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By livturner5

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Being a teenager isn't easy. Being a teenager especially isn't easy when you're a girl, living in Sheffield w... More

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966 21 194
By livturner5

*flick to the second slide of the banner!

Brielle Helders

This morning is the last morning I spend as an unmarried woman. 

Today is my wedding day. 

Conveniently enough, today marks three years since Alex and I 'reunited'. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly when Alex and I got together, but we all know it started on that day in Liverpool. 

On top of that, today is the release of Everything You've Come to Expect. 

We'd definitely never planned for today, 16/6/16, to be such a hectic day, but somehow it's built up to become just that. 

If the day alone wasn't hectic enough, my past weekend has been the most hectic of them all. Over the course of a day, I've ended up in Italy. 

As soon as Alex and I rather impulsively decided that we wanted to wait no longer to get married, Alex drove us back home and we started packing and telling everyone that we would be getting married within forty eight hours. 

Breana came over straight away, leaving Matt at home with Bonnie, so that she could help us out with planning. 

It started with us looking at local venues until Breana irresponsibly mentioned that her aunty's new husband was Italian and that she was sure that his family owned an Airbnb service. 

Obviously, that set me on a rundown of looking through hundreds of different venues to get married in, in Italy. However, funnily enough, most venues don't take wedding bookings two days before the actual wedding. Actually, they don't happen to take wedding bookings two months in advance. 

The night ended with me completely stressing over the fact that we were very much not ready to get married, venue wise. Obviously, I would've married this man three years ago if we'd have put a bit of planning into it. 

Thankfully, after getting in touch with Breana's new uncle, we ran into major luck thanks to the fact that a couple recently had to cancel their hotel apartment because something unexpected had come up. Luckily enough for us, her Breana's new uncle had asked his family whether or not they'd be willing to host a small wedding in such short notice and they told him that they'd be more than willing. 

Quite honestly, I don't understand how we've landed with such luck, but that luck is the same luck that has me standing here, waiting for Katie to finish my makeup as I get ready to marry the love of my life. 

I'm marrying Alex.

I still can't even believe it. 

''I can't believe you shouted at me for giving two months warning for my wedding and you didn't even give us all two days.'' As though Breana is in the same state of disbelief as myself, she speaks out whilst walking in with Bonnie fast asleep in her arms. 

Bonnie is my flower girl and I literally cannot get over how cute she looks. 

''I can't believe that you're getting married before Jamie and I.'' Katie voices her 'disbelief' and I smile before wincing at the way I feel her poke a pin into my head. She's currently going in between doing my makeup and my hair. 

''I just can't believe.'' Kelly shrugs from where she stands in the corner with rollers in her hair as she bounces Hendrix in her arm, trying with all her might to get him back to sleep. 

''Nice one.'' I nod with a toothy smirk and Kelly laughs at my response. 

If we're adding onto the train of disbelief, I can't believe how pretty all of the girls look. Thanks to my lack of a plan, the girls had to make do with any dresses they could get ahold of and surprisingly, they all managed to pull together a plan of each wearing satin dresses. I gave Breana the dress that I wore to her wedding since she didn't have any satin dresses already. 

My unplanned bridesmaids look like they were planned precisely. 

Katie wears a pink one, Breana wears my yellow one, Kelly wears a blue one, my Mum wears a green one and Penny wears a purple one. All of them accompany the dress with matching heels and as a last minute thankyou gift from me to them, each of them wear a gold necklace with a single pearl as the charm. 

Fortunately enough, I was able to fly my Mum out to Italy. It's the one and only time I've ever accepted money off of Alex and of course, I'm going to pay him back, but it was one of the best feelings ever to be able to pay my Mum back, just a tiny bit, for everything she's ever done for me. 

''Shall we pop a bottle of champagne open?'' My Mum comes strolling in with her hair rolled into pin curls. She holds the champagne with full caution, as though it's too precious to even risk having to fall, before hurrying over to the table of my room.

As for the room, it's fucking beautiful. When Breana mentioned a hotel, I'd imagined just the average room. 

It is absolutely not 'average'. It's beautiful, and so is the location. The room is an old, off-white colour and although the room is old-fashioned, it's aesthetically pleasing. My camera came straight out as soon as we arrived, I couldn't resist taking photos of it. 

As for the location, we're on grassy land by an old, empty marina, right next to grassy mountains. I don't know how we've bagged something so beautiful, so quickly, and I don't know how other people haven't married here but either way, I cannot believe I'm getting married here.

It's something straight off of the wedding Pinterest folder that I've had since my first date with Alex. 

''Oh yes!'' Kelly chants once she's given up with getting Hendrix back to sleep, instead choosing to just carry him. 

The girls all follow a series of chants as they practically line up to get drinks off my Mum and in the mean-time, I continue the work that Katie was doing on my hair. We're going for pearly hair-clips since my veil is pearly, however, we're struggling to figure out how to actually put the pearls into my hair. At the moment, our current next step is to try and use eyelash glue, though I don't think it'll work very well. 

''I'm gonna' get bladdered tonight.'' Kelly tells us once she's grabbing a glass of champagne from my Mum. ''Nick's on baby duties, thank the lord.'' She smirks and as she walks, she pulls an excited dance and I laugh at her very mother-like dance. 

''Do you want some, love?'' My Mum holds a glass up in my direction and I take my eyes from the gold, fancy-framed mirror in front of me. 

''God no.'' I shake my head with dread. ''I'm so nervous, I think I'd throw it up.'' I decline with a lie. 

''You're not pregnant, are you?'' Breana nudges her elbow into my arm on her way back to where she was sat before and I smack her lightly in retaliation. 

''Absolutely not.'' I shake my head, however, my stomach drops at the idea of them possibly seeing straight through my lie. 

As fucking crazy as it sounds for me to say, I took a test this morning. 

On top of all the chaos today, 16/6/16 just so happens to be the day that I found out that I was pregnant. 

I definitely wasn't expecting anything like this, this morning. I almost didn't even take the test because I thought that I was just reading too much into being a few days late on my period. However, with the history of what happened last time, I decided to take one this morning, just to be safe so that I could drink tonight. 

For some reason, a part of me hates to admit that unlike last time, I didn't actually feel complete and utter dread when I had the idea of it maybe being a smart choice to take a quick test. Although I've moved on from what happened last time, a small part of me still feels bad that this is something I think that I'm actually happy about. 

Of course, I'm so fucking nervous. I'm not sure how I'll tell Alex, or how I'll even tell anyone for that matter. 

We decided that it'd be best for me to go off of birth control after I lost the pregnancy. I was referred to the hospital, following the loss, to get blood tests to check up on vitals that may have either been affected or had lead to the pregnancy loss. As a huge relief to myself, they came back completely normal, by for my hormone levels. From what I've understood from the doctor, we found that although hormones often drop following the loss of a pregnancy, mine were just below average. They weren't low enough to be completely unhealthy, but they're low enough to cause physical symptoms and because of that, the doctor recommended going off of birth control for the time being to see if that was a cause of my low levels. 

