Chapter Forty Six

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Continuation of the previous chapter.

"Yara Greyjoy. To take back your homeland from your pathetic uncle, I have people who will assist you but for now, remain with us to take Kingslanding. " Aera stated and the woman nodded.

" Daenerys you will be with your Dragon towering Red Keep. But Ser Barristan made sure you are nearby. I will make sure most of the common people will be away from it. Once Grey Worm and Sandor succeeded in killing Cersei... "Aera threw a whistle on Sandor. " Blow that, it will be the signal to enter Kingslanding. "

" How will you make the common to stay away at Red Keep? " Varys asked.

" I have friends, Real Friends. One of my ladies already manage to take most of the common people's trust and she will lead them away from Red Keep. But I need to make sure Cersei is occupied during those times. " Aera said, one wrong move and everything would fall to waste.

" I hate to do this but Ellaria do you have the necklace?" Aera asked and Ellaria take it out. It's a necklace that she stole from Myrcella.

Tyrion recognizes it.

" What did you do? " Tyrion asked.

" Don't be dramatic, she's alive and safe" Ellaria said.

" Send that to Cersei, it will preoccupy her until Grey Worm do what he must," Aera said and turned to Gray Worm who nodded. He's the perfect one for the task with Ser Sandor. " Lady Margaery, I assume that you and Tommen know what to do"

Margaery nodded.

Aera glances back at her sister. Everyone was waiting for her approval. Daenerys took a deep breath. " We shall begin. "


The plan commences. Lord Tyrion leaves with Tyrell. He will face the army of his brother. Aerasanne know they will win, and she made sure of that. The opponent is dumb enough to face the Dothraki in an open field.

The other army was with Daenerys charging toward Kingslanding. Aerasanne made her move by working with Varys, she told the man to use his connection sending the common people on the other side of Kingslanding away from Red Keep.

Aera sends a letter to Sheila, telling her to organize something away from Kingslanding. She will be sending those people to where Varys said.

It was Grey Worm, Sandor, and Some Unsullied that Aera take inside the Red Keep without anyone knowing while Daenerys will be with her dragon above Kingslanding.

The Dothraki and The Unsullied will be cornering Kingslanding. Making sure that Cersei will not escape.

Aerasanne who's with Grey Worm and Sandor and some Unsullied. They entered the Red Keep, making sure no one will notice them as people had been busy. Cersei is with the man that she asked to paint the map of Westeros on the floor when Grey Worm attacks her.

Grey Worm was held back by The Mountain but Sandor defied him while Cersei run away with Qyburn.

Grey Worm was held by the Kingsguard but Aerasanne made them fall asleep to make sure Grey Worm could follow her. Aera turned back to Sandor and Gregor.

Aera doesn't know if she will help him or will help Grey Worm to take Cersei. She's wearing leather armor with a mask and a hood.

"Princess just go! I can handle him!" Ser Sandor said and Aera stared at him.

"Well, I trust you," Aera said before running towards Grey Worm. To Aerasanne's surprise Grey Worm was already holding the head of Qyburn and the two Unsullied were carrying the knock-out Cersei.

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