Mad Temptation

By KalyxIole

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For years, Aubrey Evergreen. Wants to investigate who killed her parents. But years after, she believed that... More

Chapter 1: The Start.
Chapter 2: Unknown figure.
Chapter 4: Undeniable Desires.
Chapter 5: Broken Heart.
Chapter 6: Ashton Grey.
Chapter 7: Siblings.
Chapter 8: The Past About Ashton.
Chapter 9: A Dead Heart.
Chapter 10: Meeting An Old Friend.
Chapter 11: First Kiss.
Chapter 12: Unforgettable Moment.
Chapter 13: Consumed By Guilt.
Chapter 14: Painful Past.
Chapter 15: Losing Control.
Chapter 16: Talk With Victoria.
Chapter 17: Unsettled Mind.
Chapter 18: Suspicious.
Chapter 19: Small Investigation.
Chapter 20: Love and Fear.
Chapter 21: Danger, Trouble, Anger.
Chapter 22: Claude's Dangerous Beast.
Chapter 23: Questions That Cannot Be Answered.
Chapter 24: A Peak Of Power.
Chapter 25: True Identity.
Chapter 26: Scary Choices.
Chapter 27: Big Steps, Big Risks.
Chapter 28: Broken Trust, Broken Love.
Chapter 29: Save Ashton.
Chapter 30: Claude vs. Zyrian.
Chapter 31: Life On The Edge.
Chapter 32: Deadly Fate.
Chapter 33: Beast Finally Unleashed.
Chapter 34: Powers Taken.
Chapter 35: Final Battle.
Author's Note

Chapter 3: Hiding The Monster.

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By KalyxIole

Aubrey was sleeping peacefully when the birds started to tweet. She gasped loudly and sat up immediately. Looking around frantically. She saw that she was in Claude's room. Oh that's right, something weird and scary happened last night. She got up from the bed and walked towards the door and opened it and walked out. Walking down the hallway and walked down the stairs.

Aubrey: Claude?

She walked towards the kitchen, but he was not there. Usually around this time he would be cooking breakfast. She entered the kitchen and looked around, searching for him. Her eyes were laid on the kitchen knife. Her eyes widened when she saw blood on the sink. She gasped loudly and covered her mouth with her hand.

Aubrey: Claude...Claude?! Claude?! Claude! Where are you?! Where are you Claude?!

She yelled as her voice began to break. Looking around frantically and beginning to cry. She checked every room. She started crying.

Aubrey: Claude! Please where are you?! Claude! No please...

She fell down on the floor and beginning to cry. Chanting his name repeatedly. Asking where he is. But suddenly....

Claude: You called My Lady?

She gasped softly and turned around and saw him. Standing there. She stood up and ran up to him. Hugging him close and for dear life.

Aubrey: Claude! Oh thank are okay! Are you hurt? Are you alright? Where were you?

Claude: Hold on My Lady, breathe.

She shakily took a deep breath. And exhaled it out.

Claude: I was outside. In the front pawn.

Aubrey: What was going on?

Claude: A mail just got delivered. We have each one.

Claude showed the two mails.

Aubrey: Oh...*sniffles* I'm sorry Claude...I was just so scared....

Claude: Scared of what?

Aubrey: In the kitchen. There...t-there w-was bloo...blood everywhere...

She took his hand and they both walked towards the kitchen. When they were in the kitchen, she pointed over to where the sink was. Claude walked towards the sink and saw the knife and the blood. He sighed heavily.

Claude: I think it must have been the raccoon outside. I left the knife stuck on the chopping board and the raccoon must've entered. Maybe it's legs must've been caught in the knife.

Aubrey: B-but...h-how could a raccoon even enter?

Claude: I believe it is my fault, I think I left the window open when you know...last night. I forgot about closing it so...maybe this explains why.

Aubrey: Ah...right...last night...*sniffles*

She wiped her tears and rubbed her arms.

Claude: Are you alright My Lady?

Aubrey: Yeah yeah I must've a big frightened when I saw the blood.

Claude: My deepest apologies My Lady I must've given you an awful fright.

Aubrey: No it's fine. I just got scared for a bit. Sorry for scaring you.

Claude: It's okay.

Aubrey walked up to him and hugged him. He responded and rubbed her back. Knowing how she likes it. She rubbed her face on his broad shoulders.

Aubrey: I was so scared that something might have happened to you.

Claude: My Lady, nothing will ever happen to me okay? Nothing. We are fine. We are okay. As long as we have each other.