After a follow up blood test, we found that my levels had bounced straight back to normal when I'd come off of birth control. 

Even though Alex came to every single appointment with me, I still had a conversation with him about it. We decided that we'd take things as they came. At the time, I was still going through a rough time with trying to process things so at first, we decided to be safe and use alternatives. However, as the months went by and I was finally beginning to move on, we had a talk about how we'd just take things as they came. 

Obviously, the result of the test this morning is an outcome of us just 'taking things as they came' one too many times. 

 I still can't quite believe it. It feels so much calmer than last time. 

Last time, I felt as though the world was kind of ending. Call me dramatic or whatever, but I feel like the five past months has prepared me for this. As cliche as it sounds, I feel like this is the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Now, I've got a job and I live with Alex. And I'm going to be married to him after tonight. I feel secure and I know that I'm at a point that I believe would be sufficient enough to raise an actual human. 

''There's no need to be nervous, it's only Alex.'' My Mum keeps the drink to herself before wandering over to me. Katie follows behind her and within seconds, she's returning to me to continue my makeup. Amazingly, Katie manages to do it with one hand whilst she carries her glass in the other. 

''It's only Alex.'' I huff out a laugh as if Alex isn't a sexy fucking rockstar. 

I'm marrying a rockstar. 

''You've known him since you were tiny!'' She reasons justly and to be completely honest, she's right. However, it feels like I'm marrying a new man today. Alex isn't my boyfriend after today, he's my fucking husband. 

''Just think.'' Penny adds before taking a quick sip of her champagne. ''You'll officially be my daughter-in-law after today.'' She shrugs her shoulders and my lips lift at the realization. In my head, Penny's been my in law for years. In fact, she's been my second Mum for years. 

''Can I be your daughter too, Penn?'' Kelly perks up and straight away, Penny tipsily stumbles over to Kelly. The pair talk amongst themselves and soon, the rest of the group join them, by for Katie and I. 

After about twenty minutes of Katie poking, prodding and changing little things here and there, she finally deems my hair and makeup finished. However, when I'm peeking past her to take a look in the mirror behind her, she's shaking her head before blocking my view. 

''You've got to get your dress on first.'' She shrugs as though those are the official rules. ''Chop chop, we've only got twenty minutes and I've got to take the rollers and pins out of everyone's hair.'' Katie holds her hand out for me to take it and with a sigh, I use it to help myself up from the chair. 

Like I'm quite literally a child, Katie leads me to the bathroom as though I don't know my way around the room that I've stayed in for the past two days. 

''Are you helping her with the dress, Breana?'' Katie turns around into the room once I'm making my way into the bathroom. I can't even take my eyes off of the dress that is hanging from the curtain rail of the window in the bathroom- especially now, as the sun shines through certain parts of the mesh of my white dress. 

''I'm coming now!'' Breana shouts out from where she sits with Bonnie in one hand and her lipstick in the other as he touches up her lips. 

Within a minute or so, Breana is passing Bonnie over to Penny before rushing over to me, her heels clicking against the old, wooden panels of the room. 

''I honestly can't wait to see you in this dress.'' Breana rubs her hands together excitedly as she strolls into the bathroom, nudging the door shut with her backside as she does so. 

''I can't believe I even got it.'' I tell her out of honest disbelief. I actually can't believe that I did get it. Luckily, I found it online and as though whatever higher power was most definitely on my side, the lady who was selling it was only an hour outside of London. I was able to pick it up the morning after the album was released. It was a bit too big but thankfully, my Mum is an absolute Goddess at sewing so thankfully, it fits just right now. 

At the moment, I think the bathroom is specifically making the dress look as though it's a symbol of art. The bathroom walls have a pattern that could only ever be described as giving off the illusion as a room that's been plastered with a dusty pink mix and hasn't been given the time to dry fully. However, as imperfect as it is, it looks amazing. The plain, concrete floor is decorated with an antique rug that looks as though it's lived a longer life than I have. Topping the room off, there's an arch in the wall that leads into an alcove decorate with gorgeous blue and white mosaic. Inside the alcove sits a golden shower. 

Unluckily to me, there isn't actually a mirror in here so I can't even manage to sneak a look at my hair and makeup. However, Breana makes the process of me not being able to look at my hair even shorter because quickly, she's reaching up on her tip-toes to take the dress from the pearl hanger that it dangles effortlessly from. 

Like the bathroom, the dress is stunning. I thought it was too good to be true when I saw it online. 

The neckline of the dress is one of a classic, spiky Victorian neckline. However, the look is perfectly modernized by the white, satin fabric. The corset-like top meets at the waist with a triangle at the hips of the dress, where the corset ends and the skirt becomes the centre-piece of the dress. In contrast to the light-feeling corset, the skirt is heavy and reaches the floor, even when it's hung up. 

''Fuck me, it's heavy.'' Breana lets out a strangled sigh once she's lifting the dress with all her weight and I laugh at her struggle before scurrying over to help her. 

However, she's the one who's laughing when we're actually putting it on and I'm almost continuously falling over with the fiddling we're having to do to get the dress past my wide hips. By the time we've actually gotten the dress on, I'm out of breath and Breana is wiping sweat from her head with caution of not ruining her makeup. 

''Are you all ready?'' Breana is shouting out to the room full of family and friends once she's opening the bathroom door and I bring my hands up in a nervous gesture at the thought of the girls all seeing my outfit. If I'm this nervous now, God knows how nervous I'll be when I'm actually walking down the aisle. 

''Yes!'' The girls all chant and I giggle at their enthusiasm. I can already feel my cheeks heating and my ears burning, but I'm hoping that my hair and makeup is covering up the fact that I'm very much shitting myself to go outside. 

Without even looking at me, Breana reaches her hand behind her and so I grab it before she leads me out into the room. None of the girls have seen the dress on me yet, except from Breana, of course, so when I'm walking out into the room, their jaws are dropping and gasps are drawing out of each of their mouths. 

I haven't even seen the full dress just yet. 

''Brielle!'' Kelly squeals from where she's sat and it's then that I notice that the girls have all, quite literally, gathered around in a semi-circle to see me. 

''Oh my god...'' Katie's jaw drops from where she stands behind Penny, unpinning her hair from the curls. 

''Does it look okay?'' I ask with hesitance. I'm not sure whether these reactions are good or bad.

''Does it look okay?'' Breana huffs out a laugh with a 'pfft' before continuing. ''Bri, babe... You look like you've come straight off Vogue.'' Breana deadpans and my heart flutters at the compliment. It's then that I lose all restraint and in one quick motion, I rush over to the mirror. 

