Across Times "From Earth to B...

By Momma1982

13.9K 435 25

You used to be a normal woman who had a job and family then you were sent to Beastworld and now you literally... More

Chapter 1 Crash Landing
Chapter 2 Thank You
Chapter 3 Village
Chapter 5 Reunion
Chapter 6 Mate 18+
Chapter 7 Weapon
Chapter 8 Knuckle Bumps 18+
Chapter 9 Presents
Chapter 10 Fight for You
Chapter 11 Sister
Chapter 12 We Got This
Chapter 13 A Good Day! 18+
Chapter 14 Sisters and Uncles
Chapter 15 Peace
Chapter 16 To the Cave!
Chapter 17 Dream
Chapter 18 Welcome
Chapter 19 Visitor
Chapter 20 Smile
Chapter 21 Best Friend
Chapter 22 Let's go! 18+
Chapter 23 Take it easy!
Chapter 24 What do you want? 18+
Chapter 25 Stay True
Chapter 26 Surprising
Chapter 26 Huh
Chapter 27 Tomorrow!
Chapter 28 Not angry! 18+
Chapter 29 I smell trouble! 18+
Chapter 30 Hello
Chapter 31 Yes
Chapter 32 Wow
Chapter 33 Growing 18+
Chapter 34 Eggs
Chapter 35 For You!
Chapter 36 Sweet
Chapter 37 Safe 18+
Chapter 38 Splash
Chapter 39 Let's go again!
Chapter 40 Alliance
Chapter 41 Don't
Chapter 42 Never
Chapter 43 What? 18+
Chapter 44 Those Days
Chapter 45 Greetings
Chapter 46 Sure Thing!
Chapter 47 Crossing 18+
Chapter 48 Anytime
Chapter 50 Foolish 18+
Chapter 51 Sunset 18+
Chapter 52 Knock 18+
Chapter 53 Revealing
Chapter 54 Here
Chapter 55 Nurses
Chapter 56 What a sight! 18+
Chapter 57 Work to do!
Chapter 58 A War God 18+
Chapter 59 Oh it's you!
Chapter 60 Messenger 18+
Chapter 61 Wrinkles
Chapter 62 We Will!
Chapter 63 Hello Friend 18+
Chapter 64 Crazy Day 18+
Chapter 65. Favorite Student
Chapter 66 What the F*=% 18+
Chapter 67 Dang
Chapter 68 Eventful
Chapter 69 My Turn 18+
Chapter 70 Many Do!
Chapter 71 The Moon 18+
Chapter 72 Exciting
Chapter 73 You did!
Chapter 74 Thank You!
Chapter 75 Beautiful 18+
Chapter 76 Us!
Chapter 77 Males 18+
Chapter 78 Curiosity
Chapter 79 Pie
Chapters 80 How?
Chapter 81 Sounds Good!
Chapter 82 Help 18+
Chapter 83 Breakfast
Chapter 84 This was fun!
Chapter 85 Spill the beans!
Chapter 86 Yes!
Chapter 87 Who 18+
Chapter 88 Try
Chapter 89 What You Got!
Chapter 90 Awakening
Chapter 91 Back
Chapter 92 Trouble 18+
Chapter 93 Hello
Chapter 94 Meet
Chapter 95 Wonder
Chapter 96 Reunited
Chapter 97 Sing 18+
Chapter 98 Training
Chapter 99 Love 18+
Chapter 100 Come in 18+
Chapter 101 Promise
Chapter 102 Whoa!
Chapter 103 See Ya 18+
Chapter 104 We're in!

Chapter 4 Hello

563 24 0
By Momma1982

Kagome got her shampoo and stuff as we got to the river " Well skinny dipping it is!" I laughed, Can I go to? Shippo asked " It's okay with me!" As we get to the river I pull out my dress Aspen made its cool breathable and easy to move in ,and the underwear too " That is a beautiful dress!" Kagome and Sango admiring it " My mate Aspen ,made it for me  with his skin!" 

