Bởi ilovejjmaybankkk

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"They say you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time." Andrea Rutledge and... Xem Thêm

I. New adventures
II. Surge
III. Routledges
IV. The beginning
V. Boneyard
VII. discoveries
VIII. insomnia
IX. Message from the grave.
X. anxiety.
XI, dirty cops
XII. mysterious holes.
XIII, Answers.
XIV, family.
XV, Rafe
XVI, bad decisions.
XVII, New feelings.
XVIII, the truth.
XLIII *rewrite
last day


577 13 3
Bởi ilovejjmaybankkk

"Hey, Jerry." I nod my head over to the man behind the liquor store counter.

I had gotten used to the cashier man since I'd been here for days in a row now I learned that he had two kids, no wife tho. She left him from his opposing liquor company— I know right? Such a bitch move. I also learned that I use alcohol to cope with everything.

Do I need to be heavily medicated? Probably but fuck it.

He looks up. "Andie, how are you?" He asks, I look down at the bottle. "uh... it's been three days and JJ still hasn't talked to me and I'm heartbroken...and sad."

After officially making it awkward Jerry pursed his lips and rings my bottle up and then put it into a plastic bag.

I had dragged myself out of bed this morning to get a drink, with everything going on with Kie and JJ I didn't want to see anyone. I did contemplate calling Pope but then I thought about how I keep burdening my friends with my bullshit so I hung up before it even rang.

And just as was going to turn around and head back home for the rest of the day my name was called. 

I jet my eyes around the room and find the source of the high-pitched sound, a short petite blonde standing in front of me. "Taylor?" I raised my eyebrows faking enthusiasm, I did not want to see her right now.

Taylor was a girl I knew back in primary school, we were a lot closer back then but life got to us and we drew apart. She had more going for her. a scholarship for makeup school and a D1 football boyfriend that she's been with for years now, a lot different from my dysfunctional lifestyle.

She grinned, her small diamond tooth gems shining with it. "Hey Andrea, how are you, girl? It's been so long?"

Before I could answer her face fell as if she said something wrong. "Oh shit, I forgot, You're brother. I'm so sorry." She said in a sensitive voice.

It takes everything in me to not cringe. "It's not a problem and thank you." I was slowly dying inside from this conversation.

"Oh my god!" She squeals, my eyes raise and she laughs. "You need to come to the end of the summer party!" She says. I let out a little chuckle, "Umh— I don't know.." I trail off, going to a party seemed to be the worst idea in the world.

"No really Andrea. You should come, you're dressed for it." She exclaims looking over my clothes. She wasn't wrong coincidently I decided to dress nicely today.

I smiled tightly and started to contemplate it, free booze and an escape from reality. "Come on... what's the worst that can happen?"

"You know what? Why not." I agreed, and she grins. "Oh my god, yay!—"

"Taylor! Come on!" A boy behind her hollers. My eyes follow two boys a brunette the size of a linebacker and her boyfriend standing next to each other with a bottle of heny and four other drinks in a bag.

"My cars here. can I leave it?" I ask the man, he nods and I smile. "Thanks.  I guess I'm coming with you." She giggled with excitement and halls me over to the boys. "This is Andie, she's coming with us. Andie, Jack my boyfriend, and Dylan"

I took in both the boys, I already knew her boyfriend but the other one I didn't recognize. He had brown hair with blonde highlights and a calm expression on his face, he was good looking but I had no intention of talking to any guys.

"Hey." one boy replies, I smile and the other boy Jack, nods along. "Alright come on, We've got a party to get to!" He yells tossing the door open and hurrying out. I stare with amusement watching the two boys hoop and holler like idiots reminding me of my three boys, and follow behind with Taylor to a blue Cadillac.

My mouth gaps, "this is your car?"

"Yeah. I built her." I stared at him with amazement. I used to love watching Jay Jay rebuild an old car his dad would steal from the impound, he taught me a few things over time that created my love for cars.

A finger snap brings me out of my trance. "Hello, you coming," Taylor asks holding open the car door.

"yeah, Sorry." I laugh it off and climb into the backseat.

Hey, readers so the rest of this chapter it's going to be written in the third person! Hope you enjoy it.


There was loud music blasting across the house and everyone was mostly drunk or high, or both.