To be quite honest, I'm feeling quite sick when I'm getting to the mirror. Not in the sense that I feel like I'm going to throw up at the sight of myself, but in the sense that this mirror is showing me my future. I stand in long, gold framed mirror as I look back at my reflection. The mirror shows me that I'm about to be married. Alex is my future, and although the mirror isn't showing it, this baby is my future too, and I wouldn't choose anything different. The sickness isn't a feeling of dread, it's a feeling of excitement and nerves, like the excited bellyaches you get before a concert or before going on a rollercoaster.

My eyes trail from my white, ribboned shoes beneath my dress, all the way to the pearls that sit upon my hair. My hair manages to catch my attention. I fucking love it. 

I've never seen myself like this at all. 

I can confidently say that in myself, I have always had issues surrounding my appearance. Whether that be the way my hips and legs are so awkwardly proportioned, or how pale I am, or my teeth, or even the way my arms look, I've always struggled. It's never been major enough to drag me down constantly, but I definitely feel that it is always there. However, right now, I feel none of that. I feel beautiful. 

''Are you ready for your veil?'' I hadn't even realized that my Mum had been standing behind me so when my eyes are flicking to hers, they're widening in excitement. 

''I am.'' I nod with a smile to her reflection and with no other words, she steps closer to me, shuffling her feet against the dress instead of standing on top of the dress. 

Thanks to my heels, I'm slightly towering over my Mum, so I duck down for her to reach my hair. With caution not to knock any pearls from my hair, she reaches up onto her tip toes to maneuver the piece into my hair. I watch as she carefully places the clip of the long mesh into my hair.

However, when I'm hearing a sniffle from behind me, my eyes are glancing from my hair to my Mum, who stands behind me with her lips folded into her mouth and a single tear running down her cheek. Just as the sniffle leaves her nose, her hands are coming down from my now attached veil.

''Mum?'' I turn to her with raised eyebrows and she tilts her head. 

''My baby girl is getting married.'' Her bottom lip trembles and a smile graces my lips. 

''Don't cry, you silly woman!'' I laugh but really, I want to sob. ''You'll make me cry!'' I'm too far gone when I jokingly scold her because quickly, I can feel tears pooling at the bottom of my eyes. 

''I can't bloody help it!'' She cries out and with a laugh, I open my arms for her. 

''You're going to wreck your makeup, you fool!'' I try not to let any tears escape but like my Mum, a tear falls from my eye and onto my cheek. 

''You're getting married!'' She sobs as I wrap my arms around her, her head coming to my shoulder and mine doing the same to her shoulder. 

''Guess what?'' She whispers before pulling back. I nod for her to continue and in silence, she kneels down to my veil. I watch in thought and when she's standing back up with a part of the veil in her hand, I'm squinting my tear-coated eyes to see what she's showing me. However, I'm no longer needing to squint when she's stretching the fabric to show me the detail. 

'Little Miss Sweet Dreams' has been sewn just above the hem of my long veil. 

''Oh my god..'' If the one tear before wasn't enough, about three more drop from my eyes at the detail that I hadn't even noticed before. 

''Alex asked me to sew it in yesterday, that's why I couldn't come to the meal last night. Mum refers to the meal we all had last night as one last meal before the wedding.

That's the cutest thing I've ever heard and seen in my life.

''Are you girls ready?'' Katie peaks her head around the wall of the alcove that my Mum and I have been standing in for the past few minutes and with that, Mum presses a kiss against my cheek before pulling away. 

''No.'' I let out a shaky laugh before taking my finger to delicately swipe against the tear beneath my eyes. 

''Jamie just knocked to tell us that everyone's down there now, it's go time, Babe!'' She enthuses and at that, my stomach drops in the best way possible. 

I'm going to be married in the next hour. 

''I'll go first.'' Breana says and although she's my maid of honour, like I'd promised when we were teenagers, she's having to go first. Usually, maid of honours go after the bride to make sure the dress looks good from the back. However, Breana has little Bonnie to carry and on top of that, Bonnie is my flower girl so Bonnie needs to lay the petals. In other words, Breana needs to lay the petals. 

''Are you and Penny going together?'' Katie asks my Mum and quickly, my Mum nods. 

''Nick and I will go after you two then.'' Kelly chimes in and we all nod in agreement. 

Out of all of them talking, I find myself walking in comfortable silence as I try to take everything in. 

I can't even comprehend that I'm about to marry Alex. It's just something that I don't even think is real in this moment in time. 

''Ciao!'' My head is lifting from the gazing at the floor of the thin alley of rows of houses that we're currently walking down, to look at the heroic couple that have quite literally saved my life this weekend. Roberto and Angela are the elderly parents of Breana's new uncle, and they're also the loveliest people I've ever met in my life. 

As soon as I arrived, I was bombarded with cheek kisses and food. I had no complaints at all, it felt like visiting a grandparents house. 

''Beautiful, beautiful!'' Angela gasps as she brings her hands to each side of her face and I smile at her compliment. 

''Thankyou so much!'' I smile as I approach them, trying not to break my neck in my heels that currently step upon the uneven cobbles of the narrow road we're walking down. 

''È così bella, guarda!'' Angela enthusiastically whacks her husband in the chest repeatedly before nodding her head over to me. I don't understand what she's saying but even so, I smile thankfully. 

''Very pretty signorina.'' Roberto nods with a smile before holding his aged hand out to me. I take it with ease and he's quick to raise my hand to his lips. 

In joke, I gasp with a drop of the jaw. ''Roberto! I'm going to be a married lady! You can't do that!'' I jest and he laughs at my joke. 

''Ay, I see how it is, Mrs Turner.'' He shrugs with a sigh and I glance to Angela, who's giggling at the interaction. I blush at the use of my married name. It's starting to seem too real. 

''Come! Your partner is waiting, he looks very handsome!'' Angela steps forward to hook her tanned arm around mine and with a smile, I happily take it. I glance back to make sure that the girls are all following and, of course, they are, but I find myself just purely admiring their outfits. 

I can't even describe the amount of nerves I feel as we walk through the little plot that Roberto and Angela have. I feel as though my heart is about to bounce out of my mouth as I walk down the declining, cobbled hill with the help of Angela. I can hear the girls talking amongst themselves whilst my Mum talks to Roberto but once we're finally reaching the end of the hill, we're reaching the grassy area of where I'm about to get married. 

Holy fucking shit. 

I can't see anyone just yet, but I can see the hills that we're about to get married in front of. I don't think I've ever seen something so stunningly beautiful, it looks like it's straight off of an art piece. 

My legs are almost giving out beneath me when my eyes catch sight of a gathering of old, golden chairs and a flowery arch just in front of the large lake. 

Alex and I haven't even had the time to see what the area looks like for a wedding, but it's so much more than I was expecting. It looks like it's come from my pinterest. 

As soon as my eyes are glancing towards Alex, I'm already beginning to tear up. He's wearing a normal black suit, but my god, he looks so fucking handsome. 

