressed, wanting to ensure I was okay with it.

"You're sweet for thinking of me, and I understand why you think it would be traumatizing, but... that night wasn't all that bad; good came from it, you know?" I paused, seeing her realizing where I was going with my words by the smile that formed, then I continued, "Plus, I want to return; I think it will be good for me."

"Well then, let's go get ready!"

Within the next thirty minutes, my professor and I were good to go, and we locked the house when we left. As usual, the ride was excellent; the music was superb, and the company was better. While she drove, Parker informed me that I should create a playlist that I could run to, and she gave me song ideas that she loved to use. As she parked the car, Parker said, "The running bag I brought contains extra water, clothing, and another set of earbuds I want you to have."

"Thank you for this, Parker," I said as soon as she handed it to me, and I took a few minutes to pair it with my cell phone.

Once that task was done, my professor grabbed my attention, and when I was facing her, she spoke softly, "Close your eyes for me..." My body listened to her command before I knew it; then she finished her thought, "I want to show you something before we begin, but... I don't want you to see where I'm taking you, so you'll have to keep holding my hand while I direct you... Is that okay?"

"It's more than okay," I responded just above a whisper, and she tenderly held my hand in hers.

Where is she taking me?

We started walking to the destination she had in mind, and after a few minutes, she stopped and took a breath. Parker adjusted me slightly, placing my hands on what felt like a railing, "Go ahead and open your eyes, Bailey."

I was in awe when I adjusted to the scene before me. The water damn was surprisingly clean; the tall trees surrounding the bridge were bright green, strong, and alive, blowing in the wind all around them. The breeze was flowing everywhere, through my hair, tugging at leaves that were ready to fall, and the sun was radiant, bringing the serene scene to light. Oh, my God... this place is so beautiful; how does she find such amazing views?

"Parker... this view... this place, it's so gorgeous... Aside from the reservoir, I'd bet it has to be one of your favorite places," I stated, still gazing at the essence of beauty around me.

"You're right..." She confirmed, then when our eyes met, she revealed, "This is the exact spot where I met you when you thought death was the only way out... I'll never forget it, and I'm so happy I was there for you."

My mouth dropped as I didn't realize the location myself, and with that information, I looked around, slowly starting to remember it. I got closer to the railing and closed my eyes, fully remembering that moment. Parker stood beside me and placed her hand on top of mine, causing me to smile. I let everything I felt that night wash through me, and as I took a deep breath, I released it as I let all the negativity go.

"I've never felt so free and good; I'm ready to run with you, Parker," I said once I opened my eyes, finding her already looking at me proudly.

We returned to her car, got everything ready, and took a few minutes to stretch our bodies. Once my body felt good and we were done warming up, Parker quickly told me how many laps she does, but this time, we wouldn't do as many as she is used to. When I asked her why, she said that if I were to overdo it and push my body, it might do more harm than good, and... if I enjoyed this hobby of hers, I could join her every time she goes and train my body better. As soon as I pressed play and nodded at my professor, we took off in a light jog, casually making our way across to the other end of the bridge for the first time. I never knew how exhilarating jogging could be, and it got me thinking about random things.

The most important one was that I needed to speak to Parker and Shay about my living situation with them. Now that I'm basically healed, I don't want to take advantage of their hospitality, and... I don't want to overstay my welcome without speaking to them about it first. By the end of the second lap, I started becoming out of breath, but I wanted to keep going. So, naturally, when we finished the third lap, my thighs and calves were on fire. Parker immediately noticed when my pace started dwindling, and she slowed her speed to match mine so I wasn't alone, which was sweet. I would often glance at her, watching how her lazy bun would bounce, and I'd admire the color the sun made her hair appear to be. She took that moment to say we should take a break, and I was more than happy to do so.

While catching our breaths, I noticed all the sweat that formed on her skin, and it was distracting but in the best way possible. I wasn't sure, but at one point, when I stretched my legs more, I was sure I caught her staring at me, too. It could be true, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a figment of my wild imagination, hopes, and dreams about her. Once Parker and I finished the fourth lap, which happened to end right back at our starting point, we called it a day. When we returned to the car, I looked at my phone, hoping I had unread messages from my friend. However, there was a missed call and one new voicemail. Once Parker was in the car, I played it out loud for us both to hear.

"Okay, so like everything went really, really, really good, and don't worry, I'm going to explain everything! Emberly looked very distraught, thinking I wasn't going to show. Oddly enough, I hit some traffic on the way, so I was actually late. When I did arrive, she ran at me and basically crushed me with her embrace, but I didn't mind. I missed the feeling of her hugging me. When we sat down and ordered our coffee, she explained herself. Emberly said that she knew nothing could forgive her for how she responded to me that night. Her parents and grandmother, whom she has always been close with, are devout Christians and never speak about homosexuality."

"Whenever we hung out, her parents were always working, and if they were home, she got permission to stay with me, and I never knew why. But, as she explained that part of her life, I started understanding that she kept me away from them to protect me. If they knew their perfect daughter was hanging out with a heathen, they would never allow her to be around me anymore. I asked her why she couldn't have told me everything I would have understood, and she said she was afraid to lose me. Then, when I kissed her, she knew everything would change, and though she didn't handle it well, she had to leave and figure out what to do next."