The dance floor was crowded with sweaty half naked teens tightly pressed against one in another jumping to the base of the music and on the other side of the yard was a frat group pouring liquor into two girls' throats with cow-printed cowboy hats on and the rest were in clusters sitting around outside or making out.

but Andrea? Andrea was long gone, drunk Andie had returned.

"Haha! You lost! Drink up!" She shouts. Andie was a whole new person when she drank, she was way more herself. The girl grins and downs it like it was nothing, she hadn't met the host of the party yet but she knew a lot of people there so she was more focused on having a good time.

Andrea let out a giggle and turned to walk inside for some more shots. Andie had lost count of how many cups she had by now because of the punch that a few of the boys at the party had made. it was potent, a combination of vodkas mixed with gummy worms and other candies to mask all the flavor of the alcohol. which was dangerous for Andie because after two cups she couldn't taste any of it and after the seventh, it was like drinking water.

Andie walks past a few people drunk on the floor and through the doorway hot sticky air hit her like a brick but somehow she made it to the kitchen without stumbling into anyone.

On the kitchen counter were tons of different types of beers and other drinks, she glanced around the room and her eyes land on a certain boy. "Dylan! Where have you been!" She asks her words coming out extra loud, and slurred. 

he throws her head back in a fit of laughter as he sees the state of the girl he had only met a few hours ago. "Better question. How many drinks have you had?" He raises his eyebrow.

She blows air out of her mouth, "Not enough," and Andie smiles Deviously. "Let's catch you up!" She squeals and before the poor boy could protest she grabs the two shot glasses and poured two shots.

She picked up her shot and Dylan hesitantly mimicked her, the two of them clicked their glasses before confidently downing them and slamming the shot glass down on the counter. "Another!" She exclaims. with each shot they did Andie got more and more wasted and by the fourth Dylan had caught up to Andie and he was completely gone. Not a single proper thought could form in their minds, just the way she liked it.

She drags Dylan by his wrist back outside.  "Yo! Andrea, Your turn!" A boy yells. she darts her eyes until they focus on a boy she recognized to be Nick from her math class, pointing eagerly at a metal kegger.

"Do it!" He urges, Andie let out a messy giggle. "Okay!"

as she ran up she heard chanting from behind her."Andie! Andie! Andie!"

What she hadn't noticed was the boy who turned when he heard her name, anytime her name was ever called he still turned around and he'd like to think he'd always turn to her name. He watched from the corner of the party with a shocked expression he hadn't even noticed her until now, she must of blending in because of her height she had to have been the only girl not wearing heels.

She kicked up with the support of Nick holding her legs and another boy puts the nozzle in her mouth. Rafe observed how carefree she looked, the breeze in her hair and the natural warm glow on her face it was so much different from the other night on the bridge.

Andrea was too busy in her own world to notice his eyes. She spins around and catches a glimpse at a black table by the pool and her drunk ideas get the best of her as she stumbles over to it and climbs to her feet. the crowd took notice of her and started to encourage her, She threw her arms up and waved them side by side perfectly in time with the beat, she slowly goes down low, before springing back up almost giving herself whiplash.

As if her dancing on a wobbly table that was put up by drunk college students wasn't dangerous enough for her, she got another idea.

"Let's go Skinny dipping!" She yells making the crowd of horney boys in front of her go wild.
The teenagers start hollering and flashing pictures of her, she crosses her arms over her shirt and tugs at the hem, watching it Rafes pinches the bridge of his nose, letting out a huff of breath. He wanted to not care about what she does but the nagging worry in the bottom of his stomach wouldn't let him he couldn't sit there and watch as the guys around her eye raped her.

He stalks up to the group of boys. "Delete that shit." He demanded, angrily. The three frightened teenagers nodded profusely. "S-Sorry man." One mumbled as they all deleted it.

Back to Andie, the alcohol had settled in her empty stomach and she was in serious need of a bucket and a chair to sit it because she was seconds from tipping off the table. her eye blurred into one cloud of mixed colors and shapes, and she couldn't form a clear vision. She stammered over and slips off the table but thankfully a pair of hands came to her waist saving her from landing on her face.

"Wooh!" She yells after being thrown over someone's shoulder, Andie blinks her eyes and just by the way his hands felt on her stomach she knew the boy was Rafe. Her mind wandered to why he was there but that quickly got adverted when she realized she was in the air.

"Hey put me down!" She snapped, "Get off me!

he did as she asks.

Did I mention that Andie Drunk was super stubborn?