Aubrey nodded against his shoulder. Breathing in his manly and intoxicating scent, making her sigh in content. She always feels so protected whenever she's around him. Especially when she's in his arms. It's kinda weird but if you would ask her, she would like to hug him everyday. Ever since her parents died, she felt alone. Scared of the big wide world. She grew up, within her castle walls. To be honest, she would never let anyone touch her other than Patricia. But ever since she was hugged by Claude, everything felt so right. Although she does feel bothered by the thought that it's strange.

Claude: Let us have breakfast. I will start cooking.

Wait, what?!

Aubrey: Breakfast?

Claude: Yeah.

Aubrey: You?

Claude: Yeah...

Aubrey: Eat with me...?

Claude: Yeah....? Is there something wrong...?

Aubrey gasped softly and covered her mouth. Claude's finally eating breakfast with her!

Aubrey: It has been a long time since you are eating breakfast with me!

Claude: It has?

Aubrey: Yes!

Claude: How long?

Aubrey: It's been years.

Claude: Right...well, I have to start cooking, but before that, might as well....

He looked at the sink behind him.

Claude:...clean up first.

Aubrey: Right. I'll just, go take a bath first.

Claude nodded and smiled softly at her, and she walked away. Walking towards her room and going towards the bathroom.

(Claude's POV)

Claude's smile fell off and was replaced by a small snarl. That was close. He walked towards the sink and looked at bloody knife and the blood everywhere.

Claude: Raccoon...yeah right....

He muttered. Calmly grabbing the kitchen cloth and was thinking about wiping it. But the smell was so inviting. He felt so thirsty for some reason. Also...hungry. He looked at the blood and stared at it. He lifted his hands and bit on the glove that was on his hand. He pulled the glove and let the glove fall to the floor. He placed his veiny, large, sexy hands on the blood. He felt the cold blood on his fingertips. And he lifted it up again and stared at the blood on his fingertips. He stuck out his tongue and rubbed his bloody fingertips on his tongue. The moment he tasted the blood. He felt a thriving hunger. Not for human food. But for flesh. He closed his eyes and tried his best to control himself. He gripped on the sink and tried to stop himself. He grunted in pain. The monster side was getting the best of him.


He grumbled. His fingers shook badly. Feeling the monster inside him want to take control.

Claude: Shit...shit shit shit shit shit!

Whatever he was trying hard to control, whatever he was hiding, if this monster got the best of him, it wouldn't end up so good.

(Author's POV)

Aubrey walked out of her room looking magnificent and beautiful as ever. She wore a pink dress, her hair clipped in a beautiful way. She wore a light make-up, heels that matched the dress. She walked towards the stairs and towards the kitchen. She smelled something delicious.

Aubrey: Oh wow...what is that smell?

She walked towards the kitchen and saw Claude placing the plate of delicious breakfast in the table.

Aubrey: Hi Claude.

She said sweetly.

Claude: H-hi My Lady...

He said, voice strained. He had his head lowered. He has this dark and dominant and scary aura. Which obviously does not look so great. She also noticed he was tensed. Like something was wrong with him badly. It's not a good news.

Aubrey: Claude? Are you okay?

Claude: Y-yes My Lady...I am alright...I am alright...

Aubrey: Are you not feeling well? What's wrong?

She was about to walk up to him.

Claude: No don't come near me!

He shouted.

Claude: I-I mean...I-uh...y-you're right...I feel really unwell...I would like to go to my room for a few hours, if that wouldn't bother y-you...

He said, gripping his head.

Aubrey: Of course! Can you manage by your own?

Claude: I-I think I c-can...

He said.

Aubrey: Okay...go rest up.

He walked but his legs felt weak making him stumble. Aubrey immediately ran up to him.

Aubrey: Claude! Claude! Are you alright? What is wrong? Tell me!

She touched both of his cheeks, she gasped softly when she felt him really hot. She yelped in pain.

Aubrey: Hang on, hang on. Please wait for me...I will go grab you some water.

She was about to stand up but she was pulled by Claude by gripping her wrist and pulling her.

Claude: N-not water...not water...

He laughed darkly. Aubrey was feeling slightly scared and worried. Claude grunted in pain and looked at her. Eyes dark.

Claude: I am not thirsty for water...I am thirsty for something more thicker...thicker than water...

He said with a dark voice. She saw his eyes. It glowed hunger, thirst, and urge to find...pleasure? She doesn't know what was happening to him. Like absolutely no clue. What is happening to Claude? Claude lowered his head and grunted in pain loudly.

