Life's Unexpected Turn

By cbakaloff

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When all hope is lost, what can one do? What happens when someone you love changes and becomes the person you... More

Chapter 1: Descend
Chapter 2: Illumination
Chapter 3: Discontented
Chapter 4: Painting
Chapter 5: Class
Chapter 6: Sparring
Chapter 7: Futile
Chapter 8: Tattoo
Chapter 9: Control
Chapter 10: Tutoring
Chapter 11: Dread
Chapter 12: Suspicions
Chapter 13: Worry
Chapter 14: Disbelief
Chapter 15: Confirmation
Chapter 16: Plans
Chapter 17: Hopefulness
Chapter 18: Lesson
Chapter 19: Rearranged
Chapter 20: Limit
Chapter 21: Awoken
Chapter 22: Questions
Chapter 23: Flashback
Chapter 25: Unrecognizable
Chapter 26: Relaxation
Chapter 27: Caught
Chapter 28: Home
Chapter 29: Discussion
Chapter 30: Museum
Chapter 31: Christmas
Chapter 32: Talk
Chapter 33: Together
Chapter 34: Presentations
Chapter 35: Study
Chapter 36: Final
Chapter 37: Movie
Chapter 38: Unexpected
Chapter 39: 10-32
Chapter 40: Aftermath
Chapter 41: Escape
Chapter 42: Birthday
Chapter 43: Therapy
Chapter 44: Gift
Chapter 45: Date
Chapter 46: Love
Chapter 47: Content
Chapter 48: Happy
Chapter 49: Restaurant
Chapter 50: Beauty

Chapter 24: Speechless

178 10 26
By cbakaloff

*Bailey's POV*

The entire time Parker told me about her past, it looked like she relived each moment. The sadness and pain radiating from her made my heart hurt. She never actually looked at me; it was as if she was watching it happen to her all over again and was looking at nothing in particular. From the moment she began telling me every detail, I wanted to comfort her, and part of me was unsure if she would accept it because her body seemed utterly uneasy.

However, whatever doubt crossed my mind didn't outweigh my actions when I saw a tear slide down her face. I know she's afraid, and I remember feeling that way when I first opened up to her. I was hesitant and worried she wouldn't believe me or even help me. I needed her to know that I would never look at her differently, so I placed my hands softly in hers and, in doing so, made her look up at me.

When our eyes locked, it confirmed everything I had ever thought and hoped about this woman before me. Even through the tears streaming down her face, she looked at me with a caring expression, permitting me to see the parts of her that she kept hidden deep within. When she told me she knew what I was going through, I never expected it to be like that... What her ex-girlfriend did, what Brooklynn allowed to happen, how she watched Parker get raped...

I was at a loss for words and furious at everyone who had hurt her. I wanted them to suffer, to know what it was like to harm someone like they did... an eye for an eye. I can't believe someone could have done all that to Parker... she's the most open, kindhearted person I've ever met in my life... and whatever happened to Brooklynn? Should I ask? I want to protect her more than ever now. I knew Parker could see that she didn't scare me away by the way she let go and cried freely with me. I moved closer to my professor and carefully wrapped my arms around her, holding Parker close. She's done this for me so much, and it's only fair and proper to give her the same comfort in return.

I never let her go, and I didn't plan to, not until she was one-hundred percent okay. I whispered that everything was okay and felt every wave that needed to be released. Once she was calmed down enough, she pulled away slightly. We looked at each other for a few seconds, and to show her I wouldn't leave her, I relaxed my head on her shoulder. She understood what I was doing, so we adjusted our bodies in a comforting embrace to lean on each other. What happened next produced numerous goosebumps and a shiver running down my spine.

Before Parker rested the side of her head on mine, she planted a soft kiss on top of it and let it linger for a few seconds. The warmth it gave me was unreal, and I could tell, without words, she was thanking me. My reply was instant, "You're welcome, Parker."

I didn't know when my professor would be ready to speak again, and she didn't have to, but... it dawned on me how much I actually missed her voice. Since Parker told me about her past, it's time I fill her in on the parts she doesn't know. "I first met Victoria in high school; she had a few elective classes with me and was the one girl everyone wanted. I saw boys and girls pine after her like she was a prize for them to win. She was a year ahead of me and seemed to have it all; mass popularity, friends, and head cheerleader. I had a couple of friends, but we were considered loners compared to her and those who followed her. I don't think I ever saw her dating anyone, which honestly shocked me. Back then, seeing a young woman held in such high esteem that had her life in order was attractive to me."

