Kindred Spirits

By helloluv06

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In which Caroline's older sister, Cassidy, has always known that she was mated to eight supernaturals based o... More

Summary and More
-Graphic Gallery
Main character...
1 - What's the plan?
2 - I have waited forever for you, darling
3 - I am not a witch
4 - You're so weird
5 - Only for you
6 - Do you love him?
7 - You'll kill her
8 - You're not just any girl
9 - He's still alive
10 - You either help me or die
11 - Run
12 - It's what friends do
13 - You don't think I'm beautiful?
14 - I won't let you
15 - It is almost over
16 - Will you miss me?
Main character...
17 - I was meant to possess power
18 - They're all dead
19 - Aren't you adorable?
20 - It's good to be home
21 - I could have killed her
22 - I have nowhere else to go
23 - You really love them, don't you?
24 - I miss my family
25 - I have my leverage right here
26 - He hurt me, Elena
27 - 400 bucks?!
28 - He is not my dad!
29 - I forgive you
30 - You seem like a perfect gentleman
31 - What did you do, Caroline?
32 - Easy there, little witch
33 - What, you didn't see this coming?
34 - The blood on my hands is your father's
35 - Quite contrary
36 - Get the humans ready
37 - No bones broken... I think
38 - I'm never going to be happy
Main character...
39 - I have to search for our mate
40 - It's a trap, Cassie
41 - You're a new face
42 - Then stay
43 - Hayley, was it?
44 - What did you do to Elena?
45 - I had no idea who I really was
46 - I'm giving you one last chance
47 - I'll always come back to you
48 - I want Katherine
49 - I know when something is on your mind, love
50 - He's better off dead
Main character...
51 - Are you pregnant with my child?
52 - A true angel
53 - You think you can stop me?
54 - What, you don't want to kiss me?
55 - I don't think you'll survive
56 - I can't breathe
57 - You will not believe the crap day that I'm having
58 - We need to have a little chat
59 - Marcel wouldn't do that
60 - Stay clear of witches!
61 - Resurrect your chosen ones
62 - Thanks for the concern
63 - I just thought you'd want to know
64 - You are my always, darling
65 - I'm still standing here, aren't I?
66 - Friends it is
67 - She knows what she's doing
68 - It was only a little bit!
69 - You should be resting
70 - Our time is up
71 - It's too soon
72 - I promised him
Main character...
73 - Mommy misses you
74 - Maybe someday
75 - You mean you don't recognize me?
76 - What have you done?
77 - I will not watch you die again
78 - This child is safe
79 - I'm still your mate
80 - My forever
81 - I wish that it could always be like this
82 - You must be Kai
83 - Guys, this is our best option
84 - What's with the pouty face?
85 - So, you're back to hating me?
86 - You put the life of my children in the hands of Mikael?
87 - You are my one and only, today and every day
88 - Kai could be a unisex name!
89 - How far would you really go for her?
90 - Alex deserves to see the good side of the world
91 - I am aware of your power, Cassidy
92 - You're amazing, I love you
93 - You underestimate me, Dahlia
94 - You're safe with me
Main character...
95 - Cassie, it's time!
96 - I expected better from you
97 - Elijah, you used me
98 - Why do I feel like I'm gonna regret this?
99 - Hello, my sweet love
100 - Apology not accepted
101 - This isn't my home anymore
102 - How could you love such a disaster?
103 - Like hell am I letting you do this by yourself
104 - We were too late
105 - She is tearing herself apart!
106 - And here, I thought we were best friends
107 - You do realize that you're utterly insane?
108 - So, are we in this together?
109 - We're going to run?
110 - Meet your grandchildren
111 - You and your empathy problems
112 - You're going to have to do better than that
113 - You're fighting, because you want to live
114 - How could you do that to her?
115 - We have a problem
Main character...
Cassidy's children...
117 - Everything I do is for them
118 - It's been a while, angel
119 - Who is this little cutie?
120 - Just help her and we'll leave
121 - What has happened to you, Marcel?
122 - I'm worried about Hope
123 - You have no idea what true madness looks like
124 - You're the one chance we have
125 - Mom, is dad gonna die?
126 - Have a little faith
127 - She's getting stronger
128 - I can feel her love for you
129 - Always and forever
Main character...
Cassidy's children...
130 - My daughter
131 - I am still your father
132 - No chapter needed
133 - Subtle, isn't he?
134 - We leave in the morning
135 - She wants to kill us
136 - She was my little girl
137 - She was my mate, I will always love her
138 - Thought you'd never ask. Literally
139 - You love me?
140 - Ready as I'll ever be
141 - No one is a mistake, Alexandria
142 - Happiness is a choice
End of story special :)