I'm squinting my eyes when I'm catching sight of a setup of instruments next to the wedding setup, but my jaw is dropping when I'm seeing a person that I haven't seen in months. 

''What the fuck!?'' I'm almost screaming before turning around to the girls, who are all trying to prepare themselves for walking down the aisle. 

''What's up?'' Kelly frowns at my sudden outburst and given the fact that I've been silent for most of the walk here, I'm assuming I probably just scared the living daylight out of them. 

''Oh my god.'' I come to a stop before turning around to face away from the small gathering of people in the distance. My hand comes up to my mouth and instantly, the girls are all frowning in concern. 

''What?'' Katie's eyebrows come together and I laugh with a shake of the head. 

''The 1975 are here.'' I tell them with a shaky voice and Kelly's head tilts whilst the rest of the girls jaw drops, except from Mum and Penny. 

''Who's that?'' Penny asks with a frown and I turn around to take another look at the band in the distance. 

''Exactly what I'm thinking, Penn.'' Mum joins and Kelly nods in agreement. 

''It's one of her favourite bands.'' Breana tells them for me as I try to keep myself from having a breakdown. 

''That's lovely.'' Penny coos out of delight as Angela continues to lead us towards the area that I'm about to marry Alex in. 

''You didn't tell me you'd booked a band, love. I thought you were just using the speaker.'' My Mum shrugs in wonder and I shake my head.

''I didn't book them, I had no idea about this!'' I smile excitedly and my Mum smirks at my excitement. 

However, I'm having to contain my excitement once we're actually closely approaching the small area. Alex's back is to mine as a way not to see me yet whilst the few people we have invited turn around in their seats to face me. My eyes are lighting up in pure amusement when I see that fucking Irene is standing in the center of the flower arch with a book in her hands.

Old lady Irene is not fucking marrying me. 

I left Alex in charge of the actual service for today, and I'm thinking that might've been a mistake. 

I do have to give it to him though, the setup is beautiful. 

Angela taps me on the arm once we've reached the the white carpet and it's then that I realize where I am. I feel as though I just took absolutely none of the walk here in and that I've somehow transported here. 

My nerves go into overdrive as the girls all line themselves up in the order that we'd discussed before whilst Angela places one last kiss on my cheek before going to sit herself down on the chairs with Roberto. I smile at her in thanks before watching as the girls all prepare themselves. Katie hands me my bouquet of flowers and I thank her before I crouch down to Bowie, who is standing just beside Katie whilst she gets all the other girls ready. 

I can't believe how big Bowie is getting. He's only just learned how to stand, and he can walk but he falls over quite often. 

''Jheez, Bowie.'' I sigh as I fix his wonky bow-tie. ''I'm going to be married in a few minutes.'' I tell him even though he for one, can't understand me and for two, can't answer me back. 

At least that's the good of it, he can't actually answer.

''Will you help me if I forget my lines?'' I ask him before nudging his cheek and at that, he gives me a grin with his two front teeth sticking out. I smile just at the sight of his smile before nodding. ''I knew you would help me.'' 

''Are you ready, babe?'' Katie comes back to where I'm crouched down with Bowie and with a sigh, I hold my hand out for her to help me up. 

''Ready as ever.'' I smirk and she grins before taking Bowie's hand once she's helped me up. Bowie is actually old enough to hold things so along with Hendrix, Bowie's the ring holder. 

''Lookin' good, Bri.'' Nick nods and I hadn't even noticed that the boys had made their way here to walk with the girls. 

''Thankyou.'' I nod with a smile and Jamie nudges me. 

''You owe me a fiver from 2001 when I betted that you and Alex would get married.'' Jamie smirks and I roll my eyes at his joke. 

I'm perking up once the melody of a familiar tune and instantly, I'm straightening up and my eyes widening. 

''It's fucking medicine.'' 

''What?'' Katie frowns with a huff when she's picking Bowie up to hand over to Nick, who takes Bowie to where Kelly stands with Hendrix so that they can walk together. 

''The song is medicine!'' I gasp when I'm making double sure that I'm right. ''No, I'm actually going to cry.'' My lips turn downwards and Katie laughs at my reaction to the song. 

''Did Alex arrange this?'' I ask Jamie with a whisper because Breana has just set off down the aisle with Bonnie in her arms and Matt walking by her side. 

''He did.'' Jamie confirms and it's then that my lips tremble. 

My lips are trembling even more when Alex is turning around to watch the beginning of the service and instantly, we're making eye contact. Alex is sighing before shaking his head with a smirk and that's the moment that I realize that, like me, tears are brimming at the bottom of his eyes. 

He looks so fucking gorgeous. 

I can't help the tears falling from my eyes as I watch Penny and Mum follow after Breana, Matt and Bonnie. Our friends cheer when my Mum does a bow at the end of the carpet and I laugh at the gesture before Kelly, Nick, Hendrix and Bowie all follow on. I smile at the way Nick has to urge Bowie to hand the rings over when Bowie refuses and with a laugh, Nick takes the cushion off of Bowie to hand over. 

I'm quite literally sobbing by the time Alex's dad is strolling over to me. 

It was without question that I asked David to walk me down the aisle. He's been there for me more than my own Dad has ever been there for me, so it was only right for me to ask him. 

''Y'alright, Mardy Bum?'' He greets me with such casualness and I laugh through my tears at his unbothered greeting. 

''Not really.'' I shake my head with a sniffle and he laughs at my tears as he hooks his arm through mine. 

My breath is shaky as I finally look onto Alex, who stands at the end of the carpet that I'm now taking my first step on. He smiles at me as Miles stands to the side of him.

Even when one of my favourite bands is literally next to me, performing my all time favourite song, Alex is still the one thing on my mind.

By the time I'm reaching Alex, he's instantly pulling me in to place a quick kiss against my lips. 

''Hello.'' I whisper with a shaky laugh through my now, much calmer, tears and with one single tear rolling down his cheek, he smiles back with a ''Hi''.

''Are you two ready?'' Irene asks as though she very much would rather be sat in the lobby, reading her magazine and having a cig right now. However, I know that she's happy to be here. 

Why am I not surprised that Irene is a wedding officiator? This woman has told us about the hundreds of jobs she's had. 

''Yes.'' I laugh at her up-front greeting and she just nods before lifting a cig to her lips. 

Of course she's having a smoke. 

''Right.'' She nods as the cigarette hangs from the corner of her lips before she opens the book up. ''Giz' a sec, can't find me page.'' She tuts with a shake of the head and once she's finally finding it, she's nodding. 

''Ah.'' She sighs. ''We're gathered here to join these two buggers who make my life a living hell.'' She says before taking the cigarette from her mouth. ''Just joking.'' She shrugs and I shake my head with a smile. 

''The course I took online told me that I had to thank you all, so thankyou and all that.'' Irene shrugs. ''I've got to do a speech but I'm struggling with my back and can't be bothered standing for that amount of time so my lovely pal, Jamie, is going to do it for me.'' Irene nods over to Jamie and quickly, I glance over to Alex, who looks equally as panicked as I do. 

