Rimuru's revenge

By Dinejro

85.4K 3.1K 4.9K

After Milim Nava destroys the kingdom responsible for the death of her pet dragon, Guy finds a lone survivor... More

Chapter 1_Rimurus stats_
Chapter 2_New partner_
Chapter 3_Walpurgis_
Chapter 4_Lemon and new skills_
Chapter 5_Rimuru's plan&Ciel's first date_
Chapter 6_Michael and Chronoa_
Chapter 7_Lemon and Rimuru's evolution_
Chapter 8_Ciels resolve_
Chapter 9_The start of the journey_
Chapter 10_Ciels Report_
Chapter 11_Ciel's toy_
Chapter 12_The attack_
Chapter 13_Birth of a new demon lord_
Chapter 14_He knows_
Chapter 15_The Demon lord's_
Chapter 16_Walpurgis drama_
Chapter 18_The meeting_
Chapter 19_The Sewer's_
Chapter 20_Going out with a bang_
Chapter 21_The couples antics_
Chapter 22_Evolution Festival_
Chapter 23_The white pigeon_
Chapter 24_The Letter Of Invitation_
Chapter 25_A bad memory_
Chapter 26_A Really Hot Lizard_
Chapter 27_Uneasiness_
Chapter 28_I'll make it right_
Chapter 29_Changing sides_
Chapter 30_{Armageddon}_
Chapter 31_Vampire's wish_
Chapter 32_Becoming one_
Chapter 33_How did she know?_
Chapter 34_The reveal_
Chapter 35_A Small Taste_
Chapter 36_Prep work_
Chapter 37_The Fun Part_
Chapter 38_The Funnier Part_
Chapter 39_Sparks of War_
Chapter 40_The Lifeless Sea_
Chapter 41_Competition_
Chapter 42_Angels Fall To Depravity_
Chapter 43_Sky fall_

Chapter 17_A dog?_

1.9K 69 125
By Dinejro

Osamu POV:

So... A lot has happened. And when I say a lot I mean a lot!!

Firstly Diablo's plan of overthrowing the falmouth kingdom succeeded there was the whole Hinata/Granbell Rosso/Millim's dragon reviving/Lumines/Chronoa/Chloe charade and lastly--

"Sir Osamu I have brought you the tea you requested. " Said a blue-haired individual that entered my office. They are wearing a butlers outfit and holding a plate of cookies and tea.

"A yes thank you Rimuru you can go back to your post," I say while he places the plate on the table.

"As you will sir Osamu." Said Rimuru giving a polite bow and elegantly leaving my office.

Huhhh and lastly him.


(This has to be some kind of a joke.) I think sweating profusely as I watch the people on the other side of the meeting table.

I and Diablo are currently in the most expensive meeting room Tempest has to offer. And as for the reason why we are here, it's because of our "special guests".

You see tempest has just been visited by the frost dragon Velzard and The strongest Demon lord Guy Crimson!!! Guy came here because he wanted to talk (threaten me) about the demon's trio.

And as for Velzard, she's here for Veldora.

"So for what exactly do I owe the honor of--" I try to play dumb but Guy is having none of it.

"Spare me the crap!! What were you thinking when you gave...FOUR PRIMORDIALS NAMES!!! Maybe Diablo is okay since he's always been a wild card but what's with the trio!!! And why didn't you stop him, Dino!! You were supposed to be the supervisor." Screams Guy losing it. I think he also mentions Dino but I'm too distracted by someone behind Guy.

(Is Rimuru smirking?) I think while looking at the smirk Rimuru is trying to hide.

"Hey!!! Are you listening to me!!! Do you know the effect this could have on the balance of power did you even--"That's pretty much the point where I stopped listening. I then started talking to Raphael to find a solution.

After a few minutes of talking to Raphael, we came up with a perfect plan.
I would offer Guy to take care of the human race and he will forget all about this whole charade.

*One bargaining session later.*

"So we all agree Osamu will take care of the human race?" Asks Guy.

We all nod... and that's how I signed my soul away. But when Guy and Velzard were preparing to leave Velzard asked for one final deal.

"So how much do I have to give you, for you to bring him to me for education? " Said Velzard pointing at Veldora.

I put my hand on my chin and smile. Veldora looks at me in horror and Guy looks interested.

"Depends on how long and how frequently he will be coming to you. You see Veldora has a job in the labyrinth so he can't be away for too long. So name the time and I'll name the price." Hehe, it's time to reveal my true salesman self.

"How about every three days for a month and I give you my word to never raise a claw agents you or your country." Velzard

"That's just a straight no-go." Osamu

"Hmm... Every week for a whole week." Velzard

"Every two weeks for one week." Osamu

"Every week for 4 days." Velzard

"Every week for 4 days is quite a long time I don't think I can manage," Osamu answers sarcastically while Veldora watches as his sworn brother treats his life as a trading coin.

