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Amelia Andres, an orphan with a nonchalant attitude, found herself mysteriously reborn into the intricate wor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One

Chapter Eighteen

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Aera travels back to Westeros leaving Daenerys with Ser Jorah and Daario. She travels back to look for the people she needs to help.

The guardian angel of Westeros.

But the first thing she does is to look for Theon and Ramsay, in the woods near the dreadfort dungeon. Aera runs to them when she saw Myranda and Ramsay running towards a girl with Theon and the dogs.

"Tansy! Tansy! Tansy!" Ramsay's taunt frightened the girl.

Ramsay and Myranda run together, holding hands. They each hold a bow as they run.  They are happy, excited, and enjoying themselves. Theon limps behind them, trying to keep up. The hunting dogs continue to bark.

Aera saw the girl name Tansay running away from the dogs that bark in pursuit. Ramsay notches an arrow, as it hits a tree almost hitting the scared girl.

"If you make it out of the woods, you win! Run, Tansy, run!" Ramsay taunts while laughing with Myranda and Theon looks terrified at whatever will happen to the girl.

When the girl manage to run in a different direction, Aera snatch her hands and placed her hands on the girl's mouth making the girl look at her horrified.

"Shh..." Aera muttered and look upon ahead, they saw the Dogs coming towards them and place the girl behind her. "Close your eyes," Aera said confusing the girl but she did what she was told to.

Aera disappear with the girl, she brought the girl far away from that place into a nearby cottage, abandoned one.

"Open your eyes," Aera said looking around Tansy did what she was told and then opened her eyes, Tansy noticed she was not in the woods anymore.

"H-how?..." The girl's voice trembles. Aera hurriedly grabs the bags in the corner, which contain gold and clothes.

"Listen, Tansy... Run away and never come back. There's dragon gold there, I need you to travel into Essos, to Free Cities. Travel to Meeren and look for their Queen. Tell her... Hāedar and Dārilaros. Tell her I send you. " Aera said looking at the girl who was sobbing. Younger Sister and Princess

" H-how about you? " The girl asked and Aera just gave her a reassuring smile.

" I will be fine, just go to her she will make you safe. Tell her what happened. Tell her... Her Hāedar sent you. " Aera said and the girl nodded even though she was confused. She just wanted to get away from her soon as possible.

The girl hurriedly changes her clothes and she's still trembling then she leaves, the cottage where she finds a horse. Aera signals her to go and doesn't look back.

Aera watched the horse sprint away from the cottage to safety, she smiles looking at the poor innocent girl who will almost get killed because Myranda is jealous of her.

Anger slowly emerges from Aerasanne's body while looking at the woods, a few miles away from the cottage. She hated that man and she was the one to kill him.

Aera goes back to the woods to see that Ramsay and Myranda are still looking for Tansy who disappears from their site, while Theon looks rather relieved that the girl manages to run away.

"Tansy!!! Come out! We just wanted to play!" Myranda yelled and Ramsay laughs.

"Looks like the girl manage to escape, the question is where?" Ramsay said while still looking around, their dogs are with them sniffing the area. "Are you still jealous of a missing girl?" Ramsay asked his partner.

"Me!? Jealous? Of that bitch!?. You must be kidding!" Myranda spat at the man while Theon was on the side trembling.

Aera rolled her eyes and walk away but before she does, she throws a large piece of meat on the ground, letting the dog sniff it. It has Tansy's shredded dress, making everyone think that she died.

Far from the distance, Bart roars and then ran away. Ramsay, Myranda, and Theon looked at that part then the dogs run toward where the meat are.

Aera smirked and then disappear, she appears beside Bart and they run together.

Aera arrives at Kingslanding, dressing like a normal citizen. Aera wore a pink dress that she bought from the market, she is not a big fan of heavy fabrics.

Aera walks around the garden party in Kingslanding, here she saw that Sansa is sitting beside Tyrion at the main table. Aera stands on the corner, in the food area, precisely.

Sansa spotted Aera on the corner who gave her a wink making her smile while looking at her. Tyrion might have noticed this making the Lord look at her, there he saw Aera eating some grapes, and she stole them.

Aera turned to the man and nods. Aera smiles and walks away, while the feast begins. Mace Tyrell stands up and presents his gift.

"My Lady, do you know who is that girl?" Tyrion asked Sansa who looked at him.

"Why?" Sansa asked.

"New face, I haven't seen her in the capital," Tyrion answered.

"You mean, a new beauty. She's a friend." Sansa blankly said and looked up. Tyrion just nodded, in his mind, it was impossible for him not to meet such beauty he couldn't forget that face if he already saw her.

In Kingslanding, The Sept of Baelor, Aera stands in the crowd watching the wedding of Margaery and Sansa.

Aera secretly stands beside Sansa who looked at her in surprise, she gave her a signal to be quiet. The two turned to Joffrey and Margaery.

