Chapter Thirty One

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Aera brings Shireen to her rest house where Catelyn Stark took good care of the girl.

Aera will bring the girl back to Ser Davos once Jon Snow died and is resurrected by The Red Lady but now Aera needs to wait.


Jaime fights through the crowds during Cersie's trial, the walk of shame but he cannot do anything. He did try to do everything he could to get the woman out of that prison but he couldn't.

But once Cersei enter the palace he was the first one to comfort her. Cersei cries on Jaime's shoulder while Qyburn rushes her with a blanket to cover her body.

"I will kill them all" Jaime muttered to her while she cries in his embrace.

"Your Grace. It’s good to have you back. Come. We’ll take you inside. I need to have a look at those feet." Qyburn said while looking at Cersei's bloody feet.

Then two giant footsteps can be heard. "May I have the honor of presenting the newest member of the Kingsguard," Qyburn said looking at the man.

Even Jaime was surprised to see this. A hulking man, who is revealed to have a blue face through the eye holes in his helm, walks over to Qyburn and Cersei.

Jaime takes Cersei in his arms and begins to walk while The mountain is behind together with Qyburn guarding them.

"If it pleases Your Grace, he’s taken a holy vow of silence. He has sworn that he will not speak until all his Grace’s enemies are dead, and the evil has been driven from the realm." Qyburn informed.


Aera sits on the rock near the lake while combing the hair of Shireen who was sitting in front of her. There's a bandage on her face while she's holding the stag that Ser Davos gave her.

"Do you think my face would heal?" The girl asked.

"I made sure of that," Aera said while combing the girl's hair. The girl woke up a few hours ago and Aera explained everything that happened and the death of her father.

The girl weeps but Aera stayed with her, even though Catelyn was there. "Dragons are beautiful," Shireen said looking at Luna who was laying near them while Erythra and Galazia sleeping.

"They are, indeed. They are my children and I love them" Aera said while looking at her dragons.

"I like Bart. He seems to love fish" Shireen said making Aera chuckles. They both looked at Bart who was eating some fish on the side.

"Bart will protect you, Shireen. I promise you that." Aera said and Shireen nodded.

"I read everything about the Targaryen history, every single one of them. They are all beautiful stories and poetic but in the end, everything ended when my Uncle Robert Baratheon manage to defeat your Brother Rhaegar." Shireen said.

Aera took a deep breath. "Do you know that you have the blood of Targaryen from your great-grandmother Rhaelle Targaryen," Aera said and Shireen nodded.

" I know, I read a lot of books. How do I call you? " Shireen asked.

" What do you mean? "

" Well you are a princess but father said I'm also a princess. Should I call you Princess Aerasanne? " Shireen asked, she's a smart little girl.

Aera chuckles." I know some words, I prefer if you call me Ate (Ah-Te) Aera" Aera said making the girl turn to her.

" Ate? "

" It means big sister. " Aera while smiling at the girl. Shireen smiles and nodded.

" Ate Aera."


REBORN (AS A DRAGON)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora