Chapter Forty

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At Westeros.

Winterfell- Outskirts.

The Stark and Bolton armies sit across the battlefield from one another. Davos sits on horseback among the ranks of the Stark army. Jon Snow rides his own horse through the ranks, looking at the men. He rides up next to Tormund, Dongo, and Wun Wun, at the front of the line. Robb sits on a Horseback in front of their men and stares blankly at Ramsay Bolton.

Across the battlefield, X-shaped pyres resembling the sigil of House Bolton are burning. Attached to each of them is the body of a flayed man, strapped upside down. Ramsay rides through the ranks of the Bolton army on horseback with a rope in his hand. Ramsay reaches the front of the line and dismounts.

The rope is revealed to be tied around Rickon’s hands. Ramsay ushers Rickon a little further out past the front line and stares at Jon and Robb across the field. He unsheathes a dagger and raises it in the air. Jon and Robb dismount and walks a few paces out into the field. Ramsay lowers the dagger and cuts Rickon’s bindings.

While unknown to them the shadows are just lurking around inspecting the area, observing everyone.

"I'll protect the Kid." The Lady In Red told looking at the Lady in Black in front of her.

"Do that. Let me handle the others." The Lady in Black said and they both ready themselves to clash with these people.

They will just create more time for Lady Catelyn and the Vale army to come and they also promise Aerasanne that they will make sure of only a few casualties.

"Do you like games, little man? Let’s play a game. Run to your brother. The sooner you make it to him, the sooner you get to see him. That’s it. That’s the game. Easy. Ready? Go." They could hear Ramsay say to Rickon who's Terrified.

Rickon starts walking out into the field, then looks back at Ramsay.

" No, you have to run, remember? Those are the rules." Ramsay said as one of his soldiers hand him his bow causing Rickon to run.

But before could do anything a girl who was wearing a red cloak started walking towards Rickon who halt and turned to her. Ramsay frowns.

She's just walking at an ordinary speed and when she manages to get towards Rickon she places her hand on his shoulder, and the boy flinches. "It's fine... I'm a friend of Aera" she whispers. "Walk with me"

Rickon doesn't have any idea what's going on. The Lady beside her is so calm that it terrified him to know that Ramsay is behind them ready to strike anytime.

Jon and Robb frown seeing this, none of them did anything as something is telling them not to proceed. They just kept an eye on them. The Lady In Red and Rickon begin walking toward the Stark's army. Ramsay who got distracted a bit notches his bow.

He sent an arrow flying towards the two but to his shock, it didn't hit them, he keeps dispatching but none of them got even close to where the two are. Unknown to them, the Lady In Black is just in the corner controlling the arrows.

Rickon and the Lady In Red arrive at the Stark side. "He's a terrible marksman," The Lady In Red remarked.

She turned to the two men. They're both surprised to see her, but they can't see her face because of the hood. Robb walks towards his brother before hugging him, he's a relief seeing his brother alive.

"So what's the plan?" A girl emerges on the side. Everyone turned to her, she was the Lady In Black.

"There's no plan we just need to attack," The Lady in Red told. 

" They're sending their first battalion, we must ready ourselves," Ser Davos said. Everyone turned towards the enemy's side.

"Don't. It's a trap" The girl In Black said in the coldest tone they ever heard. The Lady In Red rolled her eyes seeing the Bolton Calvary charging towards them.

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