Servant of the Serpent

RowanLaneStories द्वारा

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When Eben decides to rob the isolated town nestled deep in the woods, he could never have predicted that he w... अधिक

BOOK ONE - Servant of the Serpent
Author's note
Snakes for Friends
Coiled Up in a Dark Place
Into the Snake's Den
Snake Charmer
Yellow Bellied
Stitched Scales
Serpent's Tongue
The Statue of Helia
Cold Scales
Forbidden Fruit
Snake in the Grass
Vipers that Cannot be Charmed
Once Bitten
Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Venomous Words
Celebrating Death
Melting Frost
Warmed Stone
BOOK TWO - Family of Monsters
Flights of Fancy
Blue Sky Thinking
Birds of Prey
Early Bird
Downy Feathers
Water Off a Duck's Back
Two Turtle Doves
Merry as a Lark
Chickadee's Song
First Flights
Mourning Dove
Bird Flu
Flying South
Walking on Eggshells
One Winged Dove
Flew Too Close to the Sun
Feather Plucking
Flight Risk
Flew the Coop

Winter's Eve

164 12 1
RowanLaneStories द्वारा

He grits his teeth as snowflakes fly into his face, leaving stinging cold kisses on his skin. The half-elf trudges along in the snow, heaving the milk and eggs as he walks.

Eben's injuries have healed by now, but it seems the wounds he has inflicted on Adder with his cruel words remain. The gorgon has been avoiding him lately, shying away from conversation.

It reminds Eben of how they had treated each other during those tentative first few days; both were so certain that the other was aiming to hurt. Only, it seems that Adder's mistrust had been warranted. 

He sighs, setting the eggs and goat milk on the table with a displeased thud. Normally, he'd get all his frustration out by taking fairy for a run, but snow is coming down in rapid flurries now and he suspects it won't stop for some time.

After throwing a couple of logs on the fire, Eben looks over their pantry. They have a lot of preserved apples left over, so he decides to make a favorite comfort food of his; Mortfall pudding.

Eben's baking skills are... lacking, to put it kindly. But this pudding is boiled rather than baked, so he's confident it will turn out. The recipe is simple, a Mortfall classic his father had taught to him.

A small smile appears as he reminisces on the few fond memories of holidays spent with his father. He wonders how Nǣdre Tor celebrates Mortfall the way they had. Did they too partake in the tradition of staying up until midnight, jovially celebrating to keep the God of Death at bay?

And what of Adder during this time? Eben doubted anyone celebrated with him. The poor gorgon probably slept through the holiday each year, lonely and cold in his cave.

The redhead sighs, attempting to dismiss the morose feelings. Turning his thoughts to his current task, he sets out all the necessary ingredients before beginning.

He spoons out a measure of preserved apples, mixing it in with the dried currants, breadcrumbs, and other ingredients. Buttering a pudding mold, he delicately pours the mixture into the form before wrapping it in a cloth. While he's slowly dropping the pudding into the boiling water though, a sound behind him causes him to startle. He drops the pudding, hissing in pain when the water splashes on him.

"Are you okay?"

Eben turns around, still waving his hand in the air. Adder is at the entryway, looking concerned.

"I'm fine...Just a little water."

Adder nods, awkwardly lingering at the entrance.

Eben sighs, wiping his hands on his tunic. "Do you want to eat? Sit down, I'll bring you something."

Adder does as instructed, slithering over to the table silently.

The half-elf sets the kettle on the stove, preparing a bowl and cup. Into the cup, he adds some lavender buds, chamomile flowers, mint, and honey. A few moments later he sets the tea and a simple meal of dried meat and bread before the gorgon, taking a seat at the table.

Eben watches Adder eat for a few moments before turning his gaze to the flickering flames of the fireplace. He wants to say something, but doesn't want to spook the gorgon and send him fleeing again.

Still, he knows he needs to speak up eventually. The half-elf can't endure this long winter with nothing but his own mind for company.

Eben coughs, fingers drumming nervously on the table. "I'm uh, I'm making Mortfall pudding... it should be done soon."

Adder pauses before responding. "Oh...did you add raisins?"

Eben frowns. "No, should I have? I can make it again sometime..."

Adder smiles, hands clutching the earthen mug. "Ah, no. I hate raisins...Helia always insisted on adding them though."

Eben lets out a little laugh. "My dad used to do the same thing! It was always such a pain to prepare them just to ruin the pudding!"

Adder chuckles, taking another sip. The room goes quiet as Eben clenches the table trying to figure out what to say next.

