By linosmaniac

158K 6K 3.6K

"Look I'm straight, I just low-key always wondered how it'd feel like to fuck a dude." "Yeah well I'm straigh... More

hey quick note.


1.9K 61 27
By linosmaniac


It was Saturday.

The time read 9:38AM, and the bunny Jungkook was the first to wake up. He did morning stretches, and then his eyes gazed over, landing on the sleeping figure beside him.

His main man.

His first real love.

Jungkook had that smile of love at this sight, and planted a kiss on his fluffy haired Taehyung's cheek.

"Morning my handsome babe." Jungkook whispered to Taehyung, even though he couldn't hear him, since he was far away into dream land. But Jungkook was in no need to steal him away from it, letting him continue to sleep.

Jungkook got outta bed, and brushed his teeth, and did his morning skin care routine. Then after taken care of all that shit, he went into the kitchen, and made himself toast, eating it while scrolling through Instagram, watching edits of him, and Taehyung talented asf fans made.

He was actually hoping Taehyung would wake up, and walk into the kitchen. Then they could share morning kisses, and maybe have passionate sex on the counter.

Yeah Jungkook has thought of that scenario. And high-key wants it to happen. Cough.

But Taehyung didn't show up.


To occupy his time, Jungkook did a set of work outs in the living room push ups, sit ups etc. Then took a quick a shower.
After getting dressed into a gray almost over size shirt, and black gym shorts, he played on his computer.

"Come on come on." Jungkook went,  sounding urgent, his eyes glued to his large computer screen, pressing on the keyboard, moving his video game character.

He'd been playing for two hours.

Das our gamer boi y'all.

It was about 12pm, and Jungkook's attention was still on his game "I know you're hiding somewhere over here. I feel it." Jungkook was so damn focused that he didn't even suspect a certain boyfriend of his, that had finally woken up, coming up behind, to surprise him.


"Ah come on show your self." Jungkook said, and Taehyung was trying to keep his laughs in, at how adorable Jungkook sounds while playing his game.

Then Jungkook's jaw dropped when his character got shot down from behind, and the words 'Game over' were spread across the screen in big red bold text.

Truly a gamers nightmare.

"Oh you mother fucker!" Jungkook screamed, yanking his headset off, and yeeted it behind him.

It hit Taehyung right in the damn face.

"Ow fuck! Fucking shit!" Taehyung screamed, going to touch his nose.

Jungkook turned right around, and saw Taehyung rubbing his nose in pain. "Oh my god baby!" Jungkook exclaimed, turning his game off, and got up from his seat quick to aid to Taehyung's pain.

Jungkook put his hands on Taehyung's shoulders. "I'm so sorry I didn't know you were right behind me." Jungkook sounded so worried, and guilty.

Taehyung laughed a bit, still rubbing his nose. "It's ok, at least you didn't permanently break my nose."

Jungkook did a pout, and leaned forwards, giving Taehyung a peck on his nose. "I'm still sorry."

"Cutie." Taehyung chuckled softly, giving Jungkook a boxy smile. Which is a smile the boy could look at forever, and never get tired of.

"God dammit, Taehyung you're so handsome." Jungkook said, in a fake complaining voice.

Taehyung gasped, then smirked, gripping Jungkook's waist. "Oh well then call me illegal then."

"I will, Illegal."Jungkook glared playfully, and started pushing Taehyung, till his legs hit the edge of the bed, and he pushed him on it.

"Ooh cozy." Taehyung said, in a high pitch voice.

Jungkook got on top, straddling the boy's waist, and pinned his hands down. He spoke in a deeper tone. "Sir it is hereby a crime to be this handsome, so you're under arrest."

Taehyung chuckled, deep voice back. "Well I'll gladly let this cute cop hand cuff me any day."

"Damn kinky." Jungkook snickered. "Wait is this your way of saying I can top-"

Taehyung flipped them, so he was on top now, where he belongs. Hah.

"Not even in your dreams." Taehyung smirked.

Jungkook sighed in defeat, and Taehyung leaned down to connect their lips together, but then Jungkook stopped him. "Wait.. Did you brush your teeth?"