Aubrey: A-ah Claude, you're gripping my wrist too tight! Ow! Claude!

Her breathing became fast and heavily. Eyebrows furrowed in worry. Claude raised his head and looked at her.

Aubrey: *Gasps* Oh my God! Claude, your nose is bleeding! What is happening to you?!

Claude: Argh! I...I...*laughs* Fuck!

He shouted, making her flinch.

Aubrey: Claude stop you're scaring me! Please stop this you're scaring me! Claude!

Claude: Oh it does...? I scare you? Huh? Tell me, am I a bad Butler for scaring you? Does that make me a bad Butler? Huh?

Aubrey: No Claude l-listen t-to me...!

Claude grabbed a fistful of her hair making her yelp in surprise and pain, pushing her face towards him. Their faces inches apart. She was very afraid of him now.

Aubrey: Claude you're hurting me! Let go of me!

Claude: You smell...*sniffs* so sweet...oh My Lady, you smell so incredible. I wonder how you taste. Oh how I badly want to sink my teeth into your flesh. Get a small taste of it.

Aubrey: Claude stop it! I am ordering you to stop now! Please you are hurting me! You are frightening me! Please let go of me...

Claude: No...never...I will never let go of you...never, ever, ever! I'll never let are stuck with me forever...forever for life, for eternity.

He leaned in closer to her ear.

Claude: For eternal life.

She didn't know what that meant. Claude grunted when he heard the voices again.

'Take a bite!'

'Bite her'

'Sink your fangs on her neck!'

'Suck her blood!'

'This is your chance! Enjoy it!'

'Take your opportunity!'


'Do it now!'

'Kill her!'

'Bite her!'

'Do whatever you want with her!'

'This is your chance! Do not waste it!'

'Kill her now!'

Claude yelled loudly. Gripping his hair, and screaming loudly in pain. He let go of her and stood up. Grunting in pain and feeling extremely hungry. He felt a grumbling pain in his stomach and he bent down and placed both of his arms on his stomach. Losing control. He felt his fangs growing, and this was not good. He shook his head. Hoping the monster would stop and leave him alone.

Claude: M-my Lady...please...if you would not mind, go to your room for a while....

Aubrey: Claude...

Claude: Please just go! I don't...I don't wanna scare you...I don't want to...please just leave me alone for a while...I do not want to hurt you...

Aubrey: Claude I-

Claude: Go!

She stood still. Wanting so bad to help him.


She gasped and flinched when he shouted. Her eyes teary but she backed away slowly.

Claude: Go please! Go! Just go! Now!

Aubrey: Claude...

She whispered his name.

Claude: G-go...please...

He said desperately. She nodded and she quickly walked away. Leaving him. He fell down on his one knee. And gripped his head.

'I can not believe I scared her...'

He whimpered at the thought. He looked at his clenched fist and unclenched it and saw his blood because of the sharp razor nails he now has. He was petrified.

Claude: Not now...not y-yet...I will do what you want...but please...not now...not no no no....

He got to the sink and washed his hands, trying to get of the blood he has on his hands.

Claude: not make me hurt not make me...not yet...not yet please....

He aggressively washed his hands. Not caring about the stinging pain he feels. He looked at his hands again. The blood still flowing.

Claude: Fuck....

He whispered.

Claude: not good.

He said. Well it is true, whatever is gonna happen, it won't end well. He just knows it.

(Aubrey's POV)

Aubrey was sitting in her bed, looking at the bruise on her wrist. She sighs softly. She does wonder what was happening with Claude. First, he seduces her, then act possessive, then act strange, and now act really scary. She doesn't know what was happening to him. She was worried about him. Does he have a mental illness? Psychosis? Does he have dissociative illness disorder? Is that even correct? She doesn't know. She's just making up words in her mind. Is he bipolar? Could be. Is he going to be fine? Maybe yes. Could be a no. Is he gonna tell her what was happening with him? Probably not. Is he going to walk and knock in her room, look like a sad puppy, and apologize a million times for that, and say he was beyond embarrassed? Big, large, huge, yes.

She sighed heavily in stress. She was really worried for him. She's beginning to think that he needs to go to the hospital. Just for a slight checkup. Maybe she could find an answer.

(Author's POV)

A group of unknown figures were on top of the tree branches. Staring at the mansion of Aubrey.

???: So....Aubrey Evergreen is with Claude Ravenswood. And Claude's duty is to protect this pathetic human?

A woman wearing a mask asked.

