Chapter Forty Two

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Aerasanne watches as Daenyra and Daemyra assist Shireen. She could still recall the moment that the two came into this universe and how everyone is so chaotic.


Aerasanne just departs Winterfell and heads toward Kingslanding when something divulges to her that she needs to check on Shireen who's staying at her house. She knows that place is safe for the Kid but she just needs to check on her.

While walking towards the house she spotted Queen Rhaenys beside the Lake. It's been a while since she saw the woman.

She stepped towards her. She notices that the woman looks rather anxious. "Queen Rhaenys. It's been a while" Aera greeted.

The woman smiles, but her smile didn't reach her eyes. Aerasanne knows something is wrong. "Are you alright? What's going on?"

Rhaenys took a deep breath. "A mistake was made and help will come. From the sky." The woman said cryptic words that Aerasanne doesn't understand.

Before Aera could ask her she heard a scream above the clouds making her turn. From the sky, two figures are falling from the sky which terrified the shit out of Aera.

"What on earth is going on!?" She exclaimed seeing the two figures fall.

She wanted to help them but before she could the two figures fell into the lake. Aera didn't think much and scurried towards the water, she swims towards them.

Under the water, she saw the two figures... It's two women with the same hair as her. She drags them to the shores. Both of them are conscious and keep on coughing.

" What the fuck is that!? " Daemyra yelled.

Aerasanne scan the two, she notices they are wearing a nightgown. But she notices that both of them are carrying a sword. Valyrian swords.

Aera looks for Rhaenys but the woman is nowhere to be found. Daenyra stands up from the ground and looks around. She notices Aerasanne right away.

She pointed her sword at her causing Aera to bring out her sword. "Chill... I'm not your enemy!"

"Who are you?" Daenyra asked staring at her. Aerasanne stared at the woman, she wouldn't deny this girl is probably the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. She veered around to Daemyra and she was also amazed to see her beauty.

"You're a Targaryen... But why don't we know you?" Daemyra raised a question. She's confused because all she could recall is that she's on her bed with her sister Daenyra when suddenly something pulls them and unexpectedly they're falling.

It's like a force that pulls them and the next thing they know they are falling.

Aerasanne is baffled. "I'm Aerasanne... Daenerys twin sister" she introduced. The two glance at each other like they heard something impossible.

"Daenerys? As in Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen?" Daenyra asked Aerasanne nodded and slowly lower her sword.

"That's impossible. She doesn't have a twin... Not from the books nor the fucking show" Daemyra declared.

Aera suddenly realized it. "You're not from this world, aren't you?" She asked.

The two frown.

"What the fuck is going on!?" Daemyra shouted. " Can somebody explain this to me? I feel like my head will explode!" Daemyra yelled.

" Wait...Are you from Earth!?" Aerasanne asked. The two were surprised to hear this. "Okay... Let me explain. I don't also know what's going on all I know is I saw both of you falling from the sky... I'm Aerasanne Targaryen the twin sister of Daenerys Targaryen. I came from the earth... I'm half American and half Asian but I grow up in Asia." Aera spoke out.

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