"Eventually, I grew increasingly attracted to her; I would let a look linger and wonder if I could have had a chance with her. The only problem was I knew I was invisible. I thought someone as popular as her would never be with someone as boring as me. At the end of my sophomore year, my friend's parent's got a better job offer, and they had to move away. Going back to school alone was hard, but... the strangest thing had happened; she took an interest in me that first day, during our lunch period. I didn't know what to think or say; I was just shocked," I took a short breath before continuing.

"Victoria was so sweet initially; we exchanged numbers and began texting each other. Around a month later, she asked me out, and I said yes. I learned she was rich, though she never told me how she inherited her fortune. When I asked about meeting her parents, she said they had left her long ago, so I didn't press further. I never cared about money, so it wasn't a cause for concern in my eyes. She always complimented me in ways that had me convinced she really liked me; I felt wanted. Years passed, it was the end of senior year, and she asked me to prom. I said yes, of course; that night, we made love for the first time after she told me she loved me. I thought it was the most romantic thing ever that she was willing to wait for me because I wasn't ready for that level of intimacy yet," I took a brief pause as a realization hit me.

Victoria was probably fine waiting because she was fucking other people and only waited because she knew I would fall for that gesture more... Why couldn't I have seen that manipulation before? Was I that naive, or was she just that good at faking everything to get what she wanted? It could be both, but I think the latter is more appropriate. No matter the reason behind it, I don't care; I wouldn't be right here if my life happened any other way.

"You okay?" Parker softly asked, and I completely forgot I had just randomly stopped talking. She's so sweet and caring.

"Yes, I was just thinking about Victoria's true motives in the past that enticed her to trap me the way she did," I explained, feeling Parker nod her head, making me smile. I like having her in my arms, and I'm still surprised we haven't moved from this position... I hope we can stay a bit longer.

"I understand entirely, sweetheart... do you want to continue? You don't have to either if you're uncomfortable," My professor added considerately.

That beautiful word.

"How can anyone not be comfortable with you in their arms?" I jested, lightening the mood and making her chuckle, but before she replied, I said, "I'm the most comfortable I've ever been, thanks to you, and if you still want to know my past, then I want to tell you everything."

"I would like that very much."

Instead of replying to her response, I kept on, "After prom, I finally graduated, and we learned that we were accepted to the same college. We spent many evenings at my parent's house, having dinner and being a family. They completely adored Victoria, as did I. I was so blindly in love; it was crazy. Thinking back on it now, it was probably so easy for her..."

"Rhode Island College was a few hours away from where we lived, and one evening I was spending the night at her apartment. I didn't know it then, but the mental abuse and manipulation started around that time. I was more than okay with taking the train and spending my time painting on the way to school, but... she had turned the conversation around, convincing me I actually declined her offer to move in. So, in my defense, I told her I'd move in with her if that was what she wanted," I finished that thought only to think of something else.

The more I recall my past, the more I accept it and the more eager I am to move on. It's amazing how just talking about it helps.

"I'm sure you can guess what happened next; she purchased the house close to school, and within two weeks, we had moved in. Everything changed so fast when she finally had me all alone to herself. Mental abuse changed to verbal, then to physical, and so on. She kept me away from my parents and constantly threatened me; most days, I would get what was coming to me for upsetting her. One weekend, after she had her way with me and just nearly broke my ribs, she allowed us to visit my parents," I took another breath, trying my best to ignore my ever-growing emotions regarding the topic at hand.

"When I had a moment alone, I told my parents about the abuse; they thought I was on drugs. Victoria would never do anything like that to anyone, let alone the woman she loves. Then, they brought it up at dinner, telling Victoria what I had confided in them. I'll never forget the look she gave me. Somehow, she convinced them I was harming myself, and she would take me to get help immediately. That was the last time I saw them, and well, you already know how that... ended," I said, knowing full well she heard the crack in my voice.

Whenever I thought or talked about my parents, I became emotional. I miss them so much... I felt her move a little so she could place her hand on mine, and as her thumb tenderly grazed my skin, I closed my eyes. The tears that were brimming to the surface just mere moments ago finally cascaded down my cheeks. Words didn't need to be spoken, she knew how the topic affected me, and her instant comfort was all I required. During the few short minutes I needed to calm myself down, Parker pulled away from our embrace just enough to gently wipe my tears away. She studied my face as well, making sure I was okay.

Never has someone cared so much to do something like this for me.

After lightly clearing my throat, I said, "I'm ready to finish the rest of the story if that's okay."