??? 2: I believe so. Claude is running out of time. He can not hide his monster forever. Little by little, it is going to take control over him. And as every minutes and hours pass, he is going to starve. Until he loses control, and take her. And the power she has.

??? 3: We can not let him do that. He can take her body. But her power belongs to us.

??? 4: We have to take her. Now! I can not wait any longer! I can not waste any more time and I am eager to have her soul and power....

??? 5: How long are we going to wait? It has been a thousands of years since we have encountered such power. Her mother, was the last. And now...looks like she got the power of what her mother had before she died.

??? 2: Calm down dear friends, we will take what we want. We will take what is ours. But we have to wait for the perfect time. Let us all just be patient. When Claude loses control, we attack.

???: What if he manages to control his monster for years? What are we gonna do?

??? 2: He can not. We all know that. We created the monster he has inside of him after all. We know how the monster does it's job. If he starves any more longer, he has no choice. But to spill the blood...of his dear master.

He smirked under the mask he was wearing. As his eyes glowed in sinister and bad intentions. His fellow members smiled wickedly at his wicked plan.

'Claude Ravenswood. You are not the only one.'

(Night time)

Aubrey was debating whether of she wants to knock or not. Well, it is late now and she was thinking if Claude is asleep now or not. She raised her knuckles to knock but stopped.

Aubrey: Goodness Gracious c'mon Aubrey you got this. Just knock on the door, check on him, and if he's okay, bring him this water. Okay. You got this, don't be nervous. That was really helpful, thank you Aubrey.

She says sarcastically. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A few minutes of silence. She knocked again but again, no response. She opened the door and walked in. She saw Claude nowhere in his room.

Aubrey: Claude? Claude? Where are you? Claude?

She sighed softly and was about to leave when she heard the door close. She turned around and saw Claude standing there, shirtless and was only wearing pants. She blushed brightly looking like a tomato. She strutters and tried to find a word to utter out but there was no words coming out.

Claude: Shocking to see you here My Lady. Are you here to sleep with me?

Aubrey: U-um....

Claude: Cat got your tongue?

Aubrey: *Chuckles awkwardly* I uhh got you some water...

She said. Claude did notice she was holding a glass of water when she entered. The simple act and gesture made him happy. He smiled softly and walked towards her. She tried her best to not look at his Greek body. Those big chest, those ribs and those oh goodness me, those freaking six pack of abs. They just look so inviting. Her fingers were itching to touch them. She cleared her throat and tried to look anywhere. Claude saw that her fingers were shaking. He touched her shaking hands and took the glass of water and drank it. She gulped the lump on her throat when she saw his Adams apple bob up and down with every gulps he takes. She felt slightly turned on by this. Well, really turned on. She's not gonna lie about that. Claude drank every bits of the water and when finished, he sighed heavily and licked his lips that are now wet. She has her eyes set on his lips. Those wet, plump, delicious lips. She looked away from his lips. Taking a deep breath to calm herself.

Claude: Thank you My Lady. I appreciate that.

Aubrey: No worries. *Chuckles* I just uhh, wanted to see if you were okay.

She said. Tucking a hair behind her ear.

Claude: Also um, I deeply apologize for how I acted earlier. I am really sorry. I know I must've hurt you and scared you, and I am really sorry.

Claude said while looking down. Looking like a sad puppy. See what I mean?

Aubrey: No it's okay. It's alright. Don't feel so guilty.

She took his hand and held it.

Aubrey: I'm alright okay?

Claude smiled softly and looked at her hands that was holding his hand but then his eyes saw the bruise on her wrist. She looked down at what he was looking at and saw that he's looking at her bruise. She pulled her hands away and covered her wrist using the sleeve of her nightgown.

Aubrey: D-do not worry about this. I-I'm fine. I'm fine okay?

Claude doesn't seem fazed by it and looked away. Walking towards his bed and sat down. Placing the glass of water on the desk.

Claude: I feel so guilty. I hurt you. I did not mean to I swear. I just...I didn't know what was happening. I was not myself. I was lost for a while back there and I-I hurt you...I am so sorry. I'm sorry.

He covered his face using his hands and leaned his elbows on his lap. Sighing heavily. Aubrey felt sad that he was thinking this way.

Aubrey: Claude....

Claude: I'm sorry My Lady. If I hurt you that bad. I did not mean to scare you. I did not mean hurt you. Please forgive me...

Aubrey: Claude...

She walked towards him and kneeled down in front of him, taking his hands away from his face. She stared at his sad eyes.

