Chapter Thirty Four

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Aera knows that she cannot go back to Meereen yet because Daenerys isn't there, she knows that her sister already got the whole Khalasar on her side.

But not yet, she cannot come yet.

She needs more time, while Robb and Jon gather the northern army. Probably going to Dorne will be a good idea but a part of her is telling her to go visit Kingslanding once more she visited Shireen first and find out something or someone sent by the gods that fall from the sky.

Who are they?

At Kingslanding.

She finds out what happened to Shiela. The first step that she make inside the compound that she bought, was a sword, that was used to attack her luckily she manage to dodge it.

Then she turned to see the Faith Militant looking at her. Then she veered to one of the Militant whipping Shiela while she cries.

"What's going on here?" Aera raised a question as she hover towards the poor girl.

"You are a sinful-" Before Lancel Lannister could continue what he was about to say Aera interrupted him.

"Sinful what!?" Aera responds and one of them was about to hit her with a whip when she manages to grab it. "Touch me, and I'd make sure not even the Mother could save you" Aera threatened.

"You have no-"

"Spare me the drama what's going on here?" Aera sternly asked. Then someone came into the place making everyone turn to that person.

The High Sparrow. Aera finally comprehends what's going on here, she doesn't want to take the attention of this scumbag but she does now.

"The mother won't like it if we fight." The High Sparrow told then turned to Aera with a smile." You must be Lady Aera, I heard a lot of things about you. Can I have a word with you?" The man asked with the sweetest voice he could have.

Aera eyed the man and she smiles." Of course, but I would like to know why they have been beating my friend?" Aera asked. She assists Shiela to stand up.

" She's a sinful woman, we know that you get her from a brothel-"

" I save her and gave her a new life, she wanted to start a new life and I help her. She's helping the people with me and I'm sure the Gods are happy seeing her change, so I don't understand why would you hit her. " Aera knows how to play with these people, she knows that their so-called devotion to the Gods is just a ploy to gain power.

She's using that ploy against them, in her original plan she will not be a part of these people but they anger her.

The High Sparrow looked at the girl. He smiles." She must devote herself to the Gods"

" She does, that is the reason why she's helping me. We're doing this for the Gods and the people of Kingslanding. I heard about you, and a lot of people love you. " Aera said diverting their attention to that man

" I'm only helping the people, the Gods grace us with blessings that we ought to share. " The man preaches and Aera nodded like she fully understands the man and like she doesn't want her to bury him alive.

"Shiela why don't go and clean yourself, I'll speak to you later. " Aera said looking at the girl, she doesn't want to leave her Lady with his people but she just nodded before entering another room. " We can talk now, High Sparrow," Aera said.


The High Sparrow and Aera are now sitting on the chair placed on the Balcony of her compound.

" I heard a lot of things about you, Lady Aera. I heard that you've been helping the poorest in this place. " The man started. " I heard you're from Volantis." The man stated and Aera nodded.

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