She made efforts to stand by herself but failed miserably when her knees buckled almost sending her toppling over. His hands instantly reach out and help her balance. "That's what I thought."

"leave me alone I've got it" she huffs annoyed at his presence.

"Can you just let me help you?"

"No— you're the last person in-n this wholeeeee— world that I want to tall—k too." She slurs, pealing his grimy hands off her waist.  He rolled his eyes. "Come on andi. I'm just trying to help. You can't even walk."

She narrows her eyes between his back and his eyes realizing that she was very drunk. "you want me to get on there?"

"No I want you to just stand there while I crouch." He said sarcastically.

"Your being a dick!" She exclaims crossing her arms.

"Your being sensitive!" He rebutted.

"See this is why we didn't work out you an entitled prick with no regard for anyone El—se" she slurred her words.

He glanced at her barley, narrowing his eyes at her. "When will you get over yourself!"

She scoffs, "when you take responsibility for the shit that you do, God I can't believe I liked you!"

She watches as a grin spears on his lips and he takes a step away. "You did more then like me princess." Frustrated air blew out of her nose and she shook her head. "Leave me the hell alone."she spits, beginning to angrily walk away.

"Okay! Alright— I'm sorry!" He attempts an apology. She stops in her tracks starring ahead, Andie let out a breath of pent up annoyance and turns around on the heels of her shoes coming face to face with the boy.

He gulped and looks her in the eye. "I'm sorry." He repeats. She didn't break eye contact and tried to read his mind wondering why he was being so compassionate.

"You can't walk home. Your drunk." He states when she didn't respond. "Come on, just sober up."

She crosses her arms over her chest. "Promise you want try anything?"

"Promise. Come on. It's just this way." He tells her, she hesitantly followed the older boy into the back door that lead farther into the house, stopping at a flight of stairs she had swore she'd seen before.

actually the more she thought about it the more things became clearer. this was the first place he brought her when they made it official, for that summer they practically lived in it she shook her head of the memories when he stopped at the door.

"In here."

She nods and slips inside and sat on the edge of the bed watching him walk around picking up trash around his room and turning on a few lights.

"How can you have a party and your sister just died a month ago" she asks abruptly.

He glances back at her. "how could you go to a party and your brother just died a month ago. We all do things that don't always makes sense."

Touché, she thinks.

She suddenly feels a wave of nausea and Rafe took notice. "Wait here." She nods her head holding back her head and he comes back with a water bottle and to her surprise he takes a seat beside her. "Drink some."

She cracks the smallest smile and takes the water from his hands appreciatively and leans back into the bed.


Rafe looks down at his lap with a heavy question on his mind and like her he couldn't stop from asking it. "What's going on with you?"

"What would it matter."

"I didn't mean to hurt you." He replied.

"y-you still did it." She slurred. He rubbed a hand over his face, shaking his head. "I'm doing my best—and I-I know that not enough but I'm trying" he speaks in a stutter. "I'm trying to get better." He whispers with distress written on his face.

And for the first time this whole night she thinks he's being honest.

"If it makes you feel better I believe you." She whispers back.

His eyes trail up to hers, "really?"


The word settle in the air and neither of them dares too talk. He was wondering what she was thinking about, he wished he didn't ruin everything because maybe things would be different, but a part of her also wanted to scream for even having those thoughts knowing JJ was really in the back of her mind.

"Do you want me to call JJ?" He asks like he could hear her thoughts. 

She took a sharp breath, "No, We're not together anymore." She disclosed. His eyes snaps to her instantly and he couldn't stop himself from prying. "What happened?" he asks.

"He broke up with me."

he stares at her not having words, he wanted so badly to tell her how he never stopped loving her I mean how could he, she was the one girl in the whole town who he would actually change for, and that liked him for him but for once in Rafes life he chose to be selfless and keep his regrets to himself.

"Stay here, I'll sleep on the floor."

Her eyes felt heavier with each blink. "Are you sure?" She yawned, he nods knowing she was asking that just to be polite because she was already half asleep.

notcing her falling asleep he stood up and covered her with a green blanket that he had laying on the bed and watched her nuzzle into it like she used too when they were together.

He takes a step back for admiring her and snaps back into his reality, whispering a very quiet. "goodnight"

I hope you liked this chapter, sorry it took so long to get it out I've been revising it. Don't forget to vote and comment, don't be a silent reader💕!!

Ps: I'm on spring break so more chapters!

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