Was it even worth apologizing? Anxiety seems to crawl up Eben's throat, preventing him from saying what he must. He couldn't bear the thought of Adder dismissing his attempts to make amends—or worse yet, dismissing Eben altogether.

The half-elf scolds himself mentally. If he apologized, it would be because he wronged Adder. Not because he had something to gain from the apology.

"Adder..." Eben's voice wavers, "I'm sorry. I was out of line."

Adder tenses, clutching the cup harder. The gorgon sighs deeply, dropping his head before responding. "I just—I just don't understand, Eben. I'm so much stronger than you. Why do you insist on fighting my battles for me?"

Eben grits his teeth. This can't devolve into another argument...he just needs to make his friend understand. "Because you deserve to rest, Adder. You deserve better than being some...some blunt weapon to be wielded without concern! You hate it, don't you? The killing?"

The gorgon turns his face away. "It's not about what I want. You were right, I have to do this to make amends."

Eben grimaces. Clearly, Adder couldn't be convinced his transgressions didn't warrant this punishment. What did he need to say to convince the gorgon?

"Adder, I...I met Helia's friends in town the other day."

At the mention of Helia, Adder perks up. "You did?"

Eben nods. "Adler and Jacqueline. They're concerned...they asked that I watch out for you."

Adder's tail swishes happily. "I didn't know anyone in the village felt that way..."

"Well they do. They were friends of Helia so obviously they care about her son."

Adder turns his head down, claws playing with the woodgrain. "Why are you telling me this though? Surely you aren't saying you're risking your life because they told you to?"

Eben sighs. Did he have to spell it out? "Adder, I'm trying to say that you have people who care about you. They don't—we don't want to see you hurt needlessly."

Adder flushes. "You really care so much that you're willing to endanger your life?"

Eben's heart thumps. He wants to explain in detail just how much he loves Adder. How safe the man makes him feel, how exhilarating it is to finally have someone who wants him. But he bites his tongue. This isn't the time for that.

"Yes, Adder. Is it so hard to imagine that you're worth it?"

Adder blushes harder, coils wrapping securely around himself. "I still can't let you get hurt, Eben. It kills me knowing that you got injured protecting me..."

Eben clenches his fists. "How do you think I feel when you come back gutted tip to tail?"

He pauses, attempting to calm down with a deep breath. "Look...I'm sorry I went behind your back, but could you at least consider accepting help? Next time the bells ring, we can go together. you don't have to do this alone anymore..."

Adder frowns. "I guess if I can't convince you otherwise... But you have to be careful Eben. What you are doing is against the rules..."

Eben smiles, reaching across the table to hold the gorgon's hand. "I've never been good at rules, Adder."

The gorgon returns a small smile of his own, gently squeezing Eben's hand.

However, the tender moment is ruined by a sound of a pot bubbling over.

"Shit! My pudding!"

Adder laughs as Eben scrambles to fish the treat out of the pot. Carefully, he unwraps the pudding and dumps it out onto a plate.

The gorgon is still stifling laughter as Eben prods it. "Is it okay?"

"I think it's a little overcooked, but it might still be want some?"

Adder nods, tail betraying his excitement as Eben sections a portion off for him. They dig in together, enjoying the ritual more than the rubbery dessert.

As they finish up, the gorgon yawns. Eben grins at the action. "Back to sleep already?"

Adder nods sheepishly. "Yes...Would it be okay if you came and laid down with me...?"

Eben smiles. "Of course."

After cleaning their dishes, they head to Adder's room. The gorgon sighs contentedly as he snuggles into his bed.

"Are you going to sleep through Mortfall?" Eben asks, sitting on the edge of the nest.

"That's what I usually do, though Helia used to wake me at midnight so we could open presents..."

The half-elf hums thoughtfully. "We should do that then. Though I don't think I have anything that would make a good present..."

Adder smiles, voice growing drowsy. "You don't have to get me anything. Just having someone here with me for once is enough..."

Eben smiles. "I need to get you something, you already got me this amazing scarf."

"Mmm," Adder rumbles, slipping into unconsciousness rapidly. "You should draw something for me."

The half-elf chuckles, laying down in the nest with the gorgon. "What should I draw?"

"A self-portrait. I want to see your eyes..."

"Okay okay. Now go to bed."

Eben is quiet as Adder slips into sleep.

As the half-elf starts drifting off to sleep himself, he finds himself lost in thought imagining what it would be like to meet the gaze of the gorgon. He envisions the piercing gaze of Adder, wondering what he would see in his friend's irises. Would they be fierce and animalistic? Would they still hold a soft look about them regardless?

