Chapter Eight

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Aera went after Daenerys and Xaro secretly to the Vault. Aera noticed that Daenerys had begun to be more guarded when it comes to the man, the Khaleesi did take her word seriously.

The three arrive a the Vault while Aera hid from behind, the man goes on about how no one can unlock the vault. Xaro strikes the vault but to no avail.

"The door and the vault are made of Valyrian stone. The hardest steel does not make a mark. I offered the greatest locksmiths in Garth their weight in gold if they could break into it. Made the same offer to the greatest thieves. They all went home empty-handed. The only thing that can open this door is this key."

"And behind the door?"

Xaro chuckles.

"And it can all be mine?"

"All? Let us say half. More than enough to buy horses, ships, and armies. Enough to go home."

"All I have to do?"

" Is marry me."

" That was a romantic proposal."

" I've already married once for love, but the gods stole her from me. I come from nothing. My mother and father never owned a pair of shoes. But marry me, and I will give you the Seven Kingdoms and our children will be princes and princesses."

Daenerys thinks about his proposition,

"See? I have more ambition than you thought. The time is right, Daenerys Targaryen, First of Your Name. Robert Baratheon is dead." The man inform and Daenerys was surprised.

" A Vault. " The two heard the voice of Aera, and both of them turned to her. Daenerys eyed her sister, but she realizes that whenever Aera sneaks up on her it means she was looking out for her safety, she didn't trust the man.

" My Lady?" Xaro asked, he was surprised to see the girl walking towards them. In truth, he thought about proposing to Aera but he figured that Daenerys has more right on the Iron Throne because she's the eldest. He will be King once Daenerys takes the 7 Kingdoms.

"You said this Vault is made with Valyrian Stone. And your luxury and wealth represent your wealth?" Aera asked to confirm. That's a part insult knowing there's nothing inside the room.

"Yes, My lady." The man said.

"You also said that you offer a weight of gold once they manage to open the Vault," Aera added and the man nodded.


"But we don't need gold and My sister doesn't need to marry you. If I can open this Vault you will give up ships and enough food for our journey." Aera tested. The man was surprised by the girl's proposal.

"I'll give you anything you want inside the vault-" Aera cut off the man from speaking. She knows there's nothing inside the Vault and he will give them nothing.

"My sister and I, don't care what is inside the Vault, all we need is ship and food." Aera sternly let out and finally, Daenerys understand what her sister meant.

There's nothing inside the Vault.

"You heard my sister, Xaro. If she could open the Vault you will give us Ships and food" Daenerys firmly said. Xaro was taken back but he got his posture back.

"I'll arrange it, My Lady. How about your sister open the Vault in the morrow or the next day while I prepare." The man excused and Aera smirked.

In Daenerys and Aera's chamber in Qarth.

" How did you know that there's nothing inside the Vault? " Daenerys asked in High Valyrian.  Before Aera could answer Ser Jorah stepped in.

Daenerys turned to him. " The usurper is dead! The seven kingdoms are at war with one another! I need to do something about that! " Daenerys almost yelled.

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