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''You were at fucking court?'' Breana is the first one to speak after Alex and I silence ourselves following our extremely long explanation as to why we're all gathering with such short notice, why him and I arrived together and everything else that needs explaining. 

It's safe to say that we've left everyone speechless, myself included. In fact, actually speaking about the whole thing aloud had made me realize just how weird of a situation Alex and I have gotten ourselves into. I'm almost speechless myself. 

Alex practically forced everyone to meet at Jamie and Katie's house and with a bit of debate and persuasion, they all managed to get there. However, they were shocked to see Alex arriving last, with me by his side. 

At first, they welcomed me with smiles, even though we've only last seen each other two weeks ago, but the thought soon hit their heads that Alex and I aren't supposed to here with one another and it only took seconds for them to begin questioning us. 

Neither of us answer their rapid questions, instead deciding to start from the top and work down to the bottom after sitting everyone down around the huge, wooden table that Katie forced Jamie to allow in their house. 

Alex and I sit beneath the confused gaze of everyone at the table. 

''Yeah, and we won.'' Alex adds and I smirk at the small spark of pride he manages to sneak into his response. 

''Jesus Christ.'' Jamie breathlessly mumbles with a shake of the head. 

''So you didn't actually cheat on her?'' Matt asks, pointing to me as he speaks to Alex. 

''Nope.'' He shakes his head, ''Never.'' 

''Bloody hell..'' Katie sighs as her clasped hands rest against her mouth in thought, her elbows resting upon the wooden table.

''How long ago did you find out?'' Kelly asks. 

''About.. six weeks ago, would you say?'' Alex tells them before looking towards me for clarification. 

''Yep, that's about right.'' I clarify, refraining from telling him that it has actually been five weeks and three days. I'm pretty sure I'd scare him away if I spat out that information so quick. 

''You sneaky fuckers!'' Breana gasps with a motherly point. ''I fucking knew there was something going on, like some fucking love in the air shit or something!'' 

I smirk at her shock whilst Alex chuckles with a shake of his head, that action alone being enough to have butterflies fluttering in my stomach. 

''Who's gonna' be our manager now then?'' Surprisingly, Jamie is the first one to ask an actually smart question and the room goes silent as though they're just as eager to know the answer as  he is. 

''I'm not sure yet but Josh said that he knows some people and that he'll let me know when he gets any news.'' Alex explains and I think back to when I first met Josh. We only met briefly when I went to go to meet the boys at the music studio, which also just happened to be the first bad encounter I had with Colin too, but Josh was nice when I met him so I trust that he'll find someone who's miles better than Colin. 

''I can't get my head 'round that.'' Nick sighs with a shake of the head before sitting back in his seat, crossing his arms over his torso in wonder. 

''I could kill him.'' Matt shakes his head disapprovingly and Katie agrees, and somewhat, I agree too. 

In theory, he was the reason I lost my job and ended up with fucking Max. 

''We should TP Colin's house.'' Kelly suggests mindlessly whilst she gently bounces Bowie on her lap, the smallest smile lifting at Bowie's lips. 

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