"With this kiss, I pledge my love," Joffrey announced and Kiss his wife.

Everyone applauded seeing the newlyweds couple and Aera just smirk.

"We have a new Queen," Sansa muttered.

"Better her than you," Tyrion said.

Aera likes Margaery but for her, the true Queen is her sister, Daenerys Targaryen. A girl who manages to do the impossible.

"Indeed" Aera muttered making Tyrion turn to her with surprise. Aera looked at the man and smile then she turned back to the newlywed's couple.

Aera and Sansa walk together arriving at the wedding reception. "I'm glad you are here" Sansa whispered and Aera nodded.

"I am too, I don't miss a bloody wedding," Aera said making Sansa turn to her. "But everyone expects you on the head table, you should go. We don't want any attention to us." Aera said and Sansa nodded but before she could go Aera grabs her hand.

"Someone will come, Sansa. Go. No one knows about me, so tell no one." Aera whispered in her ear and then kissed her cheek.

Sansa gave her a confuse looked but Aera gave her a reassuring smile. "Go, everyone is waiting for you," Aera said.

"Will you be there?" Sansa asked and Aera nodded. "I'm still waiting for your promise," Sansa said and Aera nodded.

"I will not fail you, my friend. I promise you, you will find a new joy in that safe place" Aera said and Sansa nodded before heading to the head table.

Aera turned to Tyrion who was talking to Bronn, the man looked at her. Making the three of them look at her.

"Who is that!?" Bronn exclaims. "A beauty that could challenge your sister's beauty" Bronn commented while looking at Aera.

"My sister already lost," Tyrion said while looking at the Princess. Aera hear everything, she rolled her eyes and walk away.

" Fierce, I like her. Who is she? " Bronn asked.

" Only my wife knows. " Tyrion said and start walking again. Aera observes everyone until.

She found her place on the side near Loras, she looked at Margaery and Joffrey who were bored at the wedding.

Joffrey then stands up with a smug smile on his face." Everyone. The queen would like to say a few words."

The crowd applauds as Joffrey sits back while Margaery stands up looking at everyone.

"We are so fortunate to enjoy this marvelous food and drink. Not all among us are so lucky. To thank the gods for bringing the recent war to a just end, King Joffrey has decreed that the leftovers from our feast be given to the poorest in his city." Margaery announced making everyone cheer, Aera smiles and saw Cersei having her evil thoughts making rolled her eyes.

Aera saw that Jaime threatened Ser Loras who gave the same energy then walks away leaving the man stunned.

Aera steps forward towards the man. "Nice wedding," Aera said standing up beside Ser Jaime.

Jaime turned to her in surprise, he looked at her from head to toe. He usually saw her in some black cloaks and fighting clothes but seeing her in a beautiful dress stunned him.

"Aera..." He whispered.

"Miss me?" Aera tease without looking at the man. "I heard about the wedding and I couldn't miss it, especially the food. The Queen Margaery and your... Nephew looked good together." Aera said. She hesitates to say the word nephew.

Everyone knows.

Jaime look away and sighed. He doesn't know what to feel but just looks away in shame.

"You look different today, clearly creating a lot of attention. I'm sure you don't like that" Jaime said looking at everyone who was looking at the girl beside her.

Aera didn't care, she was picking the foods she likes. "I'm here for the food. The Tyrells paid well for this food." Aera said.

" Tyrells?" Jaime asked. " You do know everything, and here I thought that Varys knows everything. " Jaime added.

" Oh... The spider. I know everything about him and yet he doesn't know a thing about me. Wanna know the fun part of doing something alone... No one will know." Aera said then turned to Jaime, she bites the apple she picked up. Then she drifted her gaze on his golden hand.

"Saw you the other day, training," Aera muttered under her breath. Jaime sighed, he wanted to keep that training a secret from everyone but what can he do?

This girl beside him knows everything, she even knows where to find him when they need to rescue Brienne from the bear that she adopted.

Jaime and Aera then saw Brienne walk toward the newlywed's couple to give her respect and courtesy. Aera smiles seeing her favorite lady in the crowd.

"Your sister is smaller than Lady Brienne but she's willing to devour her anytime." Aera snorted looking at them. Jaime watches the scene unfold in front of him.

"In truth, he rescued me, Your Grace. More than once." Lady Brienne said. Then they turned to them. Cersei notices Aera standing beside her beloved brother.

" And now she wanted to devour me alive, does she do that all the time? " Aera asked smiling at Jaime, pissing Cersei off.

"Did he? Haven't heard that story before." Cersei drifts her eyes back to Brienne.

" Not such a fascinating story, I'm afraid." Lady Brienne also notices Aera, her face light up seeing the girl who saves them.

"I'm sure you have many fascinating stories. Sworn to Renly Baratheon. Sworn to Catelyn Stark. And now my brother. Must be exciting to flit from one camp to the next serving whichever lord or lady you fancy." Cersei remarks the woman loves to make a lot of enemies for stupid reasons.