Aubrey: What happened back a while ago, was forgiven. Okay? So that would mean that I have forgiven you. Maybe you were just sick that's why you did that right? You were feeling unwell. So I understand. There's no need to feel sad or guilty or feel regret about hurting me. It's just a bruise, a little bit of ice can make this better. So don't feel so sad about it okay?

Claude: Thank you so much My Lady. I guess I just overworked myself to much.

Aubrey: You see now? That is why I told you not to overwork yourself too much. When was the last time you even ate at the right time?

Claude: One week ago?

Aubrey: See what I mean? That's why I told you not to work too much. Rest for a bit. Then you can go back to cleaning, doing your chores, but please, a little rest won't hurt okay?

Claude: *Chuckles* Okay.

Aubrey: Good. Very good.

She raised thumbs up. Claude laughed softly and nodded. She smiled softly. Standing up and sitting down next to him.

Aubrey: What do you say we go all night laughing about what we did in the past?

(Author's POV)

The sound of their laughter is such a good medicine for the both of them. They were recalling back all the good memories about their past. The funny moments they did. The pranks they did to each other.

Aubrey: *Laughing* Oh my God! I remember that one!

Claude: Oh I'm sure you did. That must have been so freaking awkward!

Aubrey: Oh gosh I could still remember Mrs. Garcia's face that day!

She laughed out making Claude smile and laugh too when he remembered it.

Aubrey: She was too funny. She was like: "Do not even think about coming back here!" But then came to our home asking if I would buy more of her books.

She laughed out loud.

Aubrey: Mm! Do you remember Patricia?

Claude: Yeah.

Aubrey: Goodness that freaking lady, she is really a queen of chugging wine and champagne.

Claude: 'Bad for liver' alert.

Aubrey laughed. So did Claude.

Aubrey: Oh God! *Laughing* That was hilarious.

She sighed softly. But still giggling about it. Claude stared at her intense beauty. The way she smiles. The way her eyes glisten in a way he would feel so light whenever he would stare at it. And that beautiful comforting soul and personality she has. She was such an angel sent from above. Claude smiled softly at the thought. Aubrey looked at him with a soft smile. Claude smiled softly at her and so did she. Claude tucked a hair behind her ear making her blush. He held her soft cheeks and caressed it. Aubrey leaned into his touch and they both stared at each other's eyes. Hypnotized by each other. They felt their hearts beating fast. Leaning closer to each other.

Aubrey: Claude....

She whispered. Closing her eyes. Claude did the same and as they were about to kiss but he stopped. Aubrey opened her eyes and looked at him. Claude sighed softly and shook his head.

Claude: I can not do this.

He said and moved away from her. Turning his body away. His back facing her.

Aubrey: Claude?

Claude: I can't.

Aubrey: Why not? Claude, is something bothering you? You can tell me anything.

Claude: I can't. I wish I can, but I can't.

Aubrey: Claude, please tell me what's bothering you. You know I'm here. I'll always be here for you.

She moved closer to him and placed both of her soft hands on his shoulder and leaned her chin on his shoulder. Rubbing his arms.

Aubrey: Stop hiding. Tell me your problems.

She wrapped her arms around his waist. Claude sighed softly and placed his hand on top of hers.

Claude: I can't tell you. I have to do this on my own.

Aubrey: Do what on your own? Face your problems alone? You are struggling to do so. I am here for you, you know that Claude. So please, tell me what is your problem.

She continued to back hug him. Claude sighed softly and lowered his head.

Claude: You would not believe me anyway. It will just sound crazy. Well, because it is crazy, I hope I am crazy.

He said. Aubrey sighed softly and slowly rubbed his shoulder and arms up and down. Claude closed his eyes, eyebrows furrowing. He feels so good when he's being touched by her. He feels something tingly feeling on his stomach. It makes him excited.

Aubrey: You do not have to hide it Claude, just tell me what's bothering you okay? It doesn't have to be now, but you can tell me when you're ready okay?

She stopped rubbing her hands on his shoulders and arms.

Claude: No keep...keep going...

Aubrey: Oh what? You like this? *Chuckles*

She rubbed his shoulder and arms gently, gracefully, and carefully. It was such an awesome feeling for Claude. He feels himself getting turned on but he hid that too. Claude turned around and faced her, she stared at him with a soft smile. She caressed his cheek.

Aubrey: If you ever need me, I am here. Always okay?

Claude: Okay...

He whispered. This night, has been the good night of his life.

"If you ever feel down. Lay down, close your eyes, clasp your hands together. And do what is the most important thing: Pray."

-Kalyx Iole Gomez

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