"It's more than okay, Bailey."

"At that point in my life, I had no one, no family, no friends, only her, and that's what she wanted. She took control of everything and had her way with me in ways I never thought someone who loved me would do. The abuse vastly escalated; she would barely let me eat, and Victoria would hurt me every day. As the years passed, nothing changed in my life until I got to my absolute worst, which happened to be the night I planned on killing myself. Ironically, as fate would have it, the world threw my life an unexpected turn..." I paused, looking Parker in her eyes, "I met you."

The corners of her lips slightly lifted into a soft knowing smile as she clearly remembered that moment, so I continued, "You were the first person to care about me, and it scared the hell out of me. Believe me, I tried reaching out to teachers and other classmates, but it seemed that Victoria had them under her thumb; I was truly trapped. When I ran away with your hoodie after you saved me... she punished me severely, but I didn't expect how impactful meeting you was for me... See, I never really had a positive place to escape during those moments, but you helped me create a bubble where I could hide. When things got bad and I felt like no one cared, you would pop into my mind. I then remembered that there was still at least one kind person in this world... So, Parker... I want to thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, for all you have done for me, even from the very beginning."

I could see how much hearing that from me made her feel as she swiftly yet carefully pulled me into her, holding me close. A few moments later, the embrace was cut short as Shay entered the house, saying, "Momma's home! Park, could you help bring the rest of the groceries in?"

"You okay if I go help her?" My professor asked, and I nodded.

"Of course," I replied.

I watched an encumbered Shay walk into the kitchen with what looked like too many bags for one person to carry alone. When she dropped those off on the counter, she greeted me, "Hey there!! How are you feeling, Bailey?"

"I'm feeling okay, considering. Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked, and Shay smiled as she knelt in front of me.

"You are more than welcome to help, but... the best thing you can do is rest and allow your body to heal. I know it can get boring, and you might feel useless not being able to do the things you're used to, and that's okay. If you really want to help, I can figure out some safer things that you can do while we cook together so that you don't overdo it. How does that sound?" She explained, and I was shocked by how she understood as well as explained herself.

"Yeah, I would like that very much," I responded, "Thank you."

"You got it!" Shay replied happily, holding her hand out for me to take, "Let me guide you to a perfect spot at the kitchen table. You'll be able to see everything and everyone."

She's funny and friendly.

Shay placed her arm carefully around my waist and helped me to the spot she mentioned. When I sat down and got comfortable, my teacher's best friend angled another chair close to my injured leg, then added, "Here, go ahead and elevate your leg too."

Once I was finally all situated, Parker emerged, setting multiple bags on the counter right next to where Shay had previously placed hers. She smiled at me, then returned to grab the last few bags. Shay remained in the kitchen and turned on some music at a volume where we could hear it and talk normally without it being too loud. Then, she began putting all the items away except for what she needed for dinner.

When Parker returned with the last bags, she set them down and addressed me, "How about I get some fresh bandages and show you how your wound should be cleaned?"

I nodded, earning a smile in return.

As soon as my professor was out of view, I noticed Shay was smirking again though she didn't look at anything in particular, only continued her task silently. I wonder what she's thinking about to get her to smile like that. A few minutes later, Parker returned with a few supplies and put a chair next to my leg, where she sat. As she carefully removed the bandage, she explained, "Since you can't shower for forty-eight hours, it's important that your wound stays clean. After twenty-four hours, you can wet the sutured area and gently wipe away any crust that may have formed from excess blood."

Parker got up and grabbed a power towel, slightly dampening it from the kitchen sink, and returned to her spot. When she lightly wiped around the stitches, she added, "See, I learned long ago that wetting the wound before a full day has passed can slow the healing process down because of the moisture. But, for now, we can at least be safe and ensure the outer area is wiped clean and simply apply a fresh bandage. Tomorrow evening, we can start carefully cleaning the stitches with warm water. Additionally, we need it to be fully dry before putting the bandage on as well."

By the time Parker finished informing me of the best methods to take care of my wound, Shay was done too and said, "Parker, help Bailey get up so she can wash her hands; you do the same 'cause we got some delicious cooking to do!"

Parker walked to me, held her hand for me to take, and helped lift me. From the least amount of strength I used, I could tell she did most of the work. I forget that my teacher was much stronger than she looked; she did carry me after falling off the bridge. Damn... that day feels like a lifetime ago. Once I was on my feet, she guided me to the sink, where we washed our hands thoroughly. When I sat back at the table, Shay filled the pot with water and placed it on the stove but didn't turn it on.