Taehyung scoffed. "Babe duh, I wouldn't kiss you with bad breath on purpose."

"Ohh ok, good. So where were we."Jungkook giggled, and Taehyung leaned down again, pressing his lips on Jungkook's, bringing on a heated make out session.

Taehyung was kissing his boy under him so passionately, pulling his legs up, and wrapping them around his waist. Having Jungkook firmly locked. The said boy letting out soft moans, which was music to Taehyung's ears.

"Mmh Taehyung." Jungkook whispered, showing that he was indeed into it. Kissing back, with just as much tongue, as he held Taehyung's face in his hands, trailing one hand to rub his nape.

Taehyung slipped his hand under Jungkook's shirt, and rubbed his tummy. Jungkook gladly allowed it, as he grabbed that same hand, and guided it up to his chest, as a sign for Taehyung to keep showering him with his lovely touches to send him off to a land of pleasure.

And Taehyung was more than happy to oblige.

The love birds so very into the heat of the moment.

Taehyung toyed with his nipple, circling his thumb around it making the boy jolt his hips a bit. Taehyung buried his face in Jungkook's neck, and whispered. "I wanna fuck you right now baby boy. We can do it on your bed, I don't care. I just wanna feel you."

Just hearing Taehyung's deep, and sexy voice, is enough to turn on Jungkook. The boy bit his lip. "Then fuck me daddy-

But then Jungkook suddenly remembered something v important.

He gasped loudly, and shoved Taehyung off, making him fall to the floor. "Oh wait Taehyung It's Saturday!"

Taehyung laughed in confusion, getting up. "Why yes it is. Thank you for that push by the way."

"Taehyung it's mother fucking Saturday."

"Yeah I got that what's your point-"

Jungkook sprung up from his bed, pulling his shirt back down. "You said we'd make our new video on this day!" Jungkook exclaimed, tugging on Taehyung's arm.

"So you gave me a boner for nothing -"

"Taehyung I'm serious!" Jungkook slapped Taehyung's arm.

"So am I! And a hard dick deserves attention." Taehyung stated.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Tae."

"Kook- oh shit that's our ship name."

"We gonna make the video or not." Jungkook pouted, lips sticking out.

Taehyung smiled, at how cute Jungkook was, and tickled at his earring with his finger. "Can't say no to that face."

"Ah! holy shit I'm excited." Jungkook bounced from excitement. "Then after we film the video, you get to have all this." Jungkook motioned towards his slim fit body.

"Yes. Please." Taehyung said firmly.

Jungkook giggled, doing a small nose scrunch. "Our fans are gonna be so happy, to know we've made up. I can feel it."

"True. Imagine how the Taekook shippers are finna react." Taehyung laughed. "Losers, I still love them though."

Jungkook inched towards the other, running two fingers slowly up his arm. "And then maybe one day we can make the video where we.. " Jungkook trailed, and held Taehyung's nape. "Confirm that we're a gay couple." Jungkook said, with a wink.

Taehyung laughed awkwardly, putting his hand on top of Jungkook's. "Haha yeah, well.. One day."

"I'll wait for you Taehyung. Infact we'll come out together." Jungkook assured, holding Taehyung's hands, swaying them with his. "Yeah we are bound to get some back lash from the news, it's still a cruel world we live in, but we can get through it. I'll continue to be patient. For when the day comes, and you're ready to show the world your true colors."


Taehyung grinned. "Thank you baby, that means so much." Taehyung gave Jungkook a quick wet kiss, then his lips formed a cute pout. "Wait, I haven't even had breakfast yet- oh wait it's right in front of me." Taehyung winked, with a smirk.

"Oh my god Taehyung you tryna say you're a cannibal? You fuckin monster."

"The fuck no that's not-"

"I know. Gosh the look on your face was so meme material." Jungkook laughed.

"Seriously though I'm hungry."

"Ah don't worry, I'll make you some breakfast." Jungkook offered.

Taehyung gasped, eyes growing wider. "You will?"


"On god?"

"Yes Taehyung-" Jungkook yelped when he was lifted up, and thrown over Taehyung's shoulder.