"I don't serve your brother, Your Grace." Brienne firmly said.

" But you love him. " Cersei snap back and Brienne gave the Dowager Queen her sweetest smile.

Aera heard everything. " Like a brother" Aera muttered, whispering it to Brienne's ears without actually getting closer.

" Like a brother, Your Grace. " Brienne said and move along. The smile on Cersie's face disappears.

Jaime frowns at Aera wondering why she whispers those words because the man cannot hear anything from Cersie and Brienne's conversation.

" I better get going, your sister is already planning different ways to eliminate me." Aera retorts then leave. Jaime's eyes never leave Aera as the girl walks around the food area, he even saw her snatch fruits making him grin.

Aera followed Brienne. "Lady Brienne!" Aera found the woman walking away from the wedding.

Brienne stop and turned back at her with a smile seeing her again. " You are incredible girl, the last time I saw you... You look like a fierce girl in black now a fine lady" Brienne commented.

"So do you. You've seen Sansa, aren't you?" Aera asked and the woman nodded. "Listen, one of my mission is to keep the girl safe, and so do you. In truth, Lady Catelyn asked me to make sure she is safe the reason I am here. One of the reasons why I meet you and Ser Jaime." Aera whispered to the lady.

"But I can't protect her all the time, I still need to look for Arya. Can you do me a favor and make sure she is safe whenever I'm gone?" Aera asked.

All the questions in Brienne's mind had been answered by a simple request, she now knows that this girl is one of Lady Catelyn's trusted friends.

"I understand now, you can rest assured," Brienne promised and Aera nodded.

" So do you really like, Ser Jaime? " Aera asked and the lady just smiles and shake her head confusing the Princess.

" No, Lady Aera. I see him as a brother if you heard my conversation with the Queen. You could hear she's attacking me so I only defend." Brienne informed and Aera chuckles.

" She's a jealous woman, quite dangerous. " Aera laughs.

" She is, I notice the truth behind the relationship between Jaime and the Queen. I have no idea what they have before but that slowly disappearing. " Brienne said.

" What do you mean? "

" There's someone who manages to catch the attention of Ser Jaime. Someone he remembers all the time that I even heard him keeps mumbling her name" Brienne said and Aera frowned.

Brienne gave a  smile knowingly and the realization hit Aera.

" You've got to be kidding me, that's impossible. No!... I've never been confused in my life" Aera retorts. Brienne chuckles at the girl's reaction, she seems oblivious to everything that happens around her.

" Well I'm not, don't you see My lady, everywhere you go... Men are willing to turn their heads just to look at you. " Brienne informed.

" I hope their heads snap. If a man wants me for my beauty, wealth, lust, body, or anything that will gain them then I don't want them. I wanted to desire, cherish, be important to someone, to be loved if that even exists in this world. " Aera said looking straightly at Brienne who was bewildered by the girl's statement.

"You have standards" Brienne smiles.

"Nope, it's a bare minimum." Aera chuckles grab Brienne's hands and they walked towards the wedding. "Let's watch what will happen on this glorious day." Aera stands beside Brienne. Brienne noticed that Aera take out some grapes and start eating them.

" You snatch that? " Brienne asked. Aera drop her eyes to the fruits and then nodded, she's been stealing some food and no one seems to care, besides it was a wedding.

" Strawberry is my favorite fruit alongside Mango, but the grapes taste sweeter than any of those on that table" Aera groans.

Aera notices Oberyn having a battle of conversation against the Lannister. She liked that man, he knows how to handle shits and loves to throw shades. But made a ton of mistakes during his fight.

Everyone shut up when Joffrey made his little speech that irritates Aera to her core, there's something about his voice full of malice and playfulness that hides his cowardly side.

"Everyone, silence! Clear the floor. There's been too much amusement here today. A royal wedding is not an amusement. A royal wedding is a history. The time has come for all of us to contemplate our history. My lords... my ladies..." Joffrey happily announces and at the corner, a lever is being pulled.

The lion's mouth opens and a red carpet rolls down.

"I give you. King Joffrey... Renly, Stannis, Robb Stark, Balon Greyjoy. The War of the Five Kings." Joffrey announced pointing to the giant lion head.

Five dwarves come down from the lion's mouth, each dressed as one of the five kings. They run about, playing their roles with comic glee. The crowd applauds. Jeffrey is very pleased. Tyrion, less so.

A lot of people are disgusted by the show and Aera sighed. "Glorious day" Sarcasms can be heard in Aera's voice.

Brienne doesn't like the way that they disrespect Renly so she turned to Aera. "Forgive me, My lady. I have to go" Brienne said and leave while staring back at the shows.

As the show goes on Aera glance at Sansa who's being tortured by how they portray her brother, she can the anger and sadness in girl's eyes. Aera also glances at the others on the head table most of them don't like the show except Cersei while Tywin is amused.

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