Parker faced me with a large wooden cutting board and asked, "Have you ever made homemade pasta before?"

I shook my head in response as she added, "Would you like to?"


For the next hour and a half, I was taught, step by step, how to make the dough for fresh, homemade pasta. We began by piling a massive amount of flour onto the wooden cutting board, making it a mound. Then I created a center in the mount so the eggs could fit. Very carefully, I beat the mixture with the fork, slowly pulling the flour from the sides of the well. As soon as the mixture thickened, I needed to use my hands to continue incorporating the flower.

When the time came for me to keep kneading the dough, I had to stop so I didn't over-exert myself, and Shay took over, helping me. I was in awe, watching her shape the dough into a ball, using her knuckles to stretch it when needed. A few times, she asked me to add some flour to help prevent stickiness. Once done, she made the dough into a perfect ball, placed it in a small bowl, and covered it. I had to ask why she did that, and she informed me it was because the dough needed to rest. It allows the gluten fibers to relax so they can be ready to be stretched into their intended fettuccine pasta shape.


The appropriate time had finally passed, and Shay rolled the dough, creating flat pieces that I would put through a pasta maker. So as each flat piece was set beside me, I placed the flattened dough into the machine and attempted to turn the lever. Unfortunately, that action was too challenging; my body was still sore. Parker seemed to notice my hesitation and repositioned herself behind me so that she could help.

Parker placed her hand on mine, causing so many goosebumps, and I hoped she didn't notice them. Then, together, we turned the lever and successfully created the first pile of homemade pasta. As Parker concentrated and placed the next dough piece into the machine, I noticed Shay casually stopped what she was doing and observed us. When our eyes locked, she looked from me to Parker and smiled warmly, seemingly pleased at what she witnessed between us. I really want to know what Shay is thinking... Can she already tell I'm starting to get feelings for her best friend?

Once the pasta was ready and laid on the drying rack, Shay instructed Parker to gather a few ingredients and give them to me. While she did that, Shay placed three large chicken breasts on an enormous plate before me. I was asked to coat each of them with the salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning that Parker had given me moments ago. I did as instructed and applied perfect amounts of seasonings to each piece. When I was done, Shay took the chicken breasts I had prepped for her and put them next to the stove.

She grabbed a large skillet to cook them simultaneously and turned the burner on medium heat. Shay poured a measured amount of extra virgin olive oil into the skillet before setting the chicken in and beginning the searing process. Parker's best friend instructed her on how to continue cooking the chicken as she, herself, started the alfredo sauce. I watched as she melted butter and added some garlic, nutmeg, salt, and pepper to the mix. Soon enough, I started smelling the wonderful aroma, which made my stomach growl. Finally, she slowly added the heavy whipping cream and grated parmesan cheese, whisking it until it reached her desired thickness.

When the sauce was ready, she put the temperature on low and let the sauce sit. Then, she took over the chicken duties as Parker turned the pot of water on high and kept an eye on it. My professor then retrieved the rack containing all the fettuccine noodles we had created together. When the water began to boil, she carefully placed them into the pot to avoid splashing any boiling water. When Parker informed Shay that the pasta was al dente, she drained the water and lightly poured everything into the sauce pot.

As soon as the chicken was fully cooked and ready, Shay began plating the pasta for each of us and set them on the dining room table where I sat. Parker got the drinks, and I noticed that they practically finished their tasks at the same time. It's incredible how well they click and work together, even for the simplest things. It didn't take long for them to sit on either side of me, bringing the rest of the items and setting them down on the table. Parker picked up the rotary cheese grater, faced me, and asked, "Would you like some parmesan cheese?"

"Very much so; thank you."

The pasta dish took around two and a half hours, from start to finish, to make, and the entire time spent doing so was the best. I gazed at my plentiful helping in front of me, taking in each amazing part of the meal before me. The fresh pasta I helped create was mixed with the homemade creamy sauce, perfectly coating each piece like a fine work of art. The seared, golden-brown, juicy chicken looked downright decadent. Finally, the extra amounts of shredded parmesan cheese on top of everything added the final touches to a perfect meal I was so ready to consume.

My mouth couldn't stop watering, and as I observed the two amazing women in front of me, my mind went positively haywire. I have never been lucky enough in my life to have an opportunity to cook alongside people who care this much about me. Tonight, this moment, I thoroughly enjoyed every single minute of it. The music was playing in the background, and we all, at one point, started singing aloud with the choruses. I vividly remember Parker and me cracking up together when Shay butchered the lyrics. It's as though I'm starting to become part of their little family, and just thinking about that fills me with pure joy and complete bliss.

"Hey, you okay?" Parker said softly and placed her hand on top of mine, causing me to look at her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," I replied, looking from her to Shay, and noticed how concerned they appeared.

"You have no reason to be sorry... Do you want to talk about it?" Parker's best friend then asked, and I nodded.

"I was just thinking how happy and lucky I am, and I've had so much fun spending time with you guys... Thank you, both of you," I responded honestly, earning genuine smiles in return.

Parker looked at Shay, signaling in my direction with her eyebrow raised, making her say, "Hell yeah! Let's do it!"

I was curiously watching as my professor stood up, took a few short steps to stand next to me, and opened her arms the closer she got. When I saw Shay doing the same action, I then understood what would happen. Seconds later, we were in a group hug, and the tears that fell were born of a wholesome, special moment that I would never forget or change for anything. When the time was right, we parted and began eating.


During the time spent devouring dinner, we talked a few times but mainly focused on filling our stomachs. It was utterly delicious, and we each had an additional helping as well. Eventually, we retired to the living room and made ourselves comfortable. Shay took the recliner, leaving Parker and me to find spots on the couch together. Suddenly, Shay gasped and said, "Shit, I completely forgot! Be right back!"

Then, she hopped off the recliner and darted down the hallway, confusing Parker and me. As Shay returned with her phone in one hand, the other held an additional cell phone along with a new-looking charger cord, and she said, "I asked about your phone this afternoon, and I was informed that it legally belongs to Victoria. It's already processed as evidence, so... you won't get that back. Needless to say, while you and Parker were sleeping earlier, I got you your very own phone and added it to our family plan."

Shay handed me the already set up and secured device itself, and as I opened the lock screen, she added, "I took the liberty of programming my number, my partner—Devin's too, and Parkers for you."

Whatever God blessed me with these two women, thank you so fucking much.

"I never expected... I don't know what to..." I paused, looking directly at her, and continued, "Thank you, Shay. That was very thoughtful of you, truly. It means the world to me."

"You're welcome, and if I hadn't done that when I did, I'm one-hundred percent positive Parker would have the next chance she got anyway," Shay responded, smiling proudly, and when I looked at Parker, she had a slight red tinge to her cheeks. I'll take that as a yes.

"Would you like to watch a movie or something with us?" Parker asked, and I nodded happily.

"I don't remember the last time I could actually watch something... Yeah, I would love to do that," I responded, seeing my teacher's best friend turning on the television.

The station or show that was on as soon as the screen loaded had something to do about cops or a crime. Seeing a perp getting arrested reminded me of an earlier thought. I wanted to know the answer, so I bit the bullet, turned to Shay, and spoke up, "I know what I'm about to say sounds like it's coming out of nowhere, but... Parker told me about her past, and there was one thing I didn't get information about... Whatever happened to Brooklynn?"

Instantly, Shay lowered the volume and sat upright, looking more serious than ever. She and Parker exchanged glances before she asked, "You actually told her...? Like, all of it?"

"I did; it wasn't easy, that's for sure," My teacher replied with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah, no kidding. Are you okay, though?" Shay asked her best friend.

"I am. Bailey was there to comfort me and wasn't hesitant, just like I've done for her, and it really helped a lot..." Parker took a deep breath, then finished her thought, "Shay, my friend, you know the ending of that story better than me; go ahead and tell it. It's okay."

Shay took a deep breath.

"I was already in the home searching for Parker when I heard a gunshot. By following it, I located the basement easily, though I had to proceed with the utmost caution as it was very dark. When I entered, I saw Brooklynn standing over what appeared to be Parker's dead body, with her back facing me. I made myself known, ordering her to drop her weapon and put her hands up. The commotion of sirens and multiple officers could soon be heard, causing Brooklynn to tell me that she wasn't going down without a fight," Shay said, looking at me.

"As soon as she turned around and started raising the gun to aim at me, I didn't hesitate... I shot her. Instantly, she dropped to the floor, and I ran to Parker. At first, I thought I was too late, but when I saw signs of life, I focused all my attention on her. Eventually, two paramedics arrived and began working on both of them. That's when I noticed I had shot Brooklynn in the neck; I was sure she was going to die. While I waited in the hospital to learn about Parker, the doctor also informed me of Brooklynn's condition. The bullet severed her spinal cord, making her paralyzed from the neck down," Shay added and briefly paused so she could finish the story.