116 - They deserve what they're going to get

618 20 2
By helloluv06

Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 116 (3x22)
Word Count: 2346

Klaus, Cassidy, Kol and Elijah were sat in the living room when they heard a struggle upstairs, so they ran to the gate. A vampire crowd showed up, and Marcel entered the compound, leading them all.

"Never thought it would come to this. But as always, The Mikaelsons made my choice for me."

"Marcel, please think about--"

"Angel, please don't make this harder than it has to be." Marcel sighed. "But it does have to be this way. Mate against mate." He gestured to the vampires behind him. "These guys, Klaus' sirelings, they're here to bear witness today."

"Are you planning to put on a little show, Marcellus?" Kol chimed in calmly.

"Damned sure I am. The Fall of The Mikaelsons." Marcel laughed. "And guess what, the show has already started."

Cassidy approached her mate cautiously.

"Marcel, I know you're hurt. I loved Cam, too. And it would break her heart to see you like this."

"Don't do that, Cassidy." Marcel responded, not wanting his love for his mate to get in the way of what he went there to do. "I won't hurt you, ever... but I can sure hurt them."

"Like hell." Kol growled, beginning a fight that Cassidy wasn't sure would ever truly end unless at the expense of one of her mates, and she wouldn't let that happen. The crowd yelled shouts of encouragement as Cassidy witnessed Marcel bite Kol.

"NO!" She cried out, knowing the inevitable end of getting bitten by an upgraded vampire. Marcel snapped Kol's neck and tossed him away. "NO, STOP IT!"

Marcel did hesitate for a split second, guilt washing over him as he listened to Cassidy's desperate cries, but that guilt vanished the second that he remembered all that the Mikaelsons had taken from him, going after Elijah next.

Elijah threw a punch at Marcel with vamp-speed, but Marcel appeared to side step the attack. Klaus jumped into the fight with a right hook, only for Macel to duck and grab his hand. Marcel then turned to face Elijah in time to kick him away before he could land a punch. The momentary distraction allowed Klaus to land a couple of blows. Marcel answered back with a powerful punch, that sent the original hybrid flying into the wall behind him. Elijah took over... but Marcel bit Elijah's arm.

Cassidy was literally watching her entire world fall to pieces around her. She couldn't just sit back and watch as Marcel eliminated everyone that Cassidy held dear.

"MARCEL!" Cassidy's voice echoed off the walls. Everyone seemed to freeze, turning towards her. There, they saw Cassidy stood with her hand raised towards Marcel. "Don't make me hurt you, Marcel, please... I really don't want to hurt you."

"Angel..." Marcel took a step closer to Cassidy. "After everything that the Mikaelsons have taken from me, from you, from so many others... you're still going to side with them?"

"They're my family, Marcel." Cassidy was beginning to tear up, her hand still outstretched in front of her, ready to use her magic at any moment.

"So am I!" Marcel shouted. "Well, I was! Wasn't I? Or was I just a lonely little orphan vampire to you, too? Someone you took pity on when my name appeared on your wrist?"

"You know that's not true." Cassidy whispered. "You know I love you, so much! But hurting the rest of my mates? Causing me so much pain just by watching it all happen? Marcel, you're going way too far."

"Angel." Marcel let out a small chuckle. "If I don't kill them all now, they're just going to ruin more lives. They've already destroyed yours! When I met you, you were so full of life... I'd never seen such a ray of sunshine before. But the longer that you have stayed attached to the Mikaelsons, I've watched that light in your eyes fade more and more, and it was tearing me apart to see how much the Mikaelsons have screwed your life up. Angel, I'm doing both of us a favor." Marcel went to return to the fight with Klaus and Elijah.

