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''Helders!'' I hear a distant voice followed by repetitive knocks on my door, waking me from my already disturbed sleep.

''Fuck off.'' I draw out a groan, digging my throbbing head into the hotel pillows as the knocks get even louder. 

''Brielle!'' The voice shouts and I recognize it as the one and only Miles. 

''I'm asleep!'' I shout at the door, lifting my head up slightly as though looking at the door would make Miles go away. 

''You need to get ready, we've got to be out of the hotel in 20 minutes.'' He explains, his voice continuing to be loud.

I roll my eyes at the door and turn to the bedside table to see that it's 8:21am. I've been awake for barely 2 minutes and my hangover is already making me believe that I'll never drink gin again. 

''Fine, I'm getting up.'' I sigh and force myself to sit up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed as I wipe the sleep from my eyes. I see the mascara from last night on my finger when I bring it down from my eye and I cringe at the sight. 

Within the 20 minutes I'd been given, I washed my face, styled my hair messily and changed my clothes. I was desperate for a shower but the time I'd been given obviously didn't give me the chance to do so, and I'm pretty much focused on thanking fucking god for not giving me a terrible hangover. 

After Alex left in a rage last night, I hurried to take my makeup off and change into comfier clothes. I wasn't prepared to dwell over our 'disagreement' for any longer, and quite honestly, I didn't have the energy to either. So I wiped my makeup off, changed into pyjamas and went straight to sleep. Understandably, I woke up this morning to be greeted with a bad mood.

''Bri, are you ready?'' Miles shouts through the door again and I roll my eyes.

''Yes!'' I sigh loud enough for him to hear as I shove my heavy shoes on at the side of the door, attempting to balance my bags on my arms all whilst almost tripping over my own feet. 

''Took your time.'' Miles says as soon as I open the door, dragging all of my belongings out behind me. 

''Nobody told me we had to be out so early.'' I groan at the bright lights illuminating the hallway of the hotel as I shut the door behind me. 

''Nobody told me either.'' He responds, taking some of my luggage off of me to ease the heaviness of the bags. 

''So, you and Alex?'' He asks as he jabs his elbow teasingly into my stomach. His jab did nothing to help the urge I have to throw up, it also did nothing to help the sigh that slips out of my mouth at the mention of Alex's name.

''Don't even get me started.'' I laugh under my breath with a headshake before reaching into my pocket to slip my sunglasses out. I push them onto my face as we enter the hotel lift, protecting my sensitive eyes from the bright lights. 

''What did he do this time?'' Miles asks, pressing onto the ground floor button in the elevator. 

''Well, after I left last night, Alex demanded to take me back to my hotel room. I told him not to but he did anyway. Anyway, he said that I was drunk or whatever and that I needed someone with me. He was being kind of nice but I'd just shoot it down, which is my own fault, but he deserved it. I told him that what he was doing was stupid and it was a lot worse than what he's trying to 'protect' me from, but he didn't see it.'' I explain as the lift takes us down to the lobby, and I continue explaining when we reach the floor level and step off the lift. ''After that he started saying that I wasn't respecting what he wanted and then I said that it went both ways but he just shook his head so I told him to fuck off, and he did.''

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