"She's still alive, forever locked in a secured room within a hospital, which is her prison cell. Brooklynn's brain is still alive and fully functional. However, she has tubes in place for her body to relieve bodily fluids, and she's continuously fed through an IV, or else she will die," Shay explained.

I couldn't be happier with that outcome; she got what she deserved.

I glanced at Parker by the end of Shay's words, noticing she seemed lost in thought. So I placed my hand on hers, making her beautiful eyes look into mine. Her expression told me she was okay, and I asked, "Have you seen her since that night?"

"I've honestly thought about it... To show Brooklynn she didn't win and that I was okay. I don't know if she's aware I survived, but... I'm not ready yet. Maybe one day, I will be," Parker stated, and I smiled warmly, understanding what she meant.

A phone ringing loudly scared each of us, and as Shay laughed, she picked up the call. A few minutes passed when she finished the conversation and placed her phone on the table in front of her. Then, she looked at me with that solemn expression again and said, "I have something to tell you."

Right after she said that, Parker stood up from the couch and began walking past me. I couldn't help but ask, "Where are you going?"

"I should give you and Shay some privacy; it seems whatever she needs to tell you is important," My teacher explained, and it was nice of her to think of me like that, but what I wanted most was for her to be by my side.

"Please stay."

As Parker sat beside me, Shay faced me and said, "So, my partner, the blonde you met in the hospital, overheard her father speaking to the detectives this morning. They discovered that Victoria got the life insurance money from when her parents died years ago. She's been using that to blackmail and buy off so many people that they lost count. I'm sorry, Bailey... there's no easy way to say this, but... your parents were one of them. They found a check made out to them for a large sum of money. They're under the impression Victoria purchased you from them."

No... that can't be right... They wouldn't...

Parker's hand, firmly holding mine, gave me enough courage to finally speak, "So... then, you know where they are?"

"Yes," Shay replied quickly.

"Could I... go and ask them myself?" I asked.

"If that's what you want to do, then I will speak to Devin and see if she can ask her father to allow it," Shay stated, and I nodded at her.

When she stood up and left the room, I saw her put the phone up to her ear. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and said, "Should I do this, Parker? Is it even worth it at this point?"

"That is entirely up to you. Ultimately, you are the victim here and deserve to handle this situation however you see fit. If you need answers, then I say you should go and get them," Parker calmly explained, still keeping her hand in mine.

"No matter how I try to think of the reasons why this could have happened, nothing good comes to mind," I paused, allowing the tears to fall, "I'm scared to find out that my parent's never truly wanted me... that they gave me away to someone they knew was hurting me... how can I be okay after that?"

"Hey, shhh, come here," Parker softly said, pulling me carefully into her and wrapping her arms around me. She leaned her head on mine and finished her thought, "Right now, every possible reason is uncertain; the good or the bad. You don't have all the answers yet, and overstressing yourself before you've even had the chance to get them, will only make you feel worse... Deep down, you and I both know it would be naive to think they did this for a good reason. Not when someone like Victoria is involved, and I know that hurts you to your very core, but... I want you to know that you are strong, and no matter what happens and what you find out, you will be okay. You're no longer alone, and I will be right by your side. No matter what pain you have or endured, you can overcome it if you channel it right."

Shay returned a little after Parker had calmed me down and comforted me, but we still hadn't moved from our positions, which I was glad for. When I saw her face, she held a sad, understanding smile and sat back down. With a deep exhale, she spoke up, "So, I spoke with Devin's father, and he told me he'd allow you to confront your parents, but you'd have to wear a wire. Since everything surrounding Victoria is still an ongoing criminal investigation, this is the only way, legally, it could work. I need you to know that depending on the severity of collected evidence against them... there's a high possibility your mom and dad will be arrested for either slave trading or human trafficking."

She's right, but God, it hurts...

"I understand, and thank you for asking," I replied, though the thought of what was to come was painful... What it all came down to was... if they did the crime, I wanted them to do time because my abuse was also on their hands. It's the right thing to do, no matter how much it pains me.

"Whenever you want to go, you let us know, okay?" Shay added, and I smiled at her.

"Finding out that my parents might have had a hand in my abuse and possibly traded me for money with Victoria kills me, but... I want to go sooner rather than later... I need answers... However, I want to take a few days to rest my body more before going..." I looked from Shay to Parker and asked, "Will you both be coming with me?"

"Without a doubt, we will."

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