Jamie knows way too much about us to be doing a speech in front of our parents. 

I watch in fear as Jamie and Irene swap places, with Irene taking his seat instead. 

''Y'alreyt?'' Jamie is nodding to the small crowd gathered among us and the crowd cheer back. ''Lovely.'' He smirks before thinking about what to say. 

''I feel like the looks on Bri and Alex's face are telling me not to take it too far, so I think I'll leave out all the stories about the drugs and flings... police encounters.. all that, you get the drift.'' Jamie jokes and my palm comes to my face in shame. ''See, she's already disappointed.'' Jamie nods to me and I laugh with a shake of the head. 

''Anyway, I was just telling Brielle that she owed me a fiver from 2001 when I made a bet that her and Alex would get married.'' Jamie begins and I listen in. ''You can both go halfers on it, if you want. 2.50 will be reyt.'' He says to Alex and I. 

''I wasn't the only one who made the bet, Nicko did too.'' Jamie says. ''The point I'm trying to make is that we all saw it coming... and they couldn't even deny it. Even since we were.. what..? About ten? We all knew that they'd end up together one day. Even though we'd get battered if Matt heard us talking about it.'' He laughs and the rest of the group laugh, including Matt. 

''It was only when we were fifteen and sixteen when we actually suspected it. The years before that, it was just a joke n' all that, but then.. I'll never forget it... we all went to the end of their road for New Years and one minute, we were all laughing and talking and then the next, Brielle and Alex were snogging eachother's faces off.'' Jamie giggles and I cringe at the memory. ''And then obviously, Brielle moved and I'd never seen Alex so heartbroken. We all took the piss out of him for it but when I think back to it, there was no bloody surprise that he was in that state, he was in love.'' Jamie smiles and again, I'm having to fold my lips into my mouth. 

''And then the years after that, we saw Bri occasionally and whenever we'd go off to Liverpool to see her, Alex would pester and pester us to bring him with us. That's how bad it was.'' Jamie huffs out a laugh. ''Obviously, though, the first album came about and every single song was about Brielle. To be honest, if it wasn't for this kid, we wouldn't be as big as we are so..'' Jamie holds his fist out to me and a smile before I fist bump him. ''Ta, Pal.'' He thanks cheekily. ''We thought that'd be the end of it but then every song was about Brielle for every other album and thankfully, Brielle didn't listen to the songs. If she had, she'd have probably gotten a restraint order against r' Alex.'' The group laughs, including Alex and I. ''Then came the bloody reunion that nobody expected. On our recent tour, Alex set off to Liverpool to see Miles. We gets to the train station and fucking Alex and Brielle are stood together waiting for us.'' Jamie shrugs. ''They tried playing off that they'd bumped into each other but, here's something we haven't told them.'' Jamie pauses before looking to Alex and I. ''We all knew you were shagging, mate.'' He tells us and my jaw drops. 

My poor Mum's ears...

''Piss off, Cookie!'' Matt shouts jokingly from where he stands on the other side of Alex and I laugh at his protectiveness. 

''That was the real beginning of it. They were, and still are, so disgustingly in love but they couldn't see it, so you could imagine how painfully torturing it was for us to be around them. It was like we were constantly watching a TV show and waiting for the characters to get together but they just never did.. a bit like Smith and Nessa from Gavin and Stacey.'' Jamie compares us to quite literally the worst couple and I squint my eyes at the comparison. ''And then Brielle came on tour with us, and that was the end of any chances of them not getting together. They had a few ups and downs, like all of us, but they still made it out to be the most in love I've ever seen two people to be.'' Jamie pauses for a moment. ''To be honest, I never say this about anyone, and Katie will kill me for this..'' He searches for Katie in the crowd. ''Sorry, love.'' He shrugs. ''I don't believe in soulmates but r' Bri and Alex were so meant to be. It's like.. it was just unbelievable to watch them grow together. To see the amount of things they went through, from the age of fucking fifteen, and for them to end up like this is just amazing.'' 

I am not tearing up at a speech Jamie Cook just did.

I am not tearing up at a speech Jamie Cook just did.

I am not tearing up at a speech Jamie Cook just did.

Oh my god, I'm fucking tearing up at a speech Jamie Cook just did. 

''I wasn't really meant to do a full on soppy speech but I got a bit carried away there, eh?'' He laughs to himself and my lips pout in an urge to stop any tears threatening to spill. ''I'll finish it off like a speech so I don't have to do one later, so... You definitely don't need it but, best wishes for the future. Anyway, in the words of the wise man... Invoice me for the microphone if you need to.'' Jamie reaches his hand forward to drop an 'imaginary' microphone onto the floor and I cringe entirely at the gesture, whilst Alex laughs at his mockery. 

''Fuck me, he doesn't stop bloody talking that lad.'' Irene sighs with a shake of the head as she returns to the middle and the crowd laughs at her endless moaning. 

''He told us their whole life-story, either way, so I don't have to say much more.'' Irene shrugs before closing the book in her hands. ''Alex, say your vows.'' She says with no other words and Alex just nods. 

''We didn't really have much time to prepare these, thanks to Brielle.'' Alex smirks at me and I roll my eyes at the joke. ''If I said everything that I want to say to you, we'd quite literally be here for an eternity so I'll just have to say a bit of it.'' He pauses for a moment. ''Like Jamie said, I think the fact that a good ninety-nine percent of my songs are about you shows how completely and utterly in love I am with you. And I mean that in every aspect. I love everything about you, even if it's something you hate. You say it's stupid but I love the way you think, I love the way you argue that your hair is brown even though it looks ginger in a certain light, I love the way your lips are never fully smooth because you always bite them, I love the way you're so stubborn, I love the way you care so much for everyone, and even those who might not even deserve the care... I could honestly go on forever. I love everything and I'm so glad that I'm officially going to be able to love you forever and more.'' By the end of Alex's speech, I'm having to fully take a few deep breaths because I find myself sobbing at his words. 

Alex has just listed things that I hadn't even ever noticed about myself. 

''You're gonna ruin my makeup, you twat.'' I sob out before jokingly swatting Alex in the chest and he laughs at my dig. 

''Oi! Language!'' My Mum shouts out from the seats and I laugh at her scolding as I wipe beneath my eyes. 

''It's your turn.'' Irene nudges me to grow a pair and stop bawling so quickly, I stand straight before taking one deep breath. 