"I was really hoping you wouldn't say that." At Cassidy's words, Marcel glanced at her again. "I'm really, really sorry..." She used her magic to toss Marcel to the other side of the room, and Marcel was too surprised that Cassidy actually used her powers on him that he had no time to dodge it. He hit the far wall, the impact breaking his neck and he collapsed to the ground. Cassidy stared in guilt at Marcel's body before turning to Klaus. "With his upgraded powers, he'll only be down for less than a minute. Katherine, Stefan, Nadia, and Matt have the kids. Hayley and Davina are upstairs with Freya, she has been poisoned. You both need to take 'Lijah and Kol and go now. Marcel will not hurt me. Not if he knows what's good for him..."

Klaus took Elijah and Kol and vamp sped off. Cassidy turned to the other vampires, Klaus' sirelings, who were just stood, watching her in caution.

"Now, what do I do?" Cassidy whispered to herself.

"You could ask your favorite mate for some help with this lot. Just a tip." A familiar voice spoke from the corner of the room. Cassidy span around and saw Rebekah stood there, so Cassidy rushed over to hug her.

"Bekah! You're here, you're safe." Cassidy reluctantly released the hug. "You need to go. Marcel could hurt you."

"I'm not leaving you here alone." Rebekah reached for her mate's hand, giving it a comforting squeeze, before glancing down at her wrist with the cursed skull branded on it. She looked over Cassidy's shoulder to see that Marcel was already starting to stir awake. "Marcel is waking up, and I've only got a short while before I go mad. So, we're dealing with your psycho mate, together, as quick as we possibly can."


Once Marcel had awoken, he'd first yelled in anger at Cassidy, but he could never truly stay mad at her. Once he'd calmed down, he, Cassidy, and Rebekah had ditched the other vampires to go and discuss matters privately.

"Let's cut the niceties." Rebekah snapped at Marcel. "I need you to cure my brothers, before something's done that can't be undone."

"Oh, there's no going back." Marcel shot back. "This is a fight to the death, and I won't lose."

"Marcel, why are you doing this?" Cassidy asked with genuine hurt.

"I've already answered that question for you more than once, and you are still searching for a different answer?" Marcel scoffed at his mate whom he loved more than anyone and would never hurt directly. "My answer stays the same! After what they did to me, to you, to Cami? They deserve what they're going to get."

"No. I cannot defend them and their actions, but they're my family, and I am begging you to cure them." Cassidy continued, her heart dropping into her stomach at Marcel's response to that.

"There's no cure."

"What do you mean, there is no cure?" Rebekah frowned in disbelief.

"Elijah is as good as dead. So is Kol." Marcel revealed, and Cassidy had never felt more terrified in her life. "Before the night's over, Klaus will follow along with them."

"Who is your next victim?" Cassidy snapped, an anger filling her at Marcel's words against her other mates. "Bekah? Frey? Hales? Vina? Me?!"

"None of your other mates have caused quite as much harm as Klaus, Elijah, and Kol, so they are all safe, I promise. And you know for a fact that I would never hurt you, angel." Marcel stated. "But I'm not backing down. I am taking back my home, my city, my freedom."

"The Marcel that I knew... the man that I love, and will always love... never fancied himself judge, jury, and executioner." Cassidy pointed out, and Marcel released a quiet sigh.

"You want justice? Well, that's a lot more than they offered me, but sure... sure. Let's have justice."


"Nik is on his way." Cassidy said. "You know what you have to do?"

"I can't go mad, Nik can't die, and you..." Rebekah sighed. "Gorgeous, you need to get out of here. You shouldn't be here for this."


Before Cassidy could protest, Klaus walked in.

"Nik!" Cassidy spun towards her mate. "How are 'Lijah, Kol, and Frey?"

"Elijah and Kol's bites are getting worse. Freya is looking for the antidote, but the longer that she tries to hold on, the faster that the poison is working itself around her body. None of them will last to the end of the day." Klaus explained sadly. "Isn't there any way that you could siphon the bites and the poison? They're magic, aren't they?"