Despite the intriguing questions swirling around his mind, the soft lull of Adder's breaths do their trick, subduing the half-elf into peaceful dreams of soft smiles and sweet kisses. However, his rest is disrupted when just a few hours later, the anxious voice of Adder pierces the calm.

"Eben, wake up!"

The half-elf startles, sitting up. "Adder, what's wrong?"

"Someone is here," the gorgon hisses, "I think it's Father Sheppard!"

Eben tenses, jumping to his feet. "What?!"

They enter the living room together, both tensing at the ominous sight of the High Priest sitting at the table.

The gorgon stumbles over his words, clearly shaken by the unannounced arrival of the man. "Father Sheppard! I—wha—welcome! To um, to what do we owe the visit?"

The priest grins unpleasantly. "You're not even going to offer me a hot drink? It was a hassle to get here through that blizzard."

Eben studies the priest, shivering as he notices the man looks completely normal. Not at all like someone who just arrived from a brutal storm.

Adder moves to make the man's tea, only to be scolded by the greying elder. "Adder, let your servant take care of it. He's here for a reason."

Adder pauses, seeming to want to argue, but Eben just gets up and goes to the kitchen. As he heats up the cider, he wonders if the priest would be able to detect if the half-elf spat in his drink.

The man smiles, ignorant of Eben's plotting. "Sit with me, Adder. I feel we haven't talked in ages."

Adder does as commanded, coiling tensely at the table. "It has been a while, Father..."

"How has your servant been treating you? Has he been handling his duties well?"

Adder fiddles with his blindfold nervously. "Yes, Eben has been of great assistance to me."

Eben returns to the table, setting down mugs before taking a seat next to Adder.

"That's wonderful to hear—" the priest grins, turning his green eyes to Eben.  "In that case, I have amazing news for you, Eben."

The half-elf tenses. That doesn't spell anything good...

Sheppard smirks at Eben's apprehension. "Due to your stellar performance as Adder's servant, I am graciously offering an end to your servitude this spring."

Eben is sweating. "What do you mean?"

"This punishment was never meant to last forever, Eben. The people of Nǣdre Tor have spoken, your transgressions have been forgiven. When spring comes, you will be allowed to join the congregation and truly become part of this community."

The half-elf glances at Adder. The gorgon looks like he's trying to shrink away from existence, pain written clearly across his features. Eben can't accept this. "Thank you for the opportunity, but I'll have to decline."

Adder jolts at the dismissal, shocked. "Eben, don't!"

The High Priest bores his flat eyes into Eben's. "Adder, can you give me a moment alone with our friend?"

The gorgon hesitates, clearly unwilling to leave. However, he shrinks away fearfully as the man gives a stern "Now, Adder."

The gorgon slithers away reluctantly, leaving Eben alone with the monstrous man.

The High Priest clenches his fists as he leans forward, voice dipping to icy depths. "Do you think yourself able to survive in this world alone, Eben?"

"I did for 25 years. So I think I can manage..." The half-elf lies.

"You survived for 25 years. But you had no community, nobody to rely on. You need Nǣdre Tor. If not to protect you, then to protect others from you."

"I've changed," Eben spits, "I'm giving up that lifestyle..."

Sheppard laughs cruelly. "I'm not talking about your sad career of petty thievery. I'm talking about those burgeoning powers of yours. You used magic, didn't you?"

Ice seems to spread in Eben's veins. "I—I didn't I—"

The half-elf's hands fly to his neck as the tattooed snake tightens at Sheppard's command. The greying man's eyes widen, madness clear in their viridian depths. "Don't lie to me, half-breed. There was no way for you to subdue that gorgon by mortal means; you must have used magic."

"I did!" He gasps, " I didn't mean to!"

Sheppard releases the hold on Eben's neck,  face stony as the half-elf coughs and retches. "I'm sure you didn't. It's why your kind is feared Eben, you have access to the power the Gods never intended. You were never meant to be born."

The half-elf shivers, rage and sorrow seeming to overflow his mind. "Silence, you wretched man!"

The preist stands, dusting off his stole as Eben glares with hatred burning in his eyes. "Keep Adder in line, make sure he does as he's told, and I will help you. I can seal away your powers and you can live among us as any other human would."

The priest turns to leave before pausing at the entrance. "Oh and, you've been invited to our Mortfall celebration tomorrow. Come at sundown; attendance is mandatory."

With that, the wretched man steps out into the curtain of white, unphased by the fierce wind which seems to leave the priest untouched. Eben watches as the bastard disappears from sight, heart pounding wildly.

Something tells him that this Mortfall, even celebrating all night won't keep death at bay.

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