"Hmm how about I throw in some extra demons," Velzard says running out of options.

" I have 711 demons I don't really need more. " Osamu says waiting for another option to be presented.

"Hmm then... how about I... throw in a..." Velzard slowly says as she looks around the room but stops on a certain someone.

"I give my word to never attack you plus a certain blue-haired half-demon but you raise it to 6 days." Said Velzard with a winning smile on her lips.

"Wait that's--" Guy tries to say something but I don't give him the chance to break this deal.

"Sold," I quickly say cutting Guy off.

"How nice." Said Velzard extending her arm.

I watch as Veldoras face melts in despair and powerlessness as he watches me and Velzard shake hands.

Velzard then turns around and prepares to leave but does Another 180 giving a smile.

"It's so nice to make peaceful arrangements. See you in one-week o-t-o-u-t-o..." Said Velzard as she gives an innocent smile. A smile that makes Veldora's survival instincts take over as he blows a hole in the ceiling and escapes.

*Flashback end*

And that's pretty much how Rimuru joined Tempest. I gave him the job of my personal butler and gave him the privilege of only listening to me.

So no one in Tempest can give Rimuru orders except me directly. It's the same privilege that the black numbers have.

I don't want him to think I'm the same as Guy since he was just like me, a former human. Tho'. unlike me, he was forced to leave his humanity behind to serve Guy. He also knows a lot about Japanese culture and seems to be an otaku if given the chance. But how he learned about it I chose to ignore.

But apart from having a person to talk to about manga (apart from veldora) he also possesses some pretty useful powers.

Like he's a completely broken {imaginary space} that may even be better than Ramirises {Labirint}. He is also a genius, from what Raphael told me, she was only able to analyze him since he allowed it.

So he has intelligence at least equal to Raphael but he thankfully doesn't seem to know of Raphael's existence.

He was Guy's leading strategist and also knows a lot about the Empire. But why do you wanna know about the empire? You may ask.

Well as Rimuru and Raphael predicted it is very plausible for the Empire to make its move very soon.

And that would of course mean war.

Rimuru POV:

Let me tell you this is the dream. Because of the sob story, Ciel told Osamu he treats me so much better than Guy and Velzard. The only real work I currently have to do is to test and explain my abilities to Osamu's subordinates.

I am currently in my imaginary space with its time turned to the max. In turn every 4,5 million years here equals a second in real-time. So I am currently relaxing on my and Ciel's bed.

I am in my female form and am in a position I like to call "Burrito."

But it isn't long before I feel a similar presence enter the {Imaginary space}.

"Wach ya, doin' ♥" I hear an angelic voice whisper in my ear.

"Nothing much, you?" I say turning around and kissing her.

"Osamu is doing paperwork so I have some time to kill, how about you? Aren't you supposed to be working?" Says Ciel in a teasing tone.

"I already did all my work," I respond with a smug-filled smile.

"You know... Since you work for Osamu you now technically work for me." Said Ciel with a cunning smile.

"And that means I can make you do anything I whant." Says Ciel with a hint of lust in her eyes.

I then slowly lean over to her ear and whisper.

"And who told you, you couldn't do that before?" I say giving her a teasing smile.

"Um well, I just--" A blushing Ciel tried to say but I cut her off.

"You see Ciel you are my Girlfriend. There really isn't a higher authority than that." I say giving her a small kiss on the lips.

"Hmm then by my newfound authority, I order you to make some room for me. I wanna cuddle as well~" Ordert Ciel quietly whispering the last part to herself.

"As you wish my lady," I say teasingly making room for her to join.

Ciel then slides under the sheets giving me a strong but relaxing hug.

"Rimi..." mumbles Ciel.

"What is it?" I ask giving her a light kiss.

"I love you ♥," Said Ciel as she wraps her legs around me strengthening the hug

"I love you too ♥" I respond closing my eyes and lightly blushing.

*A/N: Picture not mine.*

"And that's why you are mine and mine alone." Said, Ciel with a smile.

(And there she goes revealing her possessive nature. Tho' I can't say I dislik it.) I think smiling to myself.

"And I'm all yours to keep," I respond as we both activate our {Sleep mode} and fall asleep.


I woke up a few moments ago making sure I didn't wake Ciel. I don't know exactly when it will happen but it's gonna be soon, that's for sure.

I then suddenly feel a massive release of energy that shakes the whole {Imaginary space}. I put up a barrier making it so Ciel won't feel it and in turn wake up from the released energy.

(It's happening!) I think getting existed. I then make a {parallel existence} to not leave Ciel alone, I then stand up and teleport to the sub-space.

*Location: Sub-space named [The Abyss]*

If there was a sense of direction between the sub-spaces this one would be below all the rest. One the closest to the {Turn null reactor} that supplies all of the energy necessary for the creation/sustainment of the Sub-spaces.