"To the kitchen!" Taehyung exclaimed, and carried a giggling Jungkook to the kitchen.

Couple goals. ❤


!!Chimchim has invited you to a group chat!!

"Oh what." Hoseok looked at the very unexpected notification plastered across his lock screen.

"Hobi Hobi!" Hoseok's little sister came running into the kitchen. "I finished cleaning my room! Now can I watch my favorite show in the living room?"

"Ah Mimi you finished huh? You pinky promise?" Hoseok held his pinky up.

"Yes sir I pinky promise."  Mimi nodded, her hair up in pigtails moving with her, holding her pinky up as well.

They interwined their pinkys together, and Hoseok laughed a little. "Ok I believe you, you little rascal. You can go watch your show. But first here." Hoseok said, handing her a lollipop from a little bowl on the counter, and patted her small head. She smiled up at him, and ran for the living room.

"Kai! Hobi said I can watch the tv now!"

Hoseok got a lollipop for himself, and popped it into his mouth, the stick just hanging out. He sat on the counter, and opened up his phone. To see what the group chat he was invited into is all about.

Jimin's favorite boys

Chimchim: hey guys!

Yoongz: wow uh hey

Yeah hey

Chimchim: yoongi! hobi!

Chimchim: ik you guys
are confused

Yoongz: uh huh

Big time

Chimchim: Well hey the
name of the chat isn't a lie

and I just thought us three could
be in our own chat.

Spill tea to each other



Hoseok looked away from the screen, taking his lollipop out, and chuckled softly to himself, at how adorable Jimin is.

One side of his mind thought that the chat doesn't seem like a bad idea, however the other part is screaming at him that it'll be pretty awkward because of what happened between him, and Yoongi.

They haven't spoke a word to each other.

And to be in the same chat with him just...

Suddenly he saw that Yoongi typed something in the chat, and he didn't hesitate to see what he said.


Yoongz: Nah actually
I can't

Yeah we can't

Chimchim: what why. You
guys can't??

What's going on? 😐

Low key scared here


"Fuck should we just tell him?" Hoseok asked to himself, fingers over his mouth, thinking about how Jimin would take the news.



Damn it think think..

Hoseok then thought of a way to turn things around to make it better. He typed in, and sent in the chat.


Yeah we can't wait!

To be in the same chat
together. All three of us!

Yoongz: yeah what
Hobi said!👍👍👍

Chimchim: oh! Damn you guys
had me worried there for a sec

We make a great trio of

We do, and
should hang out today

Yoongz: i totally agree!
Hey we'll talk later

Chimchim: ok take care guys!

Yeah same here bye guys!


Hoseok got out of the chat, and set his phone next to him on the counter. He really wished he could get into Yoongi's mind, to know what he was thinking. He most likely felt the same way, and that was..


Jimin's gonna have to know about their make out session one day.

One freaking day.

Hoseok got off from the counter, then he heard his phone ring from yet another text message. He checked it out.


Well shit


He's too adorable doe

He really is

Uhm so

Look If you want I
could leave the chat

No don't

I actually don't mind


Im not mad at you or
anythingI want us to be
in good terms

So stay

Oh alright

Btw that lil challenge
we had was stupid

Yeah it was

You can keep Jimin


Yeah since he told you
he likes you

I won't get in the way

Yeah about that.

It was a lie, he never
told me that.


We did kiss doe

Yet idk what it meant

Just like us

Oh.. Right that..

Did you like it?


Our kiss

How about ask me
In person

Um but yeah you keep him.

Jimin is all yours

Thanks ❤


"Hey guys what's up." Jungkook smiled at the rolling camera, sat on the edge of Taehyung's bed (that got fixed ofc). Meanwhile that said person was next to him, covering their face with a pillow.

"Now- oh wait where even am i?"Jungkook made a confused face. "And Who could this mysterious person right next to me be? Hmmm."

"Definitely not that weird Kim Taehyung dude." Taehyung said behind the pillow.

Jungkook tsked. "Nah that'd be crazy- wait that voice sounds oh so familiar."

