Chapter One

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Amelia, in the midst of a beautiful dream, was rudely interrupted as Chloe burst into her room, full of enthusiasm.

She shot her friend a death stare for disrupting her Saturday morning slumber, hoping to continue her adventures in dreamland.

"Don't give me that look! Today, my sleepyhead, we're embarking on a thrilling adventure – a shopping spree!" Chloe declared with infectious excitement. Amelia rolled her eyes, pulled the blanket over herself, but Chloe wasn't having it; she yanked it away.

"Dude! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Amelia groaned, irritated by this invasion of her peaceful snooze time. Ever since her parents had left this world, her life had become a parade of dull moments, only occasionally interrupted by Chloe's relentless enthusiasm.

"Don't you dare go back to sleep! We're hitting the mall, soaking up the sun, and experiencing the wonders of the outside world!" Chloe exclaimed, pulling Amelia out of bed.

"You mean waste our precious sleeping hours on the outside world? I just want to nap," Amelia retorted, rolling herself onto the bed once again before Chloe gave her a friendly shove.

Amelia ended up on the floor with an audible thud. Chloe's laughter filled the room.

"I am so gonna snatch that key I gave you," Amelia muttered as she begrudgingly got up. With a dramatic sigh, she headed towards the bathroom, contemplating the misfortune of having such an energetic best friend.

They dragged their feet around the mall the entire day, buying random stuff they absolutely didn't need and indulging in a gastronomic tour through every eatery. Amelia, perpetually yearning for a cozy nap, found herself questioning the life choices that led to this day.

Finally, after some relentless persuasion, Amelia coerced Chloe into taking a break. They settled for a foot massage at the spa, a momentary reprieve from the shopping frenzy.

"I can't believe you blew cash on that artsy-fartsy sculpture," Amelia quipped, recalling the questionable purchase from an antique store they stumbled upon.

"Hey! It's not just a bizarre statue; it's a vintage piece with a deep, meaningful story," Chloe defended, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Rolling her eyes, Amelia countered, "If Casper and friends decide to redecorate using it, don't expect me to come to the rescue!"

"Ghosts aren't real! You watch too many horror movies," Chloe confidently stated, attempting to appear fearless while secretly scanning the room for any signs of paranormal activity.

"Says the one who believes in every supernatural thing under the sun," Amelia teased, finally allowing herself to unwind as the foot massage worked its magic.

"Oh, did you catch that series I recommended?" Chloe asked.

"Which one?"

"Game of Thrones, the dragon-filled drama!"

"Oh! The show that shows so many tits even though it's not necessary. . Yeah, I watched it. The ending was a major letdown," Amelia quipped, prompting a hearty laugh from Chloe.

"It does shows a lot of tits, I'm telling you no one likes the ending."

"The ending feels like it was scripted by a dramatic 14-year-old who just discovered storytelling and who the fuck says that Bran has the best story!?" Amelia exclaimed, causing the foot masseuse to flinch at the sudden outburst. Amelia quickly noticed the reaction and apologized to the lady.

"Tyrion Lannister" Chloe replied producing Amelia to roll her eyes.

"I like him, before. Tyrion Lannister. But let's be real, he seemed to misplace his brain somewhere around season 5," Amelia retorted.

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