''Alright.'' I sigh. ''I swear we think the same because I was also going to start off my vows with saying that we hadn't had much time to prepare.'' I tell him and he giggles. ''Anyway, erm...'' I pause to think about what to say. I can already feel my face feeling hot and I just know that I'm bright red right now. ''All I can really say is that I'm so grateful for you, as a whole.'' I tell him with a smile before I'm having to fold my lips into my mouth again. ''I honestly do not know what I would've done without you... I mean, you came back into my life when I wasn't doing the absolute best and for that, I'm so thankful. And as though you didn't do enough by just being there for me, you went on to become the absolute love of my life and I honestly couldn't've asked for anything more.'' I tell him as my fingers fiddle against my flowers. ''I don't really believe in God but every day I thank whatever higher power there is that you're in my life. I don't even think that love is the word to describe whatever I feel for you. I think that whatever I feel for you is something way beyond the feeling of love- something out of this world. But for now, I'll have to stick to the word until I figure out a word to describe how I feel for you, so in that case... I am so in love with you, Alex Turner, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives together.'' I conclude my vow with a chorus of sobs and Alex laughs before reaching forward to take my hands into his. 

I'm stood centimeters away from my husband-to-be. 

''Not to ruin the mood, but my back's in pieces from standing here so someone else'll have to do the next bit.'' Irene whispers to Alex and Alex glances to me with a guilty smile. I laugh at her not so subtle apology. ''Alright, Irene.'' Alex nods. 

''Best man, you're up.'' Irene nods her head to Alex before pulling a pack of cigarettes out of her bra. My eyes widen at her bluntness in front of the whole crowd, but she doesn't think twice as she walks down the aisle to sit at the back. 

''Bloody hell.'' Miles sighs as he takes Irene's place and Alex hands the book that Irene passed to him before, over to Miles. 

''Right, one second.'' He tries to find where we left off and within half a minute, he's finding it. 

This is a shambles, but I've never been so happy in my life. 

''It's the juicy bit now, lads.'' Miles scrunches his shoulders up excitedly and I shake my head with a smile. 

''Brielle, do you take Alex to be your lawfully wedded husband?'' Miles asks and I smile at the question. 

''I do.'' I nod with no hesitance. 

''Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?'' Miles asks with a cheeky grin and I can't help but laugh at the silence of the ceremony. 

''I do.'' I smile and like me, Alex laughs at the silence. 

''Alex, do you take Brielle to be your lawfully wedded wife?'' Miles asks. 

''I do.'' 

''It's not that lawful, I'm not qualified to do this.'' Miles shrugs before turning over the page.

''Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?'' 

''I do.'' Alex smiles before turning to me. I hate to show my teeth when I smile but I have absolutely no control whatsoever in this moment. 

''Bowie, lad. You're slacking, where's the rings?'' Miles turns to Bowie, who sits on the floor, in front of Jamie, untying Jamie's shoes out of boredom. Quickly, Nick hands the red cushion carrying our rings to Miles. 

''Alex and Brielle will now exchange rings as a symbol of love and commitment to each other.'' Miles reads out before handing me a golden ring. 

I got Mr Sweet Dreams engraved on his ring, it was only fair. I'll wait for him to figure it out. 

''Brielle, please place the ring on Alex's left hand and-'' Miles pauses to squint and look closer at the word. ''Repeat after me.'' 

''As a sign of my love.'' Miles says. 

''As a sign of my love.'' I repeat.

''That I have chosen you.''

''That I have chosen you.''

''Above all else.'' 

''Above all else.''

''With this ring, I thee wed.'' 

''With this ring, I thee wed.'' I repeat the vow and I glance up to Alex as I hold the ring between my fingers. He smiles at me before looking back down between us. With shaky hands, I slide the ring onto his finger. 

Straight away, the process is process and I feel bad for Alex having to hold onto my sweaty hand, but he doesn't seem to care once he's sliding the ring up my ring finger. 

''To make your relationship work will take love. Continue to date each other. Take time to show each other that your love and marriage grows stronger with time. It will take trust to know that in your hearts, you truly want what is best for each other. It will take dedication to stay open to one another—and to learn and grow together. It will take loyalty to go forward together, without knowing exactly what the future brings. And it will take commitment to hold true to the journey you have both pledged today.'' Miles reads the words of the book out and I smile at the way he seems so formal. 

I cannot take him seriously. 

''And now, by the power vested in me by absolutely fucking no one,'' Miles giggles to himself before continuing. ''I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.'' 

My heart is bursting with pure joy and excitement when that single sentence is being uttered and straight away, Alex is bringing his ring hand to my cheek whilst his other reaches to my waist. I don't have time to prepare myself for the smiley kiss that has our teeth colliding and giggles bubbling from our bellies when Alex is bringing his lips down to mine. I find myself gasping and laughing when Alex is removing his hand from my face to instead bring it down to my back, where he does the classic movement of tipping me back with my leg in the air. 

I blush at the way our family and friends cheer at the intimate moment and when Alex is bringing me back up and pulling away, I'm having to catch a breath from all the laughing I've done. 

''It's time to get bladdered, you bunch of twats!'' Miles cheers from behind us and from then on, the small crowd bursts into a chorus of cheers and chants. 

''So, yeah! That's how it all started really.'' Matty tells me from where we're stood on the patio of Roberto and Angela's villa. 

As though I couldn't've loved this couple more, they let us have our afterparty at their villa. 

Their actual property is huge. It overlooks our wedding setup so where we're sat, we can see the sun setting behind where we married a few hours ago. From the patio, there's a huge pool surrounded by little lights, illuminating area we're sat in. 

''That's honestly crazy.'' I shake my head out of disbelief. I've sat and listened to Matty's story about how him and the band kicked off and quite possibly, it's one of the most interesting stories I've heard. 

''Bloody love you, Irene.'' Miles exclaims from the other side of the pool and at the loud noise, Matty and I glance over. Matty drops his lit cigarette into the ashtray on top of the metal, white, antique tea-table we've been sat at for the past twenty minutes. 

''Get lost, you scouse nuisance.'' Irene giggles and I think it's the first time I've seen her laugh at anyone. The rest of the group laugh at her as they all sit around the pool, watching the altercation. 

''You love me.'' Miles nudges her whilst he stands next to the sunbed that she's currently sat on with a martini in her hand. 

''Come 'ere.'' She wiggles her finger for him to lean down to her and so he does. However, what we're least expecting her to do is fucking grab him, full on, by the cheeks before pulling him down to kiss him. Instantly, I'm laughing my head off at the way she's just shut him up and from behind, all we can see is Miles trying to keep up. 

''Oh my fucking god!'' I'm screaming out with a clap of the hands and I can't help but kick my legs at the interaction. I can't even breathe as I watch elderly Irene snog Miles's face off and all he does is jokingly grab her cheeks too. 

''Jesus Christ, I don't think I've ever seen Brielle laugh like that!'' Nick points me out from across the pool and all I can hear is the rest of the group laugh at my own laughing fit. I have literal tears in my eyes by the time Miles is pulling away with some force. 

''Fucking hell, girl... lips on you.'' Miles is wiping his mouth with flashing eyebrows. 

I'm so close to fucking pissing myself. 