Right away Taehyung threw the pillow, revealing his handsome face, and Jungkook gasped dramatically. "Oh wow look who it is!"

"Hah yeah it's me!" Taehyung pointed two fingers at himself. "What's up I'm Tae!" Taehyung exclaimed brightly at the camera.

"And I'm Kook!" Jungkook afterwards. "And together we are-"

"Tae, and Kook!" They both shouted.

"And as you can see guys." Jungkook started. "We are friends again!"

"Best friends to be exact." Taehyung added. "And shockingly guys, even they have fights."

Jungkook made an explosion noise.  "Boom. Mind blown. Also we've seen your comments, and you guys really miss seeing us make videos together."

"Well surprise!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Now guys here's why we fought, and it made Jungkook have to move out of the apartment, because it was just too much. Taehyung started, and snapped his fingers. "Cue dramatic music."

"I'll add it in." Jungkook said.

Taehyung smiled at him. "Thanks babe. Shit remember to edit that out."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Got it."

Taehyung looked back at the camera. "The real reason we fought was because.." Taehyung paused for dramatic effect, and moved closer to the camera. Face close to the frame

"Jungkook stole my panda express plate."

"Dun dun dun." Jungkook said in the movie sound effect voice.

Taehyung moved back again, laughing at his own joke. Jungkook laughed too. "Ok obviously that's not why we fought."

"Though if he did actually do that, we'd have some serious problems." Taehyung joked, laughing again. Then stopped, and his face dropped. "I'm serious."

"Like I said in the last video I uploaded." Jungkook said, hands on his legs. "We just had agreements, and disagreements on stuff.. which resulted in too many unbearable arguments."

Jungkook's voice began to break at the memory of that night Taehyung told him to leave the apartment. As It had a huge Impact on his heart. Which he didn't believe he'd recover from such heartbreak.

Definitely the worst heart break he'd ever felt.


"I don't know what you're talking about." Taehyung moved his hands off Jungkook's hips. "I'm not gonna be messing around with a guy.. When I'm straight."

Taehyung turned, and started making his way to his room. Jungkook's breathing was heavy and his heart felt like it was going to fall out of his chest. He had to say it, he just had to say he-

"What if I'm gay?!" Jungkook screamed. And it felt like the world stopped.

This made Taehyung stop walking, and stay in place, yet he didn't face Jungkook. The silence felt like forever, it scared the boy a lot that his lip quivered.

"Then you need to get the fuck out of this apartment." Taehyung grumbled, and went to his room, shutting the door close.

------end of flashback------

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, noticing how long he's been quiet. "Um Jungkook?"

Then Jungkook cleared his throat, and in attempt to lighten up the mood he said. "But hey it's common for roommates to fight so no big deal! Yeah."

"Heh yeah what he said." Taehyung pointed a finger at Jungkook. "We had basic roommates fights that we couldn't handle anymore, and needed time apart. But I've realized how much I've missed my dumbass of a best friend."

"Same here." Jungkook included. "So luckily we got into a serious talk, and fixed shit, and now."

Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jungkook's shoulders. "We've made up! and Jungkook's officially moved back in!"

"So we will be making videos together again!" Jungkook added.

"Yeah! Tae and Kook are back!" Taehyung screamed.

"We're back!" Jungkook screamed too.

Taehyung threw the pillow at Jungkook. "We're back!"

Jungkook pushed Taehyung out of the frame, making him fall on the floor. "We're back- Oop!" Jungkook let out when he was pulled down to the floor, making a loud thud be heard.

Taehyung popped his head back in frame. "We're back!"

Jungkook did the same. "Back!"

Taehyung did a hard pat on Jungkook's back. "His back!"

"My back!"

Taehyung, and Jungkook laughed at their silliness, and both got up to sit back on the bed. Then when the laughing fit died down, Jungkook spoke up. "So yeah, Tae, and Kook have officially returned."

Taehyung pointed at the camera. "New videos coming at you, so be excited. Y'all take care, stay beautiful."

"Remember you nice keep going." Jungkook did a finger heart, and Taehyung made the V sign with his fingers.