"Do you think Cam would be dead if I was able to siphon the bite?" Cassidy shot back. "I don't know, but I think that the magic in the serum is messing with my siphon abilities! Sure, I can use my magic on Marcel, but I wouldn't be able to siphon from him, and the bites came from that sort of magic so I won't be able to siphon them either. But..." Cassidy's eyes widened in realization. "I can siphon Freya's poison, and that way, we could help eachother look for the antidote! I've got to hurry!" She planted a quick kiss on Rebekah's lips, and then the same on Klaus'. "Be careful. Both of you. I mean it!"

"Of course. We'll see you soon." Klaus responded. "I mean it."

Cassidy slowly nodded, taking one last look at Klaus and Rebekah, not knowing when she'd truly next see them again, and then vamp sped off to find Freya.


After successfully siphoning all of the poison out of Freya, Cassidy helped look for an antidote for the bite. While Cassidy and Freya were rifling through old books and grimoires a good half an hour later, Cassidy's phone rang. She spotted that it was Rebekah calling her and she jumped to her feet.

"Bekah! Is it over? Did Nik win? Is he dead? Is Marcel dead? Please say that either of them aren't--"

"It's okay, gorgeous, all is fine... Nik found a way to stay alive. Our plan worked... but I'm not sure when you will be able to see him again... it won't be for years at this rate, judging by Marcel's anger."

"What...? B-but what about Hope and Leo? They need their father in their lives!"

"And they will see their father someday, but Alexandria, Clara, and Julia need their fathers, too. It's up to you, gorgeous. You and Freya need to save Elijah and Kol, keep the fathers of your children alive, and make Nik's sacrifice count."

"I will. Hang tight, Bekah. I'll come for you soon."


Elijah, Cassidy, Kol, Hayley, Davina, and Freya were gathered around the table. A paper with all names of the siblings, minus Freya since she was no longer poisoned, was on it.

"Bekah's dagger. It has her blood." Cassidy pointed out. She grabbed Freya's hand, the two channeling each other, and they reached for the hands of all of the others, too, just in case their power wasn't enough. Cassidy and Freya started reciting an incantation.

The chanting grew louder and louder Elijah and Kol tensed up, falling unconscious as their spirits left them. Elsewhere, Rebekah also fell.

Freya, Cassidy, Davina, and Hayley watched Elijah and Kol's temporarily lifeless bodies sadly, but at least it would keep the bites from killing them permanently until they could find a cure...

"I have something to do." Cassidy suddenly announced. "Wait for me in the car. I need to speak to Marcel."


Cassidy eventually located Marcel to see that he was sat alone, staring into the fire. Slowly approaching him, Cassidy was almost frightened to speak. But she didn't have to.

"I know you're there, angel. Are you afraid of me?" Marcel turned to face her.

"Do I have a reason to be?" Cassidy retorted. "You always say that the Mikaelsons destroyed your life, but you're a hypocrite, Marcel. Because tonight, you not only destroyed mine, but my children's! All of them will grow up without fathers because of you!"

"Cassidy, please... you have to believe me." Marcel reached for Cassidy's hands, but she flinched away. "I had to."

"That's the thing, Marcel. You didn't. You had a choice, and you chose wrong. I love you so much, I still love you and I will always love you... but after you ruined our entire family in the space of one day? An action that my mates have taken years to do?" Cassidy paused sadly. "Marcel, I never want to see you again."

"Cassidy..." Marcel was beginning to tear up. "Angel, please don't do this."

"I wish I didn't have to, but you're not you anymore! I don't know this version of you and I need to keep my family safe." Cassidy was beginning to tear up, too. She glanced down at her wrist and Marcel noticed, his eyes widening in panic.

"Angel, please! Don't do this to me! To us!"

"I have to, Marcel... I love you so much." Cassidy whispered, taking a deep breath. "I reject the mate bond... with Marcel Gerard..."

"No!" Marcel yelled, but it was too late. Cassidy groaned in pain as Marcel's name flashed a shimmering gold on her wrist, before it vanished altogether.

She'd rejected her mate bond with Marcel... which meant that he was no longer her mate...

It had to be done, she knew that. But then why did it hurt so much?


Cassidy stared at Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah's coffins sadly. She climbed into the car to see that Freya, Hayley, Davina, and the kids were already in there. With Hayley driving, the car started up and left the city of New Orleans, and nobody knew how long they would be out of the city. Forever? A few months? Years?

As long as it takes to keep their families safe...

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