Chapter Four

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Aera came back with ease, she finally manages to return without any complications but when she was about to enter the camp Ser Jorah stops her.

"Princess... I suggest we stay here, the Khal is with his wife." Ser Jorah said. This confuses the girl it's almost sunrise what on earth are still doing? Aera can hear the groan inside the tent so she steps away from it.

"Is there any food? I'll prepare my sister some food." Aera asked the Knight who nodded. The Knight knows the girl just wanted to get away from the tent, away from the noise.

The man escorts the girl to get some food for the Princess but to his surprise, the girl knows how to cook and clean the dishes. Even some Dōthrāki was amazed at seeing the girl's skill. Aera made sure the food she will serve to her sister is fully clean, the least she could do for now.

She asked Doreah to serve it to her sister, the girl did it without hesitation. Aera just watched the girl enter the tent where Khal Drogo just left. Aera notices how the Knight keeps on following her and even keep on talking to her but she didn't mind. She needs to keep her mind off things for now until the time comes.

In the past few days, Aera knows that Daenerys succeed in making Khal happy of how the man keeps on taking his sister from time to time.

"Looks like Daenerys manage to make Khal happy, sister," Viserys said as they saw Khal leaves the tent with a smug smile on his face. "Maybe it is indeed right for Daenerys to marry the man. You will just bore him to death with your whining." Viserys said and walked away.

Aera rolled her eyes, "If I wanted your death, you'll be gone by now." The girl whispered. But still, a part of her sees the man as a broken piece of how life challenges them.

"Your brother... Is he always like that?" Ser Jorah suddenly appears beside her. Aera turned to him and shrug his shoulder.

"Life made him paranoid. Keep us safe is his priority but taking the Iron Throne will be his first choice" Aera informs. " Today we will depart, I better help my sister to get ready. " Aera said and walked towards the tent. Daenerys welcome her with a smile.

" There you are, I was just about to ask Doreah to call for you," Daenerys said and hold the girl's hands. Doreah and Irri come forward to give the girl the Dōthrāki clothes that Daenerys pick just for her.

Aera stared at the clothes given to her, in all of that, Daenerys still gave her the most decent one that will match her body

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Aera stared at the clothes given to her, in all of that, Daenerys still gave her the most decent one that will match her body. Aera's body had always been a fit figure because of her training.

"It's lovely, thank you," Aera said and Daenerys smiled. She turned to Irri.

"Help my sister dress, the Khal wants to leave soon as possible," Daenerys order the girl who smiled and escort Aera to the side to change her clothes.


Daenerys and Aera travel side by side with the horde and Ser Jorah beside them. The man keeps telling them a tale about Dōthrāki and Daenerys keeps asking while Aera just listens.

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