''Are you alright, Bri?'' Breana asks and I shake my head as I cover my face. I'm going red from laughing so much. 

''Get the poor girl some water or something, bloody hell.'' Katie giggles from where she's sat on Jamie's lap upon the sunbed two away from Irene. 

''That was fucking amazing, Irene!'' I congratulate her on her gesture and she shrugs before chugging her martini. 

''People, come! Look at the television!'' Angela hurries out excitedly, catching everyone's attention. Instantly they're all standing from where they're all sat around the pool to hurry inside. However, Alex and I each stay outside. 

I wander over to Alex, who sits on one of the sun loungers on the other side of the pool. 

Thankfully, I'm not having to walk around in heels and my dress anymore. I've been able to change into a white sundress, which honestly, is just as nice as the wedding dress. 

The pearls of the neckline match my hair perfectly, and with the dress, I wear my favourite pair of white converse. I couldn't pass on wearing platform converse on my wedding day, I couldn't disobey my teenage self and not fulfill her promise to wear trainers. 

''I've never seen you laugh so much in my life.'' Alex smiles once I'm in reaching distance of him and once I'm approaching that distance, he's grabbing my hand to pull me to sit on his lap. 

''That was the best thing I've ever seen.'' I begin to giggle just at the thought of what I just saw with my bare eyes.

Never did I think that I'd be living in a world where Miles Kane snogs an old woman. However, I'd expect nothing less than it from either of them. I feel like Miles and Irene have lived the same past life because they're both almost identical. 

''You look so, so beautiful.'' Alex smiles from where he looks up at me as his hands wrap around my waist. My arm slings over his neck to stabilize myself. 

''You look so, so beautiful.'' I retort before leaning down to press a quick kiss against his lips. Every time I see this man, all I can think about is the fact that I'm pregnant and every time I'm reminded, my heart swells with excitement and desperation to tell him. 

''You're my wife now.'' He tells me with a wholesome smile and I give him a toothy grin. 

''That means I get to boss you around forever.'' My fingers come up to nudge against his chin jokingly and he shakes them away with a laugh. 

''You do that already.'' He jokes and my jaw drops. 

''You cheeky sod.'' My hand comes up to swat against his chest.

''What did you just call me?'' He gasps and my eyes are widening when his hands are tightening around me. 

I know what's coming. 

''No!'' I shout out before trying to escape his grasp with a laugh. ''I didn't mean it!'' I giggle nervously when he's hooking his hand beneath my leg with the other one under my back, lifting me in a swift motion. 

Is this really his version of a bridal carry?

''Get bloody lost!'' I yelp out when he's bouncing me once in his arms to readjust me. 

''Did I hear 'throw me into the pool, please?' then?'' Alex asks with a frown as he approaches the pool and I shake my head quickly. 

''I will divorce you if you take one step closer to that pool!'' I joke with a laugh before wrapping my arms around his neck. 

If I'm going in, he's coming with me.

However, we're both coming to a standstill when the song of the radio perked up on the table Matty and I were sitting at is coming to an end and the familiar hum of a melody is echoing through the radio.

''No way...'' I look down at Alex who looks equally as stunned as I. 

Be My Baby is playing on the radio. 

''You must've manifested it.'' Alex flashes his eyebrows before finally letting me down. In the process, he doesn't let go of me. Once I'm reaching the floor, his hand is coming to my waist whilst his other hand comes to mine. 

''What are the chances?'' I laugh out at the memory of telling Alex that I wanted to have 'Be My Baby' playing at the wedding, the night we got engaged. 

''The 'higher power' listened to you.'' Alex refers to my vows and I blush at the thought of it. The whole time, I was cringing at myself. 

''I'm just amazing.'' I shrug with pursed lips and Alex smiles as he sways with me to the music. 

In the moment, I try to take everything in. I feel that for the entire day, I haven't taken anything in. I haven't had the time to take anything in. However, in this exact moment, I feel like like everything is coming to me all at once. 

Today is our anniversary, it's the album release, I found out I was pregnant and I married the love of my life. Today is the biggest day of my life and it's quite literally all because of the man that I'm dancing in Italy with. 

I'm pregnant, I'm married and I'm dancing in front of a pool in Italy. 

Holy shit. 

My teenage self would be so proud.

''I got you a wedding gift.'' Alex's teeth come down to bite upon his bottom lip as he tries to conceal a not so subtle smile and I sigh as my free hand comes to rest upon his neck. My hand threads through the hair at the nape of his neck. 

''We said no gifts.'' I shake my head with a sigh but I can't help but smile at him. 

I'm filthily in love with this man. 

''I know but I've had this for a while.'' He tells me as we sway effortlessly along to the music. The sun is just about to set, casting an orange shadow onto the open patio of the villa. 

I watch as he reaches into his pocket with the hand he's removed from my hand, so for the meantime, I distract my hand by slinging it over his shoulder. Within seconds, Alex is pulling out a square box and my eyes widen. 

''We're already married.'' I joke and he rolls his eyes with a huff of a laugh before bringing the box between us. He then pulls away altogether. He hands the box over to me as he stands in front of me and with hesitance, I open the box. 

I'm frowning when I catch sight of a set of keys and at first, I glance up to Alex.

There's a single key attached to a small, silver, camera keychain, along with a keychain that looks to be a roll of film. I dig into the box to pull the keys from the satin inside and when I'm seeing the small tab coming from the yellow, film-roll keychain, I'm pulling it. 

My eyebrows are widening and my lips are turning downwards in a pout when a strip of photos of Alex and I are coming from the mini keychain and I look at each one closely. 

However, when I'm reaching the last photo, I'm squinting at the dark film to try and figure out what picture it is. It's a tall, brick building in the middle of what looks to be a city.

''What one's this from?'' I ask out of curiosity and when I'm hearing silence, my eyes are flicking to Alex, who stands with a smile. I tilt my head for him to answer. 

''It's your new photography studio, Bri.'' He tells me and for a second, I frown. However, the realization is soon hitting me and within seconds, my eyes are widening when I figure out what this man is saying. 

''You got me a studio?'' I ask with full seriousness and Alex's nods. 

''It's all yours.'' He nods in confirmation and after seconds of letting the information hit, I find myself squealing at his surprise. 

''Are you being serious?'' I ask with wide eyes and Alex just nods with a shaky laugh. 

With no hesitance, I'm jumping into Alex arms out of complete and utter excitement. He stumbles back a few steps at the impact but quickly, he's gathering himself and holding his hands beneath my thighs that wrap around his torso. I squeeze my arms around him so fucking tightly and he laughs out at the strength. 

''What the fuck!'' I gasp out of disbelief when the thought is hitting me once again and finally, Alex is letting me back down on the floor. 

''You can finally show your pictures off and have somewhere to take them.'' Alex tells me and I shake my head out of pure disbelief.

''Alex...'' I'm quite literally speechless. ''Thankyou.'' I tell him truthfully. ''So much.'' I take my hand to his cheek before reaching up on my tippy-toes to place a chorus of soft kisses upon his cheek. 

