Chapter Forty Seven

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Tyrion's company arrive at the Kingslanding and they were greeted by Daenerys sitting on the Throne. Olenna is sitting on the chair, positioned on the side of the Throne.

Ser Sandor Clegane is on her left while Sansa and Brienne stand beside each other. Jaime turned to Brienne who was standing neatly beside Sansa. Grey Worm and Missandei are on the side standing beside each other.

"I heard about your accomplishments of taking back Casterly Rock, Lord Tyrion. I must congratulate you." Daenerys said.

" Yes, Your Grace. It was triumphant and now my nephew Tommen together with his wife are the Lord and Lady of Casterly Rock." Tyrion said. Daenerys could see that the man is somewhat nervous as he keeps clutching his arms.

Daenerys averts her eyes to Jaime who was still tied up. His golden hand can be seen. "You must be Jaime Lannister. The man who killed my father, The Mad King." Daenerys let out while staring at Jaime, her voice plain and simply amused. " My brother would often tell us a bedtime story about the man who murder our father. Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. Who sat down on the Iron Throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor." Daenerys stared at the man, there wasn't malignancy in her voice just amusement. "Quite a bad story, Truly. My sister and I doesn't like it at first but we get used to it"

Jaime tenses up hearing about the sister of Daenerys, he doesn't know what to count on. He had been looking around to see the Princess but she was nowhere to be found.

" Your Grace, my brother needs to do what he must do," Tyrion said and Daenerys turned to Tyrion.

" What would you have me do, Lord Tyrion? " Daenerys asked.

" My brother is willing to bend the knee to you, Your Grace. Show him mercy as you showed us. " Tyrion said.

"You can't trust him. " Sansa abruptly said making everyone turn to her." He attacked my father on the streets, he tried to destroy my house and he did yours." Sansa said.

Daenerys frowned at the man.

"Do you want me to apologize? I won't. We were at war. Everything I did, I did for my house and my family. I'd do it all again." Jaime said turning to Sansa.

Daenerys pivoted to Tyrion." I know my brother, Your Grace. But everything he did, he did it to protect his family as you will do yours. He's willing to bend the knee and help us to the upcoming war." Tyrion said. Daenerys already told him about the Army of Dead but the man is still reluctant about it.

Brienne stepped forward.

"Your Grace, I had been with you the moment Princess Aerasanne save us. She knows who is Jaime Lannister and she still saves him, she and I know Ser Jaime. He is a man of honor. I was his captor once. But when we were both taken prisoner and the men holding us tried to force themselves on me, Ser Jaime defended me. And lost his hand because of it. Princess Aerasanne said he saw the good in him that is why she saved him." Brienne said and Daenerys knows this.

Aerasanne already mentions this to her.

"My sister... Saved you." Daenerys stands up. "Because she believes you are worth saving, but we are not just the people you inflicted harm. I am the Queen and I cannot simply release you from the crime that you committed against other people... I must leave this to them as they know you better" Daenerys turned to Sansa.

Brienne turned to Sansa also.

"Without him, my lady, you would not be alive. He armed me, armored me, and sent me to find you and bring you home because he'd sworn an oath to your mother." Brienne said.

"It was Princess Aerasanne who saved me," Sansa said but she turned to Brienne. "You've kept me safe all this time and didn't leave my side when we are away from home, do you vouch for him?" Sansa asked.

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