Jungkook then got up, and turned the camera off. "Aaand we're done!" Jungkook sighed, sitting next to Taehyung again. "That went well!"

Taehyung smiled, pulling Jungkook close."Yes sir it did."

Jungkook went to kiss Taehyung but then the said boy moved back. "Wait! You sure you turned the camera off?"

"Yes Taehyung, besides even if I didn't you shouldn't worry." Jungkook assured.
"That's why we have the power of editing."

"Guess what."

"What, if you say your mom I will-"

Taehyung pushed Jungkook, and hovered over his figure. "I love you."

Jungkook giggled. "Love you m-" Taehyung didn't even let Jungkook finish cause he pressed their lips together.

After a few seconds passed by of them making out, Jungkook began to kiss back with no effort, just doing it lazily, even losing his grip on Taehyung.

Taehyung noticed, and it made him confused, and he pulled back. "Hey you ok?"

Jungkook grinned weakly. "Yeah I'm.. Fine I just..something is bothering me."

Taehyung got off of the boy, and helped pull him to sit up. "Tell me I'll kill it."

Jungkook sighed, looking at Taehyung. "While I was explaining why we fought in the video, I started to remember the real reason, and.. " Jungkook paused, and sank his teeth on his bottom lip in a fearful way. "I'm scared."

"Scared?" Taehyung questioned, worriedly.

"Scared of fucking getting my heart broken again." Jungkook let out irritated, looking down.

Taehyung out let a small scoff. "You really think we'd get into another huge fight again? Come on Kook don't be ridiculous -"

"Honestly Taehyung." Jungkook interrupted, looking at the boy again. "Yeah I do, and next thing you know I'll end up moving out again, you see someone else, same shit gets repeated- fuck." Jungkook covered his eyes. "This is why I can't do relationships something has to go wrong just outta nowhere-"

"Jungkook stop." Taehyung demanded, grabbing Jungkook's shoulders, making him look at him. "Don't be saying that shit."


"Let me finish. Look you shouldn't worry, cause that is not gonna happen. I lost you once, and I don't wanna lose you again. That night fucked me up, I felt like not myself when I didn't have you. Now that I've got you." Taehyung brought his face to Jungkook's, touching their noses together. "I wanna make this work. Us work."

"Me too." Jungkook held Taehyung's hand. "But.. What about your mom?"

Taehyung felt his stomach drop at the mention of his mom. "I'd rather not think about how'd she'd react. It wouldn't be good, that's for sure."

"Ok well nevermind, get your mind off of her, and instead focus on." Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hands, putting them on his hips. "Me."

Taehyung chuckled. "Not a problem at all."

"I love you Taehyung." Jungkook said, softly.

"I love you Jungkook." Taehyung crashed his lips on Jungkook's, and they kissed each other with passion like they were made to have for each other.

Jungkook broke the kiss. "Hey you know what."

Taehyung grinned, gazing lovingly into his boyfriend's eyes. "No what?"

"We should go on our official first date as a couple!"

Taehyung chuckled, getting up from the bed. "Sure, I'm down where you wanna go beautiful?"

"The movies!" Jungkook beamed.

"That's kinda lame."

"Shut up you're lame!"

"I'm kidding, gosh babe so sensitive."

"Shush, and it's a cliche first date i know, but I don't give a fuck let's go! Oh but first I need to edit, and upload the video."

"Aw baby you can just edit it tomorrow." Taehyung pulled Jungkook closed.

"You are right." Jungkook made up his mind. "Also hey how come you do that v sign with your fingers at the end of your videos?" Jungkook asked, putting his hands on Taehyung's shoulders.

"Oh this?" Taehyung held up his two fingers. "I don't know, I've always liked the letter v for some reason."

"Ah, guess imma have to start calling you that.. V"

"Hmm V, daddy, Tae. Whatever is fine by me."

Jungkook giggled. "Lemme go change I got an outfit planned out already. Ah I'm excited!" He made a run to his room.

Taehyung laughed, sitting on his bed again. "Kim Taehyung you are a lucky man... And you are not gonna lose Jeon Jungkook... No you are not."


The way I miss old sr.

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