''Thankyou for marrying me.'' He thanks me and my purse my lips at how cute he sounds in the movement. 

I've not once found this man cute, only ever hot, however, that was one of the cutest things I've ever heard him say. 

When I'm coming back down onto my feet, my eyes scan his face in pure adoration as I take in each and every inch of him. The thought of, for the first time ever, one-upping him with gifts is entering my mind and for a few seconds, I think about it. I take each of his hands into mine before looking up at him. 

''I'm pregnant, Alex.'' I tell him with, I'm sure, visible adoration in my eyes and as soon as I'm uttering that single sentence, his face is dropping and so is his jaw. His eyes scatter from each side of my face as though they forget how to make eye contact with me and I smile at the way shock takes over his face. 

''Are you joking?'' He asks me and I nod my head with my lips folded into a smile. 

After seconds of silence, I begin to actually question whether this is something that Alex is unhappy about, but that fear is soon diminishing when Alex is tackling me into the strong hug I've ever had in my life. I squeal at the impact as he lifts me from the floor for the third time tonight. Like before, he lifts me so that my legs wrap around his torso. 

''Oh my god.'' He sighs out shakily as he digs his head into my neck and I smile at his reaction. I try to keep the tears that are threatening to spill from my eyes at bay, but it's hard not to let them fall when I hear a familiar sniffle come from Alex and for that, I know that he's feeling the exact same as I am. 

This morning, I didn't really let myself think about it too much. To be honest, I was hoping that Alex would've been there to find out with me, but I needed to take it just for extra caution this morning. When I found out, I didn't let myself feel excited or sad, or anything for that matter. I put it to the back of my mind and I think I subconsciously did that so I'd be able to have a moment like this with Alex. 

I feel like I'm actually realizing what this means for the first time, with him, and I'm glad about that. 

''When did you find out?'' He asks as he pulls away from my neck. In the process, I slide down from being wrapped around him and instead stand in front of him, not moving an inch away. 

With his hands not beneath my legs now, they come to my face to direct me to look up at him. My heart sinks in the best way possible when a single tear is dropping from his right eye.

''This morning.'' My finger comes to wipe away the tear that rolls down his cheek, but in reality, I should be wiping my own because just as many are falling from mine. ''I was a few days late, and that's the usual for me but I wanted to be sure just to rule it out so I could drink, but it was positive.'' I tell him and he just smiles as his thumbs rub against the skin of my cheeks. 

We stand in silence for a second as Alex gazes down at me.

''We're gonna' be parents.'' He whispers with a huff of a strangled laugh and with the same laugh, I nod before another course of tears are leaving my eyes. Alex presses his lips down onto mine and my hands come up to rest upon his that lay upon my skin. 

My lips are gonna' be swollen by the end of tonight but it's so worth it. 

''Alex, mate!'' The voice of Miles is interrupting us, followed by the sound of a group laughing and talking. 

Quickly, I'm wiping away my tears once I've pulled away from Alex and Alex is turning to our guests. 

''We hit number one in the UK within six hour, it's just been on MTV.'' Miles announces instantly, Alex is smiling at the news. 

''You're joking.'' Alex sighs with a shake of the head as his hands come to his hips. 

''Nope.'' Miles shakes his head before approaching Alex with his arms wide open.

''Bloody hell.'' Alex laughs. 

My heart swells with pride in that moment, however, the quick movement of Miles tackling Alex into the pool has my eyes widening and my jaw dropping with a gasp. Our guests cheer at Miles's surprise attack and when Alex is coming to the surface of the pool, he's merging into a playfight between himself and Miles. 

''Is it warm in there?'' Katie shouts to Alex whilst she stands with a gin in her hand. 

''Yeah!'' He shouts back with a laugh as he gets Miles into a headlock in the shallow end of the pool. 

''Cool.'' Katie nods before placing her drink down and in the chaos of it all, she's the next to throw herself into the pool. 

Again, I'm gasping at the abruptness of it all. 

Before I even realize, everyone is following after Katie, all jumping in fully clothed, including my Mum and Penny. The pool is full of our twenty five guests, except from Roberto and Angela, who have each insisted on watching the kids for a few hours. 

Within a matter of minutes, I'm the last one to be standing in the patio, even Irene is swimming the pool, with her martini in one of her hands. 

''Come on, Helders! Don't let us down!'' Jamie shouts as he shakes the water off his hair with Katie standing front of him. They stand in the shallow end whilst Jamie leans over to sling his hands over Katie from behind. 

''Piss off.'' I shake my head with a laugh. ''You're all idiots.'' 

''Come on, love! It's warm!'' Matty shouts from where he sits on the edge of the pool, having just jumped in with Adam. 

Once Matty and Jamie try to persuade me to get in, the majority of the guests all chant for me to jump in. I roll my eyes with a smile at their persistence of getting me into the pool and after minutes of arguing with them, I realize that there's no getting out of it. 

When I'm lifting my leg up to untie my Converse, the guests are all chanting 'Take it off!' and I find myself giggling at the chant. 

There's no way I'm getting this dress wet, it was half of my paycheck for this month, so quickly, I'm reaching my arm up to the zipper beneath my arm to unzip the dress. I don't really care if they see my underwear, it's the same as my bikini. 

My eyes are widening when I see Alex lifting himself from the pool and I already know he's on his way to finish what he started earlier so of course, my hands work quicker to unzip the dress. When the dress is falling to the floor, revealing the lingerie beneath it, the guests are cheering and a certain few of them even whistling. Thankfully, the one person who I wouldn't want to see this, Matt, is currently inside with Breana, trying to help Roberto and Angela get to sleep. 

The fabric is a very much see through mesh, but I have no shame about what's beneath it. It isn't as though half of the nation haven't seen my very much intimate body-paint shoot. 

I'm screaming out when Alex is tackling me once again, lifting me into the bridal-style carry before he's running me into the pool. I hold my nose once we're reaching the water and once I'm going under, I'm instantly finding my way back to the top. 

''Wahay!'' Jamie is chanting before whistling again and when I'm moving my hair out of the way out of my face, I'm putting the middle finger up to him. However, I'm squealing when I feel a hand pull me from behind. I giggle when Alex pulls me into his chest from behind and I kick my legs to stay afloat. 

''The marriage is christened now.'' Alex jokes before lightly nipping me at the waist and I push myself away from him with a giggle. 

''Piss off, Mr Turner.'' I flash my eyebrows as I maneuver myself to face him. 

''I'm never pissing off. You've got me forever, Mrs Turner.'' He retorts before reaching out to pull me closer to him. I wrap my legs around his torso as he keeps us afloat and in one swift move, his lips are coming down to press against mine. 

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An aerialist and a lyrical genius meet one night, finding kindred spirits in each other. Though both lead completely different lives, but their desir...