"I brought up her slapping me too, and the moment those words registered, her head dropped to the table. I struck a sore nerve and made her cry. I couldn't stop myself from reaching over to console her, I always hated seeing her cry, but she withdrew her hands from the table. Emberly said she didn't deserve such kindness after the way she struck me. Then, she went on about how she hoped to make everything up to me. I asked her what she had in mind, and she told me that asking me out to coffee was not only for her to apologize, but she hoped it was also a first date. I was shocked, to say the least, and I asked her what that meant for us."

Parker and I exchanged glances, and she had an almost-knowing look on her face. We were clearly invested and excited to find out how their meeting ended.

"Emberly told me she wants to be with me romantically, and hearing that was music to my ears, but I needed to be sure... I needed to be reassured because it did not end well the last time I tried saying stuff like that to her. Her response was simple and so very effective. She kissed me, and it wasn't just a small one at that... it was very spicy, if you catch my drift. Once we pulled away, she asked, how's that for reassurance? We are returning to my place to talk and probably keep hanging out. I'm so sorry for explaining everything so fast, but I wanted to let you know what was going on, and better a voicemail than a thousand texts, right? Haha. Anyway, message me when you can. I'll talk to you later. Thank you for advising me to go see her."

"I'm so happy everything worked out with Teresa and Emberly," Parker said as soon as the voicemail finished.

"Me too. I was worried there for a minute," I agreed, then we drove home.


As soon as we entered the house, we said hello to Shay and went our separate ways to shower; I knew I needed one. It felt so amazing and refreshing to wash the layer of sweat off my body, and after getting dressed, I went into the living room. While I waited for Shay and Parker to return and join me, I thought about the best way to bring up the conversation I felt was essential. A few minutes had passed when my professor emerged from the kitchen, carrying an extra bottle of water, and handed it to me.

Right when I thanked her, Shay entered and asked what we should do for the night. There's no better time than now, Bailey... just be honest and talk to them about it... You know they'll understand. I breathed and spoke up, "Actually, I wanted to talk to both of you about something, if that's okay?"

"Of course, Bails. What's up?" Shay responded, and both she and Parker gave me their undivided attention.

Okay, here we go...

"So, I've been thinking... When I arrived, you mentioned I could take all the time I needed to heal and get back on my feet. The thing is, today, I noticed that I am literally back on my feet and quite healed... See..." I paused to get my thoughts in order, as saying the words was harder than expected. My eyes found a sense of strength in Parker when I looked at her, so I finished, "I thought it best to talk to you both about my current living situation. I wouldn't want to accidentally overstay my welcome or take advantage of your most generous hospitality."

"That's very thoughtful of you, but... Bailey, you're already part of our little family. I'm sure you have had to realize that, right? You are welcome to stay for as long as you'd like. I'm positive this one," Shay paused to point at her best friend, then continued, "Would love for you to stay; she knows you belong here with us anyway..." Shay finished by adding, "Isn't that right, Park?"

Parker blushed and nodded.

The joy I felt at that moment was unexplainable, and I immediately engulfed Shay. She whispered to me that I would always have a home here, which brought tears to my eyes. Once Shay and I departed from our hug, I turned my attention to Parker next and walked to her. The closer I got to her, the more I just wanted to be in her arms, and when she opened them for me, I knew she wanted the same thing. When our arms wrapped around each other, I whispered, "Parker, my life wouldn't be the same without you in it, and knowing you want me here means everything. Thank you so much."

After that beautiful moment of finding out that I was already home and had been since they brought me here, Shay offered for all of us to go shopping for me. I wasn't sure why or what that meant, but Parker explained what Shay wanted to do was more like procuring housewarming gifts I wanted. I was worried about the kind of money they would be spending on me, but they both reassured me it would be perfectly okay. I could tell they really wanted to do this for me, to make my room more my own.

Before we went to the first store, they took me to the bank they had their accounts with and helped me open my very own account. They deposited more money than I ever thought I would see in my life... just over ten thousand dollars; they split it right down the middle. I was so shocked that they would do this for me even after everything they'd already done, and I had to ask why and how. I was worried this kindness could possibly put them in debt, but they assured me that wouldn't ever be the case. Shay explained how her family had left her the house but also heaps of money from their businesses, and Parker added how her parents left their life savings to her way before their unfortunate accident. I could see the sadness in her eyes when she spoke of them, and I wanted nothing more than to hold her.

When we finished at the bank, we headed to multiple stores to ensure I found whatever I wanted. I would go down each aisle, browsing its contents to see if something called out to me. By the time we returned home, I had new clothes, posters of my favorite bands and television shows, a desk table, and a comfortable chair. My friends helped me bring the bags inside, so we only needed one trip from the car to the house. I was so excited to put my clothes away and find the right spot on the wall to hang the posters.

Parker and Shay joined me in building the chair and table I would use for my homework assignments. As everything was coming together, I became more enthusiastic. I can't wait to see what the end product will look like. More importantly, spending this time with these two amazing people in my life was the cherry on top of the best evening ever.

I'm finally home.

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