This is a snake shed ? Kagome asked " Yes it is !" I smiled as they looked shocked I stripped and slowly dipped in the water  " Your husband is a snake? Shippo asked " a snake beastman he can shift into a huge snake but also has his human ,and half human  form ! I swam closer to Shippo  see his mate mark is here around my neck and above my heart, this is Winston's, Harvey's , and my husband Ellis is gifted with Venom  symbiote,  This is his?

"Wow "Kagome said, Are you familiar with  Venom stories back home? I asked  Kagome " What is it he eats? Are you sure you want to know? I think so! She said  " Heads and chocolate!" But Ellis eats normal! " It's an adjustment to thoughts but it's better than being dead! I chuckled " They look like tattoos!" They aren't though see  when you make love to a beastman and  he bites and there is a binding spiritual link between you,it's a way for them to lend power if you're in danger and find you! 

" But it would be easier for them to find you if you stay here! Shippo said " True but it won't be safe, for the  villagers if I stay !"  Why ,because if I am here the x cons and I weapons may find a way to ! And I am always the target! " On the other hand I can summon or send it back at will though!"  We got out and dressed I put my boots back on as we walked down the path ,I see another familiar face " Hello Rin!"

Lady Jessica, where is your Lord and  Master  Jaken? There nearby  I came to fish!  " You know Rin?" Kagome asked " Yes they saved me, I landed hard in the river!" I'll meet up with y'all in a bit, " Rin and I are going to fish!" Would you like to see my weapon  Rin? " What is it ? " I am the  weapon!" I'll take my dress off ,first after stripping " summon Witchblade "

I transformed it's okay Rin " you can look I'll get you some !" Wow Lady Jessica, your so revealing! "Well if I don't take them off they get destroyed !" I tossed five fish out of the river ,and then after shifting I put my dress back on! " Won't you say hello to Lord Sesshomarou?"  I will if you'd like! Umm yes I do! I giggled okay let's go! Walking through the thicket with Rin " Milord, Lady Jessica caught us fish!"Hello Lord Sesshomarou,  Master Jaken!"

What are you doing out this far? Jaken asked " Well I met Kagome for the first time today she ,myself ,and Sango were on the way back from  bathing and ran into Rin so " She turned into a weapon and caught fish!" Hmm  I didn't have a fishing pole and it saved time! I giggled " Don't you dare lie Ren !" Don't hit her! "

Jaken  don't punish her! "I will show you, but I will take off my clothes first!" I stepped behind the bush " Summon Witchblade " I walked out ," Rin did not lie,are you happy with this ?" Proof is in the pudding right? " Thank you  Lady Jessica ! " Your welcome Rin I say with a smile, I look at the other two " Now if you are satisfied she did not lie I will  change!" I look at Jaken" his face looks frozen in time !" I grin and mentally giggle.

Lord Sesshomarou stood up and walked over to me draping a coat over me ,with a slight blush " Thank you Milord!" I will go change,! I said  so I did as I did so I felt my bond to Harvey pull ,I hurriedly dressed ," Lady Jessica won't you stay  a while!" Maybe later sweetie, Harvey is close I feel it, would you all like to meet him? " Can I?" Rin asked looking back ,Lord Sesshomarou stood as Jaken grumbled, Ah Un followed happily I followed the pull through the thicket and heard his growl " Harvey!" I ran down the hill.

" Stop attacking my mate!" I looked at the wolves " No he smells of wolf ,and we want to know who!" I can answer that turn him loose ," He smells of wolf because ,Shuu is wolf beastman!" I see Koga walk forward " he is a hot head ,but maybe he can be  sensible!" I thought ," A human mate to a demon? And your on my territory!

" Yes there my mates there looking for me ,we got separated!" So please let him go " Koga!" How do you know my name? " A gift from the Diety, but I also met Kagome today so both are truth! " Jessica!" I was caught in a hug , " Harvey, how many of you are in this world?"

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