If {Imaginary space} was a piece of paper the [Abyss] would be created by making a hole in the paper with a pencil. A place that does not possess the concept of light or matter itself.

It is in this place that something awakens and opens its eyes.

Rimuru POV:

"It's done It's done It's done It's done" I am happily chanting while flying throgh the darkness of the [Abyss].

It was created by the extreme pressure that the {Turn null reactor} releases. It is in some way a literal hole that pierces through the {Imaginary space}.

I and Ciel still don't fully understand the existence that is the {Turn null reactor}. It had an area where it affected the other sub-spaces and an area where it would be completely impossible to create any. We would call that the [Abyss zone] an area where the existence of an object is impossible. But that didn't last long.

The [Abyss zone] Also had no concepts at all. It is at a point that even I can't completely control it. It was always expanding and in turn destroying some of my sub-spaces. But something interesting happened when I and Ciel tried to contain it. The whole zone started to condense into what seemed to be a singular point causing the nothingness to consume the nothingness.

It is now in what seems to be in a one-dimensional state and is somewhat stable. I then created a sub-space near it just out of sheer curiosity, and that's how the [Abyss] was created.

But I and Ciel have already tested the absolute shit out of it so I am here for a different reason.

I then stoped and look in front of me.

"ahem ahem, It's rude to keep me waiting you know?" I ask as I stare into the darkness. But not long after my question one meter away in front of me a 2-meter large eyeball opens and stares right back at me.

The eye is as white as a white dwarf on the verge of going supernova. *A/N: Is there any other astrology nerd like me that understands this comparison?*

{{"AND WHO ARE YOU TO DISTURB MY SLUMBER..."}} A booming voice asks making the whole sub-space shake.

The voice tried to scare me with his aura but I didn't even flinch.

"I am known as Rimuru, but you will soon call me master," I respond.


"Now, now, don't get ahead of yourself..." I sternly say as I clench my fist.

{{"W-what i-is t-this-s ?"}} Said the voice shaking under the pressure I am releasing.

"You see... If you are the king of this place then that would make me its GOD." I calmly say as I greatly shrink the sub-space in turn putting pressure on the voice.


"I-i pledge my l-loyalty to you... M-master." Said the voice.

"Oh, its realy nice to have no conflict," I say completely obliterating the tension that was previously here.

"So to celebrate this day why don't i give you a name," I say gently sliding my hand across what i think is the nose.

"I would be honored to be given a name by someone like you." The being says with gratitude in its voice.

"But before I give you your name there are some things you'll have to learn before leaving this place," I say in a stern tone.

"What are they?" Asked the being.

"Firstly I want you to perfectly control your presence and aura to the point that even I will have to take a second look to sense you. Secondly, I want you to acquire the skill {Uneversa shape shift} since we can't have you walking around with that kind of size. And I also want you to acquire and master an Ultimate skill." I start to list the basic requirements.

"But more importantly than any one of those..." As I say this the being starts to shake as he is scared of what could be more important than getting an ultimate skill.

"I want you to find a very cute form so that way Ciel will love me more." Said Rimuru leaving the Being dumbfounded.

"That pretty much it so i'll give you a name now." The dragon then looks up in anticipation of its soon-to-be new name.

"Hmm how about Arox." As the name is spoken the creature now known as Arox hears the Voice of the world.

[Confurming: The individual Arox will now successfully evolve into the tru--] The Voice of the world tries to announce Arox's evolution to all the beings in this world but is cut off by Rimuru. Since the voice of the world doesn't have any power in this sub-space since it is Rimuru create. Rimuru makes it so only he and Arox hear how the evolution turned out.

"I am the almighty Dragon Arox!!! One that serves my master Rimuru. I pledge my eternal loyalty to you." Roared the dragon rising from the abyss his full size now visible.

A majestic black dragon with silver eyes. His black scales are darker than the abyss and his eyes are brighter than a supernova. He has more than 300 teeth each 5 meters long the biggest being 9. His roar so loud it could shatter human ears from miles away and his size 2,5 kilometers while his wings span a whole kilometer.

(Yup... A pretty messed up-looking dog.) I think smiling to myself.

*A/N: Stating the obvious, picture, not mine.*

"I'll visit you in a year. I better see some good results." I say and leave the sub-space teleporting to my castle. I then exchange places with my {Parallel existence} and go back to sleep.

====To be continued====

*A/N: Hi guys I'll only be able to post at the weekends since my school decided to turn its workload to the max. This also isn't granted so if anything changes I'll be sure to inform you through the announcements. So if you don't want to be "surprised Pikachu face" when a chapter doesn't drop you can follow me to be notified.*

Me: *trying to summon a demon so I have someone to split the work with.*

*So that's pretty much it. See you next time.*

(Words 2711)

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