Chapter Three

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Aera sits beside Viserys during the wedding and Aera observes the area she doesn't enjoy it. The meat has a fly around it and the smell of rotten shit cannot be disregarded. Aera can see how uncomfortable her sister is, she cannot do anything for now.

Aera examined the Dōthrāki who had been fighting to fuck some girls who were dancing around making Aera flinch in disgust. Until it got severe and one man sliced out someone's gut. The people cheered and celebrated furthermore Aera wanted to leave.

"A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair," Illyrio informed them and we can see that even Viserys is unsettled. Until a knight stepped forward, Aera identify the man... Ser Jorah Mormont.

A smile radiates on Aera's face seeing the man, he will be their greatest ally until the end. His devotion to Daenerys cannot be overshadowed.

"A small gift for the new Khaleesi. Songs and histories from the Seven Kingdoms." Ser Jorah handed the girl some books and Daenerys hurriedly turn to Aera. She knows how her sister loves reading books.

Aera smile.

"Thank you, Ser. Are you from my country?" Daenerys asked. She places the book on her side.

"Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear Island. I served your father for many years. Gods are good, I hope to always serve the rightful king." Ser Jorah declared and glance at Viserys who nodded.

Illyrio then presented Daenerys with two chests confusing Aera for she can recall that there's only one chest on show. The two slaves open the chests and it contains three dragons each. The First chest is the canon one and the second chest obtains Dark Blue, Dark Red, and Silver White dragon eggs.

"Dragons' eggs, Daenerys. From the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai. The ages have turned them to stone, but they will always be beautiful." Illyrio said

"Thank you, Magister."

" And the other chest, if you allowed, Daenerys. I would like to give them to your sister as another gift. " Illyrio said and turned to Aera who seems surprised. Viserys rolled his eyes, he knows the man fancy his youngest sister.

Daenerys cannot hide her smile, usually... It was Aera who taught her about dragons based on the books they read because Viserys mostly act so entitled to the point they can't bear him anymore. Both of them always wanted to have a dragon.

"Of course" Daenerys approved. She turned to Aera who had a reluctant expression. "Sister, come," Daenerys called and Aera stands up. The girl walks towards her sister and sits down beside the dragon eggs.

The girl remembers what Aegon told her, she will be given a dragon at the right time. Aera strokes the dragon eggs with her finger, feeling the shell on her skin.

"Thank you, Magister." Aera thanks. Everything was seen by Khal Drogo, the man noticed that both of the girls have similar features yet you can identify who's who. The man even notices that both of them own a beauty that no one can match.

Khal Drogo stands from his sit. Then Daenerys did the same while Aera also stand beside her sister. Khal Drogo step forward while his wife followed.

People also crowd behind the girl while Aera stays behind and observes what's about to happen. Khal Drogo presents her with a white mare. Daenerys approach the horse and the girl is amused.

"She's beautiful. ... Ser Jorah, I don't know how to say 'thank you' in Dothraki," Daenerys said and turned to Khal Drogo.

"There is no word for 'thank you' in Dothraki." Ser Jorah said. The Khal then put Daenerys on the mare and mount his horse. They soon leave, while